Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
We would love to hear from you too!
When writing, remember to put "Schoharie" in the subject line.
Send your story or comment to
Doug Boyer
July 31, 2006
I wanted to thank you for the work you do for the US GenWeb project. In 1999, I
placed a query on the Schoharie County site and forgot about it (except for your
periodic reminders). I kept it there because I figured it did not hurt anything,
but I expected nothing. Just a few months ago, I received a response to that
query and it has opened up a whole new avenue of research. Wanda Mead Campbell
January 9, 2006
I would like to thank all who make the Schoharie County Gen-Web all that it is a great learning experience.
I've found my Bouck line thanks to the people who work long hours at work just to come home and sit down with there computers just so
I can find out who my relatives were long ago. These are my Boucks Christian Bouck, Johann Christian
Bouck, William Bouck, Laurence Bouck, William W. Bouck, Christian Spencer Bouck,
Gardner Bouck, Willard Bouck. Thanks for so many hours of reading, so many hours of notes, and enough ink and computer paper to float a ship.
James Jimenez
January 20, 2003
My name in Linda Severson-Shurtleff and I live in Spokane, WA. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the work you and others have done to make my day. With your help, I have found my 3rd great grandparents, John and Margaret (VanWormer) Severson. Through the years I kept coming back to NY in my research and finally linked my gr gr grandfather Benjamin VanWormer Severson to Esperance, NY. Finding the GENWEB site was a real blessing. Thank you so much for all your efforts.
May 22, 2002
A special cousin of mine, Randy Diefendorf, just passed along your Schoharie Rootsweb site with the Sagendorf school play
photo - with a Jasper Richtmyer. I checked my Richtmyer book, and he's a relative! His grandfather, Josiah Richtmyer, was the brother of my Sophia Louisa who mar Alexander McNeill. Josiah signed for her at her marriage I learned from Martha Foland. Josiah's son, Myron 1855, was Jasper's father. The Jasper in the photo was b 1881. He was apparently named after Myron's younger brother, Jasper b 1857, who died at age 18. - all per Larry Rickard's Richtmyer book. I was so excited, I signed up to keep getting the
Rootsweb Schoharie mailings. Would love to hear from other Richtmyer descendants, and especially other descendants of Alexander and Sophia Louisa (Richtmyer) McNeill as I descend from their son, Irving. I don't know if you can post my note - I don't know how to respond to you on that roots web site from the picture.
I've come a long way since you first posted my queries on your Schoharie site last summer, and have netted some responses, and made real progress in my genealogy work. Thanks so much for this service.
February 18, 2002
Because of your query page, someone saw my query. A very knowledgeable person. We sent many e-mails back and forth. By the grace of God, and this man's expertise, and generosity, I found my husband's ancestor. Ancestor's thru Nelson Southworth, Emory Southworth, back to Constant Southworth. AND even on to Edward I, and William the I of England.
Thank you so much. My query was dated 2-2-02. under Southworth. Janine was the name of person submitting.
Regards, Janine
January 1, 2002
Great job with the Schoharie County Site, Doug. As a native of Schoharie County (Howes Cave), I found all of the information both accurate and
fascinating. Keep up the good work and if I find anything worthy of the site, I will submit it.
John Sagendorf, General Manager, Howe Caverns
November 13, 2001
Schoharie has one of the best web pages for research that I have ever found. I have found many valuable
clues and facts without ever leaving my house. I have gathered much information on the Van Dyck, Van Dyke,
Baker and Haner families. I wish all GenWeb Sites were this good.
Thanks, Barry Schinnerer
April 23, 2001
Thank you for your pages of the Jefferson 1900 census. Because I found then on the Schoharie-D N.Y.Genweb
site, I may have found the last of my Hix ancestors in Jefferson. The three listed were all in their sixties or seventies in 1900 and the rest
of the family may have died out or gone west. I have found much information on the previous generation of Hix
families, including Angeline/Angelina Hix, buried in Charlotteville, who is a direct
ancestor, but didn't have much on the later folks.
