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Marriages from the Gilboa Monitor

Submitted by Loretta Lounsbury

For some reason, the editor (P.T. Hoagland) of the Gilboa Monitor started calling his newspaper, the Catskill Valley Monitor. Anyway, the issues from May 31, 1878 thru Nov 1, 1878 were entitled the CVM. Basically it carried the news from the same locations as the GM had.

May 31, 1878 Issue (Catskill Valley Monitor):

Mason-Whetmore - At Albany, May 7th by Rev Meeker. Charles S. Mason of NY and Celia O., eldest daughter of Dr. W. W. Wetmore of Catskill.

Thomas-Lennon - At East Durham, on the 15th inst., by Rev. A. M. Cole, Ossian J. Thomas and Mary A. Lennon both of Acra.

July 5, 1878 issue:

Brink-Bartley - Married by Esquire Snyder, June 20, Mr. W. Brink to Miss Betsey Bartley both of Conesville.

December 26, 1878 issue:

Van Hoesen-Travell - At the residence of the bride's parents Nov 13th by Rev. Edward Cornet, Romaine Van Hoesen of Stamford and Alice Trafell of Gilboa.

January 2, 1879 issue:

Tipple - Nelson - At Durham Centre, on the evening of Dec 25th by Rev. P. Couchman, Mr Albert Tipples of Philmont, Columbia Co, and Miss Libbie C. Nelson, of Durham Centre.

Haines - Croswell - At the residence of the bride's parents, Jan 1st by Rev. Mr. Harkee, Mr. John Haines of Fulton and Miss Mary W. Croswell, of this village.

Betts - Burhans - At the M.E. Parsonage, Manorkill, on the 24th ult., by Rev. George W. Martin, Mr. George H. Betts and Miss Mary Burhans all of Conesville.

Parlimen - Barkman - at the residence of the bride's parents, Huntersland, by Rev. Fuller, Wesley Parlimen and Miss Mary L. Barkman.

Stewart - Case - At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec 19th, L. Stewart of Rensselaerville and Miss Jessie Case of Canada Hill.

Bullock - DuBois - At the residence of the bride's parents, Ashland, Jan 1st, A. Bullock of Gilboa and Miss Charity DuBois.

Feb 6, 1879 issue:

Travis-Snyder - At Conesville Centre, on the 28th ult. by Rev. L. P. Cole, Mr. Jno. Y. Travis and Miss Libbie Snyder, all of Conesville.

Feb 13, 1879 issue:

VanBuren-Miller - In Coxsackie on the 25th ult., by R. Boocock, William S. VanBuren of Jefferson (Schoharie County) and Martha Millet of the former place.

Erickson-Carter - In Cobleskill, Feb 1, by Rev. L. Thorne, Mr. Sanford Eckerson of Carlisle and Miss Ella Carter of Cobleskill.

Brown-Neer - Dec 22nd by Rev Gould, C. H. Brown of Brooklyn and Miss Jennie E. Neer of Jefferson.

Joslyn-Brooker - On the evening of Jan 26th at the M.E. Parsonage by Rev. J. H. Clark, Charles H. Joslyn to Miss Amanda S. Brooker all of Richmondville.

Wormer-Neer - In Richmondville, Jan 31st by Rev. J. H. Clark, George K. Wormer of Breakabeen and Miss May Neer of Blenheim.

Feb 20, 1879 issue:

Lee-Lonsbury - At Middleburgh, Jan 21st, by Rev. J. L. Atwell, Elisha Lee and Miss Hattie Lonsbury, both of Chesterville.

Brazie-Shelmandine - At Eminence, Feb 5th by Rev. J. M. Cornish, Everett Brazie of Summit to Miss Delilah Shelmandine.

Foot-Pierce - In Blenheim, Feb 5th by Rev. C. H. Travis, Frank A. Foote of Jefferson and Miss Alice Pierce of Blenheim.

Head-Foland - On the 29th ult., by Rev. Cornish, Montraville Head of Mineral Springs to Miss Alice Foland of Richmondville.

Spateholds-Christian - At the parsonage of the Rev. Sikes at Gallupville on the 5th inst., John W. Spateholds to Miss Emma Christian.

