Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
Information keyed in and submitted by Matthew Porter.
Nearly all of the following information was obtained from the book Military Records of Schoharie County Veterans of Four Wars by George H. Warner Albany NY Weed, Parsons and Company Printers 1891.
The 91st New York Infantry was organized in the fall of 1861, with head-quarters at Albany, NY. It left that city on the 20th day of December, and landed at Governor's Island, NY and embarked from that place on the steamer "Ericsson" for Key West, Florida. The regiment remained at Key West on garrison duty until May 20, when it embarked on the steamer "Philadelphia" for Pensacola. From Pensacola it was transferred to New Orleans, and afterward to Baton Rouge and Bayou Teche. Served in the Teche country under General Wetzel until May of 1863, when it joined the Union forces in the siege of Port Hudson. After the surrender of that place in July, the regiment returned to Donaldsonville, where it took a hand in sending Dick Taylor to the "right about". Returned to Camp Parapet, and from there to Brashear City, where it remained until July 12, when those members who had re-enlisted came home on veteran furlough via Cairo, Ill. At the expiration of their furlough they reported at Albany and were ordered to Fort McHenry, Baltimore. During the months of August, September and October, a large number of recruits were enrolled in the regiment. The regiment remained at Fort McHenry until February 8, 1865, when all but Company E embarked by steamer for City Point, and became a part of the army under General Grant, and participated in the battles of Gravelly Run, Five Forks, and South Side railroad. As an organization it was discharged from the United States service, June 10, 1865 and its members were mustered out a few weeks later at Albany. But few men from Schoharie county enlisted at the organization of the regiment in 1861, but under the calls of 1864 a large number were enrolled, notably in Company B. Colonel Fox gives the total deaths in the regiment as 298 of which 113 were killed or died of wounds.
The following is a list of Schoharie County veterans who served in the 91st New York Infantry. Veterans from other counties are listed in the notes at the end of this page. Only the listings highlighted have been confirmed (or this will bring up a contact address). This is intended to be a starting place and in no way is a complete listing at this time. If you have a relative from Schoharie County NY who served in the 91st NY Infantry please let us know so we can add them to the list. Likewise, if you find a relative on the list please contact us to confirm their involvement. You may send info to either Matthew Porter or Doug Boyer
NAME COMPANY RESIDENCE NOTES ANDREWS, Henry H Schoharie killed at Sutherland Station, Five Forks BAIRD, Ezra J. H. K Jefferson Discharged June 21 1865 BAIRD, George W. B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 BARTON, Alonzo B Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 BARTON, Theodore D Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 BECHT, Louis B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 BENEDICT, Calvin F Schoharie Discharged June 22, 1865 BERNER, John A Schoharie Discharged May 29 1865 BICE, Henry B Fulton died at Washington DC June 5, 1865 BICE, Levi M A see note below BORST, Bengamin I. A Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 BOUGHTON, James N. B Richmondville Discharged June 10, 1865 BRADLEY, John B Richmondville wounded Hatcher's Run, died April 19, 1865 BREMMER, Ambrose B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 BROWN, Charles B Summit died Key West Florida BROWN, J. Harvey B Jefferson died Brashear City, LA, October 16, 1863 BRUCE, Benjamin F. B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 BUCK, Ezekiel B Jefferson mustered out in July 1865 BUCK, Ezra A. B Jefferson died December 14, 1864 BURTON, David W. B Blenheim discharged June 26, 1865 BURTON, James B Blenheim discharged June 2, 1865 COLEMAN, Alonzo Sherman H Gilboa enlisted August 16, 1864 at age 16 in Gilboa, discharged June 13, 1865 at Whitehall Hospital in Philadelphia, PA CRAFT, Reuben B Jefferson enlisted September 2, 1864 CROSS, John B B Wright Discharged June 10, 1865 CROSS, Joseph B Wright Corporal, died Cairo Illinois July 18, 1865 DENOYELLS, Daniel F Middleburg Discharged June 26, 1865 DENOYELLS, Peter I Middleburg Discharged June 10, 1865 DINGMAN, Gideon B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 DINGS, David H Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 DRIGGS, Elias B Broome died Fort Henry November 11, 1864 DYKEMAN, Peter R. B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 EFNER, Jack F Middleburg POW at Convalescent Camp , Brashear City, LA EGGLESTON, Henry B Jefferson enlisted January 1, 1861 EGGLESTON, Herman B Jefferson Discharged August 1862 FISHER, Joseph B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 FOX, Charles B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 GALLAGHER, William B Jefferson discharged June 10, 1865 GARDNER, Richard D Fulton wounded April 1 1865, discharged June 1865 GOLDEN, James E Schoharie Discharged July 3, 1865 HADSELL, Elijah B Richmondville Discharged June 10, 1865 HEMSTREET K Schoharie see note below HETHERINGTON, Joseph B Jefferson enlisted October 14, 1861, died Key