R. B. Coon, Jr.
March 23, 2001
You might be interested in some original papers detailing much of the history of the area, the French & Indian War, and things relating to
that area. My wife's grandfather was James Parish Wells (part of the Wells family that owned Johnson Hall for nearly 100 years, until selling back to
NY State in 1906/7). He wrote a book called "Dangerous Journeys" under the name Parrish Wells. He has extensive material that was also never published
- but has been in the near publishing-ready stage for many years. This collection, called "The Rocks Beneath Us" is more info relating to that
region of NY state.
Dangerous Journeys is on Amazon (search under Parrish Wells). Just thought I'd pass this along . . . perhaps you have someone within your audience who
is really into this and I can put them in touch with the folks who have the papers.
His research papers are housed in the St. Lawrence University Library under the name of "Parrish Wells Papers." Stories based on actual diaries.
Dan Lynch
January 4, 2001
I just wanted to thank all the people working on your web site. It was the first one I ever
logged on to . I had graduated from SUNY in 1956 and have family ties in Cobleskill and
Duanesburg. I did not know how good this site was until I viewed many others. Without your help I could not have traced my MacDonald family tree back to 1825. I knew from my grandparents that Dr Willis MacDonald was related but had no idea how to find out more about him until I
logged on to your site. I live in Illinois and only get back to your aria for short vacations.
Edward McDonald
November 20, 2000
A few weeks ago you kindly posted a query for me in which I was seeking information on Schoharie massacres that had
taken place around August or September 1781. I was trying to confirm my suspicions that it was the Dietz
massacre that occurred in Berne that Don Chrysler described in his book The Blue Eyed Indians as being in the Schoharie area in 1781. I now have that
confirmation from a letter Gen. Taylor wrote 7 Sep 1781 to then Gov. Geo. Clinton. It clearly confirms that the Dietz massacre was shortly before 7
Sep 1781.
"A Party of the Enemy Consisting of fifteen Tories & Indians, murdered Capt.
Ditz's Father & Mother, his wife & four children with one Scotch Girl & took
himself off after having Exhibited to his View this horrid Scene; the house and Barn was Burnt. They were pursued & overtaken at Breakabeen, but
permitted to escape."
Hal and Ed
September 14, 2000
I just wanted to thank you for the work you do on the Schoharie County website. I was thrilled to see the Mace-Hagadorn Cemetery online -- some of my cousins are buried there. I'm researching the MACE family; a cousin moved to Schoharie County in 1795 from Dutchess/Columbia County.
Thanks again. Linda Selub
April 23, 2000
I have been looking through this wonderful web site for the last few days and just wanted to let you know what a really great effort you have made to have such a user friendly and informative site. I also search in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania and not only it is expensive to use materials on their web site, but they don't seem to have much. I have done much research over the years including several visits to Schoharie County, but I must say this is absolutely the most wonderful genealogical web site I have ever seen. Everyone is quick to tell you what you have done wrong, so I wanted to tell you what you have done right - and this web site is a gem.
Thank you. Judy Collins
March 22, 2000
I'd like to thank you and the rest of the folks who tend to the Schoharie County
Home Page. I heard stories when I was a kid about relatives in Middleburg, but having
grown up in Illinois, I didn't have a sense of how pivotal Schoharie was in my families
history. Since discovering this web page, the Middleburg library, and the Old Stone Fort,
I've been able to trace multiple family lines back to the 1600's and 1700's. I've
discovered connections to historical events as well as family lines and
connections I knew little of (Lawyer, Bouck, Bellinger, Mattice, Vrooman, Becker, Van
Slyck, Hertel, Bradt, etc.). I started from a couple stories and a couple names that
proved to be quite accurate and a hand written note from my Great Great Aunt about a
Vrooman ancestor. I now have over 500 names of ancestors but more importantly an
understanding of their history,
their lives, and a sense of how they lived. Still haven't found the records of my Great
Grandmother's (Eve Ann Bouck) marriage to my Great Grandfather, but know where my
Ggrandmother lived (Fultonham) and traced her line and associated lines into the 1600's.
