Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Queries & Surnames
for Schoharie County

Surnames - Letters T through Z



TAFT - Looking for information on Job Taft listed as living in Schoharie County as of 1810 US Census. Looking for baptismal records of children baptized in New Rhinebeck between 1796-1808. Married to Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Judge John Brown. Mainly looking for documentation to prove father-son relationship between Silas Taft (found in 1800 Census in Schoharie County) and Job Taft for Mayflower Society membership. Any info much appreciated. Joanne Griffin - posted 10-00

TAMSETT - Seeking information regarding Ida Burdick TAMSETT, b. 1895 in Bllomville or Kortright, Delaware County. She married Arthur Sidney Edmund MOXHAM. They lived in North Blenheim and were the parents of Bessie F. (b. 1914), Annie M. (b. 1915, d. 1963), Leslie P. (b. 1918), Kenneth A. (B. 1920), Frances M. (b. 1922, d. 1943) and Eugene F. (b. 1927, d. 1981). Any information would be greatly appreciated. Bruce E Newell - posted 04-07

TANNERY - Looking for mentions of Zopher Tannery, 1762 - 1777. Zopher Tannery came from New Paltz, NY to Schoharie, NY after 1762 and served 2 hitches in American Revolution, being discharged in 1781. AKN - posted 05-98

TAYLOR - Charles W. Taylor. Looking for any information on this civil war veteran (occupation, obit, etc). Some of his letters from the civil war were published in the Schoharie Union. Information on access to these papers would be appreciated. Edward Darling - posted 12-00

TEETS - Still looking for Edward and Phoebe Terry Teets. Living there in at least 1812 when my Gr grandfather born. M. E. Sorensen - posted 12-02

TEN EYCK - Looking for the marriage records of Mary Ten Eyck and Severenus Brown, married at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Seward Schoharie NY. m. 18 Apr 1812. Any help will be appreciated. Joann Duffy - posted 06-02

TEN EYCK - Hiram Henry Ten Eyck allegedly was born 1854 in Schoharie but ran away from New York. He married a lady with last name Hogue. Who were Hiram Henry's parents? Did his mother die and he was a run away due to a stepmother? Doug Bonnell - posted 06-99

TERK/TURK - I am looking for information on Thomas Henry Terk/Turk and his wife Helen VanBuren. I have tracked them to Summit in the 1850 census. I am trying to find where and when they were married but any information is helpful. Penny Terk - posted 08-99

TERPENNING - Looking for information on a Moses Terpenning born April 20, 1777. He married a _____Snyder born 25 April 1785. The marriage was in Sharon Springs May 1, 1800. It is believed that they moved to Summit and Moses may have come from Kingston in Ulster Co. They had a daughter: Sally Terpenning who married a Charles Crowe. Is the Snyder female a relation of the early Snyders in Sharon Springs, Leesville, and Gilbert's Corners? Casey Hansen - posted 06-08

TERRELL - I am looking for maiden name/family info for Lavinia Hodgson of Schoharie (1787 – 1848). She was married to Samuel Hodgson (1777 –1853) who possibly emigrated from England to Schoharie. They lived
in Beards Hollow. Their children were Elizabeth Hodgson Schermerhorn (1809 –1890), Sarah Hodgson Oothout (1812 - 1879), Mary Hodgson (1814 – 1866), Frances Hodgson Mann (1819 – 1878), William Hodgson (1821 – 1878), Louisa Hodgson Fuller (1822-1901), Jane “Jennie” Hodgson Schary (1822 - ?), Samuel Hodgson Jr (1825 –1892). An alternate spelling for Hodgson has been Hudson. Her maiden name is possibly Terrell. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Michelle Traughber - posted 05-12

TERRELL/Terrill/Terrel - Hoping you may be able to assist me in locating sources to verify family ancestry to brothers Samuel & Peter Terrell, two of the original residents of the county. I am believed to be a descendant of Samuel. I believe their father Peter Terrell/Terrill Sr (b 1750) relocated to the Summit area after his sons Samuel (b 1792) and Peter Jr (b 1789). Samuel married a Naomi (Hughs?) abt 1813 and Peter married Catherine Sperbeck abt 1810. Samuel's son Isaac married 1st Lovina Ryder abt 1841 and 2nd Ruth Dart abt 1871. Frank Terrell (of Isaac & Ruth b. 1872) my gr-grandfather, married Alma G Mulford in 1901. Doug Terrell - posted 09-08

THOMPSON - Does anyone have proof that Benonie Thompson b. 1791, Schoharie, d. 1877 MI, is the son/o Silas & Zillah? Thompson? Did he have a son, Caleb & a dau, Phoebe? Any info is appreciated. Carolyn Kemp - posted 06-10

THORNE - Seeking parent of Sarah Thorne, b. abt.1807 in NY state. Married Warner Sanks in Dearborn, Co., IN, 1838. In early 1800s, Thorne family may have migrated first to KY and then to IN. Raymond Burklin - posted 03-01

THORNE - I am interested in four families that lived in Hauverille in about 1850. Samuel Thorne (dates unkn) was married to Eliza CORNWELL (22 Jul 1810-8 Mar 1885), buried in the Franklinton cemetery, but I haven't been able to find the stone. Her parents were Jacob and Betsey CORNWELL, and nothing is known about them. Alexander EDWARDS (20 Jan 1827-27 April 1905) and his wife Sarah Ann CHURCH (3 Apr 1824-7 Nov 1896) also in Livingstonville and both were buried (according to the records) in Franklinton. Again, no luck. Sarah's father was Simon Church from Connecticut, and his wife Catherine. In exchange, I can provide information from Charles Thorne the present. Maggie Thorne - posted 06-97

THORNTON - Abel Thornton is found in the 1810 census for Schoharie under Abiel Thornton. He moved to Zorra Ontario by 1812. Please any information regarding Abel would be most appreciated. Neal Shaw - posted 07-07

THORP - My ggg-grandfather, James Henry THORP, was born in Esperance in 1831 to Andrew THORP and Rosanna HEMPSTREET. Searching for info on Thorp and Hempstreet ancestors and for others interested in these families. Was Rosanna daughter of Richard Hempstreet (Rykert Heemstraat) and Nancy Nolstran? Tom Hall - posted 06-99

TIBBITS - Looking for marriage of David Wilson and Rebecca Tibbits sometime around 1800-1814. The Children born in Broome are Martha 1815 and Henry T. 1820. Merlyn Wilson - posted 02-08

TINKELPAUGH - Looking for information about the ancestry of Edith Anna C Wharton, b 1870, 1925. She married William Dewitt Snyder, b 1860 d 1926. I don't have a marriage date. I believe they lived in Richmondville, Schoharie Co.. They were the parents of Nellie b 1889, and Hazel Snyder, b 1894. I believe Alvin J Wharton was Edith's father, and Rebecca J. Tinkelpaugh her mother. I believe Edith lived with her grandparents, Alexander Tinkelpaugh, and Delia Snook. It is possible a divorce was involved, but I've found little information. The trail ends with John B. Wharton b 1818, d 1896, I don't have his wife nor his parents etc. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, as I've hit the 'brick wall' with the Wharton's. Robert Meyer - posted 10-09

TOMPKINS - Reuben and Deborah (DAVIS) TOMPKINS lived in Conesville at least until 1860. Are they buried there or to where did they remove? Nina Swaim - posted 03-99

TOREY - LOUISA TOREY m. THEODORE ARMSTRONG, b. 1819, d. 1887. Children: Permelia, b. 1845, d. 1912; Mary Etta, b. 1851, d. 1889; Tahpenes, b. 1852. Would be interested in learning more about Louisa's family. The couple reportedly lived in the general vicinity of Knox, Albany, NY. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

TOTTEN - Looking for information about the ancestry of George TOTTEN and Adelia HENRY. They were the parents of Ira TOTTEN who married Orcelia DEMPSTER 4 March 1980 living in SHARON SPRINGS (Info from Town Register). Are there any TOTTEN relatives still living in the area? Gary Totten - posted 11-07

TOWERS - Am seeking any information on the Towers' families of Schoharie Co., Ezra Tower was in "Skohary"as early as 1786. He married Isabella...they had at least 6 kids incl., Hugh/James John/Margaret betw.1799-1812. Ezra d.1830-40 burial unknown. His wife Isabella d.1850-55 Esperance...burial unknown. I am looking for any information/descendants on/of these individuals...and am willing to share mine. Son Hugh Tower with Wife Margaret are last seen in the 1880 census at Cobleskill...nothing further found. I assume they died very near there. A grandson William Tower md. Emily Frayer/Freer abt 1867, I am seeking any information on FRAYER/FREER families of Schoharie Co., also. Her father was Samuel and her uncle was Adam...of Green county. Ken Hunsinger - posted 06-97

TOWNE - I am searching for the Towne family who were in Schoharie Co. in the late 1700's. Sophia Towne was born 08 Sep 1799 in Schoharie, 
Schoharie, NY so I know they were here at that time. She married Warren Ford in 1819. Their first 8 children were also born here. Mary Ann 1820; Julia Ann 14 Jan 1822; Daniel Earl 16 Jan 1824; Chloe Merry 16 Jan 1826; Statira Deland 14 April 1828; Martha Angeline 20 Sept 1830; Ovid Elijah 29 Dec 1832; and Matilda Semela 06 Apr 1835. Any Information would be most helpful. Bonita Dawson - posted 06-05

TOWNSEND - Looking for Townsend ancestor possibly related to Charles Townsend, Jr. who moved back to New York state around l799 with wife Hannah and Family from New Jersey. He lived in Cobleskill, Schoharie County for six years and then moved to Sullivan County where he died in l839. John Linstrom - posted 04-98

TOWSON - I'm looking for any reference to a Towson, Touson, Tousen, Tousan, Toussant. He supposed lived in Schoharie County when his son John was born 
on 6/11/1875. He and his wife were enroute to Tioga county, NY from Canada. His wife's name was Eleanor Seeley. Shirley Gross - posted 07-05

TRACY - Looking for any information on the spouse of Jedediah Tracy. Her first name was Sally/Sarah and was born Schoharie Co abt 1794. They were married abt 1819 and lived in Sidney/Franklin area. Jedediah was born 5/3/1797 in Lenox Mass and was the son of Ezekiel Tracy and Patience Kimball. Jedediah died 6/27/1847. Sally appears in the 1850 census of Sidney as a widow with several children and Jedediahs brother. Jedediah and Sally were my GGG Grandparents. Don Tracy - posted 02-03

