Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Register of Deaths in the Town of Sharon
(partial list)
submitted by Gary Totten

(scroll right to see all of record)

Page 15

Record     Date of      Name of Deceased           Age     Marital  Occupation   Birthplace               Father's Name and                       Mother's Name and                     Place of Death      Cause of Death                           Medical Attendant or     Place of Burial
Number      Death                                 y-m-d    status                                          Birthplace                              Birthplace                                                                                        Other Attendant
 491    June 21, 1899   Valentine Staley         84-5-13      W      Farmer      Charleston, NY           Henry J. Staley, unknown                Sarah McDonnell, Ireland              Town of Sharon      Dementia                                 A. V. Klock M.D.         Leesville Cemetery
 492    June 25, 1899   Nancy Engle Bowmaker     47-9-4       W    Dressmaker    Town of Sharon           Phillip Engle, Town of Sharon           Mary Cross, Cherry Valley             Town of Sharon      Cerebral Hemorrhage                      H. L. Odell M.D.         Leesville Cemetery
 493    July 18, 1899   Martin D. Mereness       60-3-20      M      Farmer      Town of Sharon           David Mereness, Town of Sharon          Katherine Mereness, Town of Sharon    Town of Sharon      Asthenia                                 J. J. Beard M.D.         Slate Hill
 494    Aug   1, 1899   Anthony Simmons          90-9         W      Farmer      Town of Sharon           Martin Simmons, Germany                 Julian Adams, Sharon                  Town of Sharon      Dementia                                 J. J. Beard M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 495    July 31, 1899   Hazel Keane              1-7        Child                Town of Sharon           Wm Keane, Argusville                    Hattie Roberts Kearse, Argusville     Town of Sharon      Infantile Convulsion                     H. P. Diefendorf M.D.    Slate Hill
 496    Aug   9, 1899   Joseph Arnold            77           M      Farmer      Booneville, NY           Richard Arnold, Conn                    Susan, Conn                           Town of Sharon      Heart Failure                            C. L. Garlock M.D.       Agusville, NY
 497    Aug  15, 1899   Esther Bowmaker          70-4         W       none       England                  Wm Curry, England                       Isabella, England                     Sharon Springs      Hemorrhage                               H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 498    Aug  21, 1899   A-- De Graff             74-8         W                  Holland                  S--, Holland                            --, Holland                           Town of Sharon      Chronic Cystitis                         J. B. Brown M.D.         Slate Hill
 499    Aug  24, 1899   James S. Staley          74-5-4       M      Farmer      Florida, Mont Co., NY    Henry J Staley, Florida, Mont. Co., NY  Sally McDonald, Limerick, Ireland     Town of Sharon      Probably Apoplexy                        A. S. Klock M.D.         Ames Cemetery
 500    Aug  30, 1899   Mary Clausen             58-7-6       W                  New York City            Peter Stocky, Germany                   Mary Paul Stockey, Germany            Sharon Springs      Plura Pneumonia, Heart Failure           H. L. Odell M.D.         G--wood Cemetery, NYC
 501    Aug  31, 1899   Sanford M. Epperly       20-8         S      Farming     Town of Sharon           John J. Epperly, Fort Plain, NY         Jane Eperley, Sharon                  Town of Sharon      Acute Myelitis                           J. B. Brown M.D.         Slate Hill
 502    Sept 12, 1899   Isabella Fritchian       67-8-19          House Keeping  Carlisle                 Frederick Posson, Carlisle              Elenor Craig, Carlisle                Sharon Springs      Heart Failure                            H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 503    Sept 22, 1899   Mathias Lewis            64-3                Farmer      Sharon, NY               William Lewis                           Margaret Low, U.S.                    Town of Sharon      Apoplexy                                 J. B. Brown M.D.         Peoples Cemetery  
 504    Sept 24, 1899   Abram A. Mereness        90-10        W      Farmer      Sharon, NY               Abram Mereness, NY                      Elisabeth --, NY                      Town of Sharon      Heart Disease                            J. B. Brown M.D.         Peoples Cemetery
 505    Oct  13, 1899   Mrs. Harriet Schuyler    82-5-9       S     Housework    Town of Canajoharie      unknown                                                                       Town of Sharon      Plura Pneumonia                          A. S. Klock M.D.         Ames Cemetery  
 506    Oct  27, 1899   Willis Brown             16-1-16      S      Farmer      Town Seward              Westley Brown, Town Seward              Annie Brown, Otsego Co.               Town of Sharon      Consumption of the Bowel                 Geo C-- M.D. Warnerville Cobleskill
