Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Queries & Surnames
for Schoharie County

Surnames - Letters R and S



RAIDE - Looking for any descendants of Mary Lukachyk, death date abt Feb 01,1990 she had a daughter Helen Skinner possibly living or lived in Middleburgh, NY & also a daughter Ann Raide who may live or lived in Skaneateles, NY She had nine grandchildren & eight great-grandchildren, we may be related. Joan - posted 01-03

RANDALL - RANDALL, HIRAM b. 5Feb 1797- Who were his parents? He married Caroline Elmendorf 18Sep 1824 in Cobleskill, or m. Jun 1825, and he died 14Jun 1862 Pittsfield Township, Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co. MI. He was born in Schoharie Co., possibly Westerlo, or Rensselaerville. Druid Ozone - posted 08-06

RAWORTH - Looking for any and all information and references to Francis Raworth who worked for Sir William Johnson as a secretary but who also taught school in Albany, NY before the Revolution. One of Francis’ grandsons became the noted silversmith, Edward Raworth of Nashville, Tennessee and another grandson was recognized as one of the greatest early railroad engineers in the United States, Henry George Raworth of Charleston, SC who drove “The Best Friend”, the first locomotive built in the USA. It is believed that Francis Raworth and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church since christening records have been found there. One of their sons was given the middle name “Johnson” in honor of Sir William. Danella Raworth Compton Weatherly - posted 04-23

RECTOR/RIGHTER - Seeking info on the family of Peter Rector, b. ca 1780; Listed in the 1850, 1855, & 1860 census Schoharie Co. with wife, Hannah. Children: Mary, b. ca 1808; William, b. ca 1810 & Benjamin, b. ca 1812; Benjamin's wife, Louise & children William, b. ca 1846; Charles, b. ca 1849; Hannah E., b. ca 1857. Any info please email - Jim Leith - posted 11-96

REED - Looking for information on David Reed b: abt.1797 married Eleanor Crosby b: abt 1808. Lived on Blenheim Hill between Jefferson, NY and Blenheim, NY. Children that I have on record: John H., William (who died at age 7), Elliot, Nancy J., and Sallie (Sarah)...Want to find out who the parents are of both David and his wife Eleanor. Patricia Wright - posted 05-04

REED - Attempting to locate the family REED, a dau. Cynthia A. married Ira G. LITTLE 24 Jul 1856 some where in Schoharie County. need parents names, place of residence, place of marriage. Year given may not be correct. Any other info you may find would be greatly appreciated. Joel W. Little - posted 01-98

REED/REITH/REIDT/REIDTH Anna Catharina RIEDTIN on Hunter Lists 4 Oct. 1710; widow of Hans Georg Riedt of Baalborn in 1684. Anna Catharina with sons, Johann Leonhardt, Hans Adam; daughter, Maria Bern and son, Johann Georg were in Neu Stuttgardt in the Schoharie ca. 1716 (Simmendinger Register). Leonhardt moved on to the Tulpehocken area in Berks Co. PA. Are there descendants of Hans Adam, Maria Bern or Johann Georg still in NY? Does anyone know where Neu Stuttgardt was? I cannot find reference to it in any of the histories of Schoharie Co. Barbara Wegley Anderson - posted 12-97

REEDMAN or RIMA - Looking for the family of Catharina Rima or Reedman baptized St. Johns Lutheran Dorloo 12 May 1807, daughter of Georg Friedrich Rima and Maria Hilts or was it Hiller? Her sponsors were Friedrich Hiller and Catharina. Catharina Rima married John Wheaton, baptized at St. Johns 25 Aug 1803, the son of Joseph Wheaton and Maria Snyder. sponsors Toenis Vroman and Engel Ecker. Catherina Rima had a brother George, and her father was known as Fritz. Children of Caty and John: Peter Edward, E Elizabeth, Mary Margaret. Any info appreciated. Brenda Collins - posted 06-03

REILLY - George O REIILY (1806-1888) married Emeline<>Mary MOTT (1809-1883) on 29 Dec 1840 in Duanesburg. They're buried in Esperance. Their children were Elizabeth m. Nicholas DYKEMAN, Margaret (birth on stone in Esperance) 12 Jan 1843-??), Katherine ( (birth on stone in Esperance) 18 Aug 1884, John O REILLY (1845/6-1905), Mary (~1848-??) and Eleanor (~1853-??). Other than Elizabeth, I can find no oniformation on what became of the daughters. Bob Fairchild - posted 05-19

RESUE - Looking for any information on the Resue family living in the Berne and Schoharie area in the 1800's. Have much to share, but need to learn the burial locations for this family. Common spellings include: Reseu, Rissue, Reshew, Rasou. Family attended the Berne and Beaverdam church. Dave Stott - posted 03-01

RESUE - Searching for information on John Resue b. 1802, Schoharie County; married Polly Colder b. April 1811 in Schoharie County. Children Nelson, Harriet, Calvin, Alonzo. Moved to Steuben County, NY. Have family history information to date for asking. Bill Stiles - posted 08-97

RHINES/REYN - I am researching the surname "Rhines" which had been changed from "Reyn" through time as my ancestors were in New York State. They were in New York State by 1772. I am specifically interested in my GGGG Grandfathers (Christoffel/Christopher Rhines) place of burial as he died in the town of Sharon June 12,1826. Gary Miller - posted 10-03

REYN/RHINES - Searching for documentation Christopher Reyn/Rhines b. Germany, came to America as young man married/unmarried (?) m. Cahterine HEYNS. They had many children, one, Andrew Rhines b. N.Y., married Sarah STEIN, 1797,in New Rhinebeck, Schoharie Co., N.Y. and d.1828, in Sharon or New Rhinebeck, Schoharie, Co. One of their many children, James Rhines, b. Sharon, Schoharie Co., N.Y. m. Patsy McSHANE. A son Charles J.H. Rhines, my great grandfather, b.1838-1843, N.Y. moved with the family to maybe Ohio, and on to Michigan. His son, Ira Charles RHINES,my grand-father b. in Jackson Co., Michigan, 1874, moved in 1881, with the with the rest of their family to Van Zandt Co., Texas. Believed Christopher Rhines served with the American forces during the Revolution War. I would like to find documentation on these family connections, and on Christophers' service to submit to the Sons of the American Revolution Society. Maybe a old Rhines family connection still in the area, I would be happy to make contact with same. Alton Delora Lewis - posted 04-97

RICH/REICH - I am looking for Rich's coming out of Schoharie County. John W. Rich b. 1822 in Schoharie and moving to Broome County, NY, at least by 1843, when he married a Sarah Eggleston. Children were John H., Marion F. and Charles R. John's father was born in Germany and his mother was born in NY, information found on an 1880 census. John W. married (1853) second, Mary Ann Johnston/Johnson. Children from this marriage were Edward F., Lewis N., Eva A., Morris A. and Elmer. Pam Rich Amari - posted 07-06

RICH - Looking for information on John Rich and wife Elizabeth, her last name is not known. John was born about 1773 and died in Schoharie County March 30, 1828. Amongst others he had children Mahala Jane Rich, known as Jane, Charles Rich and George Rich. Wanda Mead Campbell - posted 02-99

RICHMOND - Looking for information on Elam Richmond Born May 10,1810 in Jefferson, Schoharie Co; referenced in Roscoe's "History" as Collector, Town on Gilboa in 1848; shown in 1880 Census for Halfmoon, Saratoga Co. Father - Elijah, Mother Sally Stevens. Looking for census or other info from Schoharie Co. Jim Richmond - posted 01-02

RICHTMYER - For over ten years I have been compiling the history and genealogy of the Richtmyer/Rightmyer family whose early members lived in Schoharie, Ulster, and Greene Counties. I have data on over 1500 persons by that surname and would be happy to reply to any queries sent by e-mail Larry Rickard or snail-mail- 2124 Rt. 9, Kinderhook, NY 12106 - posted 05-97

RICKERT - Searching for information on the ancestors of Nancy Rickert, born 7 February 1818, and died 27 February 1872. She married Peter Sidney, born 15 May 1813 and died 17 September 1888. Any information will be appreciated. Linda Tutt - posted 08-10

RICKERT - Looking for birth of Harry RICKERT and his marriage to Bessie DAGENHART. Marriage should have been around 1883 or 1884. Anne Veasey - posted 03-98

RICKERT/LAWYER/HAYNS/HEEN - Searching for death and burial information for Marcus and Elizabeth (Lawyer) Rickert. Did she m2 Henrich HAYNS/HEEN? Douglas V. Smith - posted 05-97

RIDER/RYDER - Any further information on Amos Rider (b. abt 1794) married Hannah Neer/Near. He is reported to have lived in Summit until 1835 when he then moved to Mexico, NY after joining the Prior's regiment in the War of 1812. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated. Tracey - posted 11-05

RIFENBURG - Searching for Hannah Rifenburg(h), b. Oct 11, 1785. Married James Hildreth Aug 10, 1807. I do not know where she was born or married. I have a family bible that belonged to James and Hannah; under deaths it lists Daniel Rifenburg d. Mar 24, 1842, and John Rifenburg d. Sep 2, 1842, aged 54 years. Am interested to know if they could be the ones who owned land in Schoharie Co. in early 1800s. Any information appreciated. Carole Sorenson - posted 02-02, updated 10-03

RIFENBARK - Am looking for ancestors and descendants of Myrtle Rifenbark she married D. Murphy and moved to Ashford Hollow, NY. She is My Grandmother (paternal) Visited relatives of hers in 1968 in Charlottsville, NY after D. died I remember a brother Horace. Horace (1895-1969) is buried in Summit Cemetery and as I remember in the 60's there were quite a few in that area J. Inwood - posted 05-01

RIMA or REEDMAN - Looking for the family of Catharina Rima or Reedman baptised St. Johns Lutheran Dorloo 12 May 1807, daughter of Georg Friedrich Rima and Maria Hilts or was it Hiller? Her sponsors were Friedrich Hiller and Catharina. Catharina Rima married John Wheaton, baptized at St. Johns 25 Aug 1803, the son of Joseph Wheaton and Maria Snyder, sponsors Toenis Vroman and Engel Ecker. Catherina Rima had a brother George, and her father was known as Fritz. Children of Caty and John: Peter Edward, E Elizabeth, Mary Margaret. Any info appreciated. Brenda Collins - posted 06-03

RIVENBURG- Looking for info on a M. Bates who married a Rivenburg. M. Bates parents were Harry Bates & Harriet "Hattie" (Collins) Bates. They lived in the Huntersland, Middleburg area. Abt 1850-1900. M. Bates is listed in the Collins Genealogy Papers, located in the Middleburg Library. She is listed as (a daughter) to Harriet Collins along with Mary Tubbs (b.1884), Jennie Abrams (b.1894), Lila (Viva) Kennedy (b.1898). I know of a son whom was not listed, Lennie Bates (b.1888) and believe there is another child born from Harriet. Viva's birth cert. lists 5 children previously born & still alive(1898), Harriet being the mother. Gary Abrams - posted 02-00

RIVENBURG/RIFENBURGH - My gr grand father Peter Rivenburgh and his wife Almira Parslow are supposedly buried in Hawversville, NY. His son Levi is buried in Huntersland cemetery and his sons Asa and Ovando are buried in Locust cemetery in Greenville, NY. Peter died 6 Jan 1916 and his wife died 30 Aug 1909. Does anyone know if there is a cemetery in Hawversville and what is its name and location. Allan Albright - posted 09-97

RIVENBURG/RIFENBURG - Peter RIVENBURG/RIFENBURG and WAGGONER/WAGNER, Anna, looking for imformation on this family who moved around between Greene/Albany and Schoharie county in the 1790's he is probably the father of George Rivenburg who owned land in Broome Schoharie county in 1850 per his will. Allan Albright - posted 01-98

ROBERTS - I am searching for information about William N. Roberts b. 1842, d. 1893 Cobleskill, NY. He was the chief engineer for W. Seward Webb in building the Adirondack and St. Lawrence railroad. I would like to find out where he received his training, what other jobs he had, what happened to his son Frank, and his brother John. Carol Poole - posted 11-07

