Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

School Documents of Rose Hallenbeck (Trull)

The following were submitted by Jim Marks. They consist of a diploma issued to Rose Hallenbeck by the Cobleskill Union School in 1884. The other two documents are essays written by Rose Hallenbeck who was one of the founding members of the Youth Temperance Group in Schoharie County. Rose Hallenbeck Trull was Jim Marks' grandmother.

Rose Hallenbeck's Diploma















Essay on Temperance by Rose Hallenbeck
(typed exactly as written)


I am temperance though & though. I belong to the Juvenile Anchor lodge and I think it is a pleasant place to go.
We have speaking, singing & reading every Saturday afternoon. We number 106 and still there's more to follow.
As for enjoying ourselves and having good times the citizens of Cobleskill are all aware that we did one day at
least by the noise we made one Saturday afternoon when we returned from a sleighride. There were five loads
of us and a jolly good time we had. We visited the Wanerville lodge which numbers only 27. I am glad that I am
temperance and think there is no drink that is so good for the blood nor as refreshing to the whole body as the
sparkling water. There is nothing so satisfactory as a glass of cold water on a very warm day especially if you are
very thirsty. Now if there is any one in this room that has not joined our lodge I invite you to come and be one of
our members.

Essay on Wall Paper by Rose Hallenbeck
(typed exactly as written)

The paper in Miss Sperry's room

The back ground of the paper which is in Miss Sperry's room is of a light brown and it has clusters of flowers on
it. Some are pink some brown some green and I think it is very pretty. The bordering is of a dark color and
harmonizes very nicely with the paper. There are different kinds of wall paper. The names of some are satin, gilt
& common brown back. That which is in Miss Sperry's room is common. Some paper comes in single rolls
and some in double rolls. I should judge by the size of Miss Sperry's room that it must have taken quite a
number of rolls to paper it.

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