West Florida HICKS, Reuben B Summit Sergeant, Discharged June 10, 1865 HOGABOOM, Bradford B Wright Discharged June 10, 1865 HOWIE, James E. B Summit Brevet Second Lieutenant, Discharged July 3, 1865 HUBBARD, James H. B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 HUBBARD, Newton B Jefferson wounded at Hatcher's run discharged June 10, 1865 JEFFERS, Hiram B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 JOHNSON, Charles E Carlisle discharged March 4, 1862 disability, re-enlisted Co. F 14th NY Cavalry JOHNSON, Wellington B Summit died Pensacola Florida August 8, 1862 KENNEDY, William B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 LANDIS, Enos Y B Summit wounded at Hatcher's or Gravelly Run discharged June 13, 1865 LAMPMAN, Martin V. D enrolled January 1, 1864, Discharged June 13, 1865 at Annapolis, Maryland LAPE, Harmon B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 LETCHER, Henry D Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 LINCOLN, David B Summit died May 17, 1865 of Typhoid fever in Washington DC LINES, Milo M. B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 LOEPER, C.O. Herman B ? Discharged July 3, 1865 MAYBEE, Jeremiah K Fulton Discharged May 31, 1865 MEEK, John R B Summit Discharged May 29, 1865 MERENESS, Lyman D. B Sharon wounded Battle of Five Forks discharged June 10, 1865 MERENESS, Melvin B Sharon Discharged June 10, 1865 MITCHELL, Stephen B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 MORRIS, David B Summit shot at Hatcher's Run and discharged MORRIS, William B Summit Musician, age 16 died May 31, 1865 son of David ODELL, Albert B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 OSBORN, George W. B Richmondville wounded at Five Forks, discharged June 10, 1865 PALMATIER, Alexander D Fulton? PATRICK, Richard F Cobbleskill Discharged June 10, 1865 PERRY, George A.. B Richmondville Discharged June 18, 1865 PORTER, Aretas Stanton B Broome discharged July 3, 1865 REED, David Y B Jefferson wounded at Hatcher's Run, discharged June 22, 1865 RELYEA, John D Carlisle died of brain fever May 16 1862 RICHTMYER, David B Middleburg discharged June 29, 1865 ROCKERFELLER, Madison B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 RODMAN, Ebenezer Y. B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 ROE, Avery B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 ROE, Henry B Fulton Discharged June 10, 1865 SAGENDORF, Jonas B Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 SALISBURY, James B Fulton Discharged June 10, 1865 SALISBURY, Robert B Jefferson Discharged September 27, 1863 SCHERMERHORN, Alexander B Summit died Albany NY in 1861 SHUMWAY, Sylvester B Richmondville Discharged by special orders July 15, 1865 SIMMONS, Edward J. E Esperance enlisted September 13, 1864 SPAULDING, Amasa J. B Summit First Lieutenant, discharged July 5, 1865 SPORE, Wesley B Jefferson discharged March 3, 1862 SWARTHOUT, James A Middleburg died Key West Florida TABER, Jacob H. B Summit Sergeant, discharged June 10, 1865 TABER, Peleg B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 TABOR. Gideon B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 TAYLOR, James E Broome Discharged June 19, 1865 TERPENNING, MOSES B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 TOLLS (TOLES), Seabury E Summit Discharged June 19, 1865 TOPPING, Charles B Jefferson Discharged June 10, 1865 TRUAX, Edwin B Jefferson enlisted September 17, 1864 TRUAX, David B Summit enlisted October 14, 1861 TRUAX, Sylvester B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 TURK, Felix A Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 WAYMAN, Jeremiah B Summit enlisted October 19, 1861 WAYMAN, Levi G. B Summit Discharged June 10, 1865 WAYMAN, Peter A. B Summit died July 1865 Belle View Hospital Washington DC WEIDMAN, Hiram H Middleburg Discharged August 13, 1865 WHARTON, James B Richmondville killed at battle of Five Forks VA near Ford's Mill WHEELER, Walter B Jefferson wounded at Battle of Five Forks VA WHITAKER, Albert D. D Schoharie Discharged June 10, 1865 WILTEY, Issac D Wright Discharged May 17, 1865 YANSEN, Henry F ? died May 6, 1865 ZEH, Jeremiah B Fulton Discharged June 10, 1865
SPRING, information from Connie Sterner, October 28, 2007
DATE OF DEATH: 06/02/1865
ZION, information from Lance W. Ingmire, Regimental Historian for the 95th New York Vols. July 31, 2007
My GGG Grandfather, Ambrose Zion was in Co. B, 91st NY Vols. I have just recently discovered him and have not been to the Nat. Archives to seek his pension papers...But thought I would at least see if you wanted to add his name to your growing list of members of the 91st. I have little family info to date but I know he and his wife, Mary, are buried in Calvary Cemetery in Bethlehem, NY. Their son George served in Co. D 7th US Calvary...(post Custer !!).
I transcribed the information from a "soldiers' memorial" for Company C,
91st. Regiment, New York Vol. Infantry. The document date is unknown, but was published by Ehrgott, Forbrier & Co., Lithographer, Cincinnati, OH. The lithograph has a brief history of the 91st through Sept. 2, 1863 when
the 91st. left New Orleans joining with the 131st. NY to defend Brasher City. The listing of officers and privates enlistment and discharge dates
(or death date) is from 1861 to 1863 and the lithograph does state that the information is according to an 1863 act of congress.
