Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Electronic text by:
Jan Cortez, Ellie Collins, Darwina Michael, Ann Palmer, Bob DeRocher,
Peter Ann Stenberg, Linda Tutt, Tim Brisley, Doug Boyer, Wendy Kirkland Wilkerson and Joyce Riedinger,

This book is not a facsimile. Misspellings in original in most cases have been left unchanged.
However, since transcription is being done by a large group, some corrections may have been made.

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- 1713 -



Schoharie County,



Illustrations and Biographical Sketches




Published by D. MASON & CO.,


- 1882. -



The Germans - Cause of their Leaving Germany - Palatine Tenants - Kocherthal's Petition - First Immigration Agents sent to Germany - Hunter's Petition - Report of Board of Trade Favorable to Immigration - Robert Hunter Appointed Superintendent of Immigration - His Letter of Arrival at New York - Appointed Governor - Action of the City Council - German Children Apprenticed - Settlement at the "Camps" - Number of Settlers - Trouble Experienced - Discontent of Germans - Meetings Held - Lord Clarendon's Letter - Expedition to Canada - Germans Petition to the King . . . . . 9

The Foregoing Chapter Reviewed - Expense of the Germans - Located at Schorie - Their Hardships - Judge Brown's Account - Fight - Indians of what Tribe - Hunting Grounds - Ka-rig-hon-don-tee the Chief - Sale of Lands by Gov. Hunter - Schuyler and Coeymans' Purchase - Gov. Hunter's Defense to the Board of Trade - Bayard's Visit to Schoharie - Resumed Lands - Sherriff Adams - Adam Vroman - The Germans Trespass upon Him - His Letter to Gov. Hunter - Weiser in England - Confined in the Tower - Clark's Letter - Jeremy Long's Council for the Germans - Purchase of Lands in 1719 - Location of Weiser's Dorf - Other Dorfs - Spread of Settlements - Mode of Living - Implements - Negro Slaves and Customs - Indians - Their Petition - Number of them in Schoharie - Military Affairs - Division of Albany County - Early Officials . . . . . 21

Loyalty of Germans to Britain - Sacredness of their Oath - Mohawks and Tomahawks - First Committee of Safety - Military District and Officers - Events of 1777 - Division of Schoharie - McDonald's Invasion - The Harpers - Adam Crysler - Skirmish at Oriskany - Bemis Heights - Building of Forts - Battle of Cobleskill - Morgan's Corps - Johnson and Brant's Invasion at Middle Fort - Lower Fort - Incidents - Brave Women - colonel Vroman's March to Mohawk - Seths Henry at "Turloch" - Dockstader at Currytown and Sharon - Willett - Seths Henry at Fox's Creek - Crysler at Vromansland in 1781 - Captain Hager's Fight at the