It's been a great education. Can't wait for the Old Stone Fort to open in the spring.
Thanks, Byron Hawley
12 March 2000
Thanks to your listing I now have the pension records for Hiram Jeffers If any one
is interested I would gladly share with them the information. Thanks again to your
wonderful site.
2 January 2000
Thanks for the Ellis Cem info.
I reached Lambert Martin thru the Schoharie Co site. Both he and my wife are descended
from Ezra Woodward and Polly Minor, who were married in 1805 in Columbia Co, but settled
in Schoharie Co before 1812, because he served in the War of 1812 from Schoharie Co. They
left Schoharie Co some time around 1850 or so for WI. They left several married daughters
in Schoharie Co including Belinda Woodward who married Asa Toles. Another daughter married
Ezra Dart, and there is a Cain in there too somewhere, and another girl married a
Kniskern. Daugher Sarah married Oliver C Ellis of Schoharie Co, and they moved to WI with
the elder Woodwards. Anyway Lambert is descended from Belinda Woodward Toles, and my wife
from the Sarah Woodward/ Oliver Ellis marriage. Lambert sent me ca 240 people to add
to my Woodward Schoharie Co
descendants, and I sent him ca 320 new folks. That's over 560 Schoharie co descendants we
now have thanks to your web site. Not too shabby, huh!?! Thanx!!!
James Kaczmarek
1 January 2000
Happy New Year, long time no hear from. New computer, monitor, printer and scanner so am
ready to get back to work. Read about Lutheranville Post Office. My grandfather Thomas
Lincoln was the postmaster there when it was designated as the smallest post office
in the
US. Thomas's brother Levi was the postmaster in Charlotteville and is suspected of getting
his brother the job. Have picture of Thomas outside the post office, long since gone.
Remember that it was at a crossroad with a very large tree near it. Thomas lived in the
rear of the post office. You are doing a great job with the web site. Keep it up. regards, Franklyn Ingram
15 August 1999
Thank you for such an informative site. I started with your website knowing very little
about my family and now have created a tree of about 250 Borsts and a direct line from
myself to Jacob Henri Borst a Palatine settler in Schoharie. This past weekend I made my
third visit to Schoharie to search for more information at the Stone Fort and in
Cemeteries. Your site sparked the interest. Thanks again,
Paul Borst
15 August 1999
I was very happy to find your website but was using my Family tree program and I thought I
had book marked it and lost it. I have a few names who people were looking for and would
like to contact them. I have been in contact with Beatrice Mattice who it comes to be is
related to me. I am related to Jonathan Palmer, married to Martha Webb. I have been
researching this line for years and have information on his family who moved to
Susquehanna PA. Jacob was in the civil war and wounded. It is quite an interesting story.
I am most anxious also to find more on the Voorhees/Vorris family. Triphena and Jacob and
their daughter Hulda Ann (who is married to my James Palmer) I enjoyed your web site and
was so anxious to find it and the information. Thank you again.
13 June 1999
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful web site you have. Today I found the Will of
my relative Ira Dewey, as well as on the map of Town of Carlisle from 1866 I found the
location of the property he owned!! Talk about a GOOD DAY!! Thank you so much.
Lauretta Onachila
05 June 1999
I read the article on The Blue Eyed Indians and wrote to the author. He helped me fill in
a few of my Christler (Chrysler) blanks and we are 7th cousins once removed. Phyllis Dingeman
22 April 1999
Thanks for the wonderful wonderful site. I have literally spent all evening looking
through the information of Schoharie County. Thank you I would love to be linked to this
area. Earlene
02 March 1999
I'd like to add my appreciation for the "Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the
County of Schoharie by the Germans" article.
My 7th great grandfather was Johann Conrad Weiser the founder of Weisers Dorf. It's great
having stories to fill out the drabness of ancestor trees.
Bill St. George
04 Jan 1999
I'd like to express my appreciation to Peter Stenberg, specifically, for making it
possible to read the "Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the County of Schoharie
by the Germans", authored by my sixth-great uncle John M. Brown, on-line. It sheds
a lot of light on my Jung/Young family history in the New York area.