 507    Dec   4, 1899   Jacob H. Dockstader      81-3-10      M   Retired Farmer Fonda, Mont. Co.         unknown                                 unknown                               Town of Sharon      Heart Failure                            Caroline L. Garlock M.D. Ames
 508    Dec   9, 1899   William L. Vrooman       58-9-2       M      Farmer      New Hartford, Oneida Co. Peter Vrooman, Sharon                   Eliza Low, Sharon                     Town of Sharon      Asthenia, Cancer of Stomach              J. J. Beard M.D.         Peoples Cemetery
 509    Dec  14, 1899   Arlie J. Houghtaling          28             Child       Sharon Springs           W-- J Houghtaling                       Minnie E. --, Seward                  Sharon Springs      Convulsions                              H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 510    Dec  26, 1899   Arlin W. Houghtaling          42      M      Child       Sharon Springs           W-- J Houghtaling                       Minnie E. --, Seward                  Sharon Springs      Convulsions                              H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 511    Jan  29, 1900   Sam Ness Eldrege         80-6-5       M      Farmer      Town of Sharon           not given                               not given                             Town of Sharon      Strangulation of Bowels, caused by fall  F. S. Diefendorf M.D.    Slate Hill
 512    Feb  25, 1900   H. Orcellia Totten       39-9-18      M   House Keeping  Berne, Albany Co.        Wm A Dunfester, Berne, Albany Co.       Margret Wilday, Berne, Albany Co      Town of Sharon      Pulmonary Tuberculosis                   H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon Cemetery
 513    Feb  28, 1900   Maurice Empie            1-1-21     Child    Child       Town of Sharon           Seth D. Empie, Town of Sharon           Edna Empie, NY State                  Town of Sharon      Meningitis Tonsilitis                    H. L. Odell M.D.         Slate Hill
 514    Mar   4, 1900   Sarah Engell Baxter      94- -8       W                  Town of Sharon           Peter Engell, NY State                  Gertrude Shults                       Town of Sharon      Senile Gangrene                          H. L. Odell M.D.         Leesville Cemetery
 515    Mar   5, 1900   Gertrude Smith           70           M     Housewife    Root                     Davis Simmons, Root                     Sally Meyer, Root                     Town of Sharon      Capillary Bronchitis                     F. P. Diefendorf
 516    Mar  25, 1900   Edward Lingard           80-1-6       W       none       England                  William Lingard, England                not known, England                    Sharon Springs      old age                                  H. L. Odell M.D.         Sharon
 517    Mar  26, 1900   Peter Collins            88                  Farmer      Sharon                   John Collins                            Nancy Otterman                        Town of Sharon      old age                                  F. S. Diefendorf M.D.    Slate Hill
 518    Mar  29, 1900   Catherine Mereness       94-2-12      W     Housewife    Sharon                   Uriah Baxter                            Agnes West Baxter                     Town of Sharon      general Debility                         J. J. Beard M.D.         Slate Hill
 519    Apr   1, 1900   Maude C. McFee             -7-                           Sharon                   David McFee, Cherry Valley              Minnie Dillenbeck McFee, Canajoharie  Town of Sharon      Pneumonia                                C. L. Garlock M.D.       Sharon Cemetery  
 520    Apr   5, 1900   Jane Ann Ramsey          80-9         M     Housewife    Argusville               Aaron Malick, Argusville                Anna Malick, Argusville               Town of Sharon      Senile Asthenia                          F. S. Diefendorf M.D.    Slate Hill
 521    May   1, 1900   Mary Alger               78-8-21      W       none       E-- Ireland              unknown                                 unknown                               Sharon Springs      Hepatitis Heart Failure                  H. L. Odell M.D.         Ames
 522    May   2, 1900   Jennie Ryder             29-2-10      M     Housewife    West Fulton, NY          Edgar Akeley, Green Co.                 Mary Keller, Otsego Co.               Sharon Springs      Acute Progressive Paralysis              J. J. Beard M.D.         Cobleskill
 523    May  13, 1900   Kate Eldredge            86-10-6      W    House Keeping Sharon                   Andrew Moyes, Sharon                    Elizabeth Cook, Sharon                Town of Sharon      Brights Disease                          J. J. Beard M.D.         Sharon
 524    May  15, 1900   Mary E. Baxter           28           M                  East Worcester           R. L. Holmes, U.S.                      Julia Holmes, U.S.                    Town of Sharon      Tuberculosis                             J. B. Brown M.D.         Leesville  
 525    May  31, 1900   Nelson Sommers           76-2         M       Farmer     Sharon                   John D. Sommers, Sharon                 --, Sharon                            Town of Sharon      Matal Insufficiency                      J. J. Beard M.D.         Slate Hill


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This page established November 6, 2007