TRAVIS - Looking for information on the DAVID & EUNICE TRAVIS that Cady lists as buried in Middleburgh. Probably migrated west from Rensselaerville. J. Travis - posted 10-06

TREMPER - Interested in information regarding the "Capt. Tremper, from below Albany" who was commandant at Ft. Hunter during the American Revolutionary War. Also, identity of a John Tremper who married Maria Cromwell at Fonda Reformed Dutch Church (Caughnawaga RDC) ca 1812 and had children Anne, Stephen, Philip, and one other female child. Priscilla Tremper Leith - posted 02-03

TRIPP - I am looking for info on Alden Tripp and Frances Watson Tripp. They are listed on the 1860 federal census in Schoharie Co. I know they were married Feb 24, 1849 in Fulton. I need birth dates and death dates for them. Also any info on either of their parents. Judy Bailey - posted 06-00

TRIPP - Would like any information about the TRIPPS and related spouses etc that are buried in the Middleburg Cemetery.  Sharon Henke - posted 04-99

TRUAX - I have the pension records for a David Truax Jr. He was married to Matilda A. Bailey and after her death to Kate P. Tucker. According to the records he was born May 5th 1832 at Charlotteville, Schoharie County, NY. If anyone would like a copy please let me know. This is not the David Truax I need. Penny Terk - posted 07-00

TRUAX /HERBERT- Looking for marriage of Maria "Barbara" Truax and James Herbert. Barbara b. 24 March 1781 bapt. Schoharie, NY. Dau of William Truax (from family tradition and written memories) no hard copy proof. James b. 23 April 1774. They moved to OH and then on to IL with sons. Looking for proofs of all of the above. Wanda Schaller - posted 12-96

TUCKER - Seeking any info or hints on the parents or family of Frederick Lathrop TUCKER b 1808 in Broome, Greene, NY. (I have been told there is no such place and Schoharie Co. was suggested) Possible brother are Asa and Hiram. By 1830, Frederick Tucker was marrying Marcia HUNT in Ohio. By 1841, he had moved his family to Jo Daviess Co, IL. And by 1850, he was in CA, without family. Any help appreciated. Denise - posted 08-99

TURNER - What is the parentage of Mary (TURNER) LAY born 1796 Connecticut- died & buried 1851 Leroy Twp., Calhoun, Michigan married Benjamin LAY who was born 1792 Connecticut died & buried 1844 Leroy Twp, Calhoun, Michigan? Had issue 5 children: Marriett A. LAY, married in Calhoun county Lysander COLE; Nancy Mariah LAY & Elizabeth Jane LAY, both born Schoharie County New York, both married in Calhoun County Sylsbry RUMERY; Lewis Abner LAY married Sarah Jane ___?; Jane LAY, married a JONES. *Husband Benjamin LAY was the son of Daniel & Hannah (STANNARD) LAY. LAY family migrated from Connecticut>Schoharie County New York>Niagara County New York>Calhoun County Michigan. David William Rumery - posted 02-01

TURNER - Seeking info on James TURNER and wife Celinda LORD (b. 1786 NY). Son Amos of Broome Tp. (b. 1835 d. 1910) married Rhoda MICKEL/MICKLE (b. 1840 d. 1919) in 1860. Amos and Rhoda had 2 daughters: Arvilla (b. 1862 d. 1905) who m. Herbert E. WILLIAMS in 1881 and Jane (b. 1866 d. abt. 1960) who m. Abe MATTICE. James and Celinda also had son Loren. Susan Bauer - posted 11-98

TURNER - I am interested in information regarding Ruth Ann Turner, George Turner, Emily Turner, and Stephen Pool. Ruth Ann Turner was born on Aug. 3, 1835 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. Her parents were George and Emily Turner. Ruth Ann married Stephen Pool of Albany on Nov. 29, 1855. They later moved to Michigan. Ruth Ann's sisters are Mrs. Martin Fisher of Waterford MI, Mrs. Marvin Hess of Waterford MI, Mrs. Elizabeth Ford of Hartford Conn, and Mrs. William Williams, of Schoharie Co. Ruth Ann had a cousin named Mary Jane Turner, who was born on Jun. 27, 1830. She was married to Stephen Pool on Apr. 21, 1850. Mary Jane died on Apr. 15, 1853, and was buried in Cobleskill, Schoharie. They had two children who died at a young age. Any information about these people would be welcome. Julia Poole - posted 04-97

TYGERT - SARAH TYGERT m. JAMES ARMSTRONG, b. 1811, d. 1884, Knox, Albany, NY. They had the following children: Catherine, b. 1834, d. 1914; Coleman; Cordelia, b. 1839, d. 1872; Jane Eliza, b. 1842, d. 1845; Ester Ann, b. 1844 Andrew J., b. 1847; Josephine, b. 1849; Edson F., b. 1854, d. 1855; George A., b. 1852. Would be interested in swapping info with anyone having these lines. The Armstrong's lived in the area of Knox, Albany, NY. Reportedly, Sarah's father or grandfather founded the town of Wright. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99



VAN ALSTYNE - Looking for any information on the Van Alstyne family. My father, William Clarence Van Alstyne lived in Cobleskill with his parents before moving to New Jersey in the 1950's. My grandmother's maiden name was Mildred Cary. Margaret Gonzales - posted 05-99

VANAKEN - Looking for info on my 3rd great grandfather FrancisVanaken who was born 23 Jan 1824 and his family.  He was born in Fabien, Schoharie, NY to Levi and Caroline Crane Vanaken. He later moved to Iowa and died there. Shelie McCown - posted 01-17

VANAUKEN - Have a marriage between TAHPENES ARMSTRONG, b. 1816 and ALONZO VANAUKEN. Their children were Jesse VanAuken and Sara VanAuken. There probably were more children, but these are the only ones I know of. Would be interested in learning more about Alonzo's family. The couple, I believe, lived in the area of Knox, Albany, NY but there may be Schoharie connections. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

VANBUREN - My grandfather was Leroy Vanburen who lived in Bovina, NY where I live. His father was Harvey Vanburen. I am looking for information on Leroy's grandfathter who was Henry Vanburen, born about 1820. Census records from 1850 and 1855 from Summit, NY indicate Henry was born about 1820. I think that Henry was born in Summit but lived years later in Harpersfield, NY. I am searching for verification that Peter H. Vanburen, born 1785 and died 1875, was the father of Henry. Peters wife was Margaret Dingman Vanburen. Because census records from the early 1800's only show the head of household I can't verify that Henry's father was Peter H. Vanburen. A Peter Vanburen is buried in Snooks cemetery in Summit. Any leads would be appreciated. Gary Robson - posted 03-14

VANBUREN - Martin Corneilus VanBuren b: March 10, 1782, in Schoharie County d: Sept. 1848 Scriba, Oswego, NY on 29 January 1806 he married Mehetabel Coon b: 11 July, 1782, d: 1 July 1862.
I'm a descendent of their 3rd child, Timothy Coon VanBuren b: 28 June 1809 in Schoharie County, NY d: 2 Nov. 1859 in NY - m: Jane Hill on 1 Feb. 1835. Martin & Mehetabel's other children are: Philena, Elenor, Ann, Martin Corneilus Jr., Peter P. Betsy L., Louisa P., & Daniel Betram. My Greatgrand Father is the child of Timothy & Jane - Thomas Bryon VanBuren b: 25 May 1840 in Oswego County, NY d: 12 March 1921 Sunfield, Eaton County, Michiganm: Fannie Ann Putnman 4 July 1867.
I would appreciate any information of the above families. Janet Baughman - posted 06-11, updated 06-12

VANBUREN - Looking for old burial sites before 1820 for Martha Chasey VanBuren b. 1755 d. before 1820 & Benjamin VanBuren b.1731 d. before 1820. Martha is the wife of Martin B. VanBuren & Benjamin is the father of Martin B. VanBuren. Last known location was the 1810 census in town of Jefferson. Any ideas welcome. Angeles Oakes - posted 11-07

VANDERHOFF - Looking for information on John VANDERHOFF (b. abt 1805 in NY) married to Esther (b. 1800 in Ireland). By 1860, the couple lived in Middleburgh, NY and had the following children: John Vanderhoff (b. 1836), William Vanderhoff (b. 1837), Esther Vanderhoff (b. Dec 1838) and Edward Vanderhoff (b. 1849). Robert Derocher - posted 11-97

VANDERWERTER - looking for any info on Edgar Handy who married Eva VanderWerter, the parents of Freddie Edgar Handy born 14 Jun 1883 Schoharie County, died 11 May 1970 Leesville, Schoharie, NY married Esther Ottman. Would also like info on Freddie's brothers and sisters. Marlena Amalfitano - posted 11-01

VAN DEUSEN - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

VAN DYKE - Looking for information on William Van Dyke (1808 - 1860) Theron Van Dyke ( 1854 - 1946 ) and Ward Van Dyke (1877 - 1933). Barry Schinnerer - posted 11-01

VAN DYKE - I am searching for any info about Cornelius Van Dyke, b. abt 1760, in N.Y. He married Sarah (Sally) Soper (b.1767) and the family lived in the Schoharie or Cobleskill area from abt 1790-1813, when he was slain by an Indian. In 1823, his widow moved to Illinois with sons Christopher, Francis, Minard and daughter Sally. They were successful farmers there. Although several Cornelius Van Dyke families are listed in the region in the first three federal censuses, I have not figured a way to identify my line. Any ideas? Paul Van Dyke - posted 04-05

VAN EVER - Looking for information on Maria Van Ever 1794-1889 who married Philip Muckey 1782-1874. They were living in Schoharie County, NY in the early 1840's. They moved to Oswego County, NY. They are both buried in Dutch Hill Cemetery, Parish, Oswego, NY. I have information on their descendants. Cynthia Stanton - posted 08-12

VANGILDER - Ira B. (My Great-Great-Grandfather) b. 1812 Carlisle, NY, m. Elizabeth Jane Kenney 15-Feb-1852 at Manassas Gap. VA. Last known record of Ira, he was in the 23rd NY Infantry Co. A during the Civil War. Willing to share family related data. Sidney A. VanGilder - posted 08-97

VAN HOESEN - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

VAN LOON - Wm. Barker (Early Families of Schoharie Co.) cites a marriage (1762) between Abraham van Loon (Probable s/o Hans van Loon and Jannetje Valkenberg) and Marytje Laws. Am I correct that the Laws name was probably Lawyer? Any information on Marytje will be appreciated. Agnes Dies Beauchamp - posted 10-07