Rob Hillman
04 Nov 1998
Hello. I just wanted to write and say how kind the Sharon Town Historian, Mrs. Armandine
Handy is! She is so helpful and kind. She has really helped me with locating information
on our great-uncle. Thank you to such a nice person and a wonderful website! Michele R. Lockwood
26 Jul 1998
On July 3, I sent a query about Delia Thorne and her husband Osee Williams. I received an
answer -- from her great-grandson!! My cousin actually lives in Schoharie, and we're
already passing information back and forth! Queries do work!! Thanks.
Maggie Thorne
21 May 1998
Hi Joyce: Success!!! I've already had e-mail from Ray Ouderkirk who says he has a copy of
the Friedrick book and it has information on the descendants of my Maria M. and Michael
Friedrick! It was doubly great because years ago Ray and I corresponded on some Canadian
lines and we had lost touch. So a great big thanks. Ejvor
9 May 1998
Thanks very much for the excellent web site. The on-line books, especially, are greatly
appreciated. Keep up the good work. - Stanley Kling
27 Mar 1998
Please pass along my thanks to the group of individuals who are putting the histories of
Schoharie County online! It's fantastic. My husband is related to the United Empire
Loyalist Ball's who went to Canada. I found a good deal of information about Jacob Ball
there, but didn't know how to make a connection to the Balls in the US. (Just as no one in
the US bothers to trace the Balls who went to Canada, Canadians don't bother to trace what
happened to the Balls who stayed in the States.) Finding out from the history that
Johannes and Jacob were brothers were all I needed to make the connection to information I
already had received from Claudette Maerz. Thanks Again!!!!
Judy Cem
28 Feb 1998
First let me congratulate on a very fine web page. I visit it often to see what's new. My
success story is on Peter Rivenburgh and Almira Parslow his wife. I received a reply from
Hank Parslow in NY state who has written a book on the Parslow family and I received mail
from a Judy Lockwood who lives near Denver, Colorado. Hank filled Almiras side and sent me
proof of Peter's father and mother from the vital statistics of the town clerk of
Westerlo, NY. She also had a photo of Peter and Almiras tombstone which she scanned and
sent me a bitmap of. We are cousins and have exchanged much information. Thanx. Al
Albright, Cocoa Beach Florida
26 Feb 1998
I hadn't taken the time to go to the Schoharie County web-site for some time. My mistake!
It is always a joy to watch things grow. This site is one of the most professional I've
seen. Thanks for everything. Your efforts are appreciated. Juneil K. Mathis
24 Feb 1998
I hadn't been on your site for awhile. It is wonderfully organized! In most county sites
you have to wade through every message in the order they came in. Yours is so user
friendly. And I loved ... ABSOLUTELY LOVED ... listening to Fur Elise as I browsed
through it. Thank you for all your hard work and obvious labor of love. Diane Midkiff
24 Feb 1998
Love your site. Wish Albany had something similar. Actually I wish I had the time and
expertise to do it myself. Bet it would be very educational. Ralph Miller
24 Feb 1998
I love what you are doing with the Schoharie County web page. Most of my ancestor searches
have their base in Schoharie County. The cemetary listings have proved most useful - not
only confirming my info but supplying me with much more. The surname query page has been
great,too. I can't possibly keep up with all I want to do and everyone I want to contact.
THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU!!! Keep doing what your doing. Candy Bender
20 Feb 1998
Wow! You guys get major points for this site. The most thorough county web-site I've seen.
My Mom is a Lawyer and I'm really elated to have found so many relatives and dates through
your listing of the Richmondville cemetery. Thanks so much. Glad I link back to Schoharie.