ROBBINS/ROBINS - Looking for info on ancestry of Lucy Robbins, died June 2, 1849 in Carlisle according to Henry Cady's List of Deaths and
Burials in Schoharie County. (see ) How can I locate her grave? She had a husband John (b. 1793?) and children John Elijah, Rachel Salome, Abigail Maria, Ephraim Peter, Diana Rocksey and James Harry. Paul S. Robbins - posted 03-07

ROBINS/ROBBINS - Looking for information on Henry Robbins - Robins born about 1838 Unadella married Polly Campbell born about 1841 Breakabeen children Ida Robbins born about 1859 & Tula Robbins MacDonald born 1863 Warnerville . Just found Obit. and corrected his name from Frank Robbins to Henry Robbins.  Ed MacDonald - posted 09-04

ROBBINS - Looking for any information about John and Phebe Robbins, who were in the Summit, NY area in 1816. They had at least two children-George H. (b. 22 Dec 1816) (wife Rebecca) and Louise (b. 1834), who married Moses Shaver from West Fulton. Elaine Guidice - posted 06-02

ROBBINS - I have not had much luck on the Robins side of my family.. Frank Robins born abt 1840 married Polly ? b.1841 -d.3/27/1914 children were -- Ida Robins b.1859 --Tula Robins MacDonald b.12/14/1863 d.11/24/1933 married to Frank MacDonald -lived on Quary Street Cobleskill ,Schoharie Co. Frank Robins died and the girls were raised by step father Peter Heizer or Hyzer. Ed MacDonald - posted 03-01

ROBINS/ROBBINS -  Jeremiah and Deborah Robins lived in Schoharie for the birth of three of their children (Catherine, Jeremiah, Elias), 1801-1810. They are not listed in the 1790 Schoharie Census. 1800 Census? Any information or research leads for this family would be appreciated. Jane - posted 07-00

ROBISON - Looking for the maiden name of Sophia (b: March 3, 1768 & d: April 2, 1834 in Phelps, Ontario County, NY). Sophia married John Robison in 1800. He was born on Jan. 14, 1768 in Marbletown, Ulster County, NY and the son of James Robison and Wyntje Klaarwater. LDS has one record for a "John Wilson Robison" married to Sophia in 1800 in Schoharie (they didn't provide the source). John and Sophia are buried in the Riverview/Gypsum Cemetery in Phelps. I have photographs of their gravestones online at findagrave. Richard M. Anderson - posted 06-06

ROCKAFELLER - Seek burial site of Harriet Freese Rockafeller born Blenheim/Gilboa 1827. Not with Freese Or Rockafeller families moved to Catskill Cemetery in 1920's. Last listed 1865 NYS Ashland census. Not with family on 1870 Ashland Fed Census. Any info please. Joan Freese Prymak - posted 08-11

ROCKEFELLER - Looking for information on surname Rockefeller. Johannes (John) D. Rockefeller (3) (Diel 2, Diell 1) married Jan 2, 1805 Zyllia "Sally" Blass, of Palatine German descent and born in Germantown, Columbia Co., NY. They lived in Dutch Hill (Eminence). Johannes died 1822. They had six children: John, Christine, William, Bally (Mary) Eliza, George, and Andrew. After Johannes died Zyllia married Henry Maham of Blenheim Hill, Schoharie Co., NY and all the children moved to the Maham homestead. What became of the Rockefeller children? Teena (Mayham) Schroeder - posted 08-97

ROCKEFELLOW - Researching Rockefellow - Graves families lived in Schoharie in 1800 perhaps earlier. Barbara Hurst - posted 03-00

ROCKEFELLOW - I'm trying to learn the names of the parents of William Rockefellow, who married Eva Backer June 25, 1797 at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Caughnawaga, Fonda, Montgomery, New York, according to familysearch. Would anyone have access to the filmed transcript? Diane - posted 03-14

ROE - Looking for info on Adam ROE b. 1804 Albany Co. Lived in Delaware Co. 1830-1840 then to Schoharie Co. Wife Rebecca Houghtaling b. 1805 Albany Co. Children, John, Emaline, Jane born Delaware Co. David and Jeramiah b. either Del. or Schoharie Cos. Christiana, Leonand, Lodelia B. Schoharie Co. Does anyone have anything on any of these names. Dawn Pratt - posted 03-98

ROENNPAGEL - Looking for obituaries on Achim H Roennpagel who died 11 March 1996 in Schoharie, NY. Debby Abad - posted 08-11

ROGERS - ooking for Marriage record for Elon McDonald (b abt 1825 Albany NY) and Rhoda Rogers (b 6/8/1828 Schoharie). They were married about 1848 in Schoharie. They are listed in 1850 Wright, Schoharie Census living in older brother David McDonald’s household. Sean MacDonald - posted 03-10

ROOT – Looking for information about the ancestry of Henry Harrison Root, b. 11 June 1833 in Janesville, NY; m. Mary Elizabeth Cornell in 1852, somewhere in NY; d. 1 Dec 1817 Bailey’s Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin. Larry Root - posted 05-10

RORICK - Five long stuck years spent on "Hannah" Rorick, mother of David Hamilton Bunn. b. 26 May 1830. baptized at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schoharie. Father of David listed as Jacob Bun(n). Believe "Hannah" is Betsy, born in 1792 or '98, - sister of John Rorick; b.6 Mar 1781; daughter of Caspar Rorick and Anna Slaughter, or John's from first marriage to Rachel ? Listed w/ John- census-town of Schoharie as "Betsy Ronn", "Betsy Brown" from 1850 to 1870. John died 8 Feb 1874; cannot find burial info- and lose Betsy after 1870 census. Any help is most appreciated! Cindy Dir - posted 05-10

ROSENBERG - I am searching for the ancestry of Celia Elizabeth Vrooman, born April 5, 1845 in Delevan, Wisconsin, and died Aug. 25, 1915 in Waterloo, Iowa. She married Moses R. Myers in 1865 in Illinois. In her obituary, there is a paragraph that reads, "She was of hardy Holland ancestry which came to Schoharie county, New York state in 1614. Her mother's name before her marriage was Rosenberg and she as well as her husband were descended from men who fought for the independence of the United States in the Revolutionary war. One was a distinguished officer in the army." I am hoping someone can help me out on where to go from here. Patty Theurer - posted 07-02

ROSENBERG - I am looking for any information on the Rosenberg family. Mariah Rosenberg and Jacob Moak bpt. chn. in Jerusalem Church- Maria Moak b. 23 Nov. 1795 Annatje Moak b. 1799. Also- At St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran church, New Rhinebeck, Town of Sharon Schoharie County, N.Y.- Anna Rosenberg and ?Rosenberg Sponsors for the Baptism of Nicolaus Mook born Dec. 16, 1815. Parents Jacob Mook Jr. and Mariah. Any leads on the families of Jacob, Jr. Moak/Mook, Nicolaus Moak/Mook, or Mariah Rosenberg is greatly appreciated. Jan Skinner - posted 02-98

RULAND - Searching for ancestors of James Ruland of New York who was a Loyalist in Revolutionary War and was exiled in 1783 to New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1784. He left a widow Johanna (maiden name unknown) and a son, James Ruland. I have a copy of the Land Grant #70 of 1784 and another for his son in 1798 and 1809 in New Brunswick. Names on 1798 grant petition are: Ansley, Ozias; Frazier, Oliver; Hanbearry, Croyden; Jones, Richard; Kersted, Luke; Perkins, Isaac; Perkins, Joseph; Ruland, James. Are these names familiar to anyone? Ellen Ruland - posted 10-03

RULAND - Looking for information on Catherine Ruland, b. early 1800's, wife of Henry Gardner of Schoharie Co., daughter of Obediah Ruland and her family - ancestors, descendants, siblings, etc. Any info on her husband, Henry, would also be appreciated. G. Gardner - posted 01-00

RUMERY - What is the parentage of Mary (TURNER) LAY born 1796 Connecticut- died & buried 1851 Leroy Twp., Calhoun, Michigan married Benjamin LAY who was born 1792 Connecticut died & buried 1844 Leroy Twp, Calhoun, Michigan? Had issue 5 children: Marriett A. LAY, married in Calhoun county Lysander COLE; Nancy Mariah LAY & Elizabeth Jane LAY, both born Schoharie County New York, both married in Calhoun County Sylsbry RUMERY; Lewis Abner LAY married Sarah Jane ___?; Jane LAY, married a JONES. *Husband Benjamin LAY was the son of Daniel & Hannah (STANNARD) LAY. LAY family migrated from Connecticut>Schoharie County New York>Niagara County New York>Calhoun County Michigan. David William Rumery - posted 02-01

RUSSELL - Looking for the parents of Perry RUSSELL b. abt 1835 in Wright, Schoharie Co., New York. Any information will be appreciated. Kathy Russell - posted 03-14

RUSSEL - My ancestor Jonathan Wilkins Russel was born in about 1796 in Vermont. He enlisted in the War of 1812 at Schoharie Town, Schoharie County, NY. He was a brick mason by trade and tended to move with the work. I suspect that he could be the grandson of Jonathan Russel, III and Huldah Wilkins who settled in Middleburgh, Schoharie County, NY. Their son Jonathan is one candidate who could be my Jonathan's father. Any help provided on this RUSSEL line would certainly be appreciated. I am willing to share information with others who may be interested in this Russel line. Nick Mizaur - posted 09-01

RUSSELL - I'm looking for information on William RUSSELL and Maria BECKER. They had a daughter Elizabeth RUSSELL born, 10 May 1788, in Schoharie Co, NY and baptized on 19 October 1797 in Sharon, Schoharie Co, NY. She married on 8 October 1804, in Westchester Co, NY, Elisha ARMSTRONG born, 2 December 1784, in Ballston, Saratoga Co, NY. He was the son of Edward ARMSTRONG. Howard E. Lane - posted 07-01

RYDER/RIDER - I am looking for information on a Amos Loper born in the late 1700's, married a Caroline Ryder (Rider) and moved to Ripon Wisconsin from Blenheim, Schoharie Co. New York in about 1847. They had Oscar, Clearmont (Clermont), Alonzo (Alfred), Edgar, Mary Ann, Eliza, Maria, and Lorenza as best we can tell. We have no information on any of them. We have nothing on Caroline Ryder (Rider). We do not even know the nationality of Loper or Ryder. Any information would help, thanks. David Redemann - posted 08-03

RYDER - Seeking information on Gilbert Austin Ryder/Rider b. 1827 in Gilboa, married Mariah ? in 1846. His parents Wm. and Susan (Baring) originally from Duchess Co. live in Schoharie Co. as well. Three of Gilbert and Mariah's children died in 1852 and are buried in a small family cemetery in Gilboa. Can anyone tell me where I might find marriage info. for Gilbert Ryder? He left NY and bought land in Wisconsin in 1857 where Mariah died in childbirth in 1865. Also would appreciate death info on his parents Wm. and Susan. Marlene - posted 06-00, updated 07-02

RYDER - James Died in 1876 .. Looking for any information regarding the RYDER family, Last known area, was around Troy or Albany, NY. Had received some Net information, stating that there were Ryders in the Schoharie area, would like to locate any information. Married a GILHOOLY and was son of Thomas Ryder born in Cavan, Ireland. Howard Thomas Soldwedel - posted 12-97


SAGE - Looking for death and burial of Daniel Sage. He lived in Blenheim in 1860, with wife Catherine and 4 small children. Can not find him in 1870 and by 1880, his wife is living in Illinois with her mother. Any help greatly appreciated. Don Livingston - posted 06-06

SALISBURY - Looking for information on Mrs. Margaret Snyder of Carlisle, Schoharie County NY. who married a James Salisbury of Carlisle Schoharie County NY on August 8, 1833 in Charleston, Montgomery New York. I think this Margaret may be my GG Grandmother. Joann Duffy - posted 01-01

SALISBURY - Looking for parents of Margaret Salisbury who was mar. to Salah Lounsbury. Have no dates but Salah was b. in 1808. Salah lived in Broome, Schoharie county. Dawn Pratt - posted 01-99

