Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Phillip Tripp and Lydia Taber Genealogy
Cobleskill, NY

Contributed by Janet Grace - (This genealogy is provided by Janet Grace for personal research use only. The information is not to be used for profit or commercial use). The genealogy is also available in pdf format

Phillip Tripp (Sr.), born 1771, in Schoharie, NY and died May 10, 1832, Brackneyville, Susquehanna County. Pennsylvania. He married Lydia Taber in 1790. Lydia Taber was born August 14, 1772 in Dartmouth, Bristol MA. Died March 28, 1847/8, in Binghamton, Broome, NY. They had the following children:

  • Job
  • Ruth, born about 1797, died 1886, m. Ezekiel Finch
  • Hannah, born about 1800-1801, m. Jarvis Gage
  • Admiral, (aka Theophilus) born 1802, died Aug 1, 1869, m. Almira Lillie
  • Julius, born Nov 11, 1802/3, died April 30, 1855 m. Matilda Benson
  • Mary, born? m. Unknown Coon
  • Seneca, born May 18, 1805, died Dec. 17, 1855 m. Polly Zee, m. Phebe Howard.
  • Elihu born about 1804-06, m. Rebecca Unknown
  • Ira, born 1803-1806, died 1870 m. Eliza Lamb
  • Abiel born 1808, died April 17, 1890, m. Lovica(aka Louisa) Butts
  • Lucy, born 1811-20, no date of marriage given
  • Phillip (Jr.) born 1813-20, died before 1884, died unmarried.
  • Polly Tripp born 1817 m. Caleb Remmele

Sources for Philip Tripp Sr. and Lydia Taber:

  1. Date of Marriage : S02564 Mayflower Families through 5 generations, Vol. 11, Part 3 – Edward Doty, Peter B. Hill, Compiler.
  2. Mayflower Births and Deaths, Susan E. Rosher, Page 400
  3. Date of Marriage: 1790 Federal Census shows Philip Tripp Sr.’s Household consisting of 2 free white persons over the age of 16.
  4. Date of Birth for Lydia Taber is August 14, 1772: S02564 Mayflower Families through 5 generations, Vol. 11, Part 3 – Edward Doty, Peter B. Hill, Compiler.
  5. "The Tripp Family of Hawleyton" by Bob Barker, states that Lydia and Phillip Tripp Sr. are in Hawleyton, NY as early as 1820. Old Tripp Road that ran from the Hawleyton Turnpike to Conklin Forks was named for the "four generations of Tripps living there [starting with Philip Sr.]". Philip Sr.’s date of death is given as 1832 and his wife is listed as Lydia Taber, date of death not given. Philip’s location of burial is listed as the Quaker Lake Cemetery.
  6. Quaker Lake Cemetery Records, Brackneyville, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania for Phillip Tripp shows date of Birth as 1771, death May 10, 1832, wife Lydia Taber .
  7. The Tripp Children, 1998, compiled by Breffni Whelan pages:________
  8. Tripp Genealogy: Descendants of James Tripp son of John Tripp, 1924, George L. Randall p. 18
  9. Layton Cemetery Records show Lydia Tripp, Wife of Philip, died March 28, 1847.

Sources for Job Tripp:

Although we do not have a recorded date of birth, we can conclude that Job Trip was born around 1793/95 based on the marriage date of his parents and the ages of the other children in the family. Sources:

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages:________
  2. Randall, p. 18
  3. LDS Family Search Resource File shows Job Trip born between 1790 and 1815 to Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber.

Sources for Ruth Tripp Finch, born 1797:

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages_______
  2. Randall, p. 18.
  3. 1850 Federal Census list Ruth (Tripp) Finch as born in 1797.
  4. 1860 Federal Census lists Ruth (Tripp) Finch as born in 1797. Spouse is Ezekiel Finch. Younger brother Philip Jr. Tripp, age 40 is shown as living with Ruth and Ezekiel. .
  5. 1855 New York State Census records for Town of Conklin list Ezekiel, age 58 and wife Ruth, age 58. Sister Lucy Tripp, age 44 and nieces Mary Coon age 18, born Chenango County and Ruth Coon, age 16 are members of the household. Mary Coon’s mother is Ruth’s sister, Mary Tripp. Of note is that Ruth and Ezekiel also raised nephew David Tripp, after his mother s death in 1829. At the time, David was only 3 weeks old. David is the son of Seneca Tripp and Polly (Zee) Tripp. David later became a mason.
  6. 1865 New York State Census records for the Town of Kirkwood list Ezekiel, age 67 and wife Ruth, age 67. Mary Coon. niece, and Emily Tripp, niece are members of the household. Byron Layton (mentioned in Philip Jr.’s will) is also listed as a member of the household and later marries Ruth Coon. (mentioned as Ruth Layton in the will)
  7. Layton Cemetery Records show Ezekiel d. Feb 3, 1884, age 86 and Ruth w/o Ezekiel d. October 17, 1866, age 69.