VAN LOON/VAN LONE/VAN LOAN - Have little information except that Schoharie County is given as a birthplace for the following Van Loon ancestors: Richard, Stephen, Abraham, Christopher. Would be grateful for contact with anyone sharing Van Loon information. Darwina Michael - posted 06-97

VAN VALEN - I am looking for information on Hannah E. Cazalet (1875-1934), m. Merwin W. Van Valen (1880-1939). Children Gladys L. Van Valen (1907-2000) and Emma E. Van Valen (1913-1976). Most buried in New Summit Cemetery. Also Harriett Schermerhorn (Sept. 1868), m. Charles Cazalet and her brother Charles Schermerhorn, b. June 1867. David James Cazalet - posted 08-02

VAN VECHTEN - Christina Van Vechten age 67 residing Schoharie, Schoharie County NY 1850 federal census. Living in her household was my grt grandfather William E Lake age 24 b NY stage driver and his wife Jeanette age 19 b NY. Any info on Christina Van Vechten or Lake family connection. Mary Jane Rice - posted 01-05

VAN VALKENBURG – Looking for information about the ancestry of  John VAN VALKENBURG b. 29 Aug 1806 in Middleburgh d. 7 Oct 1886 in Walton.  He m. Catherine SNYDER b. 5 Feb 1811 in Schoharie Co. d. 2 Nov 1888 in Walton.  They had 10 children: William (b. 1831), Joseph (b. 1834), George (b. 1835), Clarissa (b. 1837), Timothy (b. 1842), Gracia (b. 5 Jul 1845), John (b. 1847), James (b. 1848), Sarah (b. Jul 1850), and Minnie (b. 1864).  Any information would be appreciated. Dawn Fleming - posted 01-17

VAN VALKENBURG  – Seeking information on Zacheus Van Valkenburg who married in Schoharie County about 1810 to UNKNOWN. They had a daughter Catherine born 01 May 1823, in Schoharie. She was my gggg grandmother. Any help would be much appreciated. Deanna Carlson - posted 07-06

VAN VALKENBURG - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

VAN VORIS - Looking for the graves of Joseph Van Voris(1791-1846) and Hannah Van Voris(1793-1863) who resided in the Town of Fulton, in the vicinity of Eminence, from about 1833 until their deaths. Also looking for the identity of the parents of Joseph Van Voris, born in Oyster Bay, Long Island on February 5, 1791. John I. Van Voris - posted 05-99

VAN WIE - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

VAN WORMER - Looking for information about the ancestry of Michael VAN WORMER, married to Geertruy (Gertrude) VASBURG and having at least 5 children by her: Arent and Christopher b. 24 July 1789, Margaretha b. 29 July 1794, Lena b. 15 January 1799, and Arent b. 18 October 1804. Any information will be appreciated.
Dana Van Wormer - posted 09-10

VAN WORMER - Seeking any information on Amanda Dodge married to Ira van Wormer about 1850 in the town of Wright. Particularly interested in a marriage date or place if one exist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Edward Sallaway - posted 07-07

VAN WORMER - Jane Ann van Wormer 1809 - 1889 born Schoharie County 21 July 1809 (parents - I think - Isaac van Wormer and Elsie van Loon ) and she died, while visiting her son (Jesse van Loon Hillman 1847 - 1893) I think in Albany itself on 29 July 1889. She married 03 November 1828 to John Hillman 1805 - 1864. By 1830 John Hillman kept a cobblers' / shoe shop in Washington Street, Albany, having recently (about 1824) arrived with his parents and various siblings from Ireland. Later, in the 1850s, this was one of several families that relocated from Albany to southern Wisconsin. She was probably the youngest child of a large family. A picture of her can be seen (along with my email address) at have a version of her genealogy worked through by my grandfather somewhere round 1910, but I do not know his sources and would welcome the opportunity to compare my version of her provenance with someone else - ideally someone closer to the primary sources than I have been for this lady. Ideally I'd also like to know more precisely just where in Schoharie she was born and grew up. But as ever with genealogy, I am more interested in what you do know that in what you don't know. Any information about her, or about her parents and / or remoter ancestors - would be most welcome. Charles Hillman - posted 01-04

VAN WORMER - I am Looking for information on Andrew Van Wormer b. 1853 and his wife Loranza b. 1865. They had a son named Floyd E. Vanwormer in 1883. They are on the 1900 census for Carlisle Twp., Schoharie County, New York. Dennis Van Wormer - posted 12-00

VEDDER/VEDDERLY - My mother June (Featherly) Golash is looking for information on Hurst, Bouck, Vedder/Vedderly. She can be contacted through my e-mail or by snail mail on request. Nancy Golash - posted 03-02

VOORHEES - Looking for information on a John Voorhees mentioned in his grandfather's will in 1797 as "already in Scholarrie". He would be a young man and he would be from Bedminister, Somerset County, New Jersey. His father was Roelof Voorhees. G Westein - posted 03-06

VOORHEES (Voorhes, Voorheis, Voorhis, Vhores) - I am seeking further information on the family of Jacob and Triphena Norton Voorhees. From the Gilboa Reformed Church Records, it is learned that they married in 1809. Letters of Administration were granted to Triphena on the estate of Jacob Voorheis late of Delaware County dec'd - recorded: July 18, 1840. In the 1850 census, Triphena was listed as living with her daughter Louisa's family, James & Louisa Mackey & children in Gilboa, Schoharie County. Since this family is associated with both counties, it will be posted to both. Joyce Riedinger - posted 09-96

VOSBURGH - THOMAS VOSBURGH, also seen in the records in Schoharie Co. as Fosbury, was residing in Middleburg 1800. His wife was MARGARET SIMONS. In 1800 they have 2 males b. before 1790, 1 male born 1790-1800 and 2 dau. 1790-1800. They may have had a son Stephen also. I know so little about this family. I'm searching the Vosburgh name in Schoharie and this family is elusive. Deanna Smith - posted 09-02

VROMAN - Need parents name of Polly Best Vroman b 03/23/1800 d 01/27/1889 married Peter I Vroman ( b 10/02/1797 d 07/05/1866- father was Josiah B. Vroman ) at West Fulton on 09/16/1816
children: Ann Eliza, Barent, William, John, Sarah Jane, George, Harrison, Susan (My gggrandmother), Elizabeth, Mary, Julia, Julia. Jean Oshetski - posted 08-09

VROMAN - seeking a possible connection between Elizabeth Vroman married to Philip Bartholomew in Sept 1791 and Philip's commanding officer when he enlisted in 1778, a Colonel Vroman of the NY regiment. Leah Grant - posted 07-06

VROMAN - Looking for parents of William Vroman.. born ca. 1806 mar. Mary Knickerbocker.. born ca. 1804.. lived around Blenheim in 1840 census. Later moved to Broome Co, NY. Paula Prindle - posted 05-00

VROOMAN - I have trased my family tree as well as DNA tests to show I’m am direct descendent of Adam Vrooman the one mentioned in The story of the Massacre. His son Wouter is my grandfather so many times back I am look for all and any info about the family while in New York like where was their homes located etc. Kandice Williams - posted 04-20

VROOMAN - I am seeking information on Lucy Vrooman. She was born around 1820, married to Jacob Diamond, and she passed away in 1894. Seeking her parents and lineage. Shari Murphy - posted 06-08

VROOMAN - I am searching for the ancestry of Celia Elizabeth Vrooman, born April 5, 1845 in Delevan, Wisconsin, and died Aug. 25, 1915 in Waterloo, Iowa. She married Moses R. Myers in 1865 in Illinois. In her obituary, there is a paragraph that reads, "She was of hardy Holland ancestry which came to Schoharie county, New York state in 1614. Her mother's name before her marriage was Rosenberg and she as well as her husband were descended from men who fought for the independence of the United States in the Revolutionary war. One was a distinguished officer in the army." I am hoping someone can help me out on where to go from here. Patty Theurer - posted 07-02

VROOMAN - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97


WADE - I am seeking any and all information about the Wade line that settled in the Conesville, Schoharie, New York area in the late 1700s. I am attempting to break through the brick wall that currently exists about where the original Wade, Luther C. Wade, came from. My line is as follows: 1) Luther C. Wade, 2) Beri Wade, 3) Marcus Wade, 4) Lucian Wade, 5) Donald Wade (my grandfather.). I am preparing a family tree showing all the descendants of Luther and his wife Hannah Bradley Wade. If you are a Wade descendant I will enjoy sharing information with you. Jon Wade - posted 01-14

WAGGONER/WAGONER - Looking for information about Francis Christian Waggoner (variants: Frantz and Wagoner) and the identities of his children. He allegedly died in Schoharie in around 1879 in possibly Gallupville. Greatly appreciate any information. Lisa Maddox - posted 04-23

WAINWRIGHT - I am looking for information about Ruth Wainwright bn abt 1880, Sister of Helen M. Wainwright and daughter of Charles W. Wainwright and Minnie Blanchard. Ruth is said to have been married to "a farmer" in the Sloansville area. Warren R Potter - posted 04-04

WAINWRIGHT - In search of any information of the Chauncey and Vianna Diamond Wainwright family of Schoharie County. They had a son Daniel and two daughters Aurelia and Isabelle that I know of. Aurelia married Elmer Woodbeck in Lawyersville, NY and lived in Ames NY on a farm on Woodbeck Road. Sandy Woodbeck Edgerton - posted 05-01

WAITE/WAIT - Looking for Daniel M. Waite and his ancestors. He was listed in the 1900 and 1910 Census as Daniel Maxon Waite, born in 1863 in New York. I found an 1870 census record with a Dan'l Wait born in 1863 in New York. His father and mother's names were unreadable, but the father's name may have been Daniel who was born in Ireland. Their children were Mike, Daniel, and Thomas. Mike was born in Ireland, Daniel and Thomas in New York, so I am assuming they arrived somewhere between 1861 and 1863. I found a listing of farmers in Schoharie County from 1872 with a Daniel Wait listed with a Franklinton address, and an 1875 New York Census record with Daniel Wait listed as a farmer with 100 acres in Broome. His mother's maiden name may have been Maxon. David Waite - posted 02-13

WALDEN -  I believe that "Hiram Walden" to be my Great Grandfather. Father of Miner Walden my Grandfather. Have been at an impasse for years unable to get any other info. I would appreciate anything you could help me in my desperation.  John O. Walden - posted 12-99, updated 07-02