SALISBURY - I'm seeking information on Anna M Salisbury b:1812 NY d:10 Apr 1876 Schoharie Co. She married James Swartwout and they settled in Argusville, Schoharie, NY about 1839. He was a shoemaker and Justice of the Peace there. After her death I believe he went to Montgomery Co. where he died in 1891. See query under Swartwout for a list of their children. Brett MacDonald - posted 07-98

SANFORD - Looking for info on Susan Sanford who was married to James McMinn and possibly lived in the area. They had 3 children: Elbert : Born 7/11/1835; Elizabeth No info; Amelia : Born 4/20/1841. krisspeer - posted 12-06

SANFORD - Still looking for the elusive Daniel Frederich SANFORD(1799-1878) buried John Casper's Farm Cemetery (No stone, 1998). Wife Christina (HAGADORN) SANFORD died before him...can anyone give date.. details ?? Daniel lived with son Jonathan, his wife, Roxanne at time of his death. Jan Sanford - posted 01-99

SCHELL - Looking for information about Johan Frederick Carl SCHELL, born late 1600's. Migrated to Schoharie around 1710 and married Marie Barbara Zahe on Dec. 27, 1738. He died in Schoharie on Jan. 19, 1788. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. William Solko - posted 08-02

SCHELL - Am trying to find some source documents cited in our SCHELL searching. Would anyone have access to these, or know where they could be found? -"Ole Helleburgh"; "Schoharie Valley Lo--?"; " Tin Horns and Calico". Beth Cruikshank - posted 06-99

SCHELL - Seeking any information on the birthplace or antecedents of Johan Frederick Carl SCHELL, or any information at all on John Thias Christian SCHELL or his wife Alida VAN DER LIN, or on Johan Joost SCHELL (c.1710). The Schells are noted as early settlers in Wright, Schoharie Co. in 1730 in the Cady records, and Frederick Carl shows up repeatedly in later records in Schoharie. Beth Cruikshank - posted 12-98

SCHELLENGER - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

SCHERMERHORN - Looking for information about the ancestry of William C. (Conklin??) Schermerhorn born abt 1815. William C Schermerhorn married Charity Hudson (Mrs Charity Clark) abt May 1850. We believe William was the son of Simon Schermerhorn and Christina Conklin who were married in NY in about 1810. The family lived in Argyl, Washington County, NY and then in 1840 William and brother John Schermerhorn were found in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co. NY with the Christina Conklin still living in Washington County. I am looking for marriage records for William Schermerhorn and Charity in addition to the 1850 census report for Cobleskill, Schoharie NY which may show John and William Schermerhorn and family. Patricia Hildebrandt - posted 10-11

SCHERMERHORN - I am looking for any information about Ryer SCHERMERHORN b abt 1777 and his wife Hannah b abt 1781. They had a daughter Sally M b 1821 who married Peter BOUGHTON. They were living with Sally and Peter Boughton in Summit in 1850. Any information will be appreciated. Barbara Hurst - posted 10-02

SCHERMERHORN - I am looking for information on Hannah E. Cazalet (1875-1934), m. Merwin W. Van Valen (1880-1939). Children Gladys L. Van Valen (1907-2000) and Emma E. Van Valen (1913-1976). Most buried in New Summit Cemetery. Also Harriett Schermerhorn (Sept. 1868), m. Charles Cazalet and her brother Charles Schermerhorn, b. June 1867. David James Cazalet - posted 08-02

SCHOOLCRAFT - Looking for the parents of Suffina Schoolcraft, born in 1821. She married Levi VanAUKEN and moved to Oswego County where she died in 1901. She was my gr-gr-grandmother. Her death certificate list her birthplace as Schoharie County. Sheilah Kirker - posted 02-03

SCHOOLCRAFT -  Looking for descendents of Ace Schoolcraft of Schoharie, Schoharie Co. as of 1880 census. Husband of Harriet and father of Nora, Isabella, Jennie, Tessa, William and Beta. Eunice Davis - posted 09-01

SCHRAMBLING - I am looking for _____ SCHRAMBLING -- SCHRAMLING, born about 1739; daughter of Hendrick Schrambling and Mary Elizabeth Landgrave. She was married to Peter Cramer and may have lived in Schoharie County. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you. Patricia Baetsen - posted 03-98

SCHROM - Mary Elizabeth Schrom was my G Grandmother, daughter of Abraham Schrom and Debbie Keyser. She married Harmon Parslow, and lived in Middleburgh all of her life. She was born circa 1854, died 1923. Am looking for any help with the Schrom [Scrom, Schram] and Keyser that anyone could give me. Will share any info with interested persons. Alida Bloodgood - posted 01-99

SCOFIELD - Looking for family information on Gilbert Scofield b. April 3, 1822 in Schoharie Co. Relocated to Clearfield Co., Pa. in 1840`s. Married Sarah Scofield on December 10, 1846 in Clearfield County, Pa., unknown if related. Any information to Neal Scofield - posted 07-02

SCOTT - Looking for information about ancestry of Abraham H. Scott, b. 8 APR 1805 in Cobelskill, NY. Married Samantha M. Pitts of Columbia Co. 14 DEC 1830. Farmed off Meads Creek Rd. Parents of Judson, Sarah (married Addison Jerome Taylor, local farmer), Abraham, Samantha, Maria and Adelbert. Abraham lived with son Adelbert and daughter-in-law Calista Dunklee in Coopers Plains, NY when he died 27 FEB 1886. Any help would be much appreciated. Nancy LeFevre - posted 05-03

SCHROM/SCROM/SCHRAM - Who was Sarah Schrom? Born Middleburgh/Fulton area ca. 1815- 1820. Also, who was Abram Schram? Died August 1906 in Fultonham at age 87 years. C. Masick - posted 10-02

SCRANTON - William Scranton - I have a copy of his widow and children's pension file, his medical card file and his Compiled Military Service File, all from the National Archives, his Wisconsin Military file and a copy of his widow's obituary. I have researched the Roll of Honor and the military headstone file. I have been in touch with historical societies in New York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and several libraries and have read miles of microfilm. William Scranton was born in Schoharie, Schoharie County, New York in late 1830. [In his own handwriting on his enlistment papers dated Feb. 22, 1864, it says he is 33 years and 3 months of age]. Married to Jane Coats Nov. 9, 1853 in Independence, Allegany County, New York. Service was performed by Justice of the Peace, Arvis Moore. William and Jane had 4 children.
Frank W. born Nov. 9 1854 in Independence
Jennie R. born April 7, 1858 in Independence
Albert D. born August 20, 1862 in Springwater, Wisconsin
Elva V. born June 1, 1864 in Springwater
William Scranton and his brother-in-law, Lester Coats joined the Wisconsin 16th Infantry on Feb. 22, 1864, mustering in on March 3, 1864. William Scranton became ill a few months later and spent the next year in and out of the hospital. His medical card file says he died on July 8, 1865 of typhoid fever at Brown General Hospital in Louisville, Ky. A memo dated Nov.1, 1866 addressed to his widow from the Assistant Surgeon General of the United States lists his date of death as July 24, 1865. An article in the Saxeville Journal says he was buried 'down South'. Where, is one of the mysteries I am trying to solve. The Wisconsin Historical Society has him as mustered out on July 11, apparently 3 days after he died. His widow, Jane, remarried to William Hanawalt of Springwater, Wi. on July 28, 1866. They had 7 children together. Jane died on Dec. 29, 1904 of Bright's Disease. She is buried in Crystal Lake Cemetery in Waupaca, Wi. along with her second husband William Hanawalt, 4 of their children, her son Albert Scranton, her father Edmund Coats [my ggg grandfather], her brother Harmon Coats and at least 2 of her grandchildren. An error in her obituary states that she married William Scranton from Allegheny, Pa and they lived there until moving to Wisconsin. They lived in Independence, Allegany County, NY where the first 2 children were born.  I suspect my William Scranton is the following person but have not been able to prove it as yet. William Scranton was the second son of Samuel and Catherine [Edgecomb] Scranton. The Scranton's lived in Westfield, Tioga County, Pa. on the 1850 census. This census, taken in the Summer, lists William's age as 19 [matches his enlistment papers] and his occupation as peddler. Westfield, Pa. is only 20 miles from Independence, NY, where Jane Coats lived and they were married. Samuel and Catherine and their 3 older children, Schuyler, William and Catherine were born in New York. Their younger children, Samuel, Ira, Charles and George were born in Pa. They would have moved from NY to Pa. between 1833-1836. Samuel, having been born in NY about 1806, most likely was a child of Gershom and Hannah [Knapp] Scranton of Schoharie, NY. who were married Jan. 19, 1799 in Greenfield, Ma. Gershom was killed in a fight with Jacob Garrison in Schoharie on Dec. 27, 1808, leaving his widow and 6 small children. If you have any information I am missing or any family lore that has been passed down, please let me know. The slightest clue can open a door. Ken Paul - posted 10-07, updated 09-2008

SCRANTON - I am looking for any information on Samuel Scranton born 27 Sept 1820 or 1821 in Schoharie County, NY. He was the son of Lyman and Elizabeth (Cronkrite) Scranton. The family might have moved from Mass or Conn. They later moved to Tioga County, PA. Any information is welcome. Steph Scranton - posted 05-2005

SCROM - Seeking any information on the Scrom family from Cobleskill, Schoharie vicinity. Researching grandparents, great grandparents and gg grandparents: Christopher Scrom, Jerome Scrom; Earl Scrom. Also looking for info on Eva Pickett Scrom and her parents Georgianna (Georgie) Livingston and William Pickett. Any info would be appreciated. Terry Scrom - posted 01-2001

SEARS - Looking for information on Richard SEARS b abt 1748 Hardwick MA, d Jun-Sep 1814 either at Hoosick, Rennselaer, NY or at home of his son, Silas SEARS in Schoharie, NY. Looking for will or land records on Richard SEARS. Where would probate records for this period be found ? Have lots of info on descendants. Willing to share info. Leah Sandmeyer - posted 04-2002

SEEBER - I am researching my family name Seeber: Saffreness Seeber: 1744 - 1777; William Seeber: 1774 - 1860; James William Seeber : 1805 - 1891; *Wiliam Riley Seeber : 1831 - 1904; *Urial Seeber : 1855 - 1929; * Mary Ella Seeber : 1892 - 1981; * Emily Seeber (Cochrane and Brown) : 1918 - 1992. I believe those marked with (*) are buried in the Dorloo Cemetary. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Beth Locatelli - posted 08-2006

- I am looking for the parents of Lucy Spencer, born about 1783 who married Squire Seeley. I believe all of their children were born in Schoharie County. Their children are: Nehemiah (married Lucinda Olmstead) 2. Jabez (married Mary Bell), 3. Deborah (married Peter Eckerson) 4. James W. (married Judith Yeomans) and Louisa ( married Martin Engle.) Cher Classick - posted 02-2000

SEELEY/SEELYE - Seeking information on family of William H. Seeley/Seelye, who was born in Schoharie, NY. Mike - posted 11-1998

SERGEANT - Seeking information about my gggg grandfather, Thomas Sergeant b. 1770 in Boston, MA. He migrated to Schoharie county abt 1797. He settled for a time in Schoharie county and possibly married my gggg grandmother here. Her name was Sarah SISSON-DEFOREST b 1770.I am assuming her to have been married before because there was a Mrs before her name and Sisson probably was her maiden name. Thomas also had an identical twin brother, Samuel that was presumed to have traveled with him. I have a Gedcom and a family history that was published in 1908 by Thomas's granddaughter, Ambrosia Sergeant WAIT, in Norwich, NY. Willing to share info. - Penny Kresl - posted 10-1996

SERVOS/SERVISS - I am looking for graves of the Servos, Serviss family. Edna Servos - posted 01-2008

SHAFER - My great grandfather was Sylvester Shafer (1826-1924) who married Mary Ann Phinecy or Phinisey (1830-1908). Would like to determine Sylvester’s parents with some kind of documentation. From Roscoe’s History (page iv) he said David and Maria, but entries on, etc. show other possibilities. Kay Waterman - posted 07-2023