Steve January 14, 2003
91st Regiment New York Vol. Infantry
Regimental Officers
Company Officers
First Lieut. WM. L HERWERTH
Non-Commissioned Sergeants
1st Jas. H. Danforth
2nd Edward R. Cone
3rd Jas. Rourk
4th Geo. Van Beuran
5th Henry C. Ellsworth
Edward Gill Colvur
Non- Commissioned Corporals
1st Jas. Baker
2nd Geo. M. Wilcox
3rd Wm. B. Patterson
4th Platt F. Vincent
5th Franklin Pelkey
6th Chas.Pelkey
7th Wm. Harriss
8th Walter F. Davidson
Ben. J. Stafford
Andrew Fearry
Henry Enos
Jos. Bushey
Andrew Burdow
Orson Baker
Jos. Blanchard
Jas. Boyd
Bernard Burk
Chas. Bostwick
Louis Brean
Chas. Bonton
Albert Barnhart
Alexandra Beson
Albert Couson
Thos. Cotie
Lawrence Conrice
Peter Cayenn
Daniel Carley
Geo. Childs
Enos Deal
Edward Dower
Wm. Evens
Augustus Eckhart
Harmon Fratcher
Abraham Frankfuter
Abraham Facto
John Fitzpatrick
Warren C. Faddern
Anthonhy Groesbeck
Daniel Golden
Geo. Harrison
Alonzo Haight
Thos. Hawey
Andrew Kavanagh
Julius Koniker
Edward Keay
John LaFountain
Stillman G. Lund
Andrew Legget
Jas. Legget
Jos. Legget
Geo. Lawrence
Robt. Liddle
Seymore LaPort
Michael Lymch
Gothilf Matsannhey
John McCoy
Wm. McNamara
Napoleon Newton
Henry Pelky
Geo. Perry
Merrit Pickle
Wm. Quay
Wm. Quinn
Emanuel Raw
Jos. Rivers
Richard Sprague
Christopher Searls
Myrtle D. Scripture
Christan Vatch
Ronney Vaughan
Linsday Williams
Michael White
Henry Winch
Thos. Wilcox
New Recruits
Oscar B. Foster
Thos. Jones
Patrick Harty
HEMSTREET information from Karl C. Lemmerman, Anchorage, AK April 18, 1998
My great great grandfather's brother-in-law, Russell Hemstreet (b.18 Oct 1836, Schoharie, NY; d.1 Apr 1865, Dinwiddie Co., VA), was mustered into the service of the United States as a recruit on 31 Aug 1864 at Albany, NY, in Company K, 91st Regiment of New York Veteran Volunteers, to serve one year. He was age 37, 5'6" tall with hazel eyes and brown hair. He was a carpenter by trade. He died from wounds received in action as a private serving under Capt. Mleulins (sp?). He was killed in battle at Five Forks, VA, 1 Apr 1865, as part of the 1st Brigade, 3rd Div., 5th Corps. He appears to have spent most of his 7 months of military duty on detached service as a carpenter at Fort McHenry, MD. He was the youngest son of William Hemstreet and Elizabeth Van Kleeck. He was the brother of Catherine Hemstreet who married William Mosier (my great great grandfather or my mother's mother's father's father).
SALISBURY, James; photo from Jerry Beeman, April 18, 1998
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SMITH information from MaryBeth Janzen, January 18, 1999
The following 3 individuals were in the 91st NY infantry. Charles Smith b. April 24, 1845 in Col Co., enlisted Sept 1864 William Edward Smith b. Oct 1, 1838 in Col. Co., enlisted Sept 1864 Abram Smith b. July 12, 1842 in Broome Co., enlisted Sept 1861 for 3 years. They were all three brothers who lived in Schodack after the war. I am not sure if they were actually from Schoharie Co. or not as they moved around a lot and could have lived there for a period of time. I am a little curious how you think 3 boys from Schodack, Ren. Co would have all ended up in the 91st if it was from Schoharie.
Here is some info from the pension file of Charles W. Smith, Co I 91st NY infantry. MaryBeth Janzen, August 20, 1999
Charles W. Smith enlisted in the 91st NY Infantry on Sept 2, 1864. He was from Castleton,
NY. He was wounded in action at Gravelly Run, Va on March 31, 1865. He received a gunshot
wound to the left foot at Dinwiddie Court House on above date. He was treated at City
Point, VA. He was mustered out on June 10, 1865 as a private at Mason's Hill, VA. At age
45 Charles is described as 5 ft 5 inches with dark complexion, black hair and black eyes.
He filed for disability on the grounds of chronis biliousness, diarrhea, and rheumatism. He
gave his residences as the cities of Castleton and Wichita and occupation, carpenter. He
claimed total disability.
There apparently was another Charles Smith in the same company who deserted on April 26,
1865 and his records got confused with Charles W. Smith's at one point.
Charles filed for a pension in March 10, 1891 after he had moved to Wichita, Kansas and
lived at 1227 N. Market St.
He appears to have served under Capt J Frethauser and Col. Jonathan Tarbell. Charles
wrote,"I contracted liver disease and rheumatism at Federal Kill, Baltimore, Maryland
in the winter of 1864 and 65." Dr Samuel Hupp of Wichita wrote for him saying the
since he had known him he had worked as a carpenter. ( believe that that is what his dad
did also). He had known him since April of 1891 ,"at which time he was suffering with
inflamation of liver and stomach, which continued from that time until the present date
and that he has been totally disabled from any manuel labor." In another report he
stated that Charles had epileptic seizures from 3 to 5 times every day and had not been
able to walk for more than a year. BRADLEY H. VAN BUREN age 51 of 36 South Street, Troy,
NY wrote that he had enlisted on the same day to the same company and he remembered
Charles being sick at Federal Kill, Baltimore. He saw Dr Reynold "for the chronic
diarrhea and jaudice as all of us boys had teh diahrea and jaundice and there is
recollection in my mind as to have seen him walking with the aid of a cane or
crutch." Raphelia Parkinson also signed this form. Charles claim was initally
rejected as he couldn't fime men of his company who could testify as to the origin of his
disabilites being during his enlistment. D. Evans of Kansas wrote that he had known
Charles since 1883 as they worked for the same man and would lose 2 to 3 days a week to
sickness. He had no use of his lower limbs and cannot stand on his feet or walk. That he
has spasms frequently. James L. Hogeborn of Castleton, wrote in Nov. 1892 that he had
known Charles since childhood. That he had been in sound health before the service but
that he had jaundice sice. In 1876 he moved to Kansas. Warren K Fuller age 47 of Schodack
wrote that he had known Charles for 35 or 40 years, that "we were boys together
living in the same village of Castleton. We enlisted together in the Co. ? 91st NY
Infantry...while we were at Munsors Hill that he had a sever attack of yellow jaundice and
liver complaint. He was sick for a long time wiht liver trouble." John W. McKnight
agae 44 of Schodack wrote that he had known Charles 35 years and that he was sick after
discharge. Michael Effler age 54 of Port Chester, Westchester, NY. He had known Charles
for 33 years. "I knew him before he went in the army living close by his folks and
know he was a sound and healthy boy. He could not get relief from his home doctor that I
recommended a German doctor in the city of Albany by the name of Shuman. I was present
when Dr Shuman examined him and that he said he was in bad shape that his liver was very
much enlarged and that he did not think he could help him.That he was sick and not able to
work a great deal for that time until he moved away form Castleton. I lived in the same
villaabe and part of the time just across the street and he was treated here by Dr.
