Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site


Information keyed in and submitted by Tim Krystopa.

This information came from the New York State Historical Association, Annual Report of the State Historian - 1897, pp. 842-847. Updated to include Captain Thomas Ackeson's Company - July 25, 2000

Schohare May 2 Anno 1767.

Jacob Sternberger Cap :
Philips Berg verst laf :
Hannes Becker jun : Second laf :
Hannes Scheefer jun : Insein

Jacob Enders
Cunraht Rickert
Wilhelh Zimmer
Georg H : Man

Pitter Man jun.
Jacob Schneider
Hannes Bauch
Hannes Enders

Lutewick Schneyder
Abraham Sternberger
Davitt Sternberger
Jost Becker
Georg Becker
Hannes Becker
John Scheeffer
Jost Scheeffer
Harmanus Sitnick
Wilhelm Sitnick
Jost Sitnick
Jost Valck
Jacob Seegref
Jacob Enders jun :
Hannes Merckel
Henrich Merckel
Nicklas Merckel
Philips Merckel
Pitter Merckel
Jacob Merckel
Henrich Hauck jun.
Pitter Hauck
Jost Kniskern
Henrich Kniskern
John Kniskern
Pitter Kniskern jun :
John Damenick
Georg H. Stuberach
Christian Stuberach
Gottlieb Bauman
Pitter Kniskern
Abraham Bauman
Wilhelm Ditz
Pitter Ditz
Martteinus Vroman
Georg Ball
Hannes Ball
Wilhelm Man
Hannes Finck
Wilhelm Fink
Lorentz Schulgraf
Christian Ehring
Christian Sand
Hannes Kreysseller
Wilhelm Enders
Wilhelm Enders jun :
Henrich Hitzman
Andres Ransier
Jacob Zimmer
Adam Zimmer
Pitter Zimmer
Arend Veeter
Hannes P : Becker
Hermanus Becker
Jacob Moni
Deenus Schward
Pitter Schneider jun :
Henrich Schneider
Hannes Schneider
Georg H : Schneider
Georg Hiltz
Stoffel Hiltz
Andres Feinauer
Christoffel Reedig
John Clarck
Hannes Rickert
Jacob F : Lawyer
Hannes Lawyer jun :
Jacob Laweyer
Hannes Ingold
Mardeinus Scheeffer
Henrich Weeber
Henrich Weeber jun :
John Loh
Michael Hilsiner
Michael Koenig
Jacob Schoeffer
Georg Fersteer
Adam Scheeffer
Christoffel Mercke
Michael Mercke
Errenst Pretz
Wilhelm Spornheier
Wilhelm Heen
Bastian Frantz
Jacob Beockelle
Carel Kreemer
Henrich Vondein
Georg Dane Feld
Cunraht Franck
Nicklas Sternberger


A list of the Company under the Command of
Captain Thomas Ackeson
Barent Vrooman 1 Levt.
John Vandyck 2d Levt.
Denis Ackeson Insign
Isaac Vrooman Clarke

Sergent Albartus Backer
Serjant Nicclas Backer
Sergent Nicclas Matice
Serjeant Isaac Vanalstine