SHAFER - I’m looking for any information on my grandfather Leslie Shafer. He was married to Helen Hollenbeck. They lived in Cobleskill N.Y. David Wright - posted 12-2008

SHAFER - Looking for John Joseph Shafer b 22 Apr 1810 married second wife (unknown date) Lydia Ann Dodge b 2 May 1813. First wife is unknown but their children were Hanna Maria b abt 1829 and Harriet Belinda 14 Oct 1835. Any info greatly appreciated. Jim Shafer - posted 10-2008

SHAFER - WIlliam D. - I'm looking for information about the ancestry and/or decendancy of William D. Shafer (b. abt 1825 in NY). William had a farm in Blenheim, Schoharie and along with his wife Harriet (maiden name unk) raised their 6 children: Elijah L. (b.19 Mar 1945), Polly A. (b. 1847), Ezra (b.1849), Gerome(b.1850), Watson (b. 1852), Ade E. (b. 1854), and Cornelia (b. 1857). William is my 3rd Great Grandfather. Any and all information will be greatly appreciated. John Preine - posted 07-2005

SHAFER - Seeking parents of Lucinda E. Mallory who married Joseph N. Shafer, son of George Shafer and Charity/Gertrude Becker, circa 1814 in Schoharie County. Was she related to Elijah Mallery who died intestate in Schoharie Co. circa 1811? Joseph and Lucinda lived in Blenheim, Schoharie County for a short time. They later lived in Chenango Co., NY, and Hunter, Greene County, NY. From there they migrated to Oil Creek, Pennsylvania circa 1826 and finally to Portland, Chautauqua County, NY, about 1828. Lucinda and Joseph both died in Ripley, Chautauqua Co., NY, she in 1871 and he in 1873. Their children were Harriet E. (married Erwin Crosby), Amy Ann, (married C. H. Lee), Charlotte M., (married G. Clements), George, Julia Ann, and Joseph Harris (married Elizabeth Van Gaasbeek). H. Martin Soward, III - posted 07-2004

SHALER - Interest in any information on Rufus Shaler born 4 May 1764, died 18 November 1861 in Jefferson, Schoharie Co., NY. He was married to Hannah COLE and had 5 sons (Brainerd, Nathan, John and Benjamin) and one daughter, Lucinda Shaler. Any information would greatly help. Pat Stamm - posted 03-1997

SHANK - Searching for information on Elizabeth "Betsy" Shank (Schenck) (1809-1882) who married Orvil Drum(m) about 1828. Children were: John (b. 1829), George H (b. 1831), Hiram (b. 1832), Peter H (b. 1833) Joseph (b. 1835), and Lorenzo A (b. 1838). She next married Peter Dings abt. 1842. Children were Luman (b. 1843) and Truman (b. 1845). Some researchers give parents as Johannes Schenck (1786-1849) and Elizabeth. Will of Johannes (John) Schenck does not list Elizabeth as beneficiary. Primary interest is who were the parents of Elizabeth and any information on her first husband Orvil Drumm. David Stearns - posted 01-2012

SHANNON - Shannon - William G. b. April 7, 1875 in Sharon Springs, NY; wife Leila McCall. Children are Lavinia Gerturde b. Feb. 16, 1899 in Sharon Springs. Other children are: Melville James, William Arthur, Florence M., Robert G. no birth dates for these children. Beginning search. Any descendants still in the area? Leita Reed - posted 03-1999

SHAW - Looking for information about the ancestry of Anthony Shaw, b. June 24, 1805 in Blenheim Township, Schoharie County, New York. He was married to Sophia Spinning on May 04, 1826. They may have lived in Lee and were the parents of several children, see attachment. Anthony's fathers name might be John an his mothers might be Ambrosia. Any information will be appreciated. Jim Shaw - posted 05-2006

SHEAR(?) - I am looking for any family of William H. Shear, born January, 1838, presumably in Sharon. He moved to Whiteside Co., IL sometime before 1862, and during his tour of duty with 13th IL infantry he kept a diary where he mentions writing to an N.S. in Sharon. I'm willing to update your records on this branch of the Shear family in return for any information. Heather Shear - posted 03-97

SHELMADINE - Looking for info on David Gardner born abt 1787 in NY or CT who married Sophia Shelmadine, daughter of Richard Shelmadine of Schoharie Co., NY. I believe this marriage probably took place in Schoharie Co. around 1804 since Richard's wife didn't die until 1824. David Gardner served in the War of 1812 enlisting from Sheridan, Chaut. Co., NY, and discharged from Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. Was Sophia living there then too or did she and their children stay with her family during war time? Later David and Sophia were in Oil Creek, Crawford Co., PA where she died and is buried. Who was David Gardner? Who were his parents? Was he connected to other Gardner families in Schoharie? He had sons Richard, Henry, Stephen B., and Obediah R. Richard and Obediah were probably named for Sophia's side. Were Henry and Stephen B. named for David's line? Any help appreciated. G. Gardner - posted 08-03

SHELMADINE/SHELMANDINE/SHELMERDINE/SHELMIDINE - I have a book on the family written by one of 3 researchers that have worked on this family tree which begins with Richard Shelmadine in Schoharie Co. about 1770. A large number of his descendants still reside in the Albany/Schenectady area. A copy of that book is in the Schoharie, NY library. I will be glad to share what I have and hope I can find others to add to what is already known about the family. Ernest N. Miles - posted 01-97

SHELP - Looking for any information on William Shelp, born in Schoharie Co, 22 Mar 1795. He later moved to Orleans Co, and then to Michigan. Any help appreciated. Tim Thorman - posted 07-98

SHELTON - Looking for information on the parents of Milton Sheldon born 1802 in or about Dutchess County died 1881 wife Harriett Simpson born 1804 died 1880 buried in Middleburgh Schoharie . Children Carr, Charles, Louisa, Henrietta, Eliza and George, may or may not be connected to David and Hannah Sheldon. Any information helpful. Valorie Sidorksi - posted 02-07

SHERMAN - Am searching for marriage record of Horace W. SHERMAN and Phebe ?? Their children, Abijah and Mary S. SHERMAN were born circa 1850, possibly in Fultonham, Schoharie Co. Were other Sherman family members in  Schoharie in the 1850's?? Horace, Abijah, and Mary S. SHERMAN left Schoharie Co. in the 1870's and homesteaded in Dawson Co., Nebraska. Debra Sutherland - posted 09-01

SHORF - Looking for information concerning Walter Jay Shorf. He was born on 5/16/1918 in Richmondville, NY. His death certificate has parents with different last names. Trying to find out who his parents really were. TSHORF - posted 01-00

SHUE - Seeking info on John and Nelly (Lane) Shue, parents of Ezra H. Shue b. 1812 who is identified as a native of Schoharie County. Linda Petsche - posted 03-05

SHUFELT - Looking for information about Kathryn Shufelt of Middleburgh--born June 1883. Her parents were George Shufelt and Catherine Waters Shufelt. Kathryn married Edmund Scott Rose, Nov. 7,1912. they were married for only 2 yrs. before she passed away. Judy - posted 01-07

SHUTT - I am seeking background on Albert Shutt, arrived in Howes Cave - via train - in 1895. He married Lulu Kniskern sometime before 1899. Where/when was he born? Who were his parents? K. B. Lyons - posted 03-98

SIMMONS - Searching for marriage record of David Mann and Elizabeth Simmons ca 1815-1825. Marriage may have taken place in Schoharie, Schoharie Co. Mary Deming - posted 08-01

SIMMONS - Seeking information about parents/siblings of Jane Simmons, b. NY 1850-55. She m. Frank Robt. Cole; they appear on the 1880 Niagara Co. Census, then in Chemung Co. by 1883. Marcia McEntire Lund - posted 08-01

SIMMONS - Looking for information on Oscar, my G-. He is believed to have come from Bridgeport CT. He was probably born in the 1850's - 1870's. He had 7 children (wife was Carrie Dibble) when he lived in Schoharie County NY, and left them and was believed to run away to Chicago with a married woman (around the turn of the century) and a team of stolen horses. I have been unable to locate any other information on him. Is there anyone who might have some info. Roger Ratzenberger - posted 04-00

SIMSER - There seems to be some evidence that Martin Simser's father (also Martin Simser) may have lived in this area with his wife, Ethel Sarah McIntosh. He may have been born around 1701 and Ethel around 1700. I lack any documentation to prove this. Thanks so much for any advice or information you can provide. Evie Villegas - posted 10-17

SISSON-- I am looking for Ransom Sisson, born 14 August 1827 in Hunters Land, Schoharie Co., NY. I would like to find a record of his birth or baptism. C. M. Chan - posted 04-99

SISUM - Ruby E. DANN was born July 8, 1912, the daughter of Charles E. DANN (1875-1959) and Cora M. SISUM (1884-1972). She grew up in Walton, Delaware County, worked as a teacher in the Walton Central Schools, and is buried next to her parents in the Walton Cemetery. After Ruby's death, a large box of her well-preserved photographs was given to my family. The photographs are almost entirely of her mother's line: members of the SISUM, HANSEN, STEVENS, and TILLAPAUGH families. It appears that these lines originated in Schoharie County, since many of the photographs were taken by photographers in Schoharie County. We'd like to reunite copies of the photographs with interested parties. Carolee Inskeep - posted 01-00

SITTS - Looking for the ancestors plus christening and marriage records of Peter SITTS and his wife Anna. They lived in Tryon Co and at one time were members of the Stone Arabia Lutheran Church. They had the following children: Margretha b 1809, Ludwig b 1810, Isaac b 1813, Slisabeth Ass b 1815, and Hannah b 1817. related families are KELLER, PICKARD, and BETTINGER. FPLauer - posted 05-00

SIXBY - Looking for information on Elias Sixby and his family, found in 1830 census, Schoharie Co., Cobleskill, NY. Cheryl Sigsbee - posted 11-99

SIXT - I am researching my ancestor JOHAN PHILLIP SIXT, d c1710 Mohawk Valley, Schoharie Co, NY. His son Johann Henrich SIXT, m. 3 Aug 1713 possibly Schoharie Co, Anna Christina Theis, b. NY c1692. They had 9 children Catherina b.1714 Neu-Ansberg; Christina Elizabeth b.1 Nov 1715 Schoharie; Gertraud b.16 Apr 1717 Schoharie; Anna Marie b.c 1718 Stone Arabia; Johan Conrad SYKES b. c1720 Schoharie; Johann Henrick, Jr b. c1720 Schoharie; Johannes b. c1722 Schoharie; Phillip b. c1724? and ADAM SIXT b. 1733 Schenectady Co. NY ...I am a descendant of this ADAM... This SIXT family came from Hess-Nessau, Germany late 1600s or early 1700s...Can you tell me anything about this pioneer family, their trade , home, any mark of contribution to the new land. Also about the historic events surrounding this area of settlement. Why here? Could they have been Hessians brought here, as fighting soldiers? Gary Crumrine - posted 05-00

SKINNER - Looking for any descendants of Mary Lukachyk, death date abt Feb 01,1990 she had a daughter Helen Skinner possibly living or lived in Middleburgh, NY & also a daughter Ann Raide who may live or lived in Skaneateles, NY She had nine grandchildren & eight great-grandchildren, we may be related. Joan - posted 01-03

SKINNER - I am looking for information on Francis Skinner born in Saratoga County about 1800 (estimated), married Sarah Cornal and had three children: Betsy Ann Skinner, b. abt 1822, Sarah Skinner and John C. Skinner b. 1831, Stanford Twp., Dutchess County, NY. Betsey Ann may have been born in Saratoga County. The family appears to have moved to Dutchess County prior to 1830. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Richard Skinner - posted 10-01

SLATER - I am searching for information on Elmira Slater born June 18,1877 buried Oct 5, 1934 in the Lawyersville Cemetery next to her husband David Levi Oliver BD June 29, 1877 (Schoharie) D. June 22, 1969 Schoharie, NY. These are my great grandparents. My mother told me Elmira was a Seneca Indian and that there is a photo out there some where showing her with David in her full Indian dress. Does anyone have her parents names or related or having photos or any information on them. I have been at a stand still for a couple years now and Mom and her siblings have passed on. Any help would be appreciated. Sandy Woodbeck Edgerton - posted 08-11