Sources for daughter Hannah Tripp Gage, born 1800-1801:

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages_______
  2. Randal, p. 18.
  3. 1850 Federal Census lists Hannah (Tripp) Gage as born in 1800. Spouse is Jarvis Gage.
  4. 1850 Susquehanna County Census lists Hannah (Tripp) Gage as born in 1800 in New York. Spouse is Jervais Gage.
  5. 1860 Federal Census lists Hannah (Tripp) Gage as born in 1801. Spouse is Jarvis Gage.
  6. Individual record for Hannah Tripp, lists her birth date as between 1790 and 1815, parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber.
  7. Date of Marriage for Hannah Tripp and Jarvis Gage is given as 1836, Brackney, Susquehanna, PA, Per IGI individual record. Card catalog at the Susquehanna County Historical Society in Montrose has marriage records prior to 1850, I will need to write to them and get this.
  8. Hannah Tripp and Jarvis Gage are presumed to be buried in the Gage (Gaige) private cemetery in Silver Lake, Pennsylvania as no cemetery records are available.

Sources for Admiral Tripp, born 1801/2:

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages _________
  2. Randall’s book, page 18.
  3. Farnham Cemetary, Conneaut, Ashtabala County Ohio, records show date of birth 1802, date of death is August 1, 1869, Pillip Tripp Sr. 1771-1832 is listed as parent.
  4. 1840 Federal Census shows Admiral Tripp as living in Conneaut, Ohio.
  5. 1850 Federal Census lists Admiral Tripp as born 1801, Almira is listed as wife, Laura Tripp is listed as daughter.
  6. 1870 Federal Census lists Almira Tripp as widow.
  7. Admiral Tripp and his daughter Laura Tripp Risely of Conneaut, Ohio are listed in Philip Tripp Jr.’s will.
  8. Theophilus Tripp does not appear in any Federal Census information in the 1800’s. The IGI individual record shows Theophilus Tripp as son of Philip Tripp Sr. and Lydia Taber as christened. Another theory is that Theophilus could have died young as he does not live with any of the other Tripp family members, according to the Census information, and I can find no record of his marriage or children.

Sources for son Julius, born 1802/3

1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages _______________

2. Randall, p. not shown on page 18, but referenced elsewhere, I think page 34.

3. 1850 Federal Census lists Julius Tripp as born 1802 in New York.

4. Individual Record from LDS lists Julius Tripp as born 1803, with parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber

5. Julius Tripp is listed in Philip Jr.’s will.

Sources for Ira, born 1803-1806

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages _________.
  2. Randall, p. 18.
  3. 1850 Federal Census lists Ira as born in 1803 in New York, Note: Ira’s son’s name is Abiel Tripp, presumably after the great grandfather, Abiel.
  4. 1860 Federal Census lists Ira as born in 1803 in New York.
  5. IGI Individual record lists Ira Tripp’s birth as about 1806 in Cobleskill, Schoharie, NY, with Parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber.

Sources for Mary Tripp Coon, born ?

  1. Breffni Whelan’s book, pages___________.
  2. She is not shown in Randall’s book.
  3. Individual record from LDS Family Search website, shows Mary Tripp with Parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber and husband is unknown Coon.
  4. Mary Tripp Coon’s children, Laurence Coon, Ruth Layton and Mary Coon are referenced in Phillip Jr.’s will.
  5. 1855 New York State Census records for Town of Conklin show Mary Tripp Coon’s Children, (Mary Coon age 18, born Chenango County and Ruth Coon, age 16) as members of Ruth Tripp and Ezekiel Finch’s Household. It’s possible that Mary died young and the children were sent to live with relatives.

Sources for Seneca, born 1805:

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2.Randall, p. 18, lists Seneca’s birthdate as 18 May 1805 Cobleskill, NY.

3. Individual record from LDS Family Search website, shows Seneca Tripp born 18 May 1805, Cobleskill, Schoharie, NY, with Parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber.

4. 1850 Federal Census shows Seneca Tripp, born about 1798 in New York.

5. Seneca and his children are referenced in Philip Jr.’s will.


Sources for Elihu, born, 1804-1806:

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2.Randall, p. 18.

3. 1850 Census lists Elihu’s birth about 1804 in New York.

3. 1860 Census lists Elihu’s birth about 1806 in New York.

3. 1870 Census lists Elihu’s birth about 1805 in New York.