Hogboom." Dated 1892.
Abram Smith, his brother, wrote saying he had lived int he same village until 1870 when
Abram moved to Kansas. In 1876 Charles came to Wichita and lived "a near neighborhood
to me" "He was in my employ from 1876 yo 1886." "Since 1886 I have
seen him on an average of once a week. He is helpless and not able to use his feet or legs
and has spasms and is in a bad
condition, not able to care for himself. He has a family af 3 minor children."
Timothy Smith age 44 of Wichita wrote that he was a brother of Charles and they had grown
up together sharing the same room. Timothy moved to Wichita in 1886 from Castleton.
William Dunn age 49 of Castleton wrote in 1892. "We were boys together and that we
were in the same company of I 91st NY Infantry. We lived in the same villabe after we came
outof the army. That Charles was sick for a long time and was seen by Dr. Hogeborn, Dr
Reynolds and Dr Shuman. A doctor's report in 1893 showed malarial poisoning and frequent
attacks of epilepsy. "He is wholly incapitated for manuel labor - part of the time he
requires the attendance of another person." Charles wrote in the report at age 48 and
150 lbs. (at age 46 he was 110 lbs), " I suffer sever pain in all of my joints.. I
can hardly walk as my knees are stiff and I have to use crutches or a cane to keep from
falling. I am short of breath and every three or four days I run off at the bowels and
then I have cramps in my bowels at such time." He was unable to appear before a board
in 1893 because of his physical condition.
Charles died around Nov 1898 as that was the date of his last payment. His wife and
children are listed and it said I had the complete file.
Here is pension file info on Charles W. Smith's brother, Abram Smith. MaryBeth Janzen, August 20, 1999
He enlisted in Co I of the 91st NY Vol Infantry on Aug 15, 1861 as a musician. He was 5 ft
6 in with light complexion and black hair and eyes. He enlisted as a farmer but later
became a carpenter. He was discharged April 2, 1864 for disability but he reenlisted in
Co. D of the 10th NY infantry of Aug 22, 1864 and was discharged on June 8, 1865. After
the war he lived in Wichita, Kansas , Escondito, Ca and Long Beach, Ca. He married
Cornelia P. Fairchild b. May 6, 1847 in McLean, Tompkins Co., Ny on Nov. 16, 1865 by Rev.
John Claney in Schenctady. Cornelia had a sister named Kittied Bear who also lived in Long
Beach, Ca in 1927. Abram died March 20, 1921 in Long Beach, Ca. In 1870 Abram was a
resident of a place
that looks like Quincy.. Abram was discharged for disability described as Salivation
following the treatment for Typhoid Fever in the line of duty, chronic diahrea and
resultant diseases of the rectum and a bad rupture in left groin. It states that it was
impossible for him to eat army rations. The disability was incurred at ?Brashian City?,
?a. in the fall of 1863. Was discharged at Albany Post Hospital. Brashion City Hospital is
also mentioned. There was a family Bible published in 1836 by H&H Phinney,
Cooperstown, NY. The writing in the Bible wass in Charles H. Smith's handwritting and
Abram was listed wiht his birth date in the same writing as the 5 preceeding entries..
Charles and Dorothy were married Sept 18, 1834. They are both listed as having been born
in New York. One of their daugthers married a Charles N. Chapman. Abram and Cornelia had
the following children:
Frank H. Smith b. Feb10, 1867
Ettie July 30, 1869 she was not alive by 1894
Samuel Fairchild June 14, 1870 not alive in 1894
Clarence Abram Dec. 23, 1878 later lived in Long Beach
Hazel Cornelia Dec 19, 1882 later lived in Long Beach
Myrtle Elizabeth Dec 31, 1888
LOEPER information from Ray Loeper, February 4, 1999
Thought I would Drop A quick message. My Great Grandfather, C.O. Herman Loeper was a member of the 91st regt. Company B, Lieutenant at the time of his discharge on July 3, 1865. I have his diary which includes some pencil and ink sketches and also his scrapbook that has alot of info on the 91st because he became the historian of the local GAR unit. I am interrested in any history of the 91st that is available.
BORST, Benjamin information from Borst Family Association, March 12, 1999
Benjamin J Borst of Co A 91st Inf was born 5 Nov 1826 and died 28 Feb 1877 in Ogle Co
IL where he is buried in Flagg Center Cemetery. He married in 1846 and had eight children
at home when he enlisted at age 38. His oldest son was 16 at the time and I presume he was
able to take care of the family farm. It is interesting to speculate on the motivation of
such individuals. At least two other Borsts were past 40 when they enlisted and one from
Herkimer County was 50. Almost all of the Borsts descended from the 1710 Palatine
immigrant Jacob H Borst lived in the north and at least 28 served in the Civil
War. However, three sons of Representative Peter Borst who represented Schoharie in
congress c1838 settled in Virginia and married local girls. Two of them served in VA
Confederate units during the war. One was a 1st Sgt.
PAGE information from Charles E. Page April 19, 1999
My grandfather, Levi Page, was a private in the 91st NY Inf Regt. He served from Sept
1, 1864 to June 1, 1865. Levi
served in Company 'G' as a wagoner. He was wounded while transporting replacements to the
Gravelly Run battlefield. His right index finger was blown off. He was hospitalized at Ft.
McClellan Army Hospital until his discharge. I have his pension records and a certificate
acknowledging his service in the "War of the Rebellion" issued by NY State. His
records indicate that he enlisted at Schenectady NY; evidently, he was a resident of that
community. He was born April 4, 1844, died July 9, 1910, buried in the Lisha Kill Reformed
Church Cemetery, located on Route 5 between Albany and Schenectady. If you would like more
information, please email me.