SLATER - Birth record of Stephen Slater, born August 27, 1823 in Prob. Schoharie N.Y., and relative of David B. Lamoreaux born May 21,1781 in Duchess Co. James A. Slater - posted 05-09

SLATER - I found my great grandparents 1892 Schoharie State Census, marriage record for Mary France and John E. Slater, could not find 1900 Schoharie Census, that would have told me when they married. They married Fulton. Need record for DAR proof. Olabelle - posted 07-00

SLOAN - I am looking for information on John Ryan Sloan, married to Maria (Budd) Sloan. John was born in Sloansville, Maria at the Schoharie Court House. They had six children: Ralph, Jerome, Joseph, Henry, Augusta and Emily. The family moved to Fulton County, Illinois in 1838. John died in Akron Township, Illinois in 1840. Any information will be appreciated. Ann Hutchinson - posted 06-07

SLOAN - seeking any/all information on Sloan family (Captain William and John R.) before or while living in Schoharie. Sloans came to Esperance in 1800. I have the family info after they moved to Fulton Co, IL 1838 (if anyone is interested) but am missing where they were before Sloansville. Need William's birth date, location and b,d,m dates and location for wife, Mary REED and complete listing of their children. Also interested in John R.'s birth location and anything on his wife, Marie BUDD. Jennifer Rawls - posted 12-99

SLOOTZ/SLOAT/SLOOT - Looking for more information on Henry Slootz Sloat Sloot wife Charity Lounsbury, his death Feb. March 1624 town of Schoharie Schoharie County, children Robert, David, Archibald, John, Michael, Anna, Mary, Hannah, Sarah Elizabeth and Charity, Henry's wife death after 1830 may have spent last years with son Michael, any information helpful. Valorie Sidorksi - posted 02-07

SMITH - Looking for ancestry of Abraham J Smith Jr born November 6th, 1832 in Schoharie County, New York. .They moved to Wisconsin He was married to Roxy Jane Hills. He died in 1911 in Loyal, Wisconsin. They were the parents of: Corneila J Smith b. 1859 d. 1898, Oliver Jesse Smith b. 1862 d.1942, Annie Marie Smith b. 1867 d. 1944, Clara H Smith b.1869 d. 1953 and Charles D. Smith b. 1874 d. 1952. Any information would be appreciated. Alicia Moore - posted 08-20

SMITH - I'm Looking for the birth/ancestry of John Smith b. abt 1797. The 1865 New York census says he was from Schoharie County and thats all I have to go on, I don't know what town he was born in. He married his second wife Martha Strong in Mexico, New York before moving to Parma, New York, I know nothing of his first wife. Kurt Deisinger - posted 05-11

SMITH - Looking for information on Joseph H Smith b (possibly) MA around 1801. Married Margaret Robinson in Schoharie in 1819. Moved to Nobale, Branch Co., Michigan. Especially interested in parents, siblings. Donna Smith - posted 02-11

SMITH - Seeking information about the ancestry of Harriet Smith, born 1829 at Seward, Schoharie County, NY. Any information about her would be appreciated. Linda Tutt - posted 10-09

SMITH - Seeking information on the family of Friend W. Smith, b. Schoharie County April 5, 1831. His father was Reuben Smith (b. 1807); his mother was Amy Thornton (b. 1805). Friend was married to Mary Rose. He may have been born in Jefferson where an older Rev. Friend W. Smith pastored the ME Church in 1826. Also need information on the family of Mary Rose. Richard Kent Smith - posted 09-07

SMITH - I am looking for any and all information on a Leah Smith born in Middleburg, Schoharie Co N.Y. on the 29th of January 1814 she is the daughter of Eli Smith of Massachusetts and Ruth Squires of Vermont, Eli Smith came to Schoharie Co around 1800. He leases a farm of Peter Smith father of Gerrit Smith and an uncle to Eli and he remained there until about 1825 when he went to Herkimer Village. Janette Ross - posted 02-05

SMITH - 1860 census of Conesville, Schoharie County, NY is this family- Alfred Smith 48, his wife Abigail (Abbie) (Jackson) 38, dau. Mary Hollenbeck 17, son Alexander 12, dau. Lucenda 7, son in law Leonard Hollenbeck 20. I know that Alex m. Jemima Richmond and lived in Potter Hollow Albany county. I am looking for info. on death of Alfred, his wife, and any spouses of other sibling. Glad to share information I do have. April - posted 06-03

SMITH - Looking for Smith family descendents from Middleburgh; Levi Lincoln Smith (1828); James Kenyon Smith (1855) and Clinton Levi Smith (1876). Need information on their spouses, including Sarah Kenyon, Fannie Cooper (daughter of Martin O. Cooper) and Mina Dayton Borst (daughter of George Erskine Borst). Any help sincerely appreciated. Carol Walton - posted 10-00

SMITH - Researching the following SMITH family. Believe the family resided between Summit, Charlottesville, and Worcester (in Otsego Co.) due to spotty information I've been able to obtain. Generation #1: Jacob Payne SMITH b 1820 in NY married Margaret J. (last name unknown). Together they had the following children: Mary L. Smith, b. 1844; Margaret S. Smith, b. 1847; Melvin A. Smith, b. 1849; Marvin H. SMITH, b. 1851 (my gggrandfather); Gilbert E. Smith, b. 1853; Em??? Smith, b. 1856; and Phebe J. Smith, b. 1858. Generation #2: Marvin H. SMITH b 1851 married Rita HICKS. Together they had: Silas W. SMITH, b 16 Jul 1871, Worcester, NY (my ggrandfather) and Jane Smith, b Dec 1873. Generation #3: Silas W. SMITH married Cora M. GAGE, b 14 Nov 1873, in Summit, NY. They had a son, Maynard Benjamin SMITH born 1903 in Oneonta, NY. Researching VAN PATTEN, GAGE, HICKS, HUMMEL and SMITH families from this region. Jeff Smith - posted 05-00

SMITH - George M.Smith b. Jan. 8, 1827, Schoharie Cty., New York. Looking for parents and any siblings. Moved to Michigan in 1836. George W. Lee - posted 02-00

SMITH - Interested in the following family: John Smith m Margaret POSSUM in Gilboa, Schoharie Co NY. Had following ch: Mahela b 1809; Jesse Christopher b 1813; James b 1796; Wm b 1798; John b 1799; Elizabeth b 1802, Allen b 1805. I think James m Abigail Wattles and went to Ontario Canada 1831. Would like more info, especially on James. Catherine Fullerton - posted 03-97

SMITH - I would like to connect with anyone who has information about Cornelia Smith b. 21 Oct. 1824, daughter of Cyrus Smith, m. to George Lintner FRANCE in Schoharie, Schoharie Co. NY on 27 Dec. 1843. George and Cornelia left Schoharie Co., went to Catskill and eventually went to Ohio. I am in need of the birth dates and birth place of their sons Cyrus, Clifford, and Charles. Any clues at all will be greatly appreciated. Peter Ann Stenberg - posted 03-97

SNYDER – Looking for information about the ancestry of Catherine SNYDER b. 5 Feb 1811 in Schoharie Co. d. 2 Nov 1888 in Walton. She m. John VAN VALKENBURG b. 29 Aug 1806 in Middleburgh d. 7 Oct 1886 in Walton. They had 10 children: William (b. 1831), Joseph (b. 1834), George (b. 1835), Clarissa (b. 1837), Timothy (b. 1842), Gracia (b. 5 Jul 1845), John (b. 1847), James (b. 1848), Sarah (b. Jul 1850), and Minnie (b. 1864).  Any information would be appreciated. Dawn Fleming - posted 01-17

SNYDER - I am searching for the burial place of of Ludwig SNYDER. The National Archives list his place of death as Schoharie County, date of death 24th of July 1817 by the family Bible record. Karna Coffman - posted 08-09

SNYDER - Looking for information on a Moses Terpenning born April 20, 1777. He married a _____Snyder born 25 April 1785. The marriage was in Sharon Springs May 1, 1800. It is believed that they moved to Summit and Moses may have come from Kingston in Ulster Co. They had a daughter: Sally Terpenning who married a Charles Crowe. Is the Snyder female a relation of the early Snyders in Sharon Springs, Leesville, and Gilbert's Corners? Casey Hansen - posted 06-08

SNYDER - looking for information about ancestry of Michael Snyder (b. 1791) married Dorcas Dutcher- born and lived in Roseboom, Otsego Ct- Michael's father, Ludwig Snyder (1759) married Louisa Hofman/Hoffman/Hapeman? were married at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Schoharie, NY. Ludwig's father was said to be William Snyder (1726) who lived and died in Schoharie and served in the revolutionary war in the Albany County Militia- 15th regiment under Colonel Peter Vrooman. William's wife was Anna M. Kline (1728). Any help would be great. Dodie Ainslie - posted 07-07

SNYDER - Looking for information on Hendrick Schneider (we think son of Jacob and Anna Barbara Schneider) b 1716 Schoharie, married Maria Richtmeyer (dau Conrad Richtmyer and Judikje Margaret Winne) sometime before 1743. Known Children Johannis (b1743) , Peter Henry (1748) and Margaret (1751). Peter H. m 1st Angentie or Agnitje Ecker or Ekkerson 13 or 18 Sep 1774 at the High and Low Dutch Reformed Church at Schoharie. Angenitie was bp 17 May 1753 at the High and Low Dutch Reformed Church, the daughter of John Ekkerson and Maritje Veeder or Vedder. The old Stone Fort was made into a fort in 1777 and on one of the cornerstones are the names Peter Snyder and William Dietz both followed with B.M., Baumeister. Peter d 30 May 1835 and is buried at the Old Stone Fort, according to Cady. He must have married 2nd Eve Allen, as she is listed in his will as his wife. A family bible lists the death of Eve Allen [Snyder] as 9 Nov 1865. Peter and Agnitje's daughter Maria Elizabeth, d Peter Hendrik Snyder and Agnitje Ecker bpt 2 Jun 1783 St. Paul's Evengelical Lutheran Church, Dorloo. Sponsor, Johannes Ecker. m ca 1803 Joseph Wheaton, s of Reuben Wheaton of Schenectady and Maria McGee b in Noormanskill. Joseph deserted the family soon after the birth of his first son John and left for Canada. I'd be very interested in further information about this family. Brenda Collins - posted 02-07

SNYDER - Trying to identify 32 photos, late 1800’s and early 1900’s, 3 from civil war period, all belonging to Mary Snyder Wetsel b. 1869, daughter of John W. & Sabrina Kniskern Snyder, Schoharie, NY. Relatives with possible surnames of Wetsel, Kniskern, Diefendorf, Osterhout, and Kromer. Will send you digitals via email if you think there is a chance you can help. Will share identified photos of Wetsel, Drum, Snyder. Please contact Peg Sponable - posted 02-07

SNYDER/SCHNEIDER - Phillip Schneider came from Germany in 1752 and moved to Schenectady CO NY in 1865 with 7 children. His son was Henry Schneider who changed the name to Snyder. He was born in in 1764 in Philadelphia PA. The story is that three brother came from Germany about 1750. We know the name of two of them. Henry and Christopher, born in 1860. Any info much appreciated. Nina McGahan - posted 11-05

SNYDER - Looking for the parents of David L. SNYDER b. 29 Aug 1801 Carlisle Schoharie NY m. Margaret Robinson. Their son is George Bolton Snyder b. 12 Oct 1830 d. 23 May 1923 m. Elizabeth KNISKERN 29 June 1853. Joann Duffy - posted 02-00

SNYDER - Gideon WILBUR (born ca 1808 NY) married Jane SNYDER (born ca 1808 NY) in the 1820s in Schoharie, New York. Their children include John (born ca 1827), Catharine (born ca 1829), Louisa (born ca 1832), George (born ca 1834), Isaac (born ca 1836), Mary (born ca 1839), Alice J. (born ca 1840), and Gideon (born ca 1852). I am interested in sharing information with anyone researching similar SNYDER lines. Dan Deslauriers - posted 12-99