WALKER - I am searching for information about David Walker born 1837, wife Jane A. Walker born 1832. They lived in Gilboa, in 1860. according to that census they had one child Charles A. Walker born 1858, In the 1880 census I find two children Emma and Charles living in different households, then in Cobleskill. David and Jane also had another son John born 1867. Emma and Charles Walker then moved to Schenectady. I would appreciate any information about this family. Joyce Murphy - posted 12-05

WALSH/WELCH - I am researching my grandmother's family. Her father was Freeman Keyser, her Grandfather was George Keyser, proprietor of the Charlotteville Hotel in the 1870's-1880's. Also her mother, Elizabeth Walsh/Welch Keyser and her grandmother, Charlotte Aker Keyser. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Charlene Killgo - posted 01-12

WANNER - Would like place of birth and parents for George ANDERSON, b. abt 1755; d. 3 Jul 1823 in McKeesport, Allegheny, PA. Married to Elizabeth KERN, b. 31 Oct 1761 in Schoharie, Ulster, NY.Three of their eight children were born in Shawangunk, Ulster, NY: George Washington ANDERSON, b Nov 1778; Benjamin Franklin ANDERSON, b. 1780; Elizabeth ANDERSON, b. 1781. Elizabeth KERN was the daughter of Jacob KERN and Anna Elisabetha WANNER. I believe they were Palatines. Any additional information about the ANDERSON, KERN, WANNER families would be greatly appreciated. JoAnne Fulton - posted 01-14

WARD - I would be grateful for any information about a John G. Ward, born 1798 or 1799 in Schoharie county. As a young adult, he moved to Berwick Township, Warren, Illinois, where he lived until he died in 1883. He married a Harriet, likely Harriet St. John. Her first name is confirmed on the various censuses in Illinois; the surname for his wife is only listed in my undocumented, inherited family notes. Richard Trinkner - posted 01-08

WARNER - I am looking for information on the lineage of Christofell (Christopher), this would be around the 1700's. Any information would be most appreciated need this information for my DAR application. Barbara Moyer - posted 06-23

WARNER - Jacob KERN b abt 1737 Germany; married to Anna Elisabetha WARNER, b 12 Apr 1741 in Schoharie. Would like to know death place and dates for Jacob and Anna. Daughter Elizabeth KERN b 1 Nov 1761 in Schoharie, married to George Anderson 15 Jan 1778. Would like to know if marriage was in Schoharie or Ulster County. JoAnne Fulton - posted 08-12

WARNER - My ancestors settled in Otsego/Schoharie in the 1790 era. One daughter, Rozina Warner md Peter Warner (son of Nicholas) an lived in Summit until her death in 1863. . I am seeking information on Horatio Warner (brother to Rozina) who married Polly Burzee ca 1802 and whose son, Orange Horatio Jr. was born in Charlotteville in June 1804/1805, I have made numerous attempts to contact the Charlotteville Museum as I understand they have early history, but I am unable to contact anyone (have tried over several months). The family was devout Baptist family, but I can't seem to find contact to check those records. Carole Sorenson - posted 02-11

WARNER - Looking for any info on Fred Warner from Schoharie, N.Y., He was my great grandfather. I have no info my great grandmother as she had passed before I was born (to my knowledge) The only child that I know that was born to them is my grandmother Mable Warner married to Fred Bateholts, they lived in Schenectady. Sherry Rogers - posted 06-10

WARNER - I am looking for my gg grandfather Hiram Warner's origins. He was born about 1812 and died about 1890. Born Otsego or Schoharie County. Married to Sophia Paul, Steuben County. They had 12 children, all born in Lindley, Steuben County, NY. I know there are 6 Hiram Warners all born around the same time. Any help would be appreciated. Natalie Jones - posted 03-10

WARNER - Looking for information on the family of Levi Warner and his son, Germaine (spelling?). The census gives the residence (1860 and 1870) as Summit, (1880) Cobleskill and (1900) Gloversville. Who was Levi's wife? When Germaine came to Ilion, he was a keeper at a boarding house. Did he or his father do anything like this in Schoharie Co.? Kathy Clark - posted 11-09

WARNER - Looking for 3-g-grandfather Lorenzo C. Warner. Born ca. 1822. Married Harriett Royce ca. 1850 in OH. Died 1898 Henry Co., Ohio. There son Ira Warner (born in OH.) is my 2-g-grandfather. Trying to place my Lorenzo with Warner's in the Ira Warner Bible listed on NY GenWeb site for Schoharie. May be long shot but any info would be greatly appreciated. Brett Warner - posted 11-07

WARNER - Searching for information about the ancestors and descendents of Jacob WARNER and Catharine MICHEL, who emigrated from Hamburg, Germany about 1855, when Jacob was about 35 years of age. We are descendents of their son, Philip WARNER, born 5 July 1862 in Schoharie Co. Philip married Estella BOUCK, daughter of George Albert BOUCK and Catharine A. RICHTMYER. Any information about the ancestors and/or descendents of Jacob and Catharine will be greatly appreciated. Linda Tutt - posted 08-06

WARNER - WARNER, SARAH, b. 1786 Windsor, VT, dau of Cyrus Warner and Mary Dodge. Married Isaac Warner who died young. Family lived in Charlotteville-(father purchased on Charlotte River Patent in 1804.) and at Otsego in late 1790s. Syracuse Daily Standard 1860-69 reported Sarah died and was buried ca 1860 in Schoharie County. Looking for confirmation of death and burial. Carole Sorenson - posted 08-05

WARNER - I need help with a Daniel Warner who married Margaret Mattice. They has a daughter Miranda or Mariah born on May 12, 1814 who married Milo Bullis. Any information greatly appreciated. J. Scales - posted 03-05

WARNER - I am trying to find the origins of Florinda Friedendahl b. ca. 1851 who md. Sidney Warner. She is possibly the sister of Wilalmina (Martha) Fredendahl who was b. 3 June 1849 and d. 18 June 1940. She was the dau of Jacob and Catherine (Borst) Fredendahl, Jr. and md. Jacob Rickard. Harold Miller - posted 02-03

WARNER - I have a Rachel Warner b 1850 daughter of Daniel and Margaret. Am wondering if she fits into this Warner family any where. Her daughter, Maude, was my grandmother and was born in Schoharie County in 1883. Carol MacPherson - posted 10-02

WARNER -  Christopher. Looking for information of parents of Christopher Warner born in town of Fulton Jan. 16, 1886, died Feb. 11, 1950. Son of John & Anne (Wilday) Warner. Brother Cleveland Warner. Christopher was my grandfather. Margie Husted - posted 05-02

WARNER - All my family is from Schoharie. Grandfather's name is Harold, lived at Depot and Main St. Was county worker. I am trying to research family. I believe that it goes back to the Rev. War. Would appreciate any direction that I may be given. HW386 - posted 01-99

WARNER - I am searching for any records showing the birth of Rebecca WARNER on 6 Apr 1813 in or near Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. Thank you for your help. Justine Brown Miller - posted 12-98

WARNER- I am searching for information on Abijah Warner who resided in Cobleskill, Schoharie County in 1810. He married an unknown woman abt 1797. He later married a woman named Abigail in 1808. I am looking for her maiden name. Abijah died in Summit 7 Nov 1833. He had a son named Abijah Warner, Jr. by his first wife. By Abigail he had Cyrus G., Sarah, Rebecca, Son, Caroline Matilda, Harvey, Reuben, and Acksa.Justine Brown Miller - posted 11-98

WATSON - Searching for information about Frances Coralin (Cora) Watson (born about 1845) and her family. She was married to Charles Converse Chatfield on 24 Dec, 1867 in Middleburgh. After the death of her husband, it appears that she returned to her parents (Chauncey Watson and Harriette Augusta Tyler) in Middleburgh where her last son, Charles Converse Chatfield, Jr., was born in Sept., 1876. Another son, Arthur, returned to work in Middleburgh about 1887. I have photos of Cora, Arthur, and Harriette. Any information would be appreciated. Nancy Weber - posted 11-08

WATTS - Looking for information about the parents and grandparents of Phoebe WATTS. b 1776. in Schoharie, Schoharie County. She was married to Harmonus Larroway in 1796 in Schoharie. They were Loyalists and later removed to Fredrickburg TWP. Lennox & Addington Co.., Canada where they had Hannah, b 1799, and several other children. I believe that Phoebe Watts' Great Grandfather was Isaac Watts (1651 - 1736/7) and her GG Grandfather was Thomas Watts d1656. Also Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748), the great theologian and hymn writer, was Phoebe Watts' Great Uncle. I want to establish the link between Phoebe and her G Grandfather Isaac Watts. Any information will be appreciated. Robert Smothers - posted 10-05

WAYMAN - Searching for parents of WAYMAN, JOHN T., born between 1799 - 1804, Schoharie Cty. Bob Wood - posted 12-09

WAYMAN - I am trying to find out information on my ggg-grandparents Jeremiah Wayman and Esther Nichols. Jeremiah is the son of Moses Wayman and Magdelena Mitchell. He was as far as I know born 1813 in Summit, New York and Died 1883. She was born 1813 and died November 25, 1883. They had 6 children, they were Sarah Born 1845, Nelson born abt. 1836, Jeremiah born abt. 1839, Esther born Abt. 1848, Olive born abt. 1850 and Mary. Any help would be appreciated. Judy Knapp - posted 09-06

WAYMAN - I have a Robert Milton Wayman born December 27, 1872 married September 28, 1904 in Burnwood Pa, to Jennie Belle Cottrell born April 24, 1885, His father was Henry Wayman born around 1847died June 29, 1922 and Mother was Mary Sprague born Jan 31, 1855, died December 12, 1941 if this is any relation I have more up to day information and will share. I also have Abram born in NY, Married to Eliza also born in NY...children are Henry, Abraham, Nicholas, Beorge, Freelove, and Albert all born in Pa. Abram mother Esther and Father Henry, Henry married Mary Freeman and they had Alina and Robert Milton Wayman, Robert is my GGGrandfather his daughter JennieBelle Wayman is my GGrandmother, her daughter Mildred is my Grandmother who just past away this past Feb, at age 94 in NY. I got current family information on Mildred, Ruby, Merle, Gladys Wayman, children of Jennie Belle and Robert Milton Wayman to share. Penny Wager - posted 04-06

