Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Revolutionary War Rolls

I found something that might be important to someone else, so I'm sharing some info. has a database called:

U.S. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 > New York > Van Rensselaers Regiment of Militia (folder 160); Van Rensselaers Regiment of Militia (4th Regiment…

The search engine doesn't really link the images to the hits, but I discovered that database is a microfilm of original images with the names of a lot of Schoharie County men who fought in Peter Vrooman's Regiment. I don't know the history of this (yet), but apparently in 1784, the state of New York issued certificates (money) to veterans from the Rev. War. Mostly, it is just names, how much they received (listed in pounds, schillings, and pence), and who signed for the money. Its in who signed for the money that you can find some important clues. My ancestor, John Herron, Junior, for example, signed for Robert Herron. That, then, is a good clue to kinship, considering it matches a certain immigration record I have.

I just found the following note on image 387, "George Freymeyer for himself (X mark) and his brother, Michael." There is another brother combination below them, but I cannot read the surname. I realize that people have already figured out that George and Michael are brothers, but this offers solid proof of that fact. There are also fathers who signed for sons ( i.e. Andries Hedder ? for his son, Johannes Hedder?). We have so few records of the men of that age that this database might be very important to someone else. While I know a lot of Schoharie surnames, there are some I cannot read in this record. Image 381 is a muster roll including men from Schoharie, including age, place of birth, and physical description (unfortunately, my men are not on that particular roll). I don't have time to extract all the info, but if you know someone who does, this could be important.

R.L. Steinacker

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This page established October 28, 2007