WILCOX information from Peter Marchant June 19, 1999
Edmund Andross Wilcox was born 14 or 19 October 1845 in New Paltz, NY. Edmund enlisted in early September 1864, and was assigned to C company. Briefly stationed at Hart's Island in Long Island Sound, he then spent 6 months at Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, MD, from September 1864 to February 1865. In March, he took part in the action at Hatcher's Run. He died at age 19 on May 10, 1865 in the Carver U.S. General Hospital in Washington, D.C., of "Chronic Diarrhoea."
have published a booklet with the printed text of the 17 letters Edmund wrote during his
service, entitled "Who Would Not be a Souldier: The Civil War Letters of Edmaun A.
Wilcox". Facsimiles of two of the original letters are also included, along with a
monologue of all known facts about Edmond's life. The letters offer a view of a common
soldier's life during the war. The booklet sells for $10. For more information, please
email me at Peter Marchant.
EARL information from Bob Earl September 7, 1999
Just reviewed your site on the Civil War and would like to add a name who served with the 91st NY Volunteer Infantry - Company H. William J. Earl of Albany, NY
GUNN information from David L. Gunn December 13, 1999
Missing from the list is Lyman Gunn, private Co. I, 91st N.Y. Vol. Infantry. He died
June 1, 1863, in the hospital, Baton Touge, LA of wounds received May 25, 1863 before Port
Hudson, LA. Lyman was buried in the National Cemetery, Baton Rouge, LA , grave No. 529. A
head stone was furnished.
This info is from a letter from the Bureau of Records of the War of Rebellion dated
June 23, 1903. I also have a souvenir booklet of the annual re-union of the
ninety-first regiment held on Thursday, July 3, 1902. It has five pages of the history of
the 91st with pictures of some of the officers. David L. Gunn
KINNICUTT information from Nevin T. Creel December 13, 1999
I recently ran across a soldier's discharge paper from the 91st New York. The discharge
paper is the type that was issued to soldiers when their original copy was
"lost". It is the discharge of John KINNICUTT (private company I) I was
wondering if you could confirm this for me and perhaps give me any other additional info
on his service... thanks for the web site.. very
informative... Nevin T. Creel
VAN DINTER submitted by Theresa Van Dinter Kriefski May 7, 2000
I am writing on behalf of my family who wishes to see our great
grandfather, Henry Van Dinter, added to
the roster of volunteers for the 91st NY Infantry.
Recently, my cousins and I have been going through a family scrap book. We came across a
picture (click on image for a larger view) of our great grandfather Henry Van
Dinter, from Albany, New York. He served in the 91st NY Infantry, Heavy Artillery, Company
E. Attached is a letter from Wood National Cemetery, Veterans Administration Center in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Also included is his picture.
Please let us know what else would be needed to get Henry Van Dinter's name added to your
roster. We will do our best to provide any information you may need. Thank you so much for
you time and consideration.
Sincerely, Theresa Van Dinter Kriefski
BICE submitted by Richard & Betty July 1, 2000
Levi M. Bice born in 1837 in Schoharie County, NY son of Joshua and Jemima (Beagle) Bice enlisted on August 30, 1864 at Troy, NY and was mustered in on September 2, 1864 as a private in Company A, 91st Regiment of the New York Veterans Volunteers, he was employed as a nurse on October 27, 1864 at the post hospital at Fort McHenry, Maryland. He appears there on the hospital muster roll for January and February, 1865. He was described as having blue eyes, dark hair, light complexion and being five feet, six inches tall.
SCHAFFER submitted by Faith Smith September 19, 2000
I have just begun researching my Great Grand father's involvement in the
Civil War. and found the following to add to your roster. verified the following at
Fredericksburg Battlefield visitor's center, official records of the 91st NY infantry and
61st NY infantry: (note some of the dates conflict in the two documents)
George W. Schaffer enlisted at age 21, enrolled at Albany to serve 3 years. Mustered in as
a first Lt. Company G 12/3/1861. discharged 3/4/63. Later enrolled and mustered in as
Captain Company K 9/9/64. Commendation and elevated to Brevet Lt. Col NYV 12/10/64.
subsequently discharged 12/29/1864 for promotion to major 61st infantry . (Records of 61st
show him mustering in 12/13 ) 61st NY infantry saw the final action of the war and was
present at Appomattox. Mustered out at Alexandria Va 6/14/65
If you stumble across any more information for "my guy", would appreciate
receiving it. Thanks, Faith Smith, Fredericksburg VA (If there's anything I can look up
for you down here, let me know. I'm minutes from major battlefields and a great Virginiana
SNYDER submitted by Bill Mabie September 24, 2000
"Nicholas Snyder, Age 21 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, 91st New York Volunteer Infantry, December 9, 1861; reenlisted as a veteran, January 1, 1864; promoted corporal, prior to October, 1864; mustered out with company, July 3, 1865, near Washington, D. C."
STEWART submitted by Mary Stewart Clickner January 31, 2001
Solomon King Stewart, from Sandy Hill (now Hudson Falls) NY enlisted in the 91st Infantry (Company I) November 4, 1861 for a term of 3 years. He re-enlisted January 1, 1864 in Brashear City, LA. and was discharged July 3, 1865 near Washington D.C. He was present at Lee's surrender. He was born in 1838 and died April 8, 1894. Solomon was a farmer in Sandy Hill. We are very lucky to have many of the letters he sent from the war to Fannie Gilbert, the woman he married upon returning from the war.
COUSE submitted by Arden Redpath Dufford (Gr.Grandaughter of Theodore Couse) February 3, 2001
Missing from your list are Ezra Couse (age 31) and Theodore Couse (age 18), mustered in at Schenectady Sept 8, 1864. Privates, Company H. Mustered out June, 1865 near Washington, DC.