WAYMAN - I'm now seeking information on Abraham (Abram?) Wayman and Sarah Austin Wayman. Sarah was born in June 1864. They have been confirmed by a local official as the parents of Austin, Burt, Harry, Fannie, Ethel, Nettie, and Robert Wayman. In 1900, Sarah and the kids were living in Worcester. She is listed as widowed, although family lore says she was abandoned. Jean Gossman - posted 04-06

WAYMAN - Seeking information on Robert Henry Wayman, b. 1859 (parents: Harvey B. and Fanny) of Worcester and Sarah H. Baldwin, b. June 1864 (parents: George and Eliza) of Westford. I think they may be the parents of Bob (my MGF), Nettie, Harry, Austin, Fanny, Ethel, and Burt Wayman. Their father abandoned the family sometime in late 1899 or 1900. The 1900 census shows that their mother was named Sarah. Robert Henry disappears from census records after 1880. I believe Harvey may have been the son of Jeremiah Wayman of Summit. Harvey and Fanny moved from Summit in the 1850s to Pennsylvania, and then moved to Worcester. Van Ness and Dorcas Baldwin lived right next to Harvey and Fanny's family in Worcester in 1880. Jean Gossman - posted 03-06

WAYMAN - I'm seeking information on the parents of Robert J. Wayman (my maternal grandfather), Austin Wayman, Harry Wayman, Nettie Wayman, and their siblings. The 1900 Census has them in Worcester, NY. Head of household is indicated in as "Samuel Wayman" but the actual image shows a divorced female head of household. Her first name is hard to read but it appears to be Sarah. The father abandoned the family. He may have come from Richmondville or Summit. Subsequent censuses show the children "farmed out" as my mother described it. "Sarah" later married a Campbell. Jean Gossman - posted 12-05

WAYMAN - I am looking for information on Leonard Wayman and his wife Almira (Burton). Leonard was b. 6/18/1819 d. 1907. Almira was b. 11/18/1812 d. 11/9/1890. Both buried in the Charlotteville Town Cemetery. Son Levi G. 5/10/1842 d. 7/23/1883 or 1885 married Emeline. They are also buried in the same cemetery. Would like to find out who Almira's parents were also. Any help would be appreciated. Lana Summerlin - posted 12-05

WAYMAN - I'm looking for information on Moses Wayman and his family. He was married to Magdalena Mitchell. Their children were my ggg-grandfather Jeremaih B. 1813 D. 1883, John, Levi, George, Darius, Jacob, Charity, David and Leonard. Any help I would be very grateful. Judy Knapp - posted 04-05

WAYMAN - Looking for information on WILLIAM WAYMAN, born circa 1843 to JOHN WAYMAN and mother unknown. Found in 1860 Census of Fulton. Perhaps had a brother THOMAS b. 1840. Married SELIA ARMLING, daughter of Joh ARMLING and Elizabeth SHUFELT. William was in the Civil War and he and his wife had among others: Seneca, Reuben, Arthur, Jacob Henry, Julia A., Ora, and a female child. William died in Cobleskill, 3/30/1895, buried in Seward at Zion Rural Cem. Any info on his parents, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Dave - posted 01-05

WAYMAN - Looking for information on John WAYMAN (b.1819) , father of William and Thomas WAYMAN, resided in Schoharie County NY. William was the father of Seneca and Reuben Wayman, and was a Solider in the Civil War. Dave - posted 01-05

WAYMAN - I am looking for the obituary and burial place of Leroy Wayman, who died on 3/4/2003. am trying to get his lineage...I know his parents were William and Elsie, but that's all I know. Elusive bunch! Dave - posted 05-04

WAYMAN - Who is Mozer Wayman of Summit, Schoharie County, New York? Mozer was living in Summit around 1813. Colleen - posted 09-03

WAYMAN - Looking for info on a Isaac Wayman who married a Jerusla they had a son Thomas (b 1822) who married a Harriet A (b 1822) who lived in Sanford, Broome County and had a Daughter Rachel Wayman (b1862) who married a George Tuttle (b1860). Becky - posted 05-03

WAYMAN - Looking for information on John J Wayman possibly born 1813. Brother of Andrew Wayman. Children: George, Jacob, Lucienda, William Henry Harrison. Wife Hannah? Lived in Summit, Schoharie County in 1850. Colleen - posted 08-02

WEAVER - Is anyone researching the Weaver family in Schoharie County? I have a Jane Weaver who married John Lounsberry Cregier in NYC abt 1860. I haven't been able to find out her parents' names yet. (working long distance from Maine). I just read in The History of Schoharie County and Border Wars of New York that the name WEAVER was among the early settlers of Schoharie County. Perhaps a researcher knows of a line that went down to NYC, or can offer another clue. Chris Smith - posted 11-97

WEBB - Webbs in Middleburg and summit. Searching for info on David and Lydia Webb who lived in Schoharie, where 4 to 6 children were born before moving to Broome, Co. Marsha Lavin - posted 05-02

WEBB - Looking for info on David and Lydia Butler Webb who lived in Middleburg in 1825, then in Summit in 1835. Marsha Lavin - posted 03-01

WEIDEMAN - Levi Daniels married Angeline Weideman of Middleburgh, Schoharie, in the 1820's. Had daughter Harriet (b. 1825) who later married Julius Augustus of Greene County. Looking for information/leads on any of these people. Mike Day - posted 10-03

WEDEMAN/WEIDEMAN - Looking for parents and/or siblings of Elizabeth Phidelia Wedeman, born March 6, 1822 in Jefferson Township, Schoharie County, married John Bishop BENNETT April 23, 1843 in Syracuse, Onondaga County. Mary Reveley - posted 12/98

WELLS - Looking for information about the family of Peter Wells or Petrus Wels, who lived in Schoharie County right around 1800. He had sons named Cornelius (b. 1796), George (b.1799), John (b. 1801) and Henry (b. 1805). They apparently moved on to Albany around 1820 and then to Ontario after that. Dave Wells - posted 10-03

WELLS - I am searching for some record of John Williams Wells, Sr. born 1796 and died 1869. He married Chloe Foster (who was married to Andrew Cately who died in 1822 in an accident) about 1828. John was my 2nd great grandfather. We think we have information on our family going back to the 1600's but can't make the connection with John's father because we don't have any real documentation of who he was. In the 1855 census John said his place of birth was Schoharie. He may have migrated from there to Chenengo Co. and died in Cortland Co. or Onondaga Co. Our family records say John was the son of Pardon Wells b. 1769 and Hannah Hakes (born 1779 in Stonington, CT) who were married in 1800?  We've never been able to find any proof other than word of mouth. Hannah was last heard of in Petersburg. Lynda (Wells) Andrews - posted 03-99

WELTON - I am looking for birth and marriage certificates for Zelphia Welton. Her parents are Rensselaer Welton and Beulah Denny and she was born about 1834 in Schoharie County. She is my great, great, great grandmother. I believe she was married in about 1855 to James Timmons. Diane Gonzalez - posted 02-25

WELTON - I’m looking for the parents and siblings of the following couple: Thomas Chapman (b. 1782 CT/NY) and Ann Welton (b. 12 Feb 1787 CT). Ann, as a child, came with her father to Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Thomas and Ann (Welton) Chapman were married 16 Jan 1806 in Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. The first 3 of their 14 children where born in Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Daniel Chapman (b. 1806), David Marcus (b. 1808) and Hiram P. Chapman (b. 1810). After 1810 this family moved and settled in Chautauqua county, NY. In the Index of “The History of the Town of Jefferson” by Mildred L Bailey 1771-1976, There is listed on the following pages: Chapman, Mr. , 116; Chapman, Noah, 158 ; Welton, Anne, 123; Welton, Josiah, 159; Welton, Uri, 159; and Welton, Benjamin, 121. I believe, the above, Josiah Welton may be the father of Ann (Welton) Chapman. Also think , the above, Noah Chapman may be the brother of Thomas. I hope you have more information on these Chapmans and Weltons and will be able to help me connect them to Thomas and Ann. Mary - posted 06-05

WEST – Looking for the name of the mother of Lucius West, my gg grandfather, b. 1804 Rensselaerville, Albany, NY. D. 1880 Middleburgh, Schoharie, NY. His father was William West b. 1762 Tolland, Tolland, CT. Chris West - posted 04-15

WEST - I'm looking for the maiden name of my great-great grandmother Angelia Frances West. She was married to Will West and I think they lived in Cobleskill. Marcia Hamill - posted 04-11

WEST - Looking for information on Peter West family lived in Fulton NY area in 1830's Wife Elizabeth Jane and had daughters Elizabeth, Amy Olive and many others also at least 3 sons. Richard Goff - posted 05-01

WHARTON - Looking for information about the ancestry of Edith Anna C Wharton, b 1870, 1925. She married William Dewitt Snyder, b 1860 d 1926. I don't have a marriage date. I believe they lived in Richmondville, Schoharie Co.. They were the parents of Nellie b 1889, and Hazel Snyder, b 1894. I believe Alvin J Wharton was Edith's father, and Rebecca J. Tinkelpaugh her mother. I believe Edith lived with her grandparents, Alexander Tinkelpaugh, and Delia Snook. It is possible a divorce was involved, but I've found little information. The trail ends with John B. Wharton b 1818, d 1896, I don't have his wife nor his parents etc. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, as I've hit the 'brick wall' with the Wharton's. Robert Meyer - posted 10-09

WHEATON/WEATON - Joseph Wheaton s Reuben Wheaton and Maria McGee b 15 Jun bpr 17 Jun 1787 1st Dutch Reformed Church Schenectady NY sponsors John Smith and Margarieta Mabby m Maria Snyder dau Peter Hendrick Snyder (son of Hendrick) and Engeltje Eckerson (daughter of John). Story: Joseph supposedly worked at tavern Sharon, Schoharie Co. Deserted wife and 1st child John Wheaton (bp1803 St. John's Lutheran, Dorloo) said to have gone to Canada. One child only, John, raised by his grandparents Peter and Engeltje.

