Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site


In 1717 Ulrich Simmendinger returned to Germany and published the names of families still living in 14 early NY settlements. Seven of those settlements were in the Schoharie Valley and are listed here.

Auf dem Rarendantz (Kniskerndorf, opposite the village of Central Bridge)
Nicolaus Bassan, wife Maria, and 4 children.
Adam Bodler.
Christina Bodler.
Paulus Bodler.
Just Heinrich Bost, wife, and 5 children.
Paulus Braun and wife.
Antoni Breder and wife.
Georg Buff, wife, and 2 children.
Conrad Casser.
Georg Casser.
Johannes Casser.
Georg Dipel.
Simon Focht, wife, and 3 children.
Bernhard Gitter and wife Elisabeth.
Caspar Hartwig, wife, and 3 children.
Nicolaus Heyd, wife, and 2 children.
Michael Hinterschied, wife Anna Catharine, and 4 children.
Peter Kassner, wife Magdalena, and 3 children.
Martin Kayser.
Benedict Kiner, wife, and 2 children.
Johannes Laux and wife Anna Elisabeth.
Johannes Lorenz, wife Anna Margaretha, and 6 children.
Frantz Lucas and 5 children.
Georg Maurer.
Heinrich Mess, wife Magdalena, and 2 children.
Abel Meyer, wife, and 3 children.
Jacob Moret's widow and 3 children.
Wilhelm Müller, wife Margaretha, and 1 child.
Elisabetha Müllerin (widow) and 4 children.
Peter Pflug, wife, and 5 children.
Gottfried Riegel, wife Anna Elisabeth, and 2 children.
Jacob Risch, wife, and 3 children.
Georg Römer, wife Elisabeth, and 3 children.
Bernhard Rosenbaum, wife Catharine, and 3 children.
Andreas Ross, wife, and 2 children.
Ludwig Schmidt and wife.
Daniel Schuhmacher, wife Anna Maria, and 5 children.
Johannes Schwalb, wife Philippina Rosina, and 3 children.
Arnold Schwed and sister Anna.
Johannes Später, wife Dorothea, and 5 children.
Georg Sponheimer, wife Magdalena, and 3 children.
Martin Stein, wife, and 3 children.
peter Sutz, wife, and 1 child.
Heinrich Weber, wife Christina, and 3 children.
Valentin Weber, wife Charlotte, and 2 children.
Margretha Weidknechtin (widow) and 2 children.
Stephan Weissin's widow and 2 children.

Neu - Ansberg (Schmidsdorf, later called Smith's Town where the railroad station at Schoharie now stands)
Anna Badtorffin (widow) and 2 children.
Heinrich Bellinger, wife Anna Maria, and 2 children.
Marx Bellinger, Anna, and 5 children.
Nicolaus Bellinger and 1 child.
Johann Biermann, wife, and 3 children.
Ulrich Burckhardt, wife Anna Maria, and 2 children.
Johannes Conrad, wife Gertraud, and 3 children.
? Conreckert, wife Sara Catharine, and 4 children.
Johannes Cuntz, wife Maria Catharine, and 4 children.
Ulrich Dantler, wife Maria Margaretha, and 1 child.
Conrad Dieffenbach, wife Maria Barbara, and 5 children.
Johann Michael Emrich, wife Elisabeth, and 2 children.
heinrich Fallinger, wife, and 3 children.
Andreas Finck, wife Anna Marie, and 2 children.
Conrad Goldmann's widow and 3 children.
Johann Hermann Klein, wife Anna Magdalena, and 3 children.
Peter Klob, wife Magdalena, and 2 children.
Johann Wilhelm Krämer, wife Anna Maria, and 1 child.
Conrad Kuhn, wife Anna Margaretha, and 2 children.
Valentin Kuhn, wife Anna Catharine, and 3 children.
Johann Merckel's widow and 2 children.
Johannes Mühl.
Heinrich Ohrendorff, wife Anna Margaretha, and 3 children.
Just Petri, wife Anna Catharine, and 3 children.
Nicolaus Ruhl, wife Anna Dorothea, and 4 children.
Johannes Schäffer and wife Anna Maria.
Hanss Georg Schmidt, wife Anna Elisabeth, and 3 children.
Jacvob Schneider, wife Anna Barbara, and 3 children.
Thomas Schuhmacher, wife Ann Dorothea, and 1 child.
Hanss Adam Schütz, wife Anna Catharine, and 1 child.
Heinrich Sech, wife Christina, and 1 child.
Michael Stig, wife, and 4 children.
Christian Stnich, wife Anna Margretha, and 2 children.
Martin Stub, wife Anna Catharine, and 1 child.
Hanss Adam Wallborn, wife Anna Elisabeth, and 6 children.
Melchior Wilcherwist, wife Anna Maria Margretha, and 4 children.
hartmann Windecker, wife Barbara, and 5 children.
Johannes Wiss, wife Anna Margaretha, and 1 child.
Hanss Henrich Zöller, wife, and 3 children.
Johannes Zöller, wife Anna Catharina, and 2 children.