O'SULLIVAN submitted by Walt Kahnle March 1, 2001
Anyone out there to help? confirm? Provide additional information or
I'm trying to make a ancestry connection with:
Private Patrick P O'SULLIVAN; Ireland; dob1829?; enlisted for 3 years on 9/16/61;
mustered in at Albany Depot, NY or Hudson, NY; 91 NY Reg't Infantry, Co. E; was
detached to 156 defenses Sept '64 and 161 defenses 7/9/1864 [SO #163]
stationed at Proctorsville, LA. July/Aug 1864; wounded at Port Hudson on May 27,
1863; died of disease as a result at St. Louis Hosp. [New Orleans] on July 27,
1864/July 30,1864. also lists New Orleans General Hosp. as place of death.
From this I'm trying to identify his wife/dependents....etc.
There is also this:
New York Pension Rolls 1/1/1883; Margaret O'SULLIVAN Albany widow $8.00 per month - 8/1870;
Cert # 163,483
Can't find a Patrick P. O'Sullivan and wife Margaret in Albany Directories or Census of
the time. There were a few O'Sullivans from Albany in the Civil War but this one
seems the most likely.
WILDAY submitted by Dave Stott March 14, 2001
My ancestor Adam Minor Wilday, son of John Jost Wilday and Anna Maria Resue served in the 91st. According to his pension files, he enlisted Feb 7, 1865 he was a private in the the 91st infantry, Companies D & W. Adam was discharged in July 3, 1865. Adam Minor Wilday was born in Berne, Albany, County, NY. He was the son of John Jost Wilday and Anna Maria Resue. The Wilday family lived on the border of Albany county and Schoharie county and migrated back and forth between the two counties.
FERNALD submitted by Herbert A. Rideout May 6, 2001
Luther E Fernald born in Kittery Maine 1840 was my great grandfather and served with the 91st as a Corporal in Company G. He mustered in on the 16th of June 1863 and mustered out on 12 June 1865 from Mower General Hospital, Philadelphia PA. He was engaged in the battles at Gravelly Run and Five Forks. This information was taken from his discharge papers.
ROBBINS submitted by robls October 12, 2001
ROBBINS, Elisha S. Co F 91st Reg NY Vol
B. 1842
residence: Orleans Co (unsure if this is residence at the time of enlistment).
HOUGHTALING submitted by Raymond French December 6, 2001
Was looking at your website and want to let you know that my great-great-great grandfather served with the 91st Infantry Regiment New York, Company I. His name was Hiram Houghtaling. He enlisted as a private on 21 October 1861 in Albany, N.Y. at age 28. He was wounded on 14 June 1863 and died of those wounds in New Orleans, La. He his buried in East Nassau, New York.
FIDLER submitted by Tom Dunn January 12, 2002
My name is Tom Dunn and I have been researching the life of my ancestor, Christopher Alan Fidler (1834-1864) of Canaan, New York. My understanding of the full story of Christopher's military service is incomplete. The New York census of 1865 for Columbia County indicates that Christopher was associated with the 91st New York since 1861. Can you help me with anything from your records?
SHAW submitted by Cynthia Owens January 26, 2002
I would like to submit my ancestor Isaac Shaw to be added to your list of the 91st NY
Infantry. For complete information, please see the following website:
Isaac kept a diary of his war experiences. My family also has a copy of his muster roll
record and his discharge papers.
LILLIE submitted by Danielle Hiney (Lillie) April 23, 2002
My Great Great Grandfather Orlando Lillie served in the 91st NY Company B. He enlisted in Albany, NY and was from Moravia, NY. He is currently buried
in Indian Mound-Moravia village Cemetery not far from his brother Alonzo (aka Jack) Lillie. We have a picture of Orlando and Alonzo but everything
we have on them was destroyed inadvertently. Orlando was born in 1841 and lived until 1904. He had a son named Fay Lillie. I am not aware of any
other children of Orlando Lillie.
His brother Alonzo fought at Gettysburg, PA where he was injured. He continued on with his regiment until July 4, 1864 where he mustered out in
Alexandria, VA. A short time later, he re-enlisted under the name Jack Lillie. He had been refused due to his previous injuries and decided to
enlist as Jack in order to be accepted in again.
There is also apparently an Uncle or cousin about 12 years older than Alonzo named Jabez, who also fought in the 111th and at Gettysburg. We are
unsure of the relationship of Jabez. We can not tell if he was an uncle or cousin, but we do know he is related. All three soldiers are buried near
each other in Moravia, NY.
The Family is looking for any information on any of these three men. If anyone does have information, please e-mail me at
Danielle Hiney (Lillie).
McCARTHY submitted by David Carroll June 9, 2002
My name is David Carroll. I live in Buffalo. I came across a some papers that my recently deceased Grandmother has been keeping for years. I found
Civil War discharge papers from my great, great Grandfather Patrick McCarthy. It looks like he was part of the 91st. This is what I've
gathered from the discharge papers.
Name - Patrick McCarthy
91st Regiment NY Veteran Volunteers, Company A
Enlisted on 08/27/1864
Discharged on 06/10/1865
He was born in County Waterford, Ireland on 3/17/1844. According to his obituary he was wounded in battle. He lived in the Poughkeepsie area for the rest of his life. My grandmother is from there.
REED - submitted by Charles Reed September 26, 2002
My civil war ancestors were David Y. Reed 91st Inf. Vols. Co. E whose brother was William S. Reed who served in the 134th NY Vols. Co. E. Both
these brothers are buried in Evergreen Cemetery Jefferson, NY Jeremiah Reed 7th NY Heavy Artillery Co. F buried Cypress Hill National
Cemetery Brooklyn, NY Plot 1234. Ellis S. Reed 134th NY Vols. Co. D buried Potter
Hollow Cemetery NY, David H. Reed 134th NY Vols. Co. E. William L. Reed 134th Vols. Co E.
William E. Cain 7th NY Vols. Co. F buried Arlington National Cemetery Reuben Cain 134th NY. Vols. Co. D Buried Keyserkill
Cemetery Town of Broome, NY
All these gentleman were related to one another.