Tim Krysztopa
12 Feb 1998
Just found this site. As a direct descendant of Adam Vrooman, I just love this site and
know I will visit it often. Congrats. on the great job! Peggy Ebel, Nebraska
01 Feb 1998
Thanks so much for the help. My friend, Elaine, was just elated! Finding a long lost
cousin to whom she can leave all her genealogical data was an answer to her prayers. She
is 92 and her husband Art is 95. This cousin is in California and about age 47. Again
thanks. Royce E Hostetler, Oregon
29 Jan 1998
Dear Karen, Visited the Schoharie Co. Page for the first time tonight! It just blew me
away! Congratulations for being one of the hard workers who makes things like this
possible! . . . Barbara Loucks Vanderhoff
25 Jan 1998
I will be anxiously awaiting the rest of this book (History of Schoharie County by
William E. Roscoe). From the table of contents it appears chapter 14 discusses the
Bellingers and in particular my GGGG-Grandfather John P. Bellinger. I appreciate all the
work you put into this site. Thanks. Thomas Spelman
23 Jan 1998
Wonderful!!! I have spent the whole evening here. I have the Dietz, Bellinger, Eckert and
Lawyer families in my ancestrial tree and you have no idea how great it is to find most of
them here. Again Great Job!!! Glydie Ann Nelson
10 Jan 1998
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all your time and effort in maintaining
this site. I was so excited to find my ggg-grandfather's name on page 5 of the Towns of
Schoharie County under Jefferson. He was Heman Hickok (sometimes referred to as Herman
Heacock) and was one of the early settlers. He moved on to Ashtabula Co., OH in 1830.
Thanks again and keep up the good work. Sharon Hickok, Phoenix, AZ
08 Jan 1998
Please allow me to compliment you for your extraordinary website! I am sure it took a lot
of work. I stumbled across it while seeking to purchase a copy of Jeptha Simms' book,
"Frontiersmen of New York." Until recently, I did not know about my ancestral
connections to Schoharie County. However, it has turned out that I am a descendant of
Johann Peter Wagner and suspect that several other surnames in my ancestry resided in
Schoharie County. Those names include Zimmerman/Timmerman, Failing, Dygert and Wormuth. In
fact, I was hopeful that Simms' book might help me unravel some confusion about the
Wormuth (also Woermuth, Warmouth) family. The primary purpose of this letter, however, is
to congratulate you on the site. Best wishes.
Mike McCormick
03 Jan 1998
Re: Schoharie, Delaware, and Tryon NYGenWeb Sites:
Your New York county web sites are models for all the others to emulate. The history
postings are outstanding. Best wishes, Gordon Pattison
01 Jan 1998
Re: Schoharie County Mail LIST
Okay, you guys and gals! I just wanted to report that I have only been on this page for a
very very short time, and guess what!!! Yep, I have a success story. I've found my G_G_G
grandfather, Martial, and a lovely lady named Helen is getting me a copy of the census for
1830 in which he is listed! Thanks for this wonderful list! Pat Robinson
31 Dec 1997
Thank you to everyone who responded to my query on my Borst surname. I had hit the
proverbial brick wall and thanks to clues and information provided by so many kind people
I've connected my line back to Jacob H. Borst, the 1710 Palatine immigrant. I was able to
give a family tree book to my husband's oldest son for Xmas and he was thrilled with it.
So, it really does pay off to answer the queries. I know I can't say thank you enough. If
anyone needs any research done in Eugene, OR let me know! Diane Boyst
24 Dec 1997
Thank you for such a great page. It is a joy to come here. Everytime there is a new
resource to check out. Some pages are put out there and the sources and information are
never or rarely changed. That is not a problem here, and you should be complimented on it.
Thank you again. Have a happy holiday season. Pat Stamm
13 Nov 1997
Thanks to your listing of the persons buried in the Sloanville Cemetery I have found the
final resting place of over 6 persons in my family tree and their spouses! I am not really
sure why I decided to check your county but I think I was concentrating a little to much
in Montgomery Co. I will have to recheck Delaware and look at Otsego now. I am on a whole
new adventure now thanks to this site! Helen Hamilton
8 Nov 1997
Thank you so very much for the thousands of hours you all contributed to such a wonderful,
worth-while project! I live in Vancouver, WA, but was raised in Batavia, IL. My gg
gfather, Abram Lawyer Hoover, was born in Middleburg. I now know it was formerly called
Wisersdorf and that there was an Elizabeth Lawyer mentioned in John Brown's book also. My
sis in CA and I have recently started looking for our Hoover ancestor in Schoharie Co, and
thanks to all your hard work, we can both enjoy learning of the history of the county on
our computer screens. It almost makes one feel guilty to be able to enjoy the labors of so
many people!!!