Corporal Johannis Burst

Thomas Ackeson Junier
Jonas Vrooman
Pieter Vziellie
David Backer
Adam Vrooman
Conelius Ackeson Jr.
John Ackeson
Johannis Feake
John Vziellie
Martines Vziellie
Jacob Feake
Handryck Hagedorn
Johannis S. Backer
William Bocke Junier
Adam Vrooman
John Vrooman
Samuel Vrooman
Pieter Backer Junier
Ephrem Vrooman
Abraham Backer
Joseph Burst
Uriah Warner
Nicclas Warner
Johannis Burst
Johannis Bouck
Thomas Boucke
Johannis Frymier
William Brown
Cristian Bown
Harmanis Backer
Joseph Warner
Johannis Kniskerl
Jacob Hager
Bastian Backer
Adam Sea
Pieter Vziellie Jr
Jacob Myer
Counrate Frymier
Phillip Frymier
Jacob Creekhoof
Fredryck Boucke Junier
Cristian Boucke
William Boucke
Handryck Matice
Handryck Boucke
Adam Cryslar
Uriah Creetsinger
Baltus Cryslar
Bowles Swart
Barent Cyser
Martines V Slycke
Adam Brown
Michel Brown
Counrate Brown
Michel Brown Junier
Fredryck Backer
Cornelius Feake
Hannicle Matice
Handryck B. Backer
Garrit Backer
Isaac Van Alstine
Storm Backer Jr.
Isaac Backer
Pieter Larroy
Jonas Larroy
Isaac Larroy
Abraham Larroy
Pieter Larroy Jr.
Simon Larroy
Jonas Larroy Jun'r
Lambert Vanalstine
Jacobes Vanalstine
Isaac Van Valkenburgh
Jonas Janse Larroy
Corporal Cristian Boucke
Lowrance Lawyer
Fradryck Matice
Joseph Matice Jr.
Joseph Matice
Handry Janksen
Matice Brown
Pieter Van Slycke
Uriah Rickerd
Uriah Counrate Rechtmy
Crystian Rechtmyer
Fradryck Shell
Jacob F. Shell
Pieter Young
Jacob Burst
Baltus Burst
Harmanis Valkenburgh
Henry Snyder
Jacobse Jacobse
Jhon Michel Brant
Joseph Brant
John Stats
Powles Brantener
Johannis Hager
Cristian Oatman
Markus Pelleger
Cristian Rickerd
Johannis Vanfalkenburg
Johannis Krous
Cotlip Couspot
Lips Kiser
Pieter Feake
Jacob Schaver
Pieter Kain
Johannis Matice
Handrick Matice
Adam Matice
Pieter Adamse Vrooman
Handryck Backer
Handryck Burst
Jost V Falkenburgh
Phillip Cryslar
Jacob Markie
Counrate Matice
Johannis Frymier
Johannis Daniel Backer
Counrate Angel
Pieter Younck Jr.
Phillip Hofman
Abraham Bowman
Johannis Boucke Jr.
Johannis Boucke Jr.
Johannis Pelleger
Jacobes Vrooman
Adam Boucke
John Doney
Helmish Fisher
Fradryck Sager
Johannis Vanwort
William Cryslar

Dates of the Several Commiss's.
Thos. Akeson Capt. 5th Jan'y 1758
Barent Vrooman 1st Lieut. Ditto
John Vandyck 2 Lieut Ditto
Dennis Akeson Ens'n Ditto

[pg. 886]
Number of Men in ye 2d Battal'n & to each of the Regim'ts proposed.
In all 1972 privates.

Sir J'n Johnson's Co. 130
J'n Vroman 121
Peter Servis 146
Henry Hansen 94
491 Mohawks

Peter Waggonner 104
H'k Fry 74
Suffr'ns Tyger 71
Gosen Vanalstine 92
Jacob Klock 107
J'n Welles 98
546 546 Conajohare

Marcus Petry 150
Conradt Frank 110
260 German Flatts

Jacob Starnberg 99
Thos. Akerson 144
243 Scohare

Garret Lansing 62
Nich's Grote 83
J'n Glen 53
J'n Duncan 68
Andreas Truex 74
Daniel Campbel 92
432 432 Schenectady

[pg. 888]
Albany County.

Jacob Starnbergh Esquire
Rank: Colo
A Regiment of Militia Foot Comprehending Schoharie and Breckhabeen and the remainder of the settlements not included in the former Commissions.
Date of Commission: 20 February 1768

Johannes Lawyer Esquire
Rank: Lt. Colo.
Said Regiment
Date of Commission: 22 Feb; 1768.

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This page established January 26, 1999 and last updated December 16, 2006