My name is Charles Joseph Reed (Corky) son of Cecil Ferris Reed Middleburgh, NY I am a member of the Schoharie County Historical Society. My father served in WWII in New
Guinea and received a Honorable Discharge and was a Barber for many years in Schoharie,
NY I served Honorably in the Navy and received a Honorable Discharge March 16, 1979.
I am a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Camp 24 Gen. Alfred
GREENE - submitted by Tina Ordone September 26, 2002
I would like to add a Stephentown, Rensselaer County, NY resident to the list of members of the 91st NY infantry. His name was Fisher A. Greene (1844-1920). He married Nettie Crape, and served as a hospital steward. I don't know anything further of him, but found his picture in a Stephentown Historical Album.
TIMBERLIN - submitted by Dawn Timberlin-Whitesel January 30, 2003
I would like to add my Great Great Grandfather, Sidney Timberlin,
to your list of men who served with the 91 N. Y.
Infantry during the Civil War. Sidney Timberlin
served with this Unit.
HERWERTH - submitted by Kim Peine February 6, 2003
Here is a picture of William L. Herwerth who is listed on your site. He was my 2nd great-grandfather.
Here are some articles about him:
Major W. L. Herwerth formerly of the 91st has received notification of his appointment as 2nd lieutenant in the regular army with orders to proceed to join the 31st U.S. Infantry at Fort Rice, Dacotah Territory if he passes a satisfactory examination. He passed through Plattsburgh for New York on Thursday for an examination.
Major Herwerth - The Major reports to us personally that before the examining board he passed a first class examination but the surgeon's report was unfavorable on account of wounds received in battle and the board only gave importance to one point and that was the difficulty in riding a horse, which was the utmost importance in service on the plains. He was recommended for appointment in the reserve corps.
Captain Wm. L. Herwerth of the 91st N.Y. Volunteers arrived in Albany on June 15th with a detachment of one years men, who were mustered out of the service the 10th of June. The whole detachment numbered six hundred and sixty-six men. After the detachment had been paid off and discharged, five companies presented Captain Herwerth with a beautiful gold watch valued at two hundred dollars, as a testimonial of their regard for him. Both for his bravery and uniform kindness towards the men. The compliment is a handsome one, and has been bestowed upon one who is deserving of it. Captain Herwerth is a resident of Redford in this county.
The Late Major Herwerth
The genial and patriotic Major Herwerth dies at his residence on Valcour Island on Thursday of last week after an illness of several months.
Major Herwerth was one of our most gallant union soldiers in the war of the rebellion carrying to his grave many honorable scars and suffering during the remainder of his life since the was from wounds received in fighting for his country.
He was First Lieutenant in Captain McDermott's Company of the 91st N.Y. Volunteers and for honorary service was promoted to the Captaincy of Company F of the same regiment and was subsequently brevetted Major.
In 1876 Major Herwerth was appointed keeper of the Valcour Light House where he has since resided with his family. He leaves a wife with a number of children.
The remains were brought to Plattsburgh on Saturday and on Sunday were taken to Redford, his former home for burial accompanied by the Plattsburgh Masonic Lodge of which he was a member.
The funeral sermon was preached at Redford by Rev. H.N. Munger of Peru, and he was buried with Masonic honors, some sixty Masons being in attendance.
Major Herwerth was 55 years of age. There is not a better kept lighthouse on Lake Champlain than that on Valcour Island, kept by Captain W.L. Herwerth, who enlisted in Captain John McDermott's Company during the last war as a private, subsequently promoted through the intermediate grades to Captain and Brevet Major. He was wounded twice at Port Hudson and has carried one bullet in his body ever since, besides having an ugly hole torn in his cap at Irish Bend, LA by a fragment of a shell. The gallant Captain takes pride in exhibiting this cap to visitors as he does also everything in and about the faultlessly kept premises of which he has had charge for about two years.
Obituary Major Wm. L. Herwerth
Major Wm. L. Herwerth died at his residence on Valcour Island in Lake Champlain near Plattsburgh after a long illness, on the 17th day of February, 1881, and was buried at Redford with Masonic honors.
Major Herwerth was a German by birth. He came to this vicinity about 1849 and was employed in the Scotia steam mill and subsequently in the Schenectady Locomotive works, wherever he went he made friends, none knew him well but to love him. He was a true man in every respect, faithful to every trust committed to him. He served in the 91st regiment, N.Y. Volunteers. Captain McDermott's company, was wounded severely at Port Hudson, was promoted to the Captaincy of CO. F for brave and meritorious service and was subsequently brevetted Major. After the war at the request of a few who knew him well the late D.P. Forest appointed him Sergeant of the Guard at Clinton Prison where he served for several years and was only changed when a change in the management demanded his removal on account of politics, and then very reluctantly, such was the hold he had gained in the esteem of his superiors. He was the son of honor and a soldier of his country, or of his divine Lord,
ever ready to serve, obey and suffer. He went to the war not for bounty but for his adopted country.
He said in conversation with the writer that he thought because he had some military knowledge he ought to go and do what he could for his country and after being severely wounded when he might have obtained an honorable discharge, he returned to the field and though suffering from his wounds, remained with his company faithful to the last. In 1876 he was appointed keeper of the Valcour light house, where he has since resided and where he died. The major leaves a wife and seven children to struggle with life, and meet its disappointments and sorrow unaided by the loving husband and father who was as dear to them as their own lives. The patriotism, purity and faith of the deceased was worthy of imitation and although he failed to leave worldly goods, he left a good name and an example worth of emulation.
Frank Herwerth of Bluff Point has had the remains of his father Major Wm. L. Herwerth removed from Redford to Port Gilliland Cemetery and buried beside those of his wife Mary J. Herwerth who died at Burlington - January 19, 1903.
BUEL - James Buel August 24, 2003
In a search on film Number M551 Roll 18 General Index Card list Charles M. Buel in Company F of the 91 NY Infantry.