John Wheaton or Weaton s Joseph Wheaton and Maria Snyder b 25 Aug 1803 Town of Sharon Schoharie Co NY, baptized at St. John's Lutheran Church, Dorloo (later names 4 Sep 1803 listed as Johannes, son of Joseph Wietin and Frau Maria. Sponsors at his baptism were Toenis Vrooman and Engel Ecker. Family bible lists his birth as 6 Mar 1808. Census puts his birth at about 1809. He was raised by his grandfather, Peter Hendrick Snyder. John Wheaton m Catherine Reedman or Rima, known as Caty (bp 12 May 1807 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Dorlach where her sponsors were Friedrich Hiller and Catherina and she d 18 Apr 1869, Town of Seward, Schoharie Co NY) the daughter of George Friedrich Rima and Maria Hilts. There is a record of a Catherine Wheaton being confirmed at St. John's September of 1832 along with a Mary Ann Snyder, a Catherine Snyder and a Leny Snyder. John was a carpenter, kept bees, and farmed. He d 10 Feb 1873, buried with his wife at Slate Hill Cemetery, Town of Seward. Children: Peter Edward, E Elizabeth, Mary Margaret. Schoharie County, New York Directory, 1872 farms 100 Acres Seward. 1850 Census Schoharie County Seward p330. In 1810 Census, there was a Peter Rima in Herkimer Co p353 20010-41110. I would be interested in communicating with any one researching this family. Brenda Collins - posted 02-07

WHEELER - I am seeking information on a David B Wheeler (some records show as D B Wheeler). He was born in Schoharie between 1818 -1827. Parents/siblings unknown. Around 1850 he married a Caroline M. (unk) or Mary C. (Unk). First child (Albert P) born around 1854 in Erie, Co. Another son (John Adelbert) was born around 1856. Before 1860 the family moved to Michigan and then onto Kansas. I have census records, newspaper accounts, pension record and such, but nothing on his parents or siblings. Additional children - Gazena Caroline, b 1860 MI, Mary Elizabeth, b 1862, Charles, b 1864 MI, James Eli, b 1869/70 KS and my Grandfather Aldus Heny, b 24 June 1873 KS. Any info would be greatly appreciated. John Waldrop - posted 09-18

WHEELER - Looking for information about the ancestry of Peter Wheeler, born April 11, 1827 in Schoharie, Schoharie County, New York. Birth information was obtained from his marriage application in Erin, Chemung County, New York, when he married Margaret Doney on Dec. 29, 1850. Children born to Peter & Margaret were: Francis, Catherine, Emma, Lewis, Abner, Henry, Lsa Alice, and Jay. Any information is most appreciated. Dar Hall - posted 03-06

WHEELER - Looking for information about Henry WHEELER, b. abt 1797 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Lydia HELTZ b. Schoharie, NY. They lived in Sharon, Schoharie, NY and were the parents of Isaac WHEELER (b. 1830 NY), Henry WHEELER (b. 1833 NY), Willard WHEELER (b. 1836 NY), John WHEELER (b. 1838 NY), Robert WHEELER (b. 1840 NY), Riley (b. 10 May 1842 NY), Charlotte WHEELER (b. 1845 NY), George WHEELER (b. Jul 1847 IL), Alfonzo WHEELER (b. Aug 1849 IL). Any information will be appreciated. Mary Rust - posted 10-03

WHEELOCK - I am researching John E. Wheelock in Schoharie, Schoharie County at this time. Sandy - posted 12-10

WHITE - I am looking for the family of Enoch White (Breakabeen) and Cornelia Cole and their children: Enoch, Cornelia, Aaron, Moses, Ichabod, Rebecca, Mary, Abigail, and John F. White. Enoch was born in 1789 and Cornelia 1794. Any information on this family or on Enoch White's parents would be very helpful. Rebecca White (1819-1895) married Parlia Brown (1811-1878) of Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Karen Brown - posted 08-07

WHITE - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

WHITING - Looking for info on Job WHITING, wife's name Rachel, buried in Blenheim Twp. 1848. Marilyn K. Baumann - posted 06-99

WHITNEY - Looking for information on and ancestors of Daniel D. MILLER (b. ca. 1791/94) and Abigail WHITNEY ( 1786). Children: James Henry, chr. 1816, High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie twp; Jennette, chr. 1817, High and Low Dutch Reformed Congregation, Schoharie twp; Julia, b. ca. 1825, Carlisle twp; Daniel, b. ca. 1828, Carlisle twp; Augustus Raymond, b. 1833, Carlisle twp. Edward J. Shephard, Jr. - posted 06-03

WHITTAKER - I need help, I am doing family genealogy. My g uncle John Whittaker was born March 18, 1878, Spanish American War veteran. I am searching his death date, and where he is buried. I think Cobleskill, NY. Not sure but do know it is in Schoharie County. I recall he has a Bronze Memorial tablet on hi grave. Can anyone tell me where I can find any info on this family. Olabelle Whittaker Wilcox - posted 04-98

WILBER - I am looking for information on Samuel Wilber...he lived in Cobleskill in the early 1830s. His son Jacob was born there. He married a Nancy France. They were living in Otsego Cty according to the 1840 census. Any information is greatly appreciated. Barbara Wilber Strobel - posted 12-01

WILBER/WILBUR - Looking for information on Isaac W. Wilber who was born in New York and married Eliza A. around 1865. They had at least six children: Edward F. (b 1866), Charles (b 1869), Alice (b 1876), Irene (b 11/1872), my great grandmother Carrie (b 8/1879), and Frank (b 12/1890). Isaac and his family appear on the 1880, 1900, and 1910 census in Schoharie Township. Any information on this family and Isaac's parents would be happily appreciated. Dan Deslauriers - posted 11-99

WILBER - My great grandmother, Carrie Wilber, was born in 1879. She married Frank L. Clark in 1897 and they had three children, one of them being my grandfather. I am trying to find information on Carrie's parents. A document concerning the proving of the last will and testament of Alice J. Mattice of Schoharie in 1922 listed my grandfather, Henry Marvin Clark, as an heir and would have included Carrie's name if she had not died before this. My guess is that one of Alice (Wilber) Mattice's brothers was Carrie's father. Any information on Carrie's parents would be greatly appreciated. Dan Deslauriers - posted 08-99

WILBUR - Gideon WILBUR (born ca 1808 NY) married Jane SNYDER (born ca 1808 NY) in the 1820s in Schoharie, New York. Their children include John (born ca 1827), Catharine (born ca 1829), Louisa (born ca 1832), George (born ca 1834), Isaac (born ca 1836), Mary (born ca 1839), Alice J. (born ca 1840), and Gideon (born ca 1852). I suspect that the elder Gideon's brother was Thomas (born ca 1805 NY) and their parents were Gideon and Charity WILBUR. I'd be interested in sharing information with anyone researching similar lines. Dan Deslauriers - posted 12-99

WILCOX - Looking for information on the families of Josiah Brown Jr., Charles Stuart Jr., Moses Worden, Nathaniel Porter, Elnathan Porter, William Porter, John Wilcox, Samuel Chichester, and John Chichester, who all moved from Albany County, Coeymans Township, New York to Schoharie County, Broome Township, New York between 1800 and 1805. Keith Dull - posted 03-04

WILDAY - I am researching the Wilday and Edwards genealogy. Have much on Wilday, some on Edwards. My information as follows: Judy Wilday-O'Neill; 613 Slate Hill Road; Sharon Springs, NY 13459-9560; (518)234-3998 - posted 01-02

WILDEY/WILDE: - Looking for information on my GGGrFathers who I believe migrated to your County from Kinderhook, NY. GGGF Griffin Wildey (b1743) d 1817 m/Anne Bishop, had several children including my GGGBishop Wildey (b 1776-1850) m/ Rlizabeth Whiman , children: Nelson, Richard.Lemuel, Mary, Batherine Manurve,and John. I lost track of them and later found GFNelson in Herkimer County, NY. Janice Wildey Sternberg - posted 11-02

WILLIAMS - James Buckley Williams (b. 1809 Hillsdale, Columbia Cty) was married to Mary Ann Sexton and living in Seward, Schoharie County in 1850 US Census with six children born in Schoharie Cty.(eldest: Cyrus) and mother-in-law Ayabah (Azubah) Sexton (b. CT), widow of Samuel Sexton. By 1855 NYS census, there are two more children, Esther and James, and all are living in Henrietta, Monroe Cty., New York.
US, NY Land Records: grantor: James B. Williams; grantee: Peter Franes (sic) 23 Dec 1851; entry #23 p. 60
James, b. 1809, was the son of James Williams, b.abt 1773 in Ct and married to Esther ___.
Parents, James and Esther are all buried in Tinker Cemetery, Henrietta.
James B. Williams, d. 1894, buried Mt. Hope Cem. Rochester, Monroe, NY
I would love to find out where in CT James B.'s father James was born and if there were close relatives in Schoharie Cty. Edy Browne - posted 04-22

WILLIAMS - Seeking information about Eliab Williams who lived in Blenheim in 1820-1840, then moved to Gilboa 1850-55. His wife’s name was Hannah. It appears that they had 5-7 children. I suspect that John Williams, born about 1815-1817, Schoharie Co. may be their son but do not have any confirming sources. John married Jenette/Genette Grant, lived in Roxbury, Delaware Co. and in Gilboa, Schoharie Co. and appears to have died between 1860-1865. I will appreciate any further information. Nancy Olejniczak - posted 04-16

WILLIAMS - Any info on Williams Family from Central Bridge and Esperance areas. My grandmother was Francis Williams, great uncle Erastus Williams. I possess a diary written by a Charles O. Williams circa 1883. Jeff Jones - posted 12-05

WILLIAMS - Searching for information on CATHARINE ANN WILLIAMS as shown above, who m. JAMES ARMSTRONG, b. 1811, d. 1884, Knox, Albany, NY. Children: Seymour Watson Armstong, b. 1855; James Armstrong, Jr., b. 1859; Elmour C. Armstrong, b. 1860; Sarah Armstrong, b. 1863; William B. Armstrong, b. 1867, d. 1947 - my grandfather. I know that some of the farms in the Knox area extended into Schoharie Co. and I've found records on others in the family in Schoharie. I also have a TAHPENES WILLIAMS, b. 1788, m. 1807, d. 1859, who married JOHN ARMSTRONG, b. 1783, d. 1879, in the Knox area. James Armstrong is John and Tahpenes son. They had many other children. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

WILLIAMS - Osee married Delia Thorne, dau. of Samuel G. and Eliza Cornwell of Schoharie Cty. She died in 1870, one child, Casey Williams. He remarried to an Elizabeth Thorne. Any information on Osee and/or Casey would be appreciated. Maggie Thorne - posted 07-98