Stickles-Renz - At the House Hotel, Roxbury on the 13th inst., by Rev. G. W. Ferris, George Stickles to Miss Louisa Renz all of Prattsville.

Hare-Falkiner - At House's Hotel, Roxbury on the 13th inst., by Rev. G. W. Ferris, Charles Hare of Westkill to Miss ______Falkiner of Roxbury. (no first name given)

Vroman-Benjamin - At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb 12th by Rev. G. W. Martin, William H. Vroman of Blenheim to Miss Amanda J. Benjamin of Gilboa.

Brock-Cowan - At the residence of the bride's mother, Jan 1st by Rev. J. D. Gibson, William K. Brock of Hobart to Miss Nancy Elizabeth Cowan of Stamford.

Buckingham-McAlpine - At Harpersfield, at the Parsonage, on the 10th inst., by Rev. G. Dean, William H. Buckingham to Miss Nettie B., daughter of Peter McAlpine all of Harpersfield.

Feb 27, 1879 issue:

Loucks-Mattice - In Breakabeen, Feb 4, George Loucks to Miss Alice Mattice of Blenheim.

Lewis-Jackson - At Schoharie, Feb 15th, by Rev. J. H. Heck, Henry Lewis to Catherine Jackson, both of Schoharie.

Pulver-Briggs - At Schoharie, Feb 12th, by Rev. J. H. Heck, George Pulver of Cobleskill to Christina Briggs of Schoharie.

Legget-Zeh - At the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. E. Miller, Miss Jane Zeh of Breakabeen to Mr. Vernal Legget of Gallupville.

Hayner-Clark - At the M.E. Parsonage, Manorkill Feb 25th by Rev. George W. Martin, Mr. Judge R. Hayner to Miss Lavina Clark, both of West Conesville.

Trauz-Johnson - At the residence of the bride's parents in Charlotteville, Feb 11, by Rev. N. Lovett, Homer Trauz to Miss Betsy Johnson, both of Charlotteville.

March 6, 1879 issue:

Smith-Maxwell - At Cobleskill, Feb 20, by Rev. M. Kling, Edgar Smith to Emma M. Maxwell, both of Sharon Centre.

Ganough-Cator - In Stamford, Feb 17th, by Rev. L. E. Richard, John Ganoug to Miss Libbie S. Cator, both of Rose's Brook, Stamford

Hurlburt - Merchant - At E. Davenport, Feb 19th by Rev. E. Hunt, Elmer C. Hurlburt to Miss Mary Merchant, both of Jefferson.

Christian - Weed - At Roxbury, Feb 19th by Rev. Geo Ferris, James Christian of Prattsville to Hattie L. Weed of Conesville.

Richtmyer-Rose - At Prattsville, Thurs Feb 27th, by the presiding Elder, Frank E. Richtmyer and Miss Minnie Rose, both of Gilboa.

VanValkenburgh-Decker - At Westkill, Feb 20, by Rev. H. Haynes, Eddie D. VanValkenburgh of Westkill to Rachael E. Decker of Lexington.

Prior-Reed - In Durham on the 19th, ult., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Wm. Turner, Orville Prior to Miss Fannie S. Reed, all of Durham.

April 17, 1879 issue:

Rowley-Sexton - April 4th by Rev. Wm. J. Chapman, Charles W. Rowley of Albany, NY to Miss Emma Sexton of Seward.

Woodbeck - King At Lutheranville, April 5, by Rev. H. Cornell; Jacob Woodbeck of Jefferson to Mrs Minnie King of Lutheransville.

April 24, 1879 issue:

Miller-Couchman - At Conesville, April 1, Luman Miller to Emma Couchman

Van Dyke - Brown - At East Durham, Apr 2, by Rev. A. M. Cole, Douglas Van Dyke of Catskill and Ettie E. Brown of Durham.

Morehouse-Foster - At the residence of the bride's father, April 2, by Rev. A. M. Cole, Olney Morehouse and Ida May Foster both of East Durham.

