Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Viet Nam Conflict, 1957-1975

U.S. Military Personnel Who Died (Including Missing and Captured Declared Dead) as a result of the Vietnam conflict, 1957-1995

Obtained from National Archives and Records Administration, Center for Electronic Records

Source: [Southeast Asia] Combat Area Casualties Current File (CACCF), as of November 1997 (electronic record),
Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Record Group 330, The National Archives at College Park.

Name                     Rank  Branch     Date of        Category of
                               of service casualty       casualty

Hoyt, Larry Leonard       PFC  Marines    10 Feb., 1968  22 June, 1948 Hostile, died-wounds
Jones, Harold Dana        MAJ  Air Force  3 June, 1972   18 Mar., 1934 Hostile, died-wounds
Hogenboom, Dennis Norman  SP4  Army       6 June, 1970   1 Apr., 1944  Hostile, killed 
Sigman, Christopher Scott SP4  Army       6 Feb., 1967   16 Oct., 1946 Non-Hostile, died-other
Wright, Martin Willard    SGT  Army       25 July, 1970  10 Nov., 1948 Non-Hostile, died-other

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This page established February 22, 1999