WILLIAMS - Peter Williams b:ca1807 Schoharie Co, NY was m: to Deborah A RHOADES b:ca1811 Rensselaer Co, NY. They had 5 children: 1. Catherine Williams b:ca1836 Rensselear Co, NY was m: to Mr HARTWELL . They have1 child: Nellie E Hartwell b:ca1863 Monroe Co, NY 2. Hiram Williams b:ca1837 Fulton Co, NY 3. Eliza Williams b: ca 1840 Fulton Co, NY 4. Peter Williams, Jr b: ca1842 Fulton Co, NY 5. Luther David Williams b:2/18/1847 Orleans Co, NY d:10/16/1923 Nelsonville, OH (my Ggrandfather) was m: to Eliza J Robinson b: ca 1855 Canada. Gene Wilson - posted 04-97

WILLIMAN/WILLMAN - Seeking information connecting Christopher WILLIMAN b. Nov 1832 to his proposed parents Christian Williamn b. Oct 1, 1785 in Berne Beaverdam Church and Catharine ?. Known children of Christian & Catharine Williman include: Besty b. Jan 29, 1817, Paul b. Dec 10, 1818, Katy Marie b. Apr 16, 1821, Eva b. Jun 9, 1823. Christian's parents are Michael Williman b. 1750, d. ca. 1810 and Maria CASSELMAN b. Jan 1, 1759, d. ca. 1810. Robert Derocher - posted 02-98

WILLMAN - I am looking for more information on Christopher WILLMAN (b. 1832 in NY, d. bef. 1880) and Ester VANDER HOFF (b. 1841 in NY, d. 1880+), his wife, from Middleburgh, NY. They had 2 children Agnes and James. Robert Derocher - posted 11-97

WILSEY - I am trying to track down the ancestors of Simon Peter Wilsey. He was born in Otsego Co. in abt. 1811. His wife was Janett ALL - she was b. in Schoharie Co. Anyway, they were married in abt. 1832/33 as their first daughter, Polly Maria Wilsey was b. there in 1833/34. I believe they lived in the town of Worcester. They later moved to Tompkins Co., NY. Polly married Peter OLIVER, son of Richard Oliver, also of Worcester. Any information on any of this crew would be greatly appreciated. Ann Buckley - posted 02-97

WILSON - Looking for marriage of David Wilson and Rebecca Tibbits sometime around 1800-1814. The Children born in Broome are Martha 1815 and Henry T. 1820. Merlyn Wilson - posted 02-08

WILSON - Would like to correspond with any descendants John & Betsy Park Wilson, who lived in Schoharie Co. in 1840+. Luther Edmond Wilson married Elmira; Caroline Park Wilson married Hiram Bailey; Sally Tarble Wilson; Emmeline Sophie Wilson, married Frankliln DeFrates; Ann Elizabeth Todd Wilson, 
married Cyrus Fuller Eastman; Henry Lyman Wilson, married Rachel. Marilyn Owen - posted 02-05

WILSON - I'm researching from Alberta, Canada and seem to be stuck on a Wilson family from New York state. The parents names are John P. and Catherine Wilson. They may have had at least 4 children. One for sure is James Wilson, born Sept. 15, 1815 in Sharon Springs. Possibly a sister Catherine Jane Wilson, born July 27, 1808, and another sister, Barbara Ann Wilson, born ?. While I'm relatively sure James and Barbara Ann were born in Sharon Springs, I do not have a birth place for Catherine Jane other than New York state. I'm trying to find proof that they are siblings. Is there any place that has birth records this far back? I can find these people later, (1850) on census's in other New York Co.'s but no proof yet that they are related. Is there any way to search earlier census's, or do they just list the head of household and not the children's names? Any suggestions you might have for me to proceed would be so greatfully appreciated. Judy Carleton - posted 11-01

WILSON - John Wilson, born 1799 Albany, married Naomi Barlow in Schoharie County ca. 1820. Son Joseph Wilson was born 1820 in Schoharie County, moved to Broome County by 1833. Would like to exchange info with anyone researching the Wilson/Barlow names. Claudia P. Bement - posted 12-98

WILTSIE - I am searching for information on William Wiltsie, his wife Melinda, and 10 children which lived in the townships of Jefferson and Summit from 1810-1837. Seymour, William's son, was born in 1825. Seymour married Susanna (Lusanna) Stevens, daughter of John W. and Polly Stevens in 1854. The Stevens stayed in Jefferson township past the 1870 federal census. Seymour was married first to Sarah (Sally) Dayton in the 1847/48. Any information would be a help. There was also another son of William Wiltsie by the name of David. Lynda Wiltsie - posted 12-97

WINNE - I am trying to find a link between Jonathon Winne, b. 5/22/1763 in Albany, d. 2/28/1841 in Blenheim, mar. Annatje Becker, b. 9/8/1764, d. 5/13/1807 with Adam Winne, b. 9/27/1795 in Blenheim, d. 12/22/1847, mar. Catherine Badgely, b. 1798, d.1872. I believe Jonathon is Adam's father but have no proof. Cheryle Merkley - posted 06-99

WINNIE/WINNE - Looking for the burial site of Conrad Winnie, b. 1864 and whose death year I'm not sure of -- either 1809 or after 1827. Also, that of his wife, Jane Schumacker who died after 1850 in Cherry Valley. I suspect they were buried at the cemetery near Sharon Springs, in Schoharie County. Can anyone direct me to a list of burials for that cemetery - having been there, I noticed many WINNIES. I also would like the name of the cemetery near Sharon Springs. Sorry this is not more factual - will appreciate any help you may offer. Shirley Farone - posted 02-99

WINNIE - Jonathan & Annatie Becker & Caty Lane - Researching Middleburg, Blenheim, Gilboa, Broome for any records on these ancestors abt. late 1700's - early 1800's. Any info is welcomed, and will share mine. Barbara - posted 01-98

WINTERS - Would like any information on Sylvester S. WINTERS who married Jane Eliza PALMER, daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Webb) Palmer in 1849 at Gilboa. Unable to locate after 1855. He was born ca. 1827, she Feb. 11, 1826. Sylvester S. WINTERS married Jane Eliza PALMER 1849 at the Dutch Reformed Church in Gilboa. I have been unable to find them anywhere after the 1855 Gilboa census. I would appreciate ANY information on him, his past or his later years. Don Palmer - posted 01-00, updated 11-01

WOLFERT - Anna LARUE married Daniel Wolfert, 1810, Schoharie Lutheran Church. Who were they and to where did they remove? Douglas V. Smith - posted 03-97

WOLFORD - LOUISA WOLFORD, b. 1829, m. CHARLES ARMSTRONG, b. 1826. The only child I show is ERSKINE ARMSTRONG, b. 1848. I believe they lived in the area around Knox, Albany, NY, but may have lived in Schoharie Co. Any information on Louisa's family or other descendants would be welcomed. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

WOLFORD - Anna LARUE married Daniel WOLFORD, 1810, Schoharie Lutheran Church. Who were they and to where did they remove? Nina Swaim - posted 03-99

WOOD - Looking for any information on Elisha A. Wood and family who was supposedly born in Cobleskill in August 8, 1813 -- his father's name was Thomas and his mother's name was Elizabeth. Also, possible relation was Chester Wood born on October 26, 1814 of unknown parents, probably in the same vicinity. Thanks for any and all help! Guy Wood - posted 12-05

WOOD - Anthony [obituary from the Methodist paper "The Christian Guardian", 6 May 1835 , Ontario, Canada] "At his residence in Augusta [Grenville County, Ontario] on Feb 24. Anthony WOOD in the 47th year of his age. He was born at Scharrie [sic] NY. About 30 years ago his father's family emigrated to this province....". Anthony married (possibly 3rd time) Laura BENNETT. Left nine children. Probably earlier married to Nancy REED and Sarah or Mary EARLE. Father likely Alfred WOOD. Grandfather possibly Joseph WOOD s/o Frederick. Any WOOD from 1750-1800 Schoharie with Canadian connections appreciated. Maridel Crawford-Brown - posted 12-04

WOODBECK - I am searching for information and photos of any Woodbeck (Whitbecks) which lived in Schoharie County. I would like to find photos of the Sanford H and Mary O (Welch) Woodbeck family children (etc) Albert, George, Ford, Flyod, Eartus, Ora, Vylona, Carl H., Earl, Clyde, Elmer, Eva, Clarence Lloyd, Walter, and Evelyn. Mary O. Welch Woodbeck was the daughter of Simon and Matilda Welch. I would also like any information on their families and possible photos. I have information I will gladly share on the above names. Sandy Woodbeck Edgerton - posted 08-05

WOODBECK - Looking for info on John Henry Woodbeck. Born Summit NY; married to Orena Hotaling. Had son Sanford H. 02/10/1850 Harpersfield died 01/27/1927 Charlottesville. He married Mary Welsh born Worcester NY. Sanford H. had a son Elmer [my grandfather]. Elmer`s son Sanford is my father. I would appreciate any information . Sandy Woodbeck Edgerton - posted 02-00

WOODCOCK - Looking for info on Nicholas Woodcock, born about 1822 in NY, son of Richard and Sally Woodcock. In his 1850 census he was living in Schoharie with John and Catherine Warner and working as a carpenter. In his 1860 census he was living in Wright, married to Eliza and still a carpenter. In 1870 they were living in Union, Broome, NY and he was a farmer. They had 4 children: Franklin P.; Julia; Charlotte; Ella. He died in 1877 and is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Union. Eliza married Anduette LaTourette sometime between 1877 and 1880. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Michelle Shreve - posted 10-09

WOODHULL - have info to share - Carolyn Schaeffer - posted 09-96

WOODWARD - Looking for anyone researching the WOODWARD family of Schoharie County? Lydia - posted 02-99

WORDEN - Looking for information on the families of Josiah Brown Jr., Charles Stuart Jr., Moses Worden, Nathaniel Porter, Elnathan Porter, William Porter, John Wilcox, Samuel Chichester, and John Chichester, who all moved from Albany County, Coeymans Township, New York to Schoharie County, Broome Township, New York between 1800 and 1805. Keith Dull - posted 03-04

WRIGHT - Looking for information on Henry Wright b: abt 1858 in Cheshire Co., Eng. married Emma Merwin around 1880 in Roxbury, NY...lived in Schoharie County for a time also...any information on the parents of Henry would be welcomed. Patricia Wright - posted 05-04

WRIGHT - Elijah WRIGHT b. 1788 d. 1835. Is this the Elijah on the 1820 and 1830 census of Schoharie Co., town of Bloome? Elijah was the son of John WRIGHT. Julia Joaquin - posted 07-02

WRIGHT - Looking for any information on Lydia Wright who married Nathaniel Kipp in Jefferson, Schoharie County in 1827. I know that her father was Elizer Wright who was born 1772. Lydia was born July 30, 1810. Would like to know name of her mother and any brothers and sisters. Thanks in advance. Colleen Maresca - posted 04-00