Thank you again so very much. Blessings on all of you and your wonderful project!
Dick Garrison
25 Oct 1997
Thank you for listing the internments in the Sloansville Cemetery. The information that
you provided in the cemetery listing enabled me to locate the burial place of a relative
that I was previously unable to locate. Thomas P. Turiel
19 Oct 1997
Mailing List for Schoharie County
I just wanted to thank those people who answered my post regarding a funeral home. On a
lark I posted the names I was looking for and got information I could only dream about!
People who actually knew them! What more could one ask for? So....If you are wondering if
this list will help believe me - it will! Many thanks to those who take the time to reply.
You are a great help and I wish continued success to this list. Carol
12 Oct 1997
It has almost been 6 months since I sent my first query on our new computer. I was a real
novice, and it was Joyce who assisted me for it was the Schoharie Web site, I sent my
first query to. I owe you all so many thanks. I have met so many new friends since posting
that query, and am proud to say "Happy Birthday", and much much appreciation to
all the volunteers who have helped this web site grow, and benefit so many of us! May the
2nd year be as fruitful and a service to anyone who stops in for a visit. I am glad I did,
and continue to drop in to meet my new friends and new extended family members and
Cousins. Laurel Auchampaugh, Owasco Historian, Auburn, NY
2 Oct 1997
Since being placed on Schoharie's list, I have had two contacts regarding my family
history. One was extremely productive and led to my discovery of a branch of the family
that was unknown to me. The other was an inquiry which, hopefully, helped someone in their
research. Appreciate all the hard work! Jerry L. Gehre
30 Sep 1997
Re: address check -Schoharie
Joyce - I think that the way you keep on top of your submitters is excellent! I recently
discovered the ancestors of my Abraham Husted who apparently started out in Rensselaer
County. The answer came in response to one of my queries, I know not which one. I am still
looking for the ancestors of Anna Hoyt, his wife, who may also have been born in
Rensselaer. Jon K. Holcombe
27 Sept. 1997
Please pass along my thanks to the person who gathered the material on the Summit area
cemeteries. I found a good number of my Fox ancestors, especially in the Cemeteries of the
Truax Road Valley. Thanks to you for entering them on the Schoharie county pages, it
filled in many blanks on my family pages. Richard Fox
14 Sept. 1997
I was contacted a few months ago by my 3rd cousin Al Cooper. He and I have been exchanging
information on the COOPER family ever since. Al lives in Virginia and I live in
California. During a business trip last week Al was able to visit my home in California
and he and I were able to share in person our information on the Cooper family. We had a
great time together and I feel like not only have I met a cousin but I now have a new
friend as well. Thanks for all your help. Sincerely, Pat Gzowski
31 Aug 1997
The next day after I visited your site, a distant relative, Jo Orvik, who simply stated on
her query "have information to share" sent me my family history on the SPARKS
and SNEDEKERS. Before "Jo" and your site, I was getting no where fast. I'm
thrilled to pieces with what I now have and it has spurred me on to dig for more and more.
Thanks, Joyce and Jo. You're super people.