SNYDER - Looking for parents of Dorr Snyder b.28 May 1861, married Lena Eldredge 07 Nov 1882, died 27 Mar 1910 in Sharon Springs, NY. He is my maternal grandfather. Laura Phelps - posted 11-98, revised 01-99

SNYDER - I am looking for any information about Martha A. Snyder, b. 1838 in Schoharie Co, NY. Her father was George Snyder, unknown dates, and Gertrude (Minnie) OSTRUM?/OSTRAUM, unknown dates. These names have been a real puzzle for me so I would appreciate any help. Jo Orvik - posted 11-96

SOMMERS - Seek information on the date and place of death of Catherine Mariah France Sommers Diefendorf, my g-g-grandmother. indicates 1920 as year of death. Her first husband, Peter Nicholas Sommers (not the Domine; note evolution from Sommer to Sommers) is interred at Slate Hill Cemetery in Sharon. Catherine's name and date of birth only are available on the tombstone. Catherine's second husband, Levi Madison Diefendorf, is interred with his first wife, Lucinda Rowley, in the Janesville/Zion Rural Cemetery in Seward Center. Not surprisingly, there is no record of Catherine being interred here. Jean Gossman - posted 11-07

SOMMER - Could someone please tell me the location of the gravesites of Nicholas S. Sommer (son of the Domine) and his wife, Anna? They lived in Sharon. Jean Gossman - posted 04-06

SOPER - I'm searching for my 5th Great Grandfather Samuel Soper born c1730s-40s, U.S. where? married Bathsheba unknown c1760, children; Joseph?, John, Sarah, Phebe, and an unknown boy. Sam was in the battle of Bennington VT in Aug. 1777 on the British side. By 1778 he joined Col. John Butler and became a Butler's Ranger. Before 1783 the family removed to Upper Canada [Niagara]. I have really hit a dead end with my Samuel and Bathsheba. We have conducted a DNA test on one of the males in my family and we know we are descended from Henry Soper and Sarah Wattles of Hunnington, Long Island, NY [immigrated c1660 from Southampton, Eng.]. There is a notation in a St.Catharines, Ontario [Niagara area] newspaper, saying, John the son of Samuel, was from Schoharie. Elizabeth Robbins - posted 06-03

SOULE - I need to find baptismal records for the children of Bildad William Soule also spelled Souls, Soles, and Soules. His wife was Jemima. The children were William Jr., Eleanor (Elenor), Moses, Henry, Charles, Nealon, Mary (Polly) and Elizabeth (Eliza). They were all born in Schoharie Co., N.Y. All the children were born between the years 1793 to 1811. Cherri Soules Lusk - posted 02-05

SOULE - I have Oliver Abraham Storey married to Elenor Soule who is the daughter of William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butler. Bildad William's parents were Moses Soule and Elenor Williams. Moses is supposedly buried in Schoharie. Moses grandparents were Joseph Soule and Mercy Southworth. William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butlers children were all born in Schoharie. Their names are Moses 1793, William Bildad Jr. 1796, Charles William 1800, Henry 1800, Elenor 1801, Nealon or Nelson 1804, Mary 1806, Elizabeth 1811. We have not been able to find any information on the Storey's. Elenor and Oliver Abraham were not married in Schoharie but in Vigo County Indiana. Elenor was married before to Peter Garber. Any help would be appreciated. As you can see we have the Soule lineage but little information on them. I also noticed on your page that the name Southworth comes up and we have no information on them either. The families are connected but the connection is probably in Mass rather then NY. Kaye Haughee - posted 02-02

SOULE - Looking for information on Silas Soule, native of Tiberton, RI who moved to Schoharie County. Married to Phebe Watson. Had son David Watson Soule (Sowles) born in Schoharie County in 1811. Matthew S. Sowles - posted 12-01

SOULE -  I am trying to locate information on two Schoharie, NY families. Oliver Abraham Storey born in Schoharie in 1796 and Elenor Soule who is the daughter of Bildad William Soule and Jemima Butler Soule who lived in Schoharie and had all their children there. Bildad William's father was Moses Soule who is supposed to be buried in Schoharie. Elinor married Peter Garber in 1814 in Schoharie and then Oliver Abraham Story in 1821, but they married in Indiana. The Children of Bildad and Jemima were Elinor b 1801, William B. Jr. b 1796, Charles W. b 1803, Moses b 1793, Henry b 1800, Nealon (Nelon) b 1804, Elizabeth (Eliza) b 1811, Mary (Polly) b 1806. These are all listed as being born in Schoharie. The Soule family are listed in the 1820 Vigo County Indiana Census. Any help on the lineages of these families will be greatly appreciated. Kaye Haughee - posted 11-01

SOULS - If administration papers are given this means there has to be an estate. When I was at the Schoharie court house this is all I found. The Schoharie Surrogate named him gentleman, resident of Schoharie, when granting administration April 4 1796 to Isaac Soul, Origen Brigham and George Tiffany all of Schoharie.. I know that Moses sold land to Johannes Lawyer and received for the land 900 pounds Aug 1795, source was Johannes Lawyer papers at the Archives in the state library in Albany, NY. Where is the settlement of this estate? Cherri Soules Lusk - posted 02-07

SOUTHARD - Samuel Isaac Southard married Jemima Terbush in the Dutch Reformed Churc in Fishkill on August 9, 1800. They had 13 children: Isaac (7 Mar 1801); Mary (26 July 1802; John 17 Feb 1804; Henry (25 April 1806); Rachael (4 August 1808); Rebecca (1 Oct 1610); Caroline (19 Aug 1813), Catherine (21 July 1815); Smith (my gg grandfather on 26 June 1818); Jane (22 Feb 1821); Guisbert (10 Feb 1823); Samuel (6 Mar 1825); and Edward (22 Jun 1827). I need all the help I can get to find Smith’s siblings. He was born in Westerlo, NY. I assume his mother was there with him, likely his family also. Can you enlighten me about any of his brothers or sisters. Cliff Hayes - posted 10-08

SOUTHARD - Looking for information on the homestead that my grandfather Harold Guisbert may possibly have been born. He is buried in the Gilboa cemetery. He also lived in Middleburg at his time of death in 1976. Michael Southard - posted 08-00

SOUTHWICK - Looking for information about Calvin Southwick (ca. 1816-1864) and his family. He was a minister in the Christian Church, and served congregations in Summit and Gilboa. He joined the New York 7th Heavy Artillery during the Civil War, having left his congregation in Gilboa to do so, and was killed in the Battle of Cold Harbor (Maryland). He was ordained ca. 1841 in South Valley, and also served churches in Berne and Reidsville. Here is his family in the 1855 census:
14 28 Framed 100 32 Calvin Southwick 39 M Schenectady X 3 Christian Clergyman X
15 Mariah Southwick 40 F Wife Montgomery X 3
16 Arnold B. Southwick 17 M Child Montgomery 3 Laborer
17 Nancy E. Southwick 15 F Child Montgomery 3
18 Frances E. Southwick 12 F Child Montgomery 3
19 Martha J. Southwick 10 F Child Otsego 3
20 Phebe A. Southwick 9 F Child Schoharie 3
21 Catharine M. Southwick 8 F Child Delaware 3
22 Elizabeth A. Southwick 4 F Child Delaware 3
23 Calvin Jr. Southwick 1 M Child Albany 1
Particularly interested in finding descendants. Any help appreciated. Timothy Brown - posted 04-08

SOUTHWORTH - I am currently searching for evidence of the marriage of my ggggrandparents, Clarissa Y. Southworth and David Packer (about 1827) and the subsequent birth of my gggrandfather, William M. Packer in 1830. Although Clarissa and David were from New Lisbon and Portlandville in Otsego County, William is said to have been born in Seward as was his son, James (b.1852). Clarissa’s parents, Ozias and Demmis Southworth were living in Sharon at the time of the 1830 Census and Demmis died in Seward in 1852. William’s wife, Eunice Pollock also died in 1852, probably in Seward. William died in 1854. At this point, James went to live with his grandparents, Clarissa and David in Portlandville, so the connection with Schoharie County seems to end here. Census records and obituaries corroborate the information I am posting here, but I do not have any written record of the marriage or birth. If anyone has any suggestions where such written records (vital records, church records, newspaper, family records, etc.) might exist, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. Nancy Simkins McNicol - posted 04-03

SOUTHWORTH - I have Oliver Abraham Storey married to Elenor Soule who is the daughter of William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butler. Bildad William's parents were Moses Soule and Elenor Williams. Moses is supposedly buried in Schoharie. Moses grandparents were Joseph Soule and Mercy Southworth. William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butlers children were all born in Schoharie. Their names are Moses 1793, William Bildad Jr. 1796, Charles William 1800, Henry 1800, Elenor 1801, Nealon or Nelson 1804, Mary 1806, Elizabeth 1811. We have not been able to find any information on the Storey's. Elenor and Oliver Abraham were not married in Schoharie but in Vigo County Indiana. Elenor was married before to Peter Garber. Any help would be appreciated. As you can see we have the Soule lineage but little information on them. I also noticed on your page that the name Southworth comes up and we have no information on them either. The families are connected but the connection is probably in Mass rather then NY. Kaye Haughee - posted 02-02

SOUTHWORTH - and allied family. Nelson Southworth and family lived in Sharon Springs and other areas of the county. There were other Southworths also. Would like info on any Southworths and allied families. Some buried in Dorloo Cemetery. Also would like connection, if any to Austin Sexton and Hiram Sexton. Nelson had son Austin Sexton Southworth, my ancestor. Thank you for any help. Will share info. Ruth Ann Messick - posted 01-97

SPADER/SPATER/SPEDER - listed in 1717 Simmendinger Register - living in Diese Menschen wohnen auf dem Rarendantz [which the book says is Schoharie Valley Settlement. from Early 18th Cent Palatine Emigration by Knittle Spater, Johannes w Dorothea and 5 children. My Spader's ended up in Long Island, Brooklyn and then Middlesex County, New Jersey. I'm sure Johannes was the first of these Spader's, but am having trouble tracing him back. Nancy Wilson - posted 06-12

SPANCAKE - Looking for any information on Spancakes that my have been in Schoharie before moving to Berks and Schuylkill counties in PA. In particular Sebastian Spancake who was married in Berks County 1786 to a Catharina Eva Klinger; and John Bernard Spancake who died sometime before 1780 in Tulpehocken Township, Berks County. John Spancake - posted 11-14

SPARKS - have info to share - Jo Orvik - posted 11-96

SPAULDING/SPALDING - Have info to share Dawn Pratt - posted 05-97

SPENCER - Looking for information about the SPENCER family of Middleburgh and Breakabeen. Isaac D. SPENCER( 1847-1925) and wife Damaris A. TRAVER ( 1847-1928) had a son Merrit F.( 1884-1954) who married Florence WARNER ( 1886-1945) Both Merrit and his wife are buried in Breakabeen. They had 2 sons, George M. (1930- 1992)and a son James. (b. 1924) Isaac and Damaris SPENCER also had a daughter Ervilla Dency( 1868-1919)who married Nelson ARMLIN ( 1852-1938) Ervilla and Nelson also lived in Middleburgh, and are buried on Arlim Hill. If anyone has any info on any of these people or their families, I would love to hear from you. Lorna Puleo - posted 06-08

SPENCER/SEELEY - I am looking for the parents of Lucy Spencer, born about 1783 who married Squire Seeley. I believe all of their children were born in Schoharie County. Their children are: Nehemiah (married Lucinda Olmstead) 2. Jabez (married Mary Bell), 3. Deborah (married Peter Eckerson) 4. James W. (married Judith Yeomans) and Louisa ( married Martin Engle.) Cher Classick - posted 02-00

SPERBECK/SPURBECK - I'm looking for information on a John Spurbeck or Sperbeck, born in 1831 there in Schoharie County, married to Adeline LeValley. They had a son Roderick Spurbeck. Rod - posted 06-05

SPERBECK - Searching for information on the Sperbeck family from Schoharie. Four fought in the Revolution. One of the Sperbeck's, Jacob was a member of Butlers Rangers. He died in Ontario, Canada. Jerry Sperbeck - posted 08-00