Neu - Cassel (Gerlachsdorf, two miles south of the junction of Cobleskill Creek and the Schoharie River)
Johann Jacob Becker and wife Maria Elisabeth.
Jacob Borst, wife Anna Maria, and 3 children.
Martin Dielenbach, wife Elisabeth, and 2 children.
Johann Dieterich, wife Maria Catharine, and 2 children.
sebatian Fischer, wife Susanna, and 3 children.
Johann Christian Gerlach, wife Anna Maria Margaretha, and 3 children.
Philipp Helmer, wife Elisabeth, and 5 children.
Hanss Jurg Kern, wife Veronica, and 5 children.
Leonhard Kollmer, wife Elisabeth, and 2 children.
Johann Lehr, wife Sibylla Catharine, and 5 children.
Heinrich, Mann, wife Elisabetha Margretha, and 2 children.
Christina Stahrenbergerin (widow) and 4 children.
Adam Stahring, wife Anna Maria, and 3 children.
peter Wagner, wife Anna Maria, and 2 children.

Neu - Heesberg (Fuchsendorf, later called Fox Town where the Old Stone Fort now stands)
Johann Friederich Bellinger, wife Anna  Elisabeth, and 3 children.
Johann Jacob Bösshoren, wife Anna Catharine, and 2 children.
Peter Deickert and wife Anna Elisabeth.
Johann Ernst Emgen, wife Anna Christana, and 2 children.
Simon Erhardt, wife Anna Margaretha, and 5 children.
Melchior Foltz, wife Margaretha, and 3 children.
Anna Barbara Freyin (widow) and 2 children.
Philipp Fuchs, wife Anna Eva, and 4 children.
Caspar Hartwig, wife, and 3 children.
Christian Hauss, wife Maria Catharine, and 8 children.
Joseph Hess, sife Catharine, and 1 child.
Johann Rudolph Hornig and wife.
Dewalt Jung and wife Maria Catharine.
Heinrich Jung, wife Anna Margaretha, and 4 children.
Johannes Käyser, wife Margaretha, and 2 children.
Johann Just Laux and wife Maria.
Heinrich Laux, wife Anna Margretha, and 2 children.
Johannes Muhler, wife Maria, and 4 children.
Anna Maria Redtschäffin (widow) and 2 children.
Johann Wilhelm Schäffer, wife Anna Catharine, and 5 children.
Johann Georg Schuldtes, wife Anna Kunigunda, and 2 children.
Conrad Schütz and wife Anna Maria Margaretha.
Johann Martin Seibert, wife Anna Marie, and 3 children.
Peter Spiess and wife Anna Elisabeth.
Johann Georg Stumpff, wife Anna Margaretha, and 3 children.
Jacob Zimmermann, wife Anna Margareth, and 1 child.

