Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site


Please put "Lookup" in the subject line when sending a request to any of the volunteers listed below. Ask for specific information, being as brief as possible. Our volunteers are mostly full-time working people and offer this service in their spare time. Doug Boyer
Book or Other Source Lookup Volunteer
The Slason-Slauson-Slawson-Slosson Family
by George Clarke Slawson - © 1946,
published/printed by The Waverly Sun, Inc., Waverly, NY

Lester Van Alstyne's 680 page Van Alstyne/Van Alstine genealogy

Jim Myers will do lookups from his personal library for those researching the Vrooman and Mattice families.

Jim Myers
Military Records of Schoharie County Veterans of Four Wars
by George Warner - published in 1891
George Conklin
Ann Palmer
Shelmadine by Patricia Foster Heinen - 1900. Willing to look up information on Shelmadine surname plus the many related family names. Ernest N. Miles
History of Schoharie County, New York with Illustrations
and Biographical Sketches by William E. Roscoe 1882
Jan Alpert
available online
I'm the author of the Browns of Carlisle, NY. A copy is on file at the Old Stone Fort. I am happy to answer inquiries on the following surnames for which I have published books. Browns (of Carlisle) Dillenbeck (Dallenbach) Dow Mike Brown
Historical & Statistical Gazetteer of New York State
by J.H. French, 1860
Jan Alpert
Schoharie County obituaries microform;
Deaths of Schoharie County people; card file of 2,684 names.
id:A88001122A - (7 microfiches)
This is at the New York State Library
The Book of Names Especially Relating to the Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley Patricia Hults
1984 Telephone Directory (Central Bridge, Cobleskill, Richmondville, Sharon Springs) Doug Boyer
History of the Town of Blenheim, 1797-1959 Doug Boyer
A Brief History of the Town of Fulton, 1828-1959
compiled and part written by Catharine D. Lawyer
Doug Boyer
A History of the Town of Jefferson
by Mildred L. Bailey 1771 - 1976
Please check the index
This is at the Middleburgh Library
Schoharie County abstract of the 1825 Census  Barb Hurst
Carnival of Blood: The Civil War Ordeal of the 7th New York Heavy Artillery
by Robert Keating
Doug Boyer
Records of the Reformed Church in the village of Gilboa, Schoharie County, NY, formerly the Reformed Dutch Church in Dyse's Manor, in the town of Broome, and Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in Blenheim in the old village of Blenheim, Schoharie County, NY, publ. 1918, edited by Royden Woodward Vosburgh Doug Boyer
Genealogical History of John Ludwig Kling and His Descendants 1755-1924
by Margaret E. Kling printed in 1924.
Roberta Kling Warren
I would be happy to do lookups in:
William Francis Smith (1983) Marines-Mereness-Morenus Family. Limited Edition, Bethesda, Maryland (typescript).
246 pages. Not every fact is documented.
Please be as specific as possible with dates and names; this is a large, non-digitized document and its index is not complete, especially concerning collateral surnames.

I would also be pleased to share information from my extensive database on the MERENESS surname.
Theodara Mereness Haines
I will do lookups in:
Ray Eckerson's 1939 "Eckerson Family Genealogy in America and Schoharie NY" and in "Ackerson Eckerson Family in America" written 1991 by Ethel Konight Kolenut.
Kathy (Captio) McNamara
INDEX to the 1855 State Census of Schoharie County.
The index lists heads of household and people in a house with a surname other than that of the head, along with the ages of each and their place of birth. It does NOT list every individual in the household. I will do lookups if people e-mail me and put Schoharie 1855 Census in the subject line of their message so it doesn't get deleted by mistake.
Karen Dakan
I will do look-ups or research for the BENJAMIN family that came to Schoharie County in the early 1800s, as well as the WARNER family who were Palatines. I have several books that can assist me in my efforts. Tonya Frickey
As co director of the Hilts site, I have access to a large amount of Hilts file information. Carol Grainger

Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page established September 20, 1996 and last updated January 25, 2014