26 Jun 1997
After posting my query about Richard Becker on the Schoharie Co web page, a very nice man
contacted me with information about Richard and five other generations of Beckers. I had
been searching for this family for six years, and it turned out that, through three or
four fortuitous connections on the net, I now have my Becker ancestors back to 1657 in NY
and further back in Germany, Holland, France, and Norway. Now I just need to find
Richard's wife, Hannah Cronk, to get me started on another line. Thanks all, Nancy
15 Jun 1997
......The New Summit Cemetary listing was also helpful as I spent one day last week
visiting old cemetaries to photograph our ancestors. Most recently, I found someone whose
Spaulding ancestor is the brother of my husband's ggg grandfather and she had some info
that I needed. This site has been the most useful for me of all the GenWeb sites.......
without a doubt, Schoharie County's is well organized and has a diverse and
"appropo" selection of information. Keep up the good work. Ann W. Palmer
18 May 1997
I just had to let you know, a gal in Pennsylvania (who is jumping up and down with joy)
contacted me with yet another spelling variation of our surname. Four of us now, from
Alaska, Scotia, and The Finger Lakes area to Pennsylvania now can link up as related. How
we all found each other with all the different spellings is a true miracle of Technology.
Thank You Schoharie NYGenWeb page. Thank you Joyce and all the other volunteers! Chip
13 May 1997
This is a GREAT site and I have connected with several names in my line Freymier and
Krausler/ Crysler and Van Leuvan, So you see I have been very lucky . Specially love the
recreating of the Simm's book. I visit often, have gone to other State-sites but this is
by far the best one. Shirley
02 Apr 1997
Great stuff! A query on the Schell family gave me a tremendous amount of additional
information, and helped to confirm/correct the information that I already had. This is
much appreciated! Beth Cruikshanks
02 Apr 1997
What can I say but THANK YOU. With a surname like WILLIAMS to research I never expected to
get anywhere with it. Thanks to Schoharie Co, NYGenWeb volunteers I am now off and
running. Once again - Many thanks. Gene Wilson
4 Mar 1997
Success!! From my postings to both the Delaware Co and Schoharie Co pages for the RICKARD
family, I have received a reply from a woman who is a descendent of my husband's
great-grandfather's brother. D. Rickard
10 Mar. 1997
Just wanted to let you know your Politicians in Schoharie Co. gave me just a little bit
more info on my ancestor, Stephen Lorenzo Mayham. New for me was the dates of service and
where he is buried. This was great. Teena Schroeder
4 Feb. 1997
Thanks for hosting the Schoharie Co. GenWeb site. Due to your generosity, I have found two
Fredendall cousins, Laurie Halse Anderson and Cathy Anderson. I knew that my Great
Grandfather Abram Fredendall had been born in Schoharie Co. and that his parents were
Jacob Fredendall and Margaretha Crounse married in the Dutch Reformed Church, in Schoharie
Co.,also through records I found in a Library in Birmingham, Alabama in 1976, I knew that
Jacob's father was Frederick, but I had no idea till Feb. of 1996 who his mother was. I
knew a little more about Margaretha, including the names of all of her siblings, some of
their spouses, her parents names and the name of her Grandfather, but the Fredendall's
have been so elusive, now Laurie has eMailed me that she has a clue as to Frederick's
heritage. This has been so exciting, that I just had to let you in on the sucess. We will
continue looking for the missing pieces in the Fredendall/Vredendael family. Wendy
Lawrence, Indiana
31 January, 1997
I just wanted to write you a note to let you know I have had two successful connections on
the Schoharie Co. GenWeb page. One connection will help me sort out the connections
between the Porter, Stanton and Chichester families of Schoharie Co. The other is a reply
I got to my query about Albert Porter. I have been contacted by someone who is researching
the same line and actually lives in Schoharie NY! These connections should greatly help
my genealogical research. Thanks. Matthew Porter
11 January, 1997
Dear Joyce: Thank you for your help on my first query and use of a computer for Genealogy.
Within a day of posting my Auchampaugh-Achenbach query, I had a contact from Alaska. The
file was too bulky to type and e-mail, so after exchanging addresses, it was mailed. It
was indeed the line the respondent was searching, and I am now enjoying the quick search
and sharing on the Internet. Gratefully, Laurel Auchampaugh
A Note to Researchers using this Web-site: As you use this site, please keep in mind the difference between primary and secondary sources and the importance of building a preponderance of evidence. Accept nothing without further checking. It is our hope that through this collection of data from many sources, you will find a piece of the puzzle that you are working on and that may lead you to further discoveries.
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