SPERBECK/SPURBECK - Seeing documentation that Hiram Sperbeck b. ca 183l, Schenectady, subsequently lived in Summit, Schoharie until late 1850's then in IL and IA. Married Andalucia White, 1867, Boone County, IL. Barbara Hanley - posted 02-00

SPICKERMAN - Looking to correspond with anyone who has knowledge of early Spickerman families in Schoharie County. Peter Spickerman listed in 1830 index in Fulton. Heads of household in 1850 census were John (age 47); Abram (age 34); Edward (age 28); and George (age 25). Dan Stifflear - posted 05-03

SPITZER - Cornelia, looking for parents and birth circa 1800, marriage date to Phillip Neer in Summit circa 1821, and death date circa1846. Family removed to Hancock, Delaware County 1847. >McEligot - posted 03-99

SPRINGER - Searching for parents and other information of David Henry SPRINGER, b. about 1805, where? Spouse Huldah. Third child Henry Leroy Springer b. 16 Jan 1831 in Schoharie Co., NY, m. Eliza(beth) Brougham, 12 Aug. 1852, Town of Candor, Oswego Co. Monte Harold - posted 02-97

STANNARD - Looking for the marriage of Samuel PRESTON to Tamesin/Tammerson STANNARD c 1799. Samuel lived in Renssalaerville NY and Tamesin lived in Broome, Schoharie. Ruth McMahon - posted 06-04

STANNARD - What is the parentage of Mary (TURNER) LAY born 1796 Connecticut- died & buried 1851 Leroy Twp., Calhoun, Michigan married Benjamin LAY who was born 1792 Connecticut died & buried 1844 Leroy Twp, Calhoun, Michigan? Had issue 5 children: Marriett A. in Calhoun county Lysander COLE; Nancy Mariah LAY & Elizabeth Jane LAY, both born Schoharie County New York, both married in Calhoun County Sylsbry RUMERY; Lewis Abner LAY married Sarah Jane ___?; Jane LAY, married a JONES. *Husband Benjamin LAY was the son of Daniel & Hannah (STANNARD) LAY. LAY family migrated from Connecticut>Schoharie County New York>Niagara County New York>Calhoun County Michigan. David William Rumery - posted 02-01

STANTON - Looking for the families of Capt. Amos Stanton and Capt. William Stanton mentioned in the histories of Schoharie County. Connie Bellamy - posted 12-02

STANTON - seeking information about Aretas Stanton b abt 1815 in Albany Co. moved to Fulton, Schoharie Co. NY in 1843 and assumed custody of two Chichester children. He was the census taker for Fulton in 1855. I believe he was either the son or grandson of Reuben and Phebe Stanton of Coeymans Township in Albany Co. NY. Can anyone help out? Matthew Porter - posted 03-97

STARKS - Looking for information on Abraham Starks. He is listed in the 1810 Census as aged 26-45yrs. living in Broome Township with a wife of the same age and a son aged less than 10 years. This fits the information I do have: Abraham Starks b. 1780 or 1781 and his son Amasa b. 1806 or 1807. I'm trying to find who Abraham's wife was, where Abraham was born and who his parent's were. Any help would be appreciated. Paul Stark - posted 01-07

STECHER - Looking for information about the ancestry of Philip Stecher, b. May 1844 in New York and died Sep 5, 1878 in Sharon Springs, Schoharie, New York..Just found the information of Mr. Stechers death in Sharon Springs, as of up until now we, my husband and I, have had no knowledge of the place of Mr. Stechers death. We did have the date but not the location of death. Mr. Philip Stecher is my husbands, John Stecher, great grandfather. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Audrey Stecher - posted 10-08

STERNBERG - I am a descendant of Jacob Sternberg through his son Lambert, grandson Adam, and great-granddaughter Elizabeth Sternberg Enders. Does anyone have any information on the other children of Jacob: Anna Catharina, Johann, Jacob, Johann Adam, and Philip Hieronymus? Thank you. Douglas V. Smith - posted 01-97

STERNBERG - Am looking for descendants of the Sternbergs, the Palatine German family that came to New York in 1710 and settled in Schoharie County. Lambert Martin - renewed 06-99

STERNBERGH - I am helping my daughter-in-law, Jennifer Sternbergh Huth, trace her Sternbergh line and have gotten stuck around 1900. This line involves several George Sternberghs and, possibly, a William Sternbergh. Help needed! Edward Huth, 1124 Morris Avenue, Bryn Mawr PA 19010-1712 - posted 04-06

STERNBERGH - I am looking for a Jonathan STERNBERGH born approx.1796- 1800, born in Schoharie County, NY. He married a Maria Unknown. Some of his children were Jonathan, Edwin and Alva. There are more. Later Jonathan moved to Cicero, Onondaga County, NY and Madison County, NY. Any help on this person would be greatly appreciated! Jo Dee Frasco - posted 04-99

STEVENS - seeking information and photos for the family of Emory Stevens, Assemblyman for Schoharie County in 1897, and his wife, Emma (Miller) Stevens. I have photos of them to share and photos for which I need identification taken by the Sterry & Co photography studio on Broadway in Albany, NY. Are there any Stevens descendants who access this site? Bonnie Ross - posted 05-20

STEVENS - I am looking for information on the children of Jedidiah Stevens who is found in Schoharie Co. Schoharie township in the 1810, 20, 30 censuses. Also, who are the brothers of Peter Stevens? Are there known children of Peter Stevens. Richard E. Stevens - posted 01-00

STEVENS - I am trying to trace my great-great grandfather's family. Jacob Stevens (1801-1881) married Harriet Livingston (1807-1859) probably in 1821. They lived in Cobleskill Township on a small farm they owned and are buried in a country cemetery just east of Cobleskill. Harriet was the daughter of Jacob Livingston and Sarah Van Kleek. I cannot find who was Jacob's father. Richard E. Stevens - posted 01-99

STEVENS - PELLS - Seeking information on the parents of Sylvester STEVENS b. Apr 24, 1824 near Schoharie Co., NY; d. Oct 27, 1914 in Berne, NY. Parents listed on death certificate as William Stevens of NY and Addie PELLS of NY. Robert Derocher - posted 02-98

STEVER - My GGG Grandmother, Huldah Stever Leonard, is reported to be the daughter of Jacob STEVER of Schoharie County, NY. I have been unable to find any information on a Jacob Stever in Schoharie County. Huldah was born about 1792 and died in Bradford County, Pa in 1860. It is unknown when she came to Bradford County. Any information on Jacob Stever, or any other Stever's in Schoharie County from county founding until about 1840 would be appreciated. Bill Klauk - posted 07-99

STEWART - looking for records of Stewart Cemetery in Gilboa. Specifically looking for information and descendants of Daniel Stewart, born 1783 CT and wife Mary Kenyon. They were of Gilboa 1850 census. Appreciate any help. Mary Casey - posted 02-07

STEWART - Looking for information on Edwin J. Stewart, b:1826 Schoharie Co. 1849 married Magdalene Van Kleek b: 1827 Schoharie Co. daughter of Michael Henry Van Kleeck and Jane Ames. 1850 NY Federal census shows family in Cohocton, Steuben Co. Edwin a teacher, Hannah Van Kleeck living with Edwin and Magdalene. 1855 State census family in Woodhull, Steuben Co. Edwin still a teacher, children Franklin Milton (3),Charles (1) and Emma (9/12). 1860 Federal census Edwin a Presbyterian minister in Franklinville, Cattaraugus Co. Martha Van Kleeck living with the Stewart family. Looking for parents, siblings of Edwin J. Stewart. Melvin Wright, Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Washington. Melvin Wright - posted 12-97

STEWART - I would love to hear from you if you know anything that relates to the following: My Stewart ancestors, John Stewart and father Donald Stewart, emigrated from Killin (in Perthshire on the southwest tip of Loch Tay). John Stewart b. 1776 m. Catherine Montieth in 1810 in the Broadalbin/Johnstown area in New York's Mohawk Valley. John Stewart and Catherine Montieth had eight children: Rev. Daniel Stewart b. 1811 in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co, NY, d. 1897 in Minneapolis, MN. William Stewart b. 1813 in Amsterdam, NY, d. 1872 in Amsterdam - married Catherine KNOX. Isabel or Isabella Stewart, my three greats grandmother, b. 1815, d. 1843 in Downers Grove, IL who married John W. Walker. Catherine Stewart b. 1818 in Canada, d. 1881 in Amsterdam, NY who m. Daniel I. McMartin. Margaret Stewart b. 1820 in Amsterdam, NY, d. 1867 who m. John WELLS. Walter Stewart, M.D. b. 1822 in Broadalbin, NY, d. 1863 in Natchez, MS who married Jennie BUCKNER. John Stewart b. 1825 in Broadalbin, NY. James Stewart b. 1826 in NY, d. 1864) who married Catherine D. LOGAN. Paul Fraser - posted 08-97

STEWART - Have letters written from Affie SHAFER to Peter G. STEWART, who was a son of William Stewart, b. September 01, 1776, Stamford, Delaware Co., New York, married Penual Grant December 11, 1800 in Stamford. 1. Probate and will records reported William died in his home in Jefferson NY, 18 August 1842, Schoharie Co. His living children were Margaret Shafer, wife of David of Schoharie; Rachel wife of Glover P Northrup; Affiah Stewart; Peter G. Stewart; John W. Stewart & David Taylor, guardian of Mariet Stewart, minor. Penual died September 03, 1848. Son James Stewart had died earlier, in 1832. Per Schoharie Co. cemetery records, Rachel Stewart later married Charles Decker. 2. A History of Stamford, by Charles D. Griffin, gives a biography of William Stewart on page 194. Have letters written from NY in late 1800s from relatives of Peter Grant Stewart describing family. Looking for other descendents of William and Penual (Grant) Stewart to share information. Jon Ridgeway - posted 09-97

STICKLES - Looking for information about the descendants of Nicholas STICKLES who lived in Schoharie county in 1850 at the age of 93.His wife was Deborah Dean whom he married in 1796 in Columbia County, NY. Their son ,John Stickles, born 1803, married Maria HOUVER (HOVER, HOOVER) of Schoharie Co. Her parents were John and Jane Houver. Is anyone researching these families? Holly Verga - posted 04-98

STONER - Looking for any information on a James E. Stoner found on the 1880 census in Schoharie. He was 32 in 1880. Was married to Blanche R. Had sons Loyd, Edwin, and Jay. Any information would be appreciated. Terri Tilley - posted 11-02

STORY/STOREY - I am looking for information on two families that originated from Schoharie County, New York: The first is Borst. I am looking for the parentage of an Aurelia Borst, born March 14, 1839 at Middleburg, Schoharie County, New York. The second is Story(Storey). Aurelia Borst married James Madison Story in 1866. James Story was born 1837 and was listed on the 1860 census. The assumption is that this marriage occurred in Schoharie County. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Mike Kirchmeier - posted 07-07

STOREY - I have Oliver Abraham Storey married to Elenor Soule who is the daughter of William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butler. Bildad William's parents were Moses Soule and Elenor Williams. Moses is supposedly buried in Schoharie. Moses grandparents were Joseph Soule and Mercy Southworth. William Bildad Soule and Jemima Butlers children were all born in Schoharie. Their names are Moses 1793, William Bildad Jr. 1796, Charles William 1800, Henry 1800, Elenor 1801, Nealon or Nelson 1804, Mary 1806, Elizabeth 1811. We have not been able to find any information on the Storey's. Elenor and Oliver Abraham were not married in Schoharie but in Vigo County Indiana. Elenor was married before to Peter Garber. Any help would be appreciated. As you can see we have the Soule lineage but little information on them. I also noticed on your page that the name Southworth comes up and we have no information on them either. The families are connected but the connection is probably in Mass rather then NY. Kaye Haughee - posted 02-02