Neu - Heidelberg (Brunnendorf, near the site now occupied by St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Schoharie)
Georg Bender, wife Maria Dorothea, and 1 child.
Abraham Berg, wife Anna Catharine, and 3 children.
Bartholomäus Endes, wife Maria Christina, and 3 children.
Thomas Hambuch.
Georg Hirchmer, wife Magdalena, and 1 child.
Nicolaus Hornig, wife Anna Maria, and 4 children.
Christoph Hültz, wife Eva Catharine, and 5 children.
Adam Klein, wife Catharine, and 2 children.
Johann Peter Knesskern, wife Elisabetha Barbara, and 3 children.
Jacob Kobel, wife Anna Maria, and 2 children.
Johannes Kramer, wife Anna Margaretha, and 3 children.
Georg Landgraff, wife Elisabeth Catharine, and 1 child.
Georg Muhler, wife Anna Maria, and 1 child.
Mattheus Reinbold, wife, and 1 child.
Reinhard Schäffer, wife Maria, and 2 children.
Heinrich Schrämling, wife Maria Elisabeth, and 5 children.
Johannes Schultes, wife Anna Barbara, and 2 children.
Rudolph Stell, wife Maria Dorothea, and 4 children.
Georg Henrich Stuberauch, wife Anna  Catharine, and 2 children.
Peter Thomas, wife Anna Maria, and  2 children.
Gottfrid Viedler, wife Anna Elisabetha, and 2 children
Ludwig Wahner, wife Anna Barbara, and 3 children
Jacob Warno, wife Sibylla, and 1 child.

Neu - Quünsberg (Hartmansdorf, between Schoharie and Middleburgh)
Adam Baumann, wife Maria Margaretha, and 5 children.
Johannes Bellinger, wife Anna Maria Margaretha, and 2 children.
Werner Deickert, wife Anna Catharine, and 6 children.
Nicolaus Feller , wife Elisabeth, and 6 children.
Johannes Kessler, wife Maria Margaretha, and 3 children.
Heinrich Klock, wife Maria Margaretha, and 4 children.
Johannes Krembs, wife Apolonia, and 1 child.
Johann David Lieffland, wife Anna Maria, and 4 children.
Georg Mattheus, wife Catharine, and 1 child.
Martin Mattheus' widow (age 110 yrs).
Heinrich Meyer, wife Kinigunda, and 3 children.
Catharina Pfeifferin (widow) and 1 child.
Heinrich Schäffer, wife Rosina, and 1 child.
Adam Schmid, wife Anna Dorothea, and 1 child.
Jacob Schnell, wife Elisabeth, and 4 children.
Just Schnell and wife Catharine.
Heinrich Spon, wife Maria Catharine, and 3 children.
Georg Thomas, wife Anna, and 2 children.
Gerhard Wallerrath, wife Maria, and 3 children.
Heinrich Wallerrath, wife Christina, and 2 children.
Jacob Weber and wife Elisabeth Maria.
Nicolaus Weber, wife Barbara, and 2 children.
Catharina Wolleberin (widow) and 2 children.

Neu - Stuttgardt (Weiserdorf, on edge of present day town of Middleburgh)
Christian Bauch, wife Anna Dorothea, and 5 children.
Conrad Becker.
Georg Brenger, wife Anna Barbara, and 4 children.
Dietrich Casselmann, wife Anna, and 2 children.
Thomas Ehmann, wife Anna Elisabeth, and 1 child.
Johan Feck, wife Anna Maria Margaretha, and 5 children.
Leonard Feck and wife Catharine.
Peter Feck, wife Anna Maria, and 4 children.Michael Freymäyer, wife Anna Elisabeth, and 6 children.
Wilhelm Georg, wife Anna Marie, and 3 children.
Jacob Hoff, wife Susanna, and 4 children.
Gabriel Hofmann, wife Anna Catharine, and 2 children.
Johann Georg Last, wife Anna, and 7 children.
Johannes Leyer, wife Elisabeth, and 2 children.
Magdalena (widow) and 2 children.
Maria Magdalena (widow) and 4 children.
Heinrich, Matthäus, wife Catharine, and 4 children.
Johannes Mohr, wife Elisabeth, and 1 child.
Anna Kunigunda Mohrin (widow) and 1 child.
Leonhard, Rieth, wife Elisabeth Catharine, and 2 children.
Catharina Riethin (widow) and 4 children.
Nicolaus Schäffer, wife Maria Catharine and 4 children.
Conrad Weisser, wife Maria Margaretha, and 8 children.
Christoph Werner, wife Magdalena, and 3 children.
Johannes Zeh, wife Magdalena, and 4 children.

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Welcome Page of the Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page established August 12, 1999