WRIGHT - Information on John Wright, born 1808 in England, married to a Hellen Syder, who was born in Sharon Springs in 1835, they were married in 1851, they owned a farm in Sharon Springs on Route 20 between Sharon Hill and Sharon Center. They moved to Kansas in 1872, John died in 1878. my grandfather, Fred S. Wright and his sister return to Sharon Springs in following his death to live with relatives. The farm remained in the Wright family until about the 1970s. Jack Dorsey - posted 11-99

WRIGHT - I am researching my ancestors that resided in Schoharie County in 1700 - 1900.The names are Dockstader and Wright. The Wright had a farm on Route 20 between Sharon Hill And Sharon Center, which was in the Wright family since early 1800's.Most of the Wrights are buried in Leesville. I was born in Cobleskill in 1927 and am a graduate of Cobleskill High in 1945. Any information you can send me about Schoharie County and my ancestors would be appreciated. Jack Dorsey - posted 10-99

WRIGHT - Seeking information on family of Putnam WRIGHT (bc 1815, dc 1854) who married Catherine RICHMOND on 22 March 1836 in Conesville, NY (Schoharie County). A possible list of Putnam and Catherine's children: Mary (bc 1837), Abiathee (b 21 May 1841; d 22 Jan 1842), Carlon (bc 1840), Burton C. (b 17 Aug 1846 Oneonta, NY; d. 23 July 1930 Manorkill, NY), Josephine (bc 1853). Catherine was dau of David Richmond and Margaret PARKS. I desire a better list of their children, vital dates, and Putnam's parentage. Please direct responses to my mailing address only: Robert L. Moore - 248 Fox Creek Road - Medusa, NY 12120-2610 - posted 01-99



YEAGER/YAGER/JAGER - Looking for the parents of Henry Yeager and Mary Dings. Henry was born 5 Jan 1775 in Troy, Rensselaer Co, NY. Moved to Schoharie Co, NY and married Mary Dings, born 1 March, 1779 in Sullivan or Schoharie Co. They married in 1794 in Schoharie Co, NY. They had three sons and one or more daughters born in Schoharie Co, Catherine (1802-1885). Catherine married Michael Latouche (1800-1863), Peter (1814-1905), William (1816-1901) and Henry H. (1818-1896). The family moved to Moscow, Lackawanna Co, PA about 1832. Henry Yeager died 16 June, 1861 in Moscow, Lackawanna Co, PA. His wife Mary Dings died 23 March 1829 in Providence, PA. Henry is buried in Moscow Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA. Mary DINGS had one brother John J Dings, born 1782 Sullivan or Schoharie Co, NY who also moved to Lackawanna Co, PA. His wife was Abigail (born 1784) in NY. Would appreciate any information? Lisa Woodward (Yeager) - posted 02-19

YOUNG/YOUNGS - Seeking information on the brick hall ancestry of Catherine Elizabeth “Betsey” YOUNG/YOUNGS, b. 18 March 1797 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., New York; d. 1 October 1878 in Oshkosh, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin. Her obituary states she died in her 83rd year, which would put her birth year at 1795, not 1797 as stated in our family bible and other sources.
She m. Daniel Bostwick KNAPP b. abt. 1815 in Sherburne, Chenango Co., New York. He was born 31 August 1794 in Danbury, Fairfield Co., Connecticut; d. 29 February 1880 in Rockton, Winnebago Co., Illinois. They had 10 children. Christine Pearce - posted 03-08

YOUNG/YOUNGS - Looking for information about The ancestry of Martha "Patty" "Lucy" YOUNG. She was b ca 1788 in Schoharie Co., NY and d 26 Feb 1869, bur, at Brookside Cemetery, Gilbertsville, NY. She married before 1819 in Clifton Park, Saratoga Co. NY to Abijah C. Gilbert b ca 1788/92 Eng. probably d early 1880's probably Gilbertsville. They had 3 known ch. Elizabeth/Betsey b 1819, Samuel b 1821 and Abijah b 1822. Any information on this YOUNG line would most appreciated. Ileen Weaver - posted 03-06

YOUNG - Looking for Peter Young and his daughter Margaret Young who married Henry Snyder. Their son George Snyder was born in Schoharie CO in 1786 and is my ggggrndfather. They were parents to Frederick. Nina McGahan - posted 11-05

YOUNG - Sally Ann Guffin b. l811 in Lawyersville, m. Josiah Young and know of two daughters Nancy Young, b. 21 Jul l845 and Ellen Magdalen Young b. 26 Aug l849 both baptized on same day at Lawyersville Reformed church. 
Appreciate any info on those here listed. Sandra M. Guffin Beskow - posted 11-02

YOUNG/JUNG - I am looking for information on the 1800 census of Schoharie Co. Looking for any Peter, Jacob or Jeremiah Young's or Jung's. I am particularly interested in how they are located relative to each other. I know my GGG Grandfather Peter J. Young b. Oct 18, 1771 was located in Schoharie, Cobleskill, Middleburg and Sharon between his marriage in 1798 and about 1818 or 1819 when he moved with his family to Cortland Co. NY. There were baptismal sponsors for Peter's children: Jacob Young and Magdalena Dinehart, Jeremiah Young and Elizabeth Engle, Abraham Teter or Deter and Margaret Young. Trying to find Peter's parents and believe that Jacob and Jeremiah were probably brothers of Peter. Any help would be appreciated. LeRoy J. Youngs - posted 11-99


ZALONIS - Looking for any information on the Zalonis family who relocated to Coblekill / Fulton / Middleburgh area sometime between 1910 & 1920 from
Pennsylvania (formerly coal miners). Michael (1877 - 1960) and Michelina Zalonis (1882 - 1945) were Lithuanian immigrants and the children (Frank, Paul, Helen, Agnes, Mary, Victor, Antoinette, and Magdalene) were born in the US. I believe Michael's farm was in Cobleskill and son also Frank owned a farm in West Fulton. Mary was my grandmother. I know little here, so any facts, stories, anecdotes would be most appreciated. Jim Burkhard - posted 01-05

ZEH - Looking for information on Nettie Zeh, born 1868, the daughter of Peter Zeh and Katharine (Catharine) Mary "Kate" Hilts. I believe she was listed in the 1870 US Census in the household of Joseph Zeh and Julia Ann Mattice. Joseph Zeh was Peter's older brother. This would have been the time that her mother gave birth to her younger brother, Charles Zeh. Kate died in 1872, and Peter Zeh remarried Margaret Amelia Luckey in 1873. In the 1875 New York Census Nettie was living in the household of Peter and Margaret A. with Charles and two step-brothers. There is a grave in the Zeh Family Cemetery for Nettie Zeh, born 1868 and died 1879, but "Nittie" Zeh is listed again in the 1880 Census in her father's household. She seems to disappear after 1880, and I am wondering if it is her grave in the Zeh Family Cemetery. The biography for Nettie Zeh on the site list Joseph and Julia Zeh as her parents, but there is no evidence that I have found that they had a daughter named Nettie, other than the 1870 Census. Does anyone know what may have happened to her? Any information would be appreciated. Linda Tutt - posted 08-15

ZEH - Looking for any information on parents of Thomas W. Zeh. He was born in Richmondville 1/27/1856. He married Ella Sawyer on 10/27/1880, she was born on 10/30/1856 in Summitt, NY. Eric Zeh - posted 02-09

ZEH - Lany (Lenah, Helenah, Lana) Zeh born in 1797, died October 28, 1887. She was from an old Schoharie County family. Her ancestor was given 2,000 acres by the king for services in the French and Indian War. She is buried next David Zee 1725-1812. Is there anyone who might have some additional info. Roger Ratzenberger - posted 04-00

ZEH - Looking for the parents of Ira Lansing Zeh b. Oct 20, 1841 married Mary Enders Feb. 9 , 1861 at Shutters Corner Town Of Wright. Douglas Cagle - posted 09-99

ZIELE - Looking for anyone researching the Zielie family. Am mostly interested in David Zielie/Uziele b. 1708, his wife Engeltje Vroman's family, their son Martinus Zielie b. 1745 and his wife Maria Eckerson's family. Mary Jo Hanon - posted 10-02

ZIELIE - My mother was a Zielie, her father was Chauncey Zielie and the family came from the Schoharie area of N.Y. There is an interesting family 'history' re. this name which has been passed down through generations. I understand there are several variations: Zelie, Zielle, Sielie (even Seeley?). Can point me in the direction of more info? Many thanks. Susan Gallagher, Singapore - posted 03-99

ZILLMAN/ZIELMAN - Seeking identity of John ZILLMAN and John L. ZILLMAN, enumerated in 1810 census of Schoharie Co., Town of Sharon, p. 86. Particularly seeking to determine if this is Johann (John) Ludwig Zielmann of Albany and his son John. Dennis Marr - posted 09-05

ZIMMER/KILMER/LATHAM - Almira Zimmer was born 16 May 1818 in Schoharie County, the daughter of Jacob G. Zimmer and Mariah Kilmer. Almira’s father died in 1919, followed by her mother in 1820, leaving her an orphan at the age of 2. I was told by a Kilmer descendant several years ago that Almira was then raised by Peter Zimmer. I believe he was Peter A. Zimmer, born 1770 in Schoharie County to Johan Adam Zimmer and Margaretha Maria Schaeffer. I believe Peter was married to Mary “Polly” Seeley, and they had other children of their own. In 1837 Almira Zimmer married Freeman Curtland Latham, who was born in New London County Connecticut, but later moved to Schoharie County. Almira and Curt Latham had 8 children, including George Zimmer Latham, born 24 January 1851 in Schoharie County. Meanwhile, the youngest child of George Henry Hilts and Maria Elizabetha Dominick was Jenette Hilts, born 5 November 1849 in Gallupville. Though Jenette's parents were living at the time, Jenette was listed in the household of Peter A. Zimmer and his wife Polly in the 1860 US Census, rather than her parents home. Evidently this was the same couple who had raised Almira Zimmer. On 10 January 1872, Jenette Hilts married Almira Zimmer’s son, George Zimmer Latham. I am wondering if any Latham, Zimmer or Hilts descendants know why Jenette Hilts was in the Zimmer household in 1860, and if it was, in fact, the same family that had raised Almira Zimmer Latham. Thanks for any help you can offer. Linda Tutt - posted 04-16

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