May 1, 1879 issue:

Goss-Robinson - at the Methodist Parsonage in Jefferson, by Rev. C. H. Travis, Rev. Wm. Goss to Miss Blanche Robinson, both of Charlottesville, NY

May 5, 1879 issue:

Lane - Frasier at Westkill, April 26th by Rev. Haynes. Henry S. Lane to Ida J. Frasier both of Shandaken.

May 8, 1879 issue:

Hayden-Fairchild - April 24, John Hayden and Miss Ella Fairchild both of Windham.

Bouten-Tompkins - At the M.E. Parsonage, Windham, April 23, by Rev. F. L. Wilson, Otis Bouton of Prattsville and Miss Rose Tompkins of Ashland.

Stewart - Meginnis at Trinity Church Rectory, Ashland, April 23, by Rev. Hutchings, Willis C. Stewart and Miss Hattie A. Maginnis both of Prattsville.

Plass - Atchison - In Jefferson, April 24, at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. Gardner Dean, Ellis W. Plass of Beekman, NY and Miss Altana, daughter of Wm. S. Atchinson.

Stryker-Cartwright - at the residence of the bride's father, in Roxbury, April 24, by Rev. J. E. Gorse, M.H. Stryker of Prattsville and Pollie, daughter of Kniffin G. Cartwright.

Cotton-Hildreth - in Stamford on the 3rd inst., by Rev. L. E. Richards S. Leslie Cotton of the Mirror office, Stamford to Miss Jennie Hildreth of this village. (note: Mirror refers to the Stamford Mirror Recorder)

May 22, 1879 issue:

Morss-Martin - In Hudson, May 11th, by the Rev. Geo Yeisley, B. G. Morss, Jr of Red Falls and Miss Hattie Martin formerly of Prattsville.

Cowdin-Burnep - At Esperance, May 7th at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. D. Counternine, Rae J. Cowden of Buford (Wyoming Territory) to Miss Elmira Burnep of Esperance.

July 3, 1879 issue:

Anthony-Hughes - at the residence of the bride's parents, June 29th by Rev. S. Merchant, Mr. James Anthony and Miss Mary Hughes all of Oak Hill.

Clark-Allen at Shew Hollow, on the 25th ult., by Rev. J. T. Shew at his residence, LaGrand Clark and Ella M. Allen both of Blenheim.

Bloodgood-Burgett - At Oak Hill, Wednesday, June 25th by Rev. A. Gaylord Mr David D. Bloodgood of Conesville to Mrs. Adalaide Burgett of Oak Hill.

July 10, 1879 issue:

Stillwell-Bullock - at the residence of the bride's parents, July 4th by Rev. G. M. Martin, Mr. Ira D. Stillwell and Miss Delia Bullock all of Gilboa.

July 31, 1879 issue:

Simmons-Vroman - Married at the residence of Henry Bevans, near this village, July 23rd by Justice L. R. Baker, Mr Adelbert Simmons of Grand Gorge to Miss Carrie Vroman of Jefferson

October 4, 1878 issue:

Makely-Fullington - In the M.E.Parsonage, at Manorkill, Sept 22, by the Rev. George W. Martin, Mr. Addison Makely of Conesville to Miss Ida Fullington of Rensselaerville.

Young -Makely - At the same time and place, Mr. George YOung of Durham to Miss Mary Makely of Conesville.

October 25, 1878 issue:

Hitchcock-Bogardus - At East Durham October 17th by Rev. A.M.Cole, Mr. Alonzo Hitchcock and Miss Emma A. Bogardus, both of Cairo.

Nov 1, 1878 issue:

Cleaveland-St John - At Medusa, Oct 30th at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. Mr. Putnam, Dorance Cleaveland of Oak Hill, and Miss Anna St John of Medusa.

Sept 18, 1879 issue:

Scudder-Ganoung - By Elder J. D. Hubbell at his residence, Sept 6th Mr. Embree scudder to Miss Aggie E. Ganoung all of Roxbury.

Houck-Ames - At the Presbyterian parsonage in Stamford, Aug 28th by Rev. L. E. Richards, Mr. George Gilbert Houck to Miss Addie Ames, both of Moresville.