STOREY -  I am trying to locate information on two Schoharie, NY families. Oliver Abraham Storey born in Schoharie in 1796 and Elenor Soule who is the daughter of Bildad William Soule and Jemima Butler Soule who lived in Schoharie and had all their children there. Bildad William's father was Moses Soule who is supposed to be buried in Schoharie. Elinor married Peter Garber in 1814 in Schoharie and then Oliver Abraham Story in 1821, but they married in Indiana. The Children of Bildad and Jemima were Elinor b 1801, William B. Jr. b 1796, Charles W. b 1803, Moses b 1793, Henry b 1800, Nealon (Nelon) b 1804, Elizabeth (Eliza) b 1811, Mary (Polly) b 1806. These are all listed as being born in Schoharie. The Soule family are listed in the 1820 Vigo County Indiana Census. Any help on the lineages of these families will be greatly appreciated. Kaye Haughee - posted 11-01

STRAIL - Looking for information about the ancestry of John STRAIL, b. abt 1740, Holland. He was married to Margaret (Margarita) Dempster. He served as a corporal in Capt David McMaster's Co, Col. Fisher's Reg, NY militia and was buried in Schoharie. Their daughter, Mary (b 1762), married Peter BURNETT in 1788, Claverack Dutch Church, Columbia, NY. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Joyce Phillips - posted 08-02

STRAIL - Need parents of John Strail b1755 and his wife Margretha's maiden name b abt 1759. Also need his son John's wife Catherine's maiden name. She was born abt 1770. Both couples lived in Sharon and most of their children were born there. Leona Tillson - posted 10-98

STRAIL - My GGGrandfather was Lavilla Strail who married to Adalaide Thompson born in Decauter,NY. Their children were Art, Frank, Claude, Iola & the oldest Leona born in 1877. Can anyone tell me anything about these or other Strail's who may have descended from Andrew Strail who was in Seward in 1796. Leona Tillson - posted 06-98

STRAIT - Looking for any information on the Delapp/Garner/Strait lines. Hiram E and George Delapp and their wives, Matilda Garner and Anna L. Oliver in Middleburgh, Esperance and Schoharie areas in or around 1850-1900. Gregg Varno - posted 10-08

STRAIT - Looking for the parents or any information on Alonzo Strait who appears in the NYS Census of 1865, town of Seward Schoharie County New York. He was born in Otsego County NY abt. 1835 and m. Lany Lasher who was born in Schoharie County about 1838. Their children were John, Charles, Willie, Peter and George. Joann Duffy - posted 01-01

STRAIT - I am looking for the parents of George Strait b. 1863 Seward Schoharie NY m. Laura Talyor b. 1864 Seward Schoharie NY. George was probably a laborer on the farm of D.S. Markle in Seward. I think there was a Charlie Strait who was related to this George. Joann Duffy - posted 02-00

STRATER - Catherine Strater (other spellings are possible) was ca. Jul 1801 in Schoharie Co. She may have been a daughter of Henry Strader. She moved to Lewis Co, and there married Benjamin Churchill in Martinsburg on 15 Jul 1824. They lived for many years in Booneville, Oneida Co., NY, and later in IL and MO where she died. Information on Catherine's ancestors is needed. R. Jay Williamson - posted 12-96

STROBECK - I am looking for any information about the STROBECK family of Schoharie. Mary SALOME STROBECK was born in 1760 and died in 1817. She was married to Jeremiah YOUNG in the Lutheran Church in Schoharie in 1783. Any Strobeck information or leads would be appreciated. Betty Crouser Stumpf - posted 07-98

STRONG - seeking parents/family of William Carley Strong (Civil War General) b. Schoharie Co. abt 1805 - later lived in Finger Lakes. Robert & Tracie Lefler - posted 11-02

STRYKER - Looking for information on Joseph Stryker, born Abt. 18 Oct 1823 in Gilboa, Schoharie, NY and baptized in the Gilboa DRC. Parents: Barent W. Stryker 1801-1878 and Jane Schermerhorn 1800-1880. He married Catherine Ann (Ann Catherine) Bouck 12 Aug 1845. They had two children: Mary Jane Stryker (Brownlee) and Catherine Elizabeth Stryker (Becker). Joseph’s wife,Catherine, died in 1849 or 50 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, NY. The children were reportedly raised by Boucks and Mannings. Last known location: 22 Aug 1850 in Middleburg, where he was a constable living alone in a boarding house. Any additional information or idea of where he went from there will be greatly appreciated. Bob Rasmussen - posted 03-14

STRYKER - Jacob Stryker b. 1822 ? married bef. 1860 Sarah M. Taylor b.1830. Know for a fact they were living in Gilboa, Schoharie county in 1860. Sarah's sister Catherine Taylor 18, was living with them. Jacob an Sarah had a family of 4 children: Bessie, Frank b.1863, Taylor b. 1866 , and William b.1870. Trying to find parents, siblings, etc. for Jacob. May have found a brother William b.1815 living in Iowa in 1860, but have to prove it. April - posted 05-04

STUART - Looking for information on the families of Josiah Brown Jr., Charles Stuart Jr., Moses Worden, Nathaniel Porter, Elnathan Porter, William Porter, John Wilcox, Samuel Chichester, and John Chichester, who all moved from Albany County, Coeymans Township, New York to Schoharie County, Broome Township, New York between 1800 and 1805. Keith Dull - posted 03-04

STUBRACH - - Amongst some papers my grandmother gave me, I found several original deeds. One I have to share is a land deed between John and Betsy DAVIS, and Henry STUBRACH. I'm not sure why this is in our files, as I don't know the relationship to my lines. Have just transcribed the deed dated 1841, and would like to share the info with someone who is interested. Melissa Tobat - posted 03-97

SULLIVAN - Still searching for Daniel Sullivan (b:1800) - some say his family "came from Mass. thru' Schoharie Co." He is shown in Dudley's History of Oneonta as "Pioneer" - and listed in 1820, 1830, census' in Milford ( now Oneonta) - Brother and/or father may have been "David" - Any records of Sullivan's in Schoharie Co. would be helpful. ( I did locate the story of "Sullivan Crooks" in Scho. Co., but dates did not match my family ! ) any help appreciated. Felicia June (Sullivan) Swisher - posted 01-03

SULLIVAN - Sullivan, Frank A., Born 1866, married Harriet West. Frank passed away in 1936, he owned the Sullivan Hardware Store in Middleburgh. Frank and Harriet had three children, F. Leslie Sullivan, Gladys, and Maynard. I am trying to find information on Frank's parents, I have the names of Michael and Mary, and additional information would be appreciated. Sandy Borst Steele - posted 08-99

SUMMERS/SOMMERS/SOMERS/SUMERS - I am looking to purchase a copy of William Clark Summers, book Summers, Sommers, Somers, Sumers, and others that missed the boat, a history of the descendants of Rev. Peter Summers. Don Sommers - posted 10-05

SWART - Looking for the ancestry of Bartholomew or Bartolomeus Swart married to Elizabeth Lawyer 1797 in Schoharie County: Children: Tunis (b 1799, m Charlotte Victoria Gratiot ca 1830s), Eve (b 1802) Eliza (b 1804) Jacob Bartholomew (b ca John Lawyer (b 1808) Josias Clark (b1811), Catherine Louisa or Caty Lise (b 1813) Jane (m Lyman Griffith) all born in Schoharie County. Bartholomew brought his family to Westminster Township, Middlesex County, near London Ontario, in early 1816. The eight children listed were mentioned in his will dated 1849, but there were two others as earlier records indicate that he had 10 children. Bartholomew is not in the 1851 census, and neither is his second wife Sylvania Shotwell (m 1850).  I would appreciate any information on his parents and family, especially, his relationship to a Bartholomew Swart who married Maria Lawyer in Schoharie in 1786 and a Teunis Swart (alive in Schoharie in the 1790s) and whether this was the Bartholomew Swart who operated a tavern in Schoharie in 1805 (tax record). Patricia Roberts-Pichette - posted 07-05

SWART - Still searching for a record of  birth on Conradt or any other info on the parents. The parents of Conrad  Swart appear to be John Schwart and Sophia Gerdraut. They sponsored the bp of Conradt's first son Johannis at Schoharie Lutheran church (rcd #969) in 1766. According to W. H. Barker, they are also the parents of the Catherine Swart who married 21 Jun 1767, at the Schoharie DRC (rcd #138) to Adam Becker. Glen A. Swartz - posted 01-97, updated 10-01

SWARTHOUT - Seeking any information on James Swarthout B: abt 1810 NY - married: Ann M B: abt 1812 NY. Their children were Mary Jane B:1833; John Ramsdell B:1835; Joseph B:1838; James B:1841; Ann M B:1846; Nancy B:1848. John Ramsdell is my ggg grandfather in 1860 he was the Constable of Lancaster, Erie, NY. He married Caroline Bergtold. He was in the 68th NY Inf Co H during the Civil War. He died in the Soldiers Home in Grand Rapids, MI in 1894. Brett MacDonald - posted 06-98

SWEET - Looking for information of the family of Cyrus Sweet. He was the father of Orra Adaline Sweet--she was born in 1810 and married William S. Crawford in Cobbleskill Nov. 16, 1831. Any information on Cyrus & family would be greatly appreciated. Dee Looker - posted 09-10

SWEET - Looking for information on John Sweet family lived in Carlisle in 1875 Census. John b Sweet 22 Nov 1820 married to Rachel, I believe Sweet but not proven b 1826. Children: John Spencer Sweet b Jun 1847 m Mary Estes b Oct 1852; Mary Jane b ca 1849; Adeline b ca 1850; Charles Albert b ca 1851 m Susan; Ruth Ann b 22 Apr 1854 m Lucius Plue b ca 1852 and living with family; George b ca 1858. Also 1860 census shows them living in Esperance. Shirley Becker - posted 03-05

SWEET - Looking for info on Benjamin Sweet b. April 2, 1785, in RI d. March 7, 1858, in Grovenors Corners, NY but not buried there. Married to Hannah ??? I have extensive written data on Benjamin's family down to the present but no connection to Parents or wife or burial place. Ewsweet - posted 11-98

SWIFT - Seeking confirmation on William Swift, m.1814 (supposedly at "Montville, Montgomery Co."??) Rachel Barlow (b.1795 Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY). A William Swift household appears in Schoharie town 1820 Fed census with the right age bins. Wm supposedly b.1789 Sandich, MA, but no Wm Swift of the right age appears in the records there. My source giving Sandwich as birthplace and Montville as marriage place is suspect, so I'm working back from NY. Rachel's father most probably Nathan BARLOW who d.1820 Charlestown, Montgomery Co, mentions daughter Rachel in his will. Family moved to Plymouth, MI abt 1835. I'd appreciate suggestions regarding land & church records in Schoh. Co. Ch: Franklin b.10Nov1815, Lucy b. bef.1820, Angeline 1st b.? d. infant, William Henry b.?, Angeline II b.~1825 NY, Mary? b.?, Bolivar b.1830 NY. Ted Swift - posted 11-99, updated 01-00

SWITS - Wanted to let people are researching: Swits, Oliver, Hagadorn-Engle, Eckerson, Miller, Pierce, Burley, Benson, Carter, Fredendall, Cater, to come visit my web site Caprio Genealogy Page. I have over 90 pictures uploaded, and we made sure they download very fast for you. There are several Middleburgh picture postcards from 1912. The 3 links that have photo links are: Book 1, Book 2 and Extra Pictures. Book 2 is a 1990 endeavor that has letters, memories, photo's, etc. pertaining to my Schoharie roots. Book 1 is about my Italian side of the family. The extra pictures are ones that have collected over the last 9 years. If you have any further information on any of my surnames listed above I would be most pleased to hear from you. Kathy Caprio McNamara - posted 04-99

SYNDER - Looking for information on my great-grandfather, Frank Roy Synder of Hyndsville, NY. Believed to be born 2/26/1878 in Hyndsville, NY. Moved to New Mexico and El Paso, TX. Served in WWI. Married twice. Daughter Ada Synder from first marriage. Daughter Maragert Synder from second marriage, my grandmother. Had at least two brothers Delmer and Burt. Moved to LA, California where he died, 4/18/55. Any information would be extremely helpful. Gregory A. Picon - posted 06-03

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