4. Individual record from LDS Family Search website, shows Elihu Tripp Parents Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber

5 Elihu and Elihus’ son Job Tripp of Little Rock, Illinois are referenced in Philip Jr.’s will. Note that Perry Green Tripp (Elihu’s nephew and Job Tripp’s cousin) is also living in Little Rock, IL in 1884. Another cousin of Job Tripp listed in Philip Jr.’s will and living in Little Rock in 1884 is Emma Banes. (Note the 1880 Census for Little Rock shows an Emma C. Ba[r]nes, Job[e] Tripp both born 1848 in New York.)

Sources for Abiel Tripp born between 1808-1820

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2.Randall, p. 18.

3. 1850 Federal Census lists Abiel Tripp, born 1815, New York.

4. 1860 Federal Census lists Abiel Tripp, born 1810, New York.

5. 1870 Federal Census lists Abiel Tripp, born 1820, New York.

6. 1880 Federal Census list Abiel Tripp, born 1808, Pennsylvania.

7. "The Tripp Family of Hawleyton", by Bob Barber lists Abiel Tripp was born in Schoharie Co., NY in 1811, the

Son of Phillip and Lydia Tripp.

8. LDS IGI record lists Abiel Tripp as son of Philip Sr. and Lydia Tripp.

9. Abiel and his living children (James H. Tripp, Ruth A. Meeker, Lydia Gage, Elsa Van Patten and Josephine Shufeld) are listed in Philip Jr.’s will.

Sources for Lucy Tripp born 1811/20:

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2.Randall, p.18.

3. 1850 Federal Census shows Lucy Tripp living in household of Ruth (Tripp) Finch and Ezekiel Finch date of birth 1820.

4. 1855 New York State Census records for Town of Conklin list Ezekiel FInch, age 58 and wife Ruth (Tripp)Finch, age 58. Sister Lucy Tripp, age 44 living in the Finch household. Lucy’s date of birth would have been 1811.

5. LDS IGI record lists Lucy Tripp as son of Philip Sr. and Lydia Tripp.

Sources for Philip Tripp born 1813/20:

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2. Randall, p.18.

3. LDS IGI lists Philip Trip as son of Philip Tripp and Lydia Taber, born 1813.

4. 1850 Federal Census shows Philip Jr.’s date of birth as 1816

5.1860 Federal Census shows Philip Jr. living in the house hold of sister Ruth (Tripp) Finch. Date of Birth given is 1820.

6. 1870 Federal Census shows Philip Jr.’s date of birth as 1816.

7. 1880 Federal Census shows Philip Jr.’s date of birth as 1816.

8. Broome County Will Testator’s index. Philip Tripp , Kirkwood, NY-13-157.

9. On page 125 of Valentine Research Studio of Washington D.C., written by Caroline Valentine and published in 1932, is listed references to Philip Tripp Jr., as follows: Though he died unmarried, Philip Tripp of Kirkwood, Broome County New York in 1884 made a will which touched seven states. It ordered the estate divided into five parts, one to brother Abiel's children (James H. Tripp, Ruth A. Meeker, Lydia Gage, Elsa Van Patten and Josephine Shufelt) one to "my deceased sister, Mary Coon's children, Laurence and Mary Coon and Ruth Layton; one to the children of each of my deceased brothers, Admiral, Elihu and Seneca". Byron Layton of Kirkland and Edmond Barlow, were made executors. In connection with the probate of this will was a citation to Lydia White, Isaac Tripp at Deposit, New York, Julius Tripp, Julia Hall, Mary Westfall, Hooper Tripp at Famewood, Ulster County, New York and Ruth Pelham, at Fremont Center. The Petition for proof was from Albert Tripp, Winona, Minnesota; Lydia Gage, Storm Lake, Iowa; Emma Banes, Little Rock, Illinois; George Tripp, Fasset's, Bradford County Pennsylvania; Mary E. Titus, Conneaut, Ohio; Laurence Coon, Pittsfield, Warren County Pennsylvania; Job Tripp, Little Rock, Illinois; Peter Tripp, Kane, Mckean County Pennsylvania; Laura Risley, Conneaut, Ohio; who are described as "necessary parties to this proceeding", or final settlement of estate. Of note is that not all of his brothers and sisters children are heirs.

Sources for daughter Polly (Tripp) Remmele, born 1817

1.Breffni Whelan’s book pages ___________.

2. Randall, p. 18.

3. 1850 Federal Census lists Polly (Tripp) Remmele as born in 1817. Spouse is Caleb Remmele.

4. 1870 Federal Census lists Polly (Tripp) Remmele as born in 1817. Spouse is Caleb Remmele

5.1880 Federal Census lists Polly (Tripp) Remmele as born in 1817. Spouse is Caleb Remmele. Birthplace of Polly’s parents is New York.

6.LDS IGI lists Polly Tripp as born 1790-1915, parents Philip and Lydia Tripp.

7. Death certificate for Birdsey S Remmele died March 29, 1846 (male), lists mother’s name as Polly Tripp and father’s name as Caleb Remmele. Need better reference to prove marriage.

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