September 25, 1879 issue:

Hilton-Carman - By Rev. J. H. Phillips, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Wm. D. Hilton of Manhattan, Kansas and Miss Lou B. Carman of Andes.

Oct 16, 1879 issue:

Greene-Hedges - At Rensselaerville, Oct 9th by Rev Washborn, Monroe Greene to Miss Hattie Hedges, both of Rensselaerville.

Hannay-Knowles - In the church at South Westerlo, Oct 8th by Rev. D. I. Putnam, Mr. J. T. Hannay to Miss Alice Knowles all of S. Westerlo.

October 23, 1879 issue:

Jackson-Kingsley - By Rev. J. B. Van Josen, Mr. J. I. Jackson to Miss Mary C. Kingsley, both of Gilboa.

VanHoosen-Fredenburg - In Harpersfield, Oct 6th by Rev. G. Dean, Mr. George J. Van Hoosen to Miss Lois A. Fredenburg of Gilboa.

Bullock-DuBois - At the M.E. Parsonage, Manorkill, Oct 13th by Rev. George Martin, Mr. Andrew Bullock of Gilboa to Miss Charity DuBois of Windham.

Decker-Baker - At the M. E. Parsonage, Manorkill, Oct 15th by Rev. George Martin, Mr. George Decker of Gilboa to Miss Maggie Baker of Blenheim.

October 30, 1879 issue:

Decker-Souer - At North Blenheim, Oct 22nd by Rev. Edward Miller, Roscoe M. Decker of Prattsville to Mary C. Souer of North Blenheim.

Ackerly-Meeker - At Roxbury, Oct 12, by Rev. G. W. Ferris, John W. Ackerly of Grand Gorge to Carrie V. Meeker of Prattsville.

Spencer-Wyckoff - At Cooksburgh, Oct 22nd by Rev. J. W. Couchman, William Spencer to Mariette Wyckoff all of Gilboa.

Hollenbeck-Stewart - At the Medusa M.E. Church, Oct 23rd, Ranson A. Hollenbeck of Oak Hill to Loretta Stewart of Rensselaerville.

Hartwell-Chickering - In Charlotteville, Oct 18th by Rev. N. Lovett, Joseph L. Hartwell to Mira Chickering both of Charlotteville.

Gallup-Goodenough - In Charlotteville, Oct 15th by Rev. N. Lovett, Eli Gallup to Clara E. Goodenough, both of Jefferson.

Nov 13, 1879 issue:

Porn-Brownel - At Manorkill, Nov 5th by Rev. G. Martin, Mr. James Porn to Miss Mary Brownel, all of Gilboa.

November 20, 1879 issue:

Conesville items: Several weddings will soon take place in this vicinity - John Hitchcock having set the example by his marriage Wednesday, Nov 12th to Miss Ella Sutton.

Dec 18, 1879 issue:

Layman-Murphy - Sherwood Layman to Margaretta Humphry, both of Conesville (no date was given on this wedding - Lmlou)

Fox-Brainard - at the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening, Dec 3rd, Ira Fox to Eva Brainerd both of Conesville.

Peck-Conyes - Saturday, Dec 13th by Rev. O Merchant at the M.E. Parsonage Durham, Fred A. Peck to Miss Alice Conyes, all of Oak Hill.

December 25, 1879 issue:

Champlin-Snyder - At Roxbury, Tuesday Dec 23rd by Rev. G. M. Ferris, Melvin S. Champlin to Hattie Snyder, both of Conesville.

Phelps-Miller - At Medusa, Wednesday, Dec 17th, byRev. I.S. Putnam, Belton Phelps to Ida Miller both of Conesville.

Jan 1, 1880 issue:

Greene - Hunt - At Allenton, Dec 10th, by Rev. A. R. Babcock, Herbert A. Greene to Abbie S. Hunt of Hamilton Village.

Jan 8, 1880 issue:

Hazard - Croswell - At the residence of the bride's Father, Jan 1, 1880 by Rev. E. N. Sebring, R. B. Hazard to Maggie, daughter of Kellogg Croswell, all of Gilboa.

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