McGUIRE - submitted by Daniel Wyatt December 27, 2003
From the New York State Archives I was sent the following on
my great-grandfather
McGuire (Maguire) William
Age: 18
When: 10 March 1862
Where: Albany
Period Years: 3
Mustered In: 10 March 1862
Grade: Pvt. (Private)
Company: F
Reg't: 91st NY
Left the Organization:
How: Discharged
When: 23 March 1865
In What Grade: Pvt. (Private)
In the field near Petersburg, Va. (Virginia) expiration of service as Mc Guire Remarks:
present: M.R. (Muster Roll) April 1863; June 1863 detached service in
Department of the Gulf: borne
as Mc Guire: October 1864
Biography of William (Maguire) Mc Guire
Born: March 6, 1844
Longford, Ireland
US Citizen: Oct. 3, 1866
Pittsburg, Penn.
Occupation: Cooper (Barrel Maker)
Died: November 19, 1910
Oakland, California
MATHIAS - submitted by Linda L. LaMar April 21, 2004
Recently received information on James Mathias from the New York State Archives.
He enlisted on 23 Sept 1861 at Albany for a period of 3 years. On 9 Dec 1861, he was mustered-in as 1st Lt., Co. D, 91st Infantry. I noticed that he is not listed with other members of the 91st. Following is the information sent to me by the Archives:
Mathias, James
Age 26
Enlisted 23 Sept 1861 at Albany
Mustered-In 9 Dec 1861 as 1st Lt, Co. D, 91st Inf
Discharged 4 January 1864 as 1st Lt., Disability caused by wounds
Remarks: Present: M.R. Apr. 63, wounded in action June 14, 1863 before Port Hudson, La.: in hospital Baton Rouge, La; North on sick leave June 63
Commissioned 1st Lieut Dec 20, 1861 with rank from Sept 25, 1861, original:
Still Living: Married: Parents names; Frederick Mathias and Eunice Reamer: P.O. Address: New Salem, NY
Born: New Scotland, July 30, 1836
Occupation: Farmer
I have followed him through the 1860, 1870 and 1880 Federal Census. In 1860, he and his wife Magdalen lived with his parents in New Salem. After the war he and his wife and children moved to Coffee County, Tennessee where he owned a farm. Two other New York born men were employed on his farm: Frank Colenbeck and Samuel Young. By 1880, he had moved back to Albany County and owned a farm in the Town of Bethlehem.
My Great-great grandfather was C.O. Herman Loeper a member of the 91st. I also have a connection to the Mathias family of Albany County and this is how I came across this information. I would appreciate it very much if you would add his name to your list.
GRAHAM - submitted by Judy Knapp July 16, 2004
I would like to submit my Great-Great-Grandfather into the 91st.
Graham, George. Born Ireland. Enlist at Albany, New York to serve three years. He mustered in as a
private into Company B. on November 6, 1861.
He re-enlisted as a veteran On January 1, 1864. Says absent, sick, at Harewood Hospital, Washington D.C.. Mustered out of company.
CROSS - submitted by M. Wagner Jan 27, 2005
I am writing about Joseph Cross and his brother John B Cross, both of the town of Wright, Schoharie Co, NY. I think Joseph [died of fever at Cairo, IL] was my gggrandfather, his daughter Susan Missouri Cross was my grandmothers mother. After Joseph died, no info about his immediate family except that Susan married Charles Saulsbury in 1872. John B Cross, his brother survived Civil War. He had about 10 children. I think he died in the town of Knox, Albany Co., NY in 1903. Would appreciate any information you have about any of this family. I think Joe and John's father's name was Edward cross and their mother was Aleva or Aleva Cross.
CHASE - submitted by Kathy Dzewaltowski Aug 20, 2005
My great-great grandfather was Private Erastus Gideon Chase (1834-1914), and he served in the 91st Regiment of New York beginning on Sept. 2, 1864 until he was discharged (discharge papers) on June 17, 1865. He served in Company D under Captain James H. Stewart. Private Chase was 30 years old when he served, he was born in New York, and he was a machinist. Private Chase moved to Iowa in 1867, and the attached photograph was taken of him in 1912.
DINGS - submitted by David Stearns March 22, 2008
I can confirm that David Dings was a member of Company H of the 91st Regiment, New York Volunteers. He is my great-great grandfather. I have his pension file from NARA. Alonzo Barton, also a member of the same Company, was an acquaintance of David Dings and supplied information on his pension application.
ODELL - submitted by DJ Paul February 8, 2011
The information presented on your Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site, 91st NY Infantry List on Albert Odell is correct. I can confirm that Pvt. Albert Odell was a member of the gallant 91st New York, Company B. I've attached a letter received late last month from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington DC. Albert died 3/10/1892 in the old New York State Soldiers and Sailors Home in Bath, NY, and was buried in what is now the Bath National Cemetery, Bath, NY. I think Private Albert Odell was a simple foot soldier… just one to the many thousands of young men who were sent out as insignificant cannon fodder by an amazing number of incompetent Civil War colonels and generals.
SYMMONDS - submitted by Donna M Ashbery March 9, 2015
My 3rd Great Grandfather Jason Symonds. He has been quite elusive but I've finally managed to find a Civil War Record of him and then nothing after that. His wife, Charlotte M. (White) Symonds is listed as widow on census records and in her obituary but I've been unable to find any widow's pension applications for her and no pension records for him either. He served with the 91st NY Infantry, Co B
DINGMAN - submitted by Wendy Wolf June 25, 2017
Information about Gideon Dingman:
16 January 1827
Jefferson, Schoharie, New York,
United States
21 November 1884
Stanton, Montcalm, Michigan,
United States
November 1884
Stanton, Montcalm, Michigan, United
States = Forest Hill Cemetery
Jefferson, Schoharie, New
York, United States
Jefferson, Schoharie, New York,
United States
, Jefferson, Schoharie, New York, United
Michigan, United States
Day, Montcalm, Michigan, United States
21 Nov 1884
Stanton, ,
Diana Warner (Wife)
4 December 1850
Warnerville, Schoharie, New York, United States
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