Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Queries & Surnames
for Schoharie County

Surnames - Letters A and B



ABRAHMS - Searching for info on this surname. Paige LaRosa - posted 10-99

ABRAMS - Looking for info on James F. Abrams and Cobleskill Academy where he is supposed to have been schoolmaster. My great-grandmother Anna Elizabeth Abrams was supposedly born in Cobleskill in 1850. Her parents, James F. and Catherine M. Abrams are on the 1850 census in Cobleskill and were supposedly married there in 1845. Catherine was daughter of Peter F. Rockefeller (Cobleskill). Marilyn Wiberley - posted 04-99

ACKER - I am trying to find information on my 5x great uncle, John Acker. He was born in England and farmed in Schoharie NY. He died in 1770. I would appreciate any help you could give me. Geof Acker - posted 09-00

ACKLEY - Request info on the Calvin Ackley family while living in Schoharie County. Calvin Ackley (1764-1853) married Phoebe Selleck (1777-1831) in Salisbury, CT in 1796. They migrated to Schoharie, Co. in about 1802 and remained there until about 1822 when they migrated on to Licking Co., OH. Two of their 12 children (Clarissa and Levi) were born in CT and I believe the remaining 10 (Ezra, Whitfield, Leman, Juliann, Eliza, Philitius, Emily, Chester, Walgrave, and Ida) were born in Schoharie County. Calvin was a Rev. War veteran and was probably a farmer while living in Schoharie Co., as he acquired a farm upon arriving in Licking Co., OH. I will appreciate any info on this family during the period they lived in NY. Dean Cullison - posted 09-01

AKELEY - Looking for information about the ancestry of Alida Akeley, born 1865-1870. She was the daughter of Edgar (b. circa 1840) and Mary Akeley (b. circa 1844). They were living in Fulton, Schoharie, New York in 1880 - Alida is shown on the census as being 14 years old. Three other children in family: Nora (b. circa 1870), Jenny (b. circa 1871), and Sarah (b. circa 1874). Particularly interested in any Native American connection as family legend is that Alida Akeley Native American. Alida married Charles Burger circa 1885. Alida also shown in family records as Lydia, Lyda, and last name spelled Akley, Akely. Possibly Alida known as "Alice" as a young child. Jill Frier - posted 02-04

AKER - I am researching my grandmother's family. Her father was Freeman Keyser, her Grandfather was George Keyser, proprietor of the Charlotteville Hotel in the 1870's-1880's. Also her mother, Elizabeth Walsh/Welch Keyser and her grandmother, Charlotte Aker Keyser. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Charlene Killgo - posted 01-12

ALL - Looking for any information concerning the family named ALL. A Loes ALL married? John Blin in Greene or Schoharie County circa 1780. Have no other information except census. Any information would be appreciated. Pat Blend - posted 07-01

ALLEN - Researching the Makely and Allen families from Manorkill and Conesville 1800 to present. Would like to trade information. Jo Anne - posted 06-98

AMES - Looking for information about the ancestry of Samuel Ames, born 1792. He had a son Ira and Joseph and a daughter Roxania. He served in War of 1812 and enlisted in 1813.
they lived in Windham, Schoharie NY. Possible part Native American of Delaware/Lenape Indian tribe. Nancy Fermazin - posted 06-10

AMES - Looking for any information on the marriage records of Adolphus Ames age 27 in 1837 and the birth records of a Sarah Ames in 1838. Nancy Fermazin - posted 08-09

ANDERSON - Would like place of birth and parents for George ANDERSON, b. abt 1755; d. 3 Jul 1823 in McKeesport, Allegheny, PA. Married to Elizabeth KERN, b. 31 Oct 1761 in Schoharie, Ulster, NY.Three of their eight children were born in Shawangunk, Ulster, NY: George Washington ANDERSON, b Nov 1778; Benjamin Franklin ANDERSON, b. 1780; Elizabeth ANDERSON, b. 1781. Elizabeth KERN was the daughter of Jacob KERN and Anna Elisabetha WANNER. I believe they were Palatines. Any additional information about the ANDERSON, KERN, WANNER families would be greatly appreciated. JoAnne Fulton - posted 01-14

ANDREWS - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

ANGUS - I am looking for information on William Havelock Angus, b. 1860 in Nova Scotia, married Mary Milsom. I believe they moved to Sharon Springs in the 1870's. I believe William's parents, Jeremiah and Catherine Angus may have moved there also. Any help on this family would be greatly appreciated. Pam Angus-Harrison - posted 09-98

ANTIS - The Antis family name derives from two branches. The first family is found in Dutch Reformed church records in Mohawk Valley and the second Lutheran in SCHOHARIE, which helps us sort them out. The branch founded by Franz Anthes from Zweibrueken who arrived in NY abt. 1757 or earlier and married Dorothea Ostermann in the Lutheran church in Schoharie in 1758. May have had a son named FRANCIS who also lived in Albany? I'm looking for more Lutheran church and civil records, anything at all. Anyone doing this family in Schoharie? Ronald - posted 07-03

ANTIS - Jacob Antis born 1800 Argusville, Schoharie Co., NY married to Margaret Wager. May have had sons: Alexander, Thadeus, Jay, Daniel, Charles and John. John Antis was married to Pheobe Curtis and Alexander Antis (1846-1907) settled in Johnstown, Fulton Co., NY. Looking for any information concerning this Antis family. Willing to share info. (cem. records and wills). Marcia Buffett - posted 12-99

ARCHER - I am searching for the Archer lineage that came to the United States. The names I know of are: (In order of generation) John Archer -gravestone says died May 2, 1864, age 88 years m. Noimi TUB, gravestone says died Aug 1, 1864 age 81 years. They died in Martinsburg. Ananias Archer (son of John) was suppose to have been born in Schoharie County. Ananias married Nancy Stradder. I know that John and Niomi they later moved to Lewis county since that is where they are buried. Here is the rest of the family line: James Archer (son of Ananias) m. Amanda Day. Raymond Warren Archer (son of James) m. Henrietta Zecher. Voigt Day Archer (son of Raymond) m. Erma Beatrice Bahler. Voigt Day Archer (son of Voigt) m. Beverly Gladys Nason Amy Elizabeth Archer (me!) Amy Archer Caccia - posted 09-97

ARMLIN - Looking for information about the SPENCER family of Middleburgh and Breakabeen. Isaac D. SPENCER( 1847-1925) and wife Damaris A. TRAVER ( 1847-1928) had a son Merrit F.( 1884-1954) who married Florence WARNER ( 1886-1945) Both Merrit and his wife are buried in Breakabeen. They had 2 sons, George M. (1930- 1992)and a son James. (b. 1924) Isaac and Damaris SPENCER also had a daughter Ervilla Dency( 1868-1919)who married Nelson ARMLIN ( 1852-1938) Ervilla and Nelson also lived in Middleburgh, and are buried on Arlim Hill. If anyone has any info on any of these people or their families, I would love to hear from you. Lorna Puleo - posted 06-08

ARMSTRONG - looking for father of Daniel Armstrong. Daniel was born 21 August 1795 Schoharie, New York, only child of Unknown Armstrong and Mary Heine or Yeoman/Yeaman (last name in question). Daniel's father died when he was quite young and Mary re-married a man named Martin Quigley about 1800. Nancy Smith - posted 11-00

ARVER - Researching Phillip H. Arver and Cathlyntje VAN SCHOONHOVEN, who resided in Schoharie County, NY ca 1813-ca 1819 Their children were: Henry, Richard S., Elizabeth, Gilbert, John, James P., Jacob H., Lewis B, and Hannah. I would like to correspond with anyone researching this family. Cheryl Arver - posted 06-97

ATKINS - Looking for Patty/Martha ATKINS who m Josephus BUTTS May 1806 at Jefferson, Schoharie Co, NY. Joseph Atkins lived in area-was he the father? Any info welcome. Nancy Carter - posted 03-98, updated 08-11

AUGUSTUS - Looking for white family named Augustus. In Durham (Greene) area in 1820-1860 period. Had connections with Weidman family in Schoharie in 1860's. Information from any period appreciated. Mike Day - posted 10-03

AUSTEN - I'm looking for information on Sarah AUSTEN, born in Schoharie abt. 1787, married to Levi BALLOU abt. 1810., UTICA, NY. 1855 Census of City of Utica, 6th Ward, p.2, lists her age 68, as mother-in-law, HAWKINS, ,Martin , Henrietta (Ballou) Hawkins wife, and several Hawkins children listed. Family oral tradition has SARAH AUSTEN'S family in Schoharie during Rev. War time. Any information will be much appreciated. Dan Hawkins - posted 02-05

AUSTIN - I'm now seeking information on Abraham (Abram?) Wayman and Sarah Austin Wayman. Sarah was born in June 1864. They have been confirmed by a local official as the parents of Austin, Burt, Harry, Fannie, Ethel, Nettie, and Robert Wayman. In 1900, Sarah and the kids were living in Worcester. She is listed as widowed, although family lore says she was abandoned. Jean Gossman - posted 04-06

AVERY - I am trying to get some clues on my Avery ancestors. They ended up in Bradford Co. PA. My grgrgrandfather was Jacob Avery who was b. ca 1784 in PA according to the census. He had a daughter Annis Ann Avery b. ca 1827 who married Jacob Blodgett. Jacob was the son of Charles Blodgett and Deborah Avery who were from Schoharie Co. This Deborah Avery was born ca 1785 in NY. Could she be a sister of Jacob and he was really born in NY? Any info would be appreciated. This is not the first time a clue has brought me to Schoharie Co. There was some reference to the Vroman family who settled near the Averys in Bradford Co PA. Jim Avery - posted 07-07

AVERY - Russell Avery's first wife, Anna died 2 Feb 1856 in Broome. She was a member of the church there. Need her maiden name, birth date and parents. Karen Hahn - posted 01-98


BABCOCK - I am looking for ancestry information on Mercy M. FURBUSH (b. 30 Oct 1831 in Schoharie Cnty NY) and William BABCOCK (b. 24 April 1830 in Schoharie Cnty NY), who were married there 5 Mar 1853, and later moved to Michigan, Illinois, and Nebraska.  Mercy may have also been called Marsha.   I believe Mercy's father was Moses Furbush (b.  10 Jan 1792, Massachusetts, d. 15 May 1852, in Wright or Schoharie Cty NY), and her brothers were Gilbert and John B. FURBUSH.   Marriage records for Mercy and William, obituary or marriage records for Moses, or any other information you may have leading to their parent's information would be greatly appreciated.  They may have lived in/near Schenectady. Julie Long - posted 01-10

BABCOCK - I am looking for any information on Jehiel, Jehul, Jehial or Jehu Babcock. We belive that there were 3 people, 2 of which were the son and grandson respectively of the first Jehiel. We also are fairly certain that the first Jehial (possibly spelled Jehiel) moved to Schoharie in 1781. We believe that they were in the area until at least 1830. We know that in 1850 Jehul Babcock was in the city or township of Otselic in Chenango County. We are trying to establish the fact that there was a son and grandson of the original Jehiel (Jehial) Babcock. If you can find any information on any of these people it would be greatly appreciated. Susan - posted 07-01

BADER - I have a pedigree chart compiled by another researcher which lists the birth of Melchior BADER (BAUDER) about 1741 in Schoharie NY. Melchior married Barbara BAJER in Stone Arabia, NY on November 18, 1761. The chart also lists his death in Canajoharie NY in about 1840. Does anyone have any information on Melchior BADER or the BADER, BAUDER and/or BAJER families that they would be willing to share? Ed Harrison - posted 07-98

BADGLEY - Clarissa Badgely b. abt 1817 d. May 04, 1891 in Jefferson, NY m. Orrin B. Martin before 1848. She m. 2nd David W. Griggs. Her death certificate gives her maiden name as Badgley and her parents as John Badgley and Mrs. (Dodge) Badgley. She is buried in Welches Cemetery in Gilboa. In an index to Welch Cemetery found at the Stone Fort, Clarissa's name is shown as "Clarissa Bradley, wife of Orrin, d. May 5, 1891, age 73". I believe Clarissa's mother's name was Mary (Polly) Badgley. Can anyone help with more info on this family? Dick Martin - posted 01-01

BAILEY - Henry Bailey b 7 21 1826, Gilboa, Schoharie, married ? 10 14 1849. children include Alvin H b 6 28 56 and Lucas 8 13 1852 among others. Was in Sullivan Co by 1874. All related information would be appreciated. Lewis Townsend - posted 10-98

BAILEY - David Layman Bailey was born __ July 1757 or 1758 in Stonington, CT. He married Eunice Ward 1 March 1783 in Brattleboro, VT. David died 22 Feb 1839 in Jefferson, Schoharie Co., NY. I am seeking the exact day David Bailey was born. The children of David Bailey and Eunice Ward were Cornelius Bailey b. 1785, Olive Bailey b.1789, David Layman Baily b.1794, and Hiram Baily b. 10 Jan 1810 in Jefferson, NY. He married Emiline Lines. Hiram died 30 March 1853 and is buried in Grand Gorge, Delaware Co. NY. I have more on these families and believe I know the CT parents of David Lyman Bailey (Revolutionary soldier from CT). Steven Brenn - posted 05-97

BAKER - My Great-grandmother was Delana Baker Turner. She was named after her grandmother Delana (Sherman) Baker. Her father was Stephen Baker born 1825, and died 1901. Stephen Baker died in 1901 in Manhattan and is buried with his parents in Schoharie County.  I am trying to find family information related to Ruben Baker's parents. Based on family notes, Rubon was born in Massachusetts but it is unclear where in Massachusetts. I was told that the line began in Yarmouth although I have not found a birth record for Ruben in Yarmouth. Any information you have or can share would be much appreciated. Alison Poplar - posted 05-24

- BAKER, Silas, b c 1793; supposedly had brother Calvin. He married Christina BUNZEY; he bought and sold property in Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY early 1800's before removing to Colesville, Broome Co., NY. Children were Ira b 14 Jan 1814 - d 20 Oct 1890 in Colesvile, Broome Co., NY who removed to Lee Co., IL and married Sarah Ann WILKINS; and Calvin Jr. b 1818 who m and divorced Mary Van Buren BENNETT c 1840. Kay Brownell Reed - posted 10-04, updated 02-12

BAKER - Need info on Calvin BAKER b 8 Jul 1798; he m Mary Ann KILMER on 2 Mar 1824. They bought and sold property in Blenheim, Schoharie Co., NY in the early 1800's; the last being 1838 when they had already removed to Colesville, Broome Co., NY. Their children: Henry M. b 16 Mar 1825; Hiram b 14 Oct 1826; Julia Ann b 24 Oct 1828; Amy Elizabeth b 5 Jul 1832; Charles N. b 21 Sep 1834; Sarah E. b 20 Sep 1836; Mary Jane b 27 Nov 1838; Timothy b 13 Jul 1840; Ira b 23 Sep. Have much info on descendants but cannot find parents. Kay Brownell Reed - posted 10-04, updated 02-12

BAKER - I am looking for information on my gggg grandfather Reuben Baker born July 13, 1785 in Massachusetts. He also had a brother Jacob who was born Abt. April 14, 1793. Possible other brother was Jonas Baker. They both settled in the Summit area of Schoharie about 1815 - 1818. I believe they are tied to the Bakers of Dartmouth Mass. somehow but I have been unable to make the connection. Reuben briefly settled in Otsego County where Howland Baker(1815) his first son was born after that all the rest of his children were born in Schoharie county. Barry Schinnerer - posted 12-02

BAKER - have info to share - Beverly - posted 10-96

BALDWIN - I am looking for information on the parentage of Andrew G. Baldwin of Conesville, Schoharie, Ny. He was born about 1827 and married to Charlotte Stryker. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. islandgirlsml - posted 12-10

BALDWIN - Seeking information on Robert Henry Wayman, b. 1859 (parents: Harvey B. and Fanny) of Worcester and Sarah H. Baldwin, b. June 1864 (parents: George and Eliza) of Westford. I think they may be the parents of Bob (my MGF), Nettie, Harry, Austin, Fanny, Ethel, and Burt Wayman. Their father abandoned the family sometime in late 1899 or 1900. The 1900 census shows that their mother was named Sarah. Robert Henry disappears from census records after 1880. I believe Harvey may have been the son of Jeremiah Wayman of Summit. Harvey and Fanny moved from Summit in the 1850s to Pennsylvania, and then moved to Worcester. Van Ness and Dorcas Baldwin lived right next to Harvey and Fanny's family in Worcester in 1880. Jean Gossman - posted 03-06

BALL - I am looking for documentation of the marriage of my gg-grandparents, Mary Elizabeth BALL b. 7 Nov. 1841 Schoharie Co. NY, and Josephus "Joseph" Augustus YOUNG b. 19 Oct. 1840 Schoharie Co. NY, married 3 Jan. 1865 according to DAR application #410429. Mary is a descendent of Joseph Borst b. bef. 1750 Cobleskill, NY. Deborah Willis - posted 04-99

BANNER - Looking for information about the parentage of Sally BANNER, w. of Storm BURGETT. Storm Burgett born 30 May 1802 in Middleburgh, Schoharie, NY, and died 12 April 1855. I have no information about Sally but suspect she may be related to the Banner families of Delaware county. Any help appreciated. Nancy Porter - posted 08-11

BARBER - Harriet Barber/Cromwell, wife of Adam Cromwell, Daughter of William & Abigail Barber, seems to be buried in two separate cemeteries.  First, there is a Harriett M. Barber/Cromwell wife of & buried next to Adam Cromwell in Esperance, Schoharie Co, NY. Stone reportedly shows dob as 1808, dod Sept 24, 1862, age 54 years. Second, there is a Harriet Cromwell, wife of Adam, died July 1, 1851. aged 45 years 4 months. at Carlisle Cemetery, Carlisle, Schoharie Co, NY. Adam Cromwell's parents are also at Carlisle Cemetery. Is there anyone who has access to old records that is able & willing to figure out what is happening? Jacob Thorn - posted 10-07

BARBER - Seeking parents of John BARBER (b 12/5/1794 NY) and Prudence KENYON (b 10/22/1799 NY). They were married about 1819 and had at least five (5) children, all probably born in Carlisle Township: (1) Sarah c1820; William c1821; (3) Abigail 4/10/1825; Catherine A. 9/14/1829; David W. 2/16/1834. The family was in Peoria, IL by 1850 where John died 12/12/1871. Prudence died 8/29/1886 in Belmont Twp, Warren, IA. It is said that Prudence's father served under Ethan Allen. Greg Volk - posted 07-00

BARBER - Looking for any information about Amelia Marie Barber daughter of Joshia and Esther Barber of Schoharie County. She may have been born around 1840. I do not know what town they may have been from or near. Kim Kachelmuss - posted 08-99

BARBER - I am a Thorn descendant of Abigail(Barber) Thorn. Looking for a reply from Ruth Volk, and hoping she sees this message. I have info on Abigail life in Illinois & Iowa, as well as her children. Trying to find out about her Barber line. Jacob Thorn - posted 04-99

BARLOW - Seeking specifics on William Swift, m.1814 (at "Montville, Montgomery Co."??) Rachel Barlow (b.1795 Cobleskill). A William Swift household appears in Schoharie 1820 Fed census with the right age bins. Wm supposedly b.1789 Sandwich, MA, but no Wm Swift appears in the records there. Family moved to Plymouth, MI abt 1835. Source giving Sandwich as birthplace is suspect, so I'm working back from NY. Rachel's father probably Nathan d.1820 Montgomery Co, mentions daughter Rachel in his will. Suggestions regarding land & church records? Ch: Franklin b.10Nov1815, Lucy b. bef.1820, Angeline I b.? d. infant, William Henry b.?, Angeline II b.~1825 NY, Mary? b.?, Bolivar b.1830 NY. Ted Swift - posted 11-99

BARNER/BERNER - I am looking for any connections of JOSHUA BARNER born 1803 in Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York. I believe his father's name was HANS GEORGE BERNER/BARNER and his grandfather's name was JOHANNES BERNER/BARNER from Poppenweiler, Germany. He met and married ANNA BARBARA WUSTER in New York. It seems that they changed their name due to some type of family feud. He, JOSHUA BARNER, was married to SARAH CAROLINE WENTWORTH b. September 04, 1828 in Ancram, Columbia, New York. They had four children that I know of: LEVI BARNER b. 1832, MARY BARNER b. 1835, EVA BARNER b. 1837 and HENRY WENTWORTH BARNER, my great-grandfather, b. 1839 in Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York. He d. May 1920. Henry was married to RACHEL FRANCES WATKINS b. 1845 in Cobelskill, Schoharie, New York. HARRY WENTWORTH BARNER b. 1875 married RACHEL FRANCES WATKINS b. 1845. They had three children: PIERCE BARNER, NEAL BARNER and FRANCES BARNER. I believe they may have relocated to Grundy County, Illinois or Van Buren County, MI later in their lives but we are not sure. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. Earlene (Barner) Grady - posted 10-02

BARNHART - Nicholas, seeking any information about Nicholas, son of George , loyalist soldier in Kings Royal New York Regiment, 2nd battalion. Bruce Weaver - posted 12-13

BARRINGER - Looking for information about Matilda BARRINGER, b. July 29, 1830 in Schoharie, NY, d. January 20, 1915 in Lanesboro, PA. She was married to Alanson MELIOUS, b. April 09, 1829, d. January 30, 1878 in Hale Eddy, NY. Both are buried in Hale Eddy, Delaware Co., NY. Any information will be appreciated. Doug Boyer - posted 01-99

BARTHOLOMEW - I am looking for a Bartholomew male with a father-son descent from John (Johan) Bartholomew who would be willing to have a DNA test at my expense if there is an expense to verify or rule my descendency from Johan and Dorothy Ent Bartholomew who moved to the Schoharie. area about 1770. To check DNA e-mail, or . Dan Bartholomew - posted 01-06

BARTHOLOMEW - In the late 1700's, my direct ancestors lived in your county. The family name was John Bartholomew. Several of his children fought in the Revolutionary war and eventually received Bounties and/or pensions from service in the Revolutionary War. In addition, one of John Bartholomew's daughters married a Captain Harper, founder of Harpersville, NY. Subsequently, they moved to the Northwest Territory and many of the family relatives followed to the area. I suspect that John Bartholomew and his wife were burried in the area. They migrated to this area from Germantown, Pa. Any information on the family history from your area would be greatly appreciated. Jerry L. Gehre - posted 06-97

BARTON - Looking for more info. on Washington Barton, b 1826 in Middleburgh, son of Perlee Barton and Sarah ? married Sophia Williman b 1824 in Middleburgh, daughter of Conrad Williman and Elizabeth ? . Need info on both families. Washington and Sophia Barton are my 2G grandparents. I am the historian for Berne, NY. Have large of settlers of Berne. Many names who came from Schoharie, Becker, Deitz, Shultes, Ball, Kniskern, lots of others. Will gladly share. Ralph Miller - posted 05-97

BASELER - I am looking for information on an ancestor by the name of Frederick Baseler who died in 1783 (or thereabouts). Any help would be appreciated. Carolyn Goddard - posted 04-09

BASLER - Frederick, b ca 1712 married Anna DANNERIN, b 1746? Searching for information on this family, and any information on a daughter, Maria Elisabeth Basler, who married Conradt Swart at Schoharie Lutheran Church, 1776. Glen A. Swartz - posted 03-97

BASSETT - I am would like to correspond with anyone that has the surname of BASSETT in their database. My grand father was Martin BASSETT from Carlisle NY, his father was Francis BASSETT. Back from there it goes, Francis, Nathan, William, Nathan, William , William and I believe another William from England. Anyone researching this Bassett line, I would love to hear from you. Marlene - posted 10-05

BATDORF/BADORF/BATTORFF - Looking for information about the ancestry of John Adam BATDORF, b. abt. 1723 in Schoharie Co, NY and died abt. 1757 in Berks Co, PA. He was reputed to be the son of Johannes Martin BATDORF b. abt. 1699 in Germany and settled in Schoharie Co NY before moving to Berks Co, PA. John Adam BATDORF was married to Anna Elizabeth ZELLER. Johannes Martin BATDORF was married to Marie Elisabeth WALBORN. Any information will be appreciated. Bert Waits - posted 08-07

BATES - Looking for information about ancestry of Stella Bates DOB 1886, married to Charles "Chas" Lewis Biegel DOB 1863. Stella's brother is named Edward. Theresa Lahr - posted 02-05

BATES- I am looking for some leads on Oscar T. Bates, born 1832 birth place unknown. He married Mary Laraway (daughter of Peter & Olive Laraway) and they raised 3 children. A daughter, Berthene b. abt.1853, who later died and 2 sons, Harry & Harvey. Harry was born, March 1860, Harvey March 17, 1862, both in Middleburg, Schoharie Co. Oscar d.1/20/1916 & Mary d. 4/14/1908, are both buried in Huntersland Cem., Plot unknown as this time. Harry Bates married Harriet "Hattie" Collins (daughter of Peter & Hannah Collins from Gilboa), They raised their family in Middleburg, Livingstonville, Cooksburg. (children): Mary E. Bates b.1/10/1884 m. 1st Oakley Tubbs (died), (2 children) 2nd Clinton Tubbs, Lennie Bates b.4/14/1888 m. Laura Coons (1 child), Jennie Bates b. 1/25/1893 m. James Abrams (6 children), Viva Bates b.11/11/1898 m. Daniel Kennedy (8 Children). According to a Collins genealogy paper in Middleburg library, there was another daughter, M. Bates, whom married a Rivenburg. A little help on this one is appreciated. I believe there is still one other child as Viva's birth certificate list 5 children alive from mother, Harriet Bates. Harvey m. Luella Carpenter b. Sept 1859 (children): David d.2/1818,Edith d.4/4/1884, Lotti b.6/1886, George b.10/1888, Claude b.11/1890, David b.2/9/1893, Grace b.7/1895, Oscar b.7/1/1888, Austin b. 1899, Edna b. 1901, Flossie b. 10/6/1904. Anybody having any information concerning this family or it's off shoots or have photographs that could be scanned or reproduced would be of great help. Gary Abrams - posted 02-00

BEACH - Samuel b. 1800 Carlisle, Schoharie Co., New York. Seek ancestry and wife. Samuel had at least 1. Benjamin BEACH b. Dec 1825 New York d. aft 1900 of Putnam Co., Ohio and 2. Joseph BEACH b. abt 1834 in Ohio. Any information greatly appreciated. Barry C. K. Moravek - posted 07-06

BEACH - Looking for information about the ancestry of Zyphla Beach (b.1806). According to 1855 New York Census, she was born in Schoharie Co. She married Martin Bishop (b. 1802) before 1828. Her brothers may have been Philander Beach and Lewis Beach. Any information would be appreciated. Pamela S. Baase - posted 01-05

BEAGLE - Looking for parents of John Beagle (b: 15 Jan 1815, Schenectady, NY; d: 8 May 1882, Walton, Delaware Co, NY). I believe that John is the son of a Moses Beagle (b. 1788, md. Sally Ann Bice), who resided for many years with his parents, John Beagle (b: 1745, d: 1829) and Winche Van Nosdall of Schoharie. Patrick Beagle - posted 06-01

BECKER - looking for information on ancestors of Philip B. Becker born 26 January 1812 Schoharie NY, died 8 September, 1892 Carlisle, Schoharie NY, married to Maria A Hogan 1813-1857, 12 children - Charles Gideon Becker 1849-1902 , Mary Ann, Sarah, Cornelia,David S ,George W and Julia M, William O, Eugene, Catherine L, Hannah and Truman S. Residence information if available for Philip Becker and Charles Gideon Becker (daughter Bertha Becker Dec. 1874 Grovenor Conners d 8 March 1954). Maria A Hogan is buried in Schoharie somewhere as is David S per Family Search. Any information greatly appreciated - there are lots of Becker families. Mary Gracey - posted 06-20

BECKER - Looking for the names of the parents of John B Becker born on Sept. 16, 1798 in North Blenheim, Schoharie, NY. Carol Ramsden - posted 09-18

BECKER - looking for info about the ancestry of GRACE BECKER (b. 10 June 1880), daughter of Clinton S. Becker (b. abt 1850) and Mary Loucks (b. abt 1852) in Schoharie, New York. Grace married JOHN GARRETT who died in Glenville, Schenectady County, New York in 1928 of TB. They lived on Prospect Street in Schoharie in the early 1900's. They were the parents of Florence (b. 1903), Mary (b.1906), Fred (b. 1908), Francis (b.1909), Harold (b. 1910), Kathleen (b.1914), and Margaurite (b.1918). Thank you for any info you may have. Cindy Wielt Rucker - posted 01-13

BECKER - looking for any information on MAGDALENA WEYLAND BECKERIN (BECKER) (b 1665 in Cassel, Ahrweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, and her three sons: Michael (b 08 Dec 1687), Justus (b 08 Feb 1690) and Conrad (b Abt. 1695), all in Alsheim, Germany. Magdalena married SEBASTIAN BECKER 05 Dec 1686 in Alsheim. The family left Germany with the Palatines in 1709. Sebastian died enroute or shortly after arrival in New York in June of 1710. Magdalena and children were at West Camp 30 Jun 1710 (Hunter Lists #34), and as a widow on the 1716/17 Simmendinger list at Neu-Stuttgardt. Conrad married Sabina Mattheus (Mattice/Sofina Becker) 04 Jun 1717 at Schoharie (West Camp CHBK). He died before 1738 in Schoharie, leaving wife and children: Johann Nicholas, Sebastian, Johannes, Friedrich, Catharina and an unnamed child "murdered by Lawyer's slave 31 May 1741" (Rickard's German Lineage B). Magdalena appears as a sponsor at the Schoharie Reformed Church in 1732. I've found no trace of her or Michael and Justis, who are believed to have died in Schoharie. Magdalena reportedly re-married a Basha or such and settled in Schoharie along Foxes Creek. Any information on these folks will be greatly appreciated. Bob Rasmussen - posted 08-11

BECKER - Trying to find the parents of Abram and Katherine Lawyer Becker of Maryland, Otsego, NY 1900 census. Family members are Virgil, Ford, Maud, Ray, Frank, and Clarence. Raymond married Lena Parslow of Middleburgh and died in 1968, Ford died in 1951. 6 children are shown on the 1900 census of the 11 births from 1875. Dave Flewelling - posted 08-11

BECKER - Looking for information about the ancestry of Thomas W. (Wright?) BECKER b 1869 in New York. He was married to Caroline SPARLING in about 1895 in Spink, South Dakota. I believe he may be the son of Paul Weidman BECKER and Maria HARE listed on the 1880 census for Wright, Schoharie as "Tommy Becker". My grandmother remembers and Aunt by the name of Flora, who is also listed on that census. Thomas and Caroline had 3 children: Irene (b. 1897), Paul (b.1901) and Bernice (b. 1917) and the family moved to Tacoma, Washington around 1908. I would appreciate any conformation or additional information! Heidi Wassan - posted 06-10

BECKER - Looking for parents of Jacob Joseph Becker born in Fulton, Schoharie co, NY abt 1815, died after 1880 in Fulton, Schoharie Co, NY (also need date of death/birth). Married to Elizabeth Fullington. He had many children including Deborah A. Becker, Eve Becker, William Becker, Louise O. Becker and several more. Deborah is my g-g-grandmother. Carolyn Martin - posted 03-10

BECKER - I am searching for marriage info on C. Becker and Elizabeth Pangburn in 1870 in Schoharie NY. My 2nd Great-grandfather was Clayton Adelbert Becker from Ontario Co, he may have moved here to go to Med school in Albany. Is there anyway to find out if that C Becker is Clayton, and to get info on Elizabeth? Cynthia - posted 03-99

BECKER - I am compiling data on the eleven different lineages of Beckers who lived in Eastern New York during the 18th and early 19th centuries, a large number of whom lived in Schoharie County. I now have data on over 1500 persons with the Becker surname. Would appreciate data on this surname from anyone and am willing to answer requests for information. Larry Rickard - posted 11-98

BECRAFT - Looking for any info on Jonathan b. about 1801 and Catherine Becraft, listed in the 1830 census in Schoharie. They moved to Tioga County PA. Any info appreciated. Paula - posted 11-06

BEEKMAN - Looking for parents and place and date of birth for William Beekman. 1860 census for Plumas Co., CA, lists him as a native of NY, age 45. He is not the son of John Beekman (1789-1819?) of Sharon, but he may be the son of Nicholas or of one of the other sons of William Beekman, first judge of Schoharie Co. Dean Corwin - posted 12-97

BELLINGER - I am searching for information about Peter Bellinger born in 1801 who married Polly Haines. I am trying to find the names of all their children. I have a Margaret Bellinger born in 1841 (who is my great, great grandmother). I am trying to determine her parents as Peter and Polly. I would appreciate 
help in this matter. Joyce Murphy - posted 01-05

BELLINGER - I am looking for the passenger list my great grandfather and his wife Christina came on about 1842 from Germany. Their son John was with them. They came from Damstradt. This will help me trace them back to find the connection with the rest of the Bellingers in the Schoharie Valley. Duncan M. Bellinger - posted 12-98

BENDER - Henry Bender, Jr., b. 1946 d. 1999 was born in Schoharie County. His Father was Henry Bender, b. April 28, 1905 Schoharie County d. Sept. 1978 in Deleware County. Mother Helen Oliver, b. Dec. 31, 1905 and d. April 29, 1992 buried in Schoharie County. Looking for a married certificate/date for Helen and Henry. Helen was 1st married to a Statts. Looking for married info on Helen Oliver and ? Statts. Any info on either.
Helen's parents were Leonard Oliver, b. March 1871 and Rhoda Mickle b. April 1878. Looking for marriage date.
Parents of Henry: Frank Bender and Sarah Ferbert?. Looking for maiden name of Ferbert. Frank died on May 16, 1952 in Schoharie County. Looking for marriage date.
Leonard Oliver parents were Garret Oliver and Rachael. Looking for her maiden name.
Rhoda Mickle parents were Harvey Mickle, b. 1856 and Catherine, b. abt. 1855. Looking for Catherine's maiden name and date of marriage. Barnaby-Feola - posted 11-09

BENDER - I am looking for any references to the surname BENDER located in Schoharie County. My grandfather's name is Harvey Bender and I am trying to do some research. He will not talk of his parents or family and my father did not know his grandfather. I believe they lived in the Jefferson area and some of the family still reside in that part of the county. Andrew D. Bender - posted 07-07

BENEDICT - I am trying to find info on the Life, parents and children of Stephen T Benedict 1872-1849. Wife Margaret Mattice. Parents ?: Aaron Benedict, 1755-1845, died in Lisle, Betsy Perry died in Lee Mass, Step Mother, Betsey Morse. Stephen was born in Lee, Mass. Stephen and Margaret were married June 30, 1793. Stephen Died in Middleburg, Schoharie Co. Stephen was a Farmer. Children: Aaron, June 6, 1809, Aaron, Sept. 15, 1811, William, 1813, Hiram, Sept. 19,1815, John O'B., 1818, Eliza, 1820, Fanny, 1823, Twins, Eli & Eliard, May 19, 1826, Spencer, May 1, 1827, Calvin, May 15, 1828, Joseph, Aug 30, 1832. John Benedict - posted 04-02

BENEDICT - I am trying to find children of Stephen T. Benedict and Jesse Jasmer (or Jessmer) of Middleburgh NY around the mid 1800's. I believe they may be the parents of Calvin Benedict 1828-1877. John Benedict - posted 04-02

BENJAMIN - Have no information on RUTH BENJAMIN, other than she m. ANDREW W. ARMSTRONG, b. 1808 and they had the following children: Ann, Sarah, James, Mary, Charles Armstrong, b. 1826, Emma, Eliakim Armstrong, b. abt. 1847. These folks lived in the general vicinity of Knox and I know some of these farms extended into Schoharie County. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

BENNETT - Need info on William and Hannah Bennett: Children: Elizabeth 3/30/1813, Rebecca b. 8/25/1816--m. Justus (Jesse) Hollenbeck and came to Wisc then Ill., Eunice 2/30/1818, Ann and Eve (twins) 12/22/1820, Daniel Jeremiah b. 5/18/23-m.Cecelia, came to Ill., died midwest?, James b.4/8/1826, m. Catherine or Eliza Husted, came to Ill., and Hannah b. 10/30/1828. All lived in Greene and Schoharie counties. Fstrange13 - posted 11-01

BENSON - Looking for parents and/or siblings of Francis Benson born about 1803/04 in Broome, NY. Francis married a woman named Salamaria (Maria or Salley). Even though Francis migrated to different towns in the course of his life, on his death certificate it is said that he was born in Broome, NY, so I am assuming it is the town of Broome. In 1850 he was living in Conklin Twp, Broome Co. with his wife and Levi Titus, and Louisa Benson. In 1860 Census in Kirkwood Twp, NY with a wife Maria Benson Born abt. 1818 (or Salamaria or Salley), Rivo Titus Born abt. 1839, and James H. Benson Born abt. 1849. On the 1870 Census in Windsor Twp, NY with a wife Maria Benson Born abt. 1818 (or Salamaria or Salley), Laura Benson Born abt. 1859, James H. Benson Born abt. 1849, Delia Benson Born abt. 1850, and Lilah Benson age 3 months. Francis ended up living with his son Dr. James H. Benson in South Valley, Otsego County and past away on December 12,1884. He is buried in South Valley-Pleasant Brook Cemetery State Highway 165, South Valley, New York. J. Benson - posted 03-04

BENSON - Wanted to let people are researching: Swits, Oliver, Hagadorn-Engle, Eckerson, Miller, Pierce, Burley, Benson, Carter, Fredendall, Cater, to come visit my web site Caprio Genealogy Page. I have over 90 pictures uploaded, and we made sure they download very fast for you. There are several Middleburgh picture postcards from 1912. The 3 links that have photo links are: Book 1, Book 2 and Extra Pictures. Book 2 is a 1990 endeavor that has letters, memories, photo's, etc. pertaining to my Schoharie roots. Book 1 is about my Italian side of the family. The extra pictures are ones that have collected over the last 9 years. If you have any further information on any of my surnames listed above I would be most pleased to hear from you. Kathy Caprio McNamara - posted 04-99

BERNER - Looking for Maria BERNER b abt 1830 in NY. Maria has a brother Franz. Both moved to Manitowac county WI. Maria married Peter LAUER. Sue Haake - posted 02-04

BERNSTEIN - Would appreciate any information regarding the family of Abraham Bernstein (sp: Burnstine, Bernstyne) b: circa 1838, supposedly came from Philadelphia, Pa. He married May 3, 1866, Eva Ann Young, daughter of Benjamin and Lany Young. They had 4 children: Edward (Dec 1866); Flora (Jul 1869); Charles (Jul 1871) and Benjamin (Jul 1875). Abraham ran a mercantile in Carlisle. He supposedly died between 1875-1880, and his wife, Eva Ann, died shortly thereafter (after 1880 as she is listed as a widow in the 1880 Census). I would like to know where they might be buried, as well as their daughter, Flora and son, Benjamin. I have been to the Carlisle Cemetery where my gggrandparents, Edward and his family are buried and I know that Charles is buried in Rome, NY. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Michael A Bernstein - posted 04-09

BEVENS - Barker in "Families of Herkimer, Montgomery & Schoharie..." shows Elener BEVENS as the wife of Matthew BURNET. Barker also list John BURNET, son of Matthew and Elener, born/bap at Middleburgh Reformed Dutch Church 4 January 1798. Any information on Elener BEVENS or the BEVENS/BEVINS family of Schoharie County greatly appreciated. Ed Harrison - posted 11-05

BEVINS - Maria Bevins 1866 - 1898 apx husband George 1861-1938 - Looking for maiden name and parents. Lived in Middleburgh had five (5) son- Martin, Menzo, George, Moses, Arthur. Linda Bevins - posted 01-02

BEVINS - I have done a genealogical search for the Collins and the Bevins families in Schoharie County. Both note books are on file with the Old Stone Fort and the library in, I believe, Middleburg. If anyone is looking for these families please contact me. I will be happy to share research info. Judy Collins - posted 01-99

BICE - Does anyone out there know what happened to the John C. Bice who was in the 1860 census for Schoharie County (living in Cobleskill)? I don't see him in the 1870 census. Also, was he the John C. Bice who married Fanny Vivian in 1851 in Sackets Harbor, NY? The John C. Bice I'm looking for would have been my gggrandfather. Sally (Bice) Oster - posted 04-00

BIRGERT - The families of Lambert Birgert and Abijah WARD removed from Schoharie County NY to Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY in 1819. Seeking any info on Birgert family. Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 04-97

BISHOP - I'm looking for my brother who was born April 1st. 1949 by Augusta Bishop and father was Clyde English at the Cobleskill Hospital. He was given away by my mother to a lady who worked at the old Empire Restaurant in Cobleskill on Main Street which burned down. I would be thankful for any info. anyone can give me to find my brother. His sister, Linda McGowan - posted 11-02

BLANCHFIELD - Seeking information about the BLANCHFIELD family in Schoharie Co., NY. Especially interested in John Thomas Blanchfield and wife Flora Owens. Believe he died in 1956 in Schoharie Co. His son John Raymond BLANCHFIELD died there in 1970. The family were farmers having gone to NY from Cecil Co., MD where John Thomas was born abt 1872. Any obituaries or other documentation would be appreciated. Chris Watson - posted 04-02

BLASS/BLOSS - Looking for the father and mother of Volney BLOSS (b. 1831 Orleans County) believed to be the brother of Henry Augustus BLOSS, (b. Sharon 1823, d. Merced CA 1884). Have notes by Great Aunt (daughter of Volney) that Henry A. was an uncle. Also that Volney's mother was a CHRISTLER. Have baptism record from Sharon (Reformed Church) that Henry A was born of a Henry BLASS and Peggy CHRYSLER. Was Peggy a CHRISTLER? If so was her father MATTHIAS CHRISTLER of 1820 census? Witsendblass - posted 02-03

BLODGETT - I am trying to get some clues on my Avery ancestors. They ended up in Bradford Co. PA. My grgrgrandfather was Jacob Avery who was b. ca 1784 in PA according to the census. He had a daughter Annis Ann Avery b. ca 1827 who married Jacob Blodgett. Jacob was the son of Charles Blodgett and Deborah Avery who were from Schoharie Co. This Deborah Avery was born ca 1785 in NY. Could she be a sister of Jacob and he was really born in NY? Any info would be appreciated. This is not the first time a clue has brought me to Schoharie Co. There was some reference to the Vroman family who settled near the Averys in Bradford Co PA. Jim Avery - posted 07-07

BORST - Looking for information about the ancestry of William Elisha Borst b. abt 1810. He was married to Juliana Oliver. William d. about 1875 in Schoharie. Juliana d about 1888 also in Schoharie.. They lived in Schoharie and were the parents of Maria C Borst (b. 1829), Helen Malinda (b. 1831), Peter (b. 1834), Benjamin. (b. 1835), Julia A (b. 1837), Wiliam (b. 1838), Lany (b. 1841), Cornelius (b 1844), Margaret (b 1844) Christina (b1848), Nancy (b 1851) and Gideon R. (b. 1855). Any information will be appreciated. John Aldrich - posted 01-20

BORST - Looking for source of records for Baptism & Marriage for: Wilhelmus Posson b 26 Oct 1778 to Peter Posson and Elizabeth Bekker Posson. Catharina Borst b 17 Mar 1787 to Peter Borst and Catherine Loucks (Laux) Borst. Needing documentation for SAR/DAR applications. Bill Posson - posted 12-14

BORST - I am looking for information on two families that originated from Schoharie County, New York: The first is Borst. I am looking for the parentage of an Aurelia Borst, born March 14, 1839 at Middleburg, Schoharie County, New York. The second is Story(Storey). Aurelia Borst married James Madison Story in 1866. James Story was born 1837 and was listed on the 1860 census. The assumption is that this marriage occurred in Schoharie County. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Mark Kirchmeier - posted 07-07

BORST - I am looking for documentation of the marriage of my gg-grandparents, Mary Elizabeth BALL b. 7 Nov. 1841 Schoharie Co. NY, and Josephus "Joseph" Augustus YOUNG b. 19 Oct. 1840 Schoharie Co. NY, married 3 Jan. 1865 according to DAR application #410429. Mary is a descendent of Joseph Borst b. bef. 1750 Cobleskill, NY. Deborah Willis - posted 04-99

BORST - I am related to Jacob Borst b. 1797, son of Henry Borst and Helena Van Valkenburgh who m. Margaret _________. By 1830 they were living in Steuben Co., NY. The line descends from Jacob Borst Palatine immigrant 1710. Jan Alpert - posted 05-97

BORTEL/BORTELL - Looking for information relative to John Bortle or Anna Hubbard Bortel. They lived on a farm in Howes Cave, N.Y. Anna Hubbard was born in Canada in 1888. C. Bortell - posted 01-05

BOUCK - I am related to the Bouck line from the Madoc area in Ontario. I believe they came to Canada as empire loyalists. Just staring to get going on this however I can not get past a David Bouck or Bouk circa 1840 Madoc Ontario. Any info you would have on this line coming to this area in Canada. I would appreciate hearing from you. Bryan Bouck - posted 04-10

BOUCK - My ancestry is directly related to Harmanus Bouck of Schoharie, NY. There are apparently two Harmanus Boucks recorded in the 1700s in Schoharie, New York . I am trying to find out if Harmanus Bouck, b. 1787, who married Maria Lawyer was: a. the son of Christian Bouck and was brother to William C. Bouck ( Governor of NY), or b. was the son of or the Johannes Bouck born 1747. Harmanus subsequently produced Nicholas Bouck (etc., who was the father of my ancestors). I would be grateful for any information on this apparent anomaly in the genealogy lists. Benjamin Bouck - posted 03-2009

BOUCK - I am looking for ancestry information about James A. Bouck born abt 1831. He was married to Juliet C. born about 1843 and the father of Tilden Bouck born 1875. Any help would be appreciated. Zack Carpenter - posted 10-08

BOUCK - Any info on William Bouck, John Bouck. My great grandmother was Estella (Bouck) Warner, married to Philip G. (?) Warner. Jeff Jones - posted 12-05

BOUCK - I am looking for information about the ancestry of Christian Spencer Bouck b.1822 to the father of William W. Bouck and Nancy VanAlstyne. Christian was married to Catherine King, he was born in Fulton and lived in Mineral Springs as a wagon Maker most of his life. Christian and Catherine had many children, one of them being Gardner Bouck b. 1871 my great grandfather. Some of his many children must have survived the years, Anason b.1858 - Oliver b.1854 - Kate b.1862 - Floyd b.1865 - Mimmie b.1867 - Charles b. 1869 - Gardner b.1871 - Martha b.1849 - John H. b.1851. James Jimenez - posted 10-05

BOUCK - Seeking information on Dorathy BOUCK b. abt 1823 in Breakabeen. Married Abram (Abraham) MORENUS, 4 July 1850. Who were her parents? Is her husband the same Abram Morenus son of Peter Morenus and Mary (Maria) Schoolcraft? Any info on Dorathy and her family would be helpful. Heidi Crawley - posted 12-04

BOUCK - Looking for the husband of Sarah Bouck, born about 1809. They had children named Austin, born about 1832, Menzo, born about 1836, Lorenzo, born about 1839 and Delos, born about 1846. This family may have moved from Schoharie County to Walworth County and/or Rock County, WI in the mid-1850's. Sarah was a widow by about 1858 and married William W. Livingston in Walworth County in 1858. Dan Stifflear - posted 01-04

BOUCK - My mother June (Featherly) Golash is looking for information on Hurst, Bouck, Vedder/Vedderly. She can be contacted through my e-mail or by snail mail on request. Nancy Golash - posted 03-02

BOUGHTON - I am looking for any information about Peter BOUGHTON b. 1819, d. 1892, married Sally M. SCHERMERHORN b 1821, d 1891. Children Hannah b 1839, John Ryer b. 1842, Levi b. 1845, Lukas b. 1848, Francelia b. 1851, Esther b. 1853, William b. 1856, Kitty b. 1858. They lived in Summit and Richmondville and are buried in the Richmondville Cemetery. Any information will be appreciated. Barbara Hurst - posted 10-02

BOUND - Am researching Job Bound, born 1803 in Summit, Schoharie Co., N.Y. Married Sarah Sparks in 1836 in same place. They had five children: Job, Thomas, Baltus, Jerome, Fracellia. Does anyone have any info on this family? Jan - posted 07-97

BOYCE/BOICE - David, b. about 1787, shown as farmer in 1850 federal census living in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co. NY. I am seeking any information concerning David’s descent. Also, interested in more information concerning a J. H. Boyce & Son clothing store that existed in Schoharie and an L. Osborne Boyce born about 1875 in Schoharie, married to Hattie? I can only find Osborne in the 1900 census living in Schoharie co., family story states he moved to Little Falls, NY and worked in a shoe factory, and Hattie worked for a newspaper. Their son, whom I would like to find out more about, ran away from home and was never heard from again. Peg Sponable - posted 03-06

BOYNTON - Looking for any info on Samuel E. BOYNTON, at one time he lived in Barton Hill in the town of Schoharie, also in the towns of Summit, Fulton, and Richmondville. Penny Boynton-Nelson - posted 01-03

BRADLEY - Looking for information on John Frederick Bradley, b. 1831-1835. He married Margaret, Harriet, and Annie whose maiden names are unknown. The family resided in Carlisle, 1860-1880. Children's names were Marshall (b. 1864) and Melvin (b.1878). A James Henry Bradley of Carlisle and Sharon may be a brother. Steve Charter - posted 09-04

BRADT - Looking for records in Schoharie County of Jehoichem/Jochem Bradt who was in Middleburgh, Schoharie County in 1830 federal census. He was married in Albany County to Elizabeth Bachus and he lived in Delaware County in 1820. Would like a will, land record, etc. in Schoharie County. Bill Williams - posted 09-09

BRAINARD - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

BRAND - I an researching the BRAND Family. My Great great grandfather, SAMUEL D. BRAND,b. abt 1823, Broome Co. NY., was married on 4/2/1839 in Chautaugua Co., NY, to a SUSAN M. TRAVIS, b. 4/15/1827, Broome Co. NY, to JOHN & SALLY TRAVIS. Sally Travis maiden name was Sally Brand. SAM & SUE traveled to LaPorte Co., Union Township, In.. Two of their seven children, Ellen and Homer, were (according to 1850 census) born in NY, but Franklin, Charles L. (my Great grandfather), Ida May, Curtis D. (a Travis first name) and John were born in Indiana. I am trying to determine the name of Sam's parents, but have had no luck. Their are several BRANDs in the Chautaugua Co. & Cattaraugus Co. (next door) area, especially the NE corner of Chaut. and the NW corner of Catt. counties. There are also several Brand families in Schoharie Co., NY. (near Broome Co.) also. Research posted in LDS records indicate that two Brands married into the Travis family during the early 1800's. Samuel Brand, and a Mary Rebecca Brand, b. Aug, 1832, Schoharie Co. . Since there are no Brands listed in early century Broome Co. census records, and there are many Brands in neighboring Schoharie Co. it is hoped that some Schoharie records may shed some light on Sam's parents. If you have any information about the BRANDs, I would very, much like to see it. Loren Brand - posted 04-00

BRANDOW - I am looking for information on Peter BRANDOW and his wife Marytje Dederick BRANDOW. I have received some information they died in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. No one has the dates. Is there anyone who can give me these dates? Peter and Marytje BRANDOW are my 6th Great Grandparents, and I would like to know when they died and where if possible they are buried. Peter was christened April 12, 1744, Zion Lutheran Church, Loonenberg, NY. His residence is listed as Broome, Schoharie, NY. Kathy Clifton - posted 03-04

BRAUN - Looking for the parents of (Johannes) Wilhelm Braun b. 1715 perhaps Germany d. 1775 m. Elizabeth Jung 10 Sept 1743 - 44 Kingston Ulster NY. Father of John Mathias Brown and Christian Brown. Jim and Joann Duffy - posted 02-00

BRECKLES - Looking for information about the death and burial location of Johanna Breckles, (nee Kemmer, b. Abt. 1883), married to Robert Breckles (b. Abt. 1878). Lived on Mace Hill Rd. in Federal City from 1925 until death (possiby abt. 1944, maybe same night as Massena Earthquake). Burial information on Robert Breckles appreciated, as well. Gregory Buff - posted 05-20

BREMER - Looking for information for Cora L. Hallenbeck (b. 1865), daughter of Albert and Alvada (farmers in Coxsackie and New Baltimore, Greene Co., NY). Cora had a sister Eva (b. 1867). possibly 2nd sibl. or cousin (Bertha b. 1874). Cora married Charles H. Bremer (b. 1854) from Jefferson, Schoharie Co., son of Bethiah Havens (d. 1856) and Charles R. Bremmer (died in Civil War 1864). Charles H. Bremer was raised by his maternal grandparents David Youngs Havens and Mary (Carrington-2nd wife of David). Looking for burial location in Schoharie: (Poss. Jefferson or Summit?). Any information pertaining to Hallenbeck/Bremer or possibly a family plot for Havens would be greatly appreciated. Cindy White - posted 05-07

BRESEE/BREZEE/BRASEE - Looking for info on this Person/family. Jeremiah Brezee. He died between 1820 and 1826. He was killed when a team of horses got out of control. His wife was Melinda, possibly maiden name Olmstead. He lived in Davenport, Delaware County but possibly died in Schoharie County. His children included John J. (b abt )1809, Nelson (b abt 1811) Phineas (b abt 1814) and Almira and Ruth possibly before 1809 all born in Davenport. His brothers could be Christopher S., Henry, and John C. all living in Davenport in the 1820 Census (spelled Bressee in census) all listed in age either 26-45 or 45 and over. I have been searching J.J. Bresee for many years It wasn’t until I ordered a Civil War pension application that I found where he was born and who his brothers and sister were. He said his father was killed in 1820 but another researcher provided me with Court proceedings when his wife Melinda and a Stephen Olmstead were appointed administrators for the deceased Jeremiah Brezee in Delhi, NY. The 3 entries April 6, June 19 and Sept. 14 all in 1827 don’t give a death date or heirs. Any information or help would be greatly appreciated. Perry Bryant - posted 09-07

BREZEE/BRESEE - According to the Saratoga Springs Public Library, R. Newton Brezee, the architect, was born on 26 September 1851 in Middleburg, Schoharie County, New York. I am looking for ancestors of this individual and information on the Brezee family in general; and I would like to correspond with anyone descended from this surname. My grandmother was Blanche Brezee. Barbara Ann Peck - posted 08-00

BRISTOL - I am looking for any information about Harriett Electa BRISTOL b abt 1848. She married John Ryer BOUGHTON in 1868. They lived in Richmondville in 1870 & 1880 and had Maud Emily b 1869. She died in 1898 and is buried in Richmondville. She had a brother Isaac BRISTOL. Any information will be appreciated. Barbara Hurst - posted 10-02

BRITTAN - Seeking deaths, marriages, etc of Daniel BRITTAN (born abt 1820 NY) and his wife Charlotte. 4 children born to them in North Dansville, Livingston Co, NY between 1845 and 1860: Anna born about 1845; Alida Elizabeth born 1852 or 1855; James born 1858; Eugene Joseph born 19 Oct 1860. Dr. Eugene Joseph BRITTAN's obituary from Leon Reporter of Decatur, Iowa stated that when he was a small boy "his parents moved to Esperance, New York, and here he grew to manhood." It appears the family was there in Esperance Village, Schoharie Co between approximately 1861-1879. By 1880 census his widowed mother, Charlotte has crossed into Schenectady Co and is living in nearby Duanesburgh with her sons James age 22 and Joseph age 20. Anna has wed George W. STREET and they are living in Richmondville, Schoharie Co with son "Burt", Albert born about 1868 and dau Lottie born about 1872. A third child Frank L. is born about 1883. Sometime in here sister Alida E. marries a Mr. JONES. Leila Menzies - posted 06-05

BRITTON - Looking for any information on Catherine V. Britton, born March 23 1828 in Schoharie County, or her family. George Patterson or George - posted 10-99

BRONK - Looking for information on a William H. Bronk. Son of Matthew Bronk and Polly Stillwell. Death record indicates he was born in Schoharie County in Esperance. Birth year 1823 or 1832. Kathleen Bronk Ridgeway - posted 02-06

BROOKER - Brooker, William b about 1786 in Schoharie New York married Sophia Powell b about 1792 in Schoharie New York. I am a direct descendant and have traced them back to this generation. William and Sophia moved to Washington County Ohio sometime after they had children. Does anyone have any information? Cheryle Casar - posted 11-02

BROOKS - Please post my query. I am asking for help finding where an ancestor is buried. My husbands great grandfather is George Raymond BROOKS. He was born 12-14-1891 and died 8-17-1980. I am told he is buried in Cobleskill. I understand there are 3 cemeteries there. Can anyone help me find out where he is? And email me the information. Thank you in advance. Linda Borden - posted 04-02

BROWN -- I have a William B. Brown, born in Orange Co., NY in 1808 who married Mary H. Brown, born in Sloansville, Schoharie Co., NY in 1808. Marriage took place in Schoharie Co., about 1829? Her father is a Samuel Brown. Couple eventually lived in Walworth Co., WI. Would like to know more about her and her family. John Blake - posted 01-14

BROWN - I have John and Rachel Brown listed in the 1820 census or 1830 in Broome Schoharie, N.y. I also know they are listed in the Rock Co. Wisconsin cenus of 1840 along with James Brown of Schoharie N.Y. 1830. Trying to find out who might be parents of John or Rachel Brown. Long shot as always. thank you. Any help would be appreciated. eaopfer - posted 08-12

BROWN - I am looking for a BROWN family living in Schoharie County between 1785 and abt 1829. John Brown b. 1785 in NY married Orilla Warner abt 1808 in Schoharie County. She was born there in 1786. They had the following children born in Schoharie County: Lewis M. b. abt 1809, Hiram b. 1811, Edward b. 1813, Sarah Ann b. 1818, Abigail b. 1828. Additional children probably born in Schoharie County were Achsah, George and Betsy. They moved to Medina County, Ohio where another child, Mary was born in 1830. Any information about John Brown's parents will be very much appreciated. He may have had a brother named James. Any information about anyone listed above will also be appreciated. Justine Brown Miller - posted 01-09

BROWN - I am looking for any info on a Conrad Brown who was born in Lawyersville on 8-16-1803. He married Nancy Boyd from Schoharie County. They moved to the Town of Vienna, Oneida County and raised 11 children. After Conrad's death in 1860, Nancy married Stephen A. Covell Sr. Both Conrad and Nancy are buried in Fish Creek Landing Cemetery in the Town of Vienna. Conrad and Nancy are my gggrandparents. April Staring - posted 09-04

BROWN - I am looking for information about the ancestry of Henry Merchant Brown b. 1809 New York, d. 1886 Esperance, Schoharie County, New York. Henry Merchant Brown married Mary Ann Louise Riggs b. 1813 Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York, d. 1889 Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York. Henry and Mary had the following children: Edward Perry, Isaac R., Henry M., Jr., Stephen, Emma, Mary, William. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Sharon - posted 05-04

BROWN - Looking for information on the families of Josiah Brown Jr., Charles Stuart Jr., Moses Worden, Nathaniel Porter, Elnathan Porter, William Porter, John Wilcox, Samuel Chichester, and John Chichester, who all moved from Albany County, Coeymans Township, New York to Schoharie County, Broome Township, New York between 1800 and 1805. Keith Dull - posted 03-04

BROWN - Looking for information concerning the ancestry of ELEANOR BROWN. b. 5 February 1818 in Schoharie, Schoharie County, N.Y. Married Joseph Davis on 3 November 1842 in Schoharie. After birth of daughter (Jane E.) moved in Sept 1944 with husband and 2 brothers (William and Samuel) and their families to Courtland Twp, Kent County, Michigan. Records indicate that her parents were born in England. Any info will be appreciated. Charles Davis - posted 08-02

BROWN - Looking for any information on John Rush Brown his wife Katherine Griffin and their family. They had a son, Daniel Brown born March 5, 1825 and I think 6 or more other children. Catherine-1830, Elizabeth 1831, Harvey (Havery) 1821 before moving to LaPorte County, Indiana in 1832, Alfred 1832 (not sure NY or IN), John Rush 1837, Mary 1838, and possibly Bill (William), Sarah, Hamilton, and Kate. Any help is appreciated. Tara Brown - posted 12-01

BROWN - Looking for a Josiah BROWN b. 1726 who had a dau. Abigail b. 1765. Abigail mar. a Peter BOICE in Schoharie Dutch Reformed Church on Dec. 17, 1786. I have poss. siblings for Abigail but need to prove her parentage. Dawn Pratt - posted 01-99

BROWN - I am looking for information on the following BROWN family: Father, Josiah Brown, Sr. Some of the children: Josiah Brown, Jr., Melvin Brown b. abt 1797, Lois Brown, and Charles Brown, b. 11 Jan 1801. This family moved from Schoharie County and later lived in Medina County, Ohio. Some of the Browns may have also gone to Adams Co., IN. Justine Brown Miller - posted 10-98

BROWNELL - I am looking for information on my gr-gr-grandmother Sylvenia Brownell born abt 1864 and died 30 Nov 1892. She married Abraham Smith. Her parents were James Brownell (1838 - 1921) and Susan Cartwright. Their other children besides Sylvenia were Rhoda and James Jr. In the 1860 Fulton Census, I found Russell Bromwell born abt 1810 with Elizabeth and James Bromwell. A couple houses from them was my gr-gr-gr grandfather Charles Smith, wife Henrietta, their three boys John W., Heber and Abram and also a Susan Bromwell and Mary S. Bromwell. In the 1880 Fulton Census I found Russell Brownell living with his son, James Brownell, daughter-in-law, Perlena Brownell, granddaughters, Lidia, Sylvenia, Altha and grandsons Frank and James. Any information at all on this family would be greatly appreciated. Leslie - posted 01-05

I am researching:
Samuel Bruce Sr. (1776-1847) who was living in Schoharie County during the 1840 Census and Wife Polly Armstrong Bruce (1786-1850)
Son Rev. Samuel Bruce ( 1809-1900) and  Wife Theodotha Harrington Bruce (1807-1892)
Son Samuel Bruce (1828-1900) and Wife Mary Emmeline Brown Bruce (1836-1878)
Son Alvin Bruce (1869-1906) and Wife Velma Edith Hamilton Bruce (1871-1914). Bob Bruce - posted 03-23

BRUCE - I am looking for the date of death of Agnes Bruce, born 1860 in Summit. Parents’ names were Eli P and Rhoda Bruce. I believe that Agnes died as an infant or young child. Natalie Jones - posted 04-08

BRUCE - Looking for information on a newly discovered ancestor: Hannah Bruce, b 8 Sept 1811, Schoharie co, NY. She married Loammi STODDARD on 8 Feb 1829, LaGrange, OH. They then migrated to Kent co, MI. Wish to contact anyone researching this name who might have information to share. Estella Johnson - posted 05-97

BULL - William Bull married Melissa Mackey between 1865 and 1870. May have lived in Conesville area. Would like additional information on these two. Joyce Riedinger - posted 03-02

BULLIS - I am searching for the marriage date and location of the marriage of Charles W. and Lydia (unknown) Bullis who where probably married in Schoharie County around 1827. They were counted in the 1830 Census of Schoharie County. Several children were born to the couple before they moved to Bradford County, Pennsylvania around 1849 or early 1850. There oldest son died at age 19 in 1847 and is buried in Schoharie County. Any information would be appreciated. Richard G. Elliott - posted 10-98

BUNN - Stuck on Jacob Bunn-which one? Looking for correct Jacob Bun(n). b1790-1805. Father to David Hamilton b. 1830 bapt'd St Paul's. Most likely brother? of William. d July 5, 1869. buried Jones Burial Plot. Other possibilities; Bunschoten, Bunce, Bayne. Any help is most appreciated! Cindy Dir - posted 05-10

BURCH/BIRCH - Looking for information about the ancestry of Lemuel BURCH, b abt 1784. He was married to "Grey/Gray". He is mentioned on the 1810 (named Lemuel Burch), 1820 (named Lemuel Birch), and 1830 (named Lemuel Bench) Federal Census living in Jefferson, NY. He is the son of Ezra and Catherine Birch who resided in Cambridge, NY. Any information would be appreciated. Taylor Kellogg - posted 12-17

BURCH/BIRCH - Looking for information about the ancestry of Dr. Archibald G. Burch b abt 1800 and d. before 1845. Son of Lemuel and "Grey/Gray" Burch/Birch. He was married to Polly Pickering (b. 1807 in NH, d. 1870 in Albany). Daughter of Jonathan Pickering and Mary Cass of Worcester, NY. Father of George Archibald Birch (b. abt 1829 in Charlottesville, d. 1888 in Albany). Mentioned in Albany city directory in 1830 but removed to Summit, Charlottesville and Jefferson sometime after. Was residing in Summit at 1827-1829 as mentioned as Town Clerk and School Inspector. Mentioned in
publications as being physician in area. Wife and family removed to Albany in 1845 where she was first listed in City Directory, presuming widow. Any information would be appreciated. Taylor Kellogg - posted 12-17

BURGET - Looking for the family of Elizabeth BURGET among Schoharie Burgets. Listed in History of the More Family 1893 as wife of James PERSON and mother of Christina M. PERSON b. March 2, 1815, in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. who married Henry McKinstry MORE (1812-1888) of Roxbury, Delaware Co., N.Y., son of Jonas MORE. Chuck - posted 10-00

BURGHARDT - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

BURLEY - Wanted to let people are researching: Swits, Oliver, Hagadorn-Engle, Eckerson, Miller, Pierce, Burley, Benson, Carter, Fredendall, Cater, to come visit my web site Caprio Genealogy Page. I have over 90 pictures uploaded, and we made sure they download very fast for you. There are several Middleburgh picture postcards from 1912. The 3 links that have photo links are: Book 1, Book 2 and Extra Pictures. Book 2 is a 1990 endeavor that has letters, memories, photo's, etc. pertaining to my Schoharie roots. Book 1 is about my Italian side of the family. The extra pictures are ones that have collected over the last 9 years. If you have any further information on any of my surnames listed above I would be most pleased to hear from you. Kathy Caprio McNamara - posted 04-99

BURNETT - Sarah Jane Burnett, daughter of Ambrose Burnett and Sally Ann Wagner Burnett, was married in Schoharie County to Alexander R. McNeilly. One family member says 1881 and the 1900 census suggests 1888. Can anyone help me obtain a true date or a marriage record? Cindy Coffell - posted 09-12

BURNET - Matthew BURNS age 16-45 appears in the 1810 census of Middleburgh, Schoharie Co. Matthew BURNET age >45 appears in the 1820 census also in Middleburgh. The ages and location suggest that Matthew BURNS and Matthew BURNET are the same person. Another Matthew BURNS was born on or about 24 Mar 1809 in either Schoharie or Montgomery County. His birth date fits with ages given for sons of Matthew BURNS/BURNET in 1810 and 1820. Is he a son of Matthew above? Any information on Matthew BURNS/BURNET and family greatly appreciated. Ed Harrison - posted 11-05

BURNETT – Looking for information on ancestry of William L. Burnet(t), believed to have lived in Jefferson, Schoharie County, born abt 1805. He married Hester Foot(e), daughter of Miles Foot(e) and Esther Northrup, also of Jefferson, bef. 1826 William and Hester Burnett are found in Wilson, Niagara Co., in 1850 with eight children. The Foot(e) family has long lineage back to 1600’s in Hartford, Connecticut. William and Hester are my GGGG Grandparents. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Greg Spacher - posted 10-08

BURNS - Matthew Burns is listed in Middleburgh Township, Schoharie County in the 1810 census with his wife and nine children. I know nothing else about Matthew, but one child may be Matthew b. 1809 in Schoharie or Montgomery Co., md. Ann Eliza HART prior to 1831 (place?), d. 1894 in Orleans Co. I would appreciate any additional information on either Matthew Burns. Ed Harrison - posted 11-97

BURR - Looking for information on William Burr born 1871 and wife Mary. Living in Summit 1910 where son William was born August 30, 1910. Any information will be appreciated. sheba - posted 11-07

BURROUGHS - I am looking for information on Hannah Burroughs. DOB 05/28/1825. She married George L. Bingham on 01/22/1845 in Hyndsville. I am trying to find out whom her mother or father were. Doris - posted 05-07

BURTON - I am looking for information on George Burton who married Almy Ruland. They had Henry Miles 1796-11/3/1814, Sarah Ann 1798- 3/23/1815, Jeremiah 1801-8/17/1834, Matilda Maria 1804, James Hubb, 1807-1872, George H.W.1809 married Almira Shelmadine and moved to IA, Almira 1812-11/9/1890 Leonard Waymen buried Charlotteville Cemetery, NY. I believe they lived in and around Schoharie County for some time. Lana Summerlin - posted 03-06

BUTE - In a biographical sketch done on Manuel W. Bute, published in the book Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties (Wisconsin) pages 749 - 750, it states :
Lewis Bute's [who is Manuel's father] grandfather was a native of France where he was reared and educated to the profession of a physician and surgeon. He came to America a few years after the Revolutionary War and settled in Schoharie County NY where he practiced his profession until the time of his death which occurred in middle life from a fit of apoplexy.
I am looking for any information on the Bute Family. That same article list's Dr. Bute's wife as Sarah nee Hasard from Rhode Island and says they had nine children. I know who seven of these are, but not the other two. I'm looking for Dr. Bute's first name and any other information about the two "missing" children. I'd also like to know where Dr. Bute and Sarah were buried. Polly Cox - posted 05-19

BUTLER - I am trying to determine the father of William J. Butler or any of William's Siblings. Known facts: William J Butler was born in Mass in 1794 as reflected in all US census. He married Sophia Young (daughter of David Young) in Zion Ev, Lutheran Church in Cobleskill 6 Nov 1817. It appears that the parents of William J Butler moved to Schoharie County from Mass. between 1794 and 1817. I believe that William would not have made the move at an early age without his parents. If this assumption is correct then the parents of William are buried in Schoharie County, probably near Cobleskill. The probated will of a Moses Butler who died in March 1845 suggests that he could be the father of William J. Butler. Russel E Sackreiter - posted 04-98

BUTOLPH - Looking for information about Elvina Butolph, probably the daughter of Joseph Butolph (b. ca. 1780) of Connecticut. She was born about 1838. In 1850 she was living in Schoharie. According to my grandmother, Elvina B was the mother of her own mother, Jerusha C Vroman, born about 1853. Elvina Butolph would in that case have been a very young mother, even for the times. The father is unknown but possibly a Vroman. Elvina Butolph may later have married an Almond Merselis and lived at various places around Schoharie and Albany, e.g. Gallupville and Wright. Elvina Merselis was still alive in 1910. Bill Schauman - posted 06-12

BUTTS - Seeking information about Davie (David?) Butts and his wife, Philenda Case, parents of John Henry Butts, who was born in Gilboa, NY Sept. 18, 1839. John H. Butts and Philenda (surname illegible but not Butts) living in Davis Twp, Davis, KS in 1870. J. H. Butts was great-grand father of my husband. Vlephd - posted 10-05

BUTTS - I'm looking for information, any information, relating to Aaron Wescott BUTTS, born in Schoharie Co., October 10, 1813. He moved to Ohio where he married Zelinda Gooding. They moved on to Adams Co. IL, where their children were born starting 1838. Any leads would be appreciated. Cathy Bonser - posted 10-98

BUTTS - Looking for Patty/Martha ATKINS who m Josephus BUTTS May 1806 at Jefferson, Schoharie Co, NY. Joseph Atkins lived in area-was he the father? Any info welcome. Nancy Carter - posted 03-98, updated 08-11

BYRNE - Looking for information related to the birth of MICHAEL J. BYRNE. On his 1917 US Passport Application, Michael's son, Austin T. Byrne, indicates that his father was born in Schoharie, NY. This suggests a birth year range of about 1810-1839. Michael married Ellen Cashin, location unknown. Sue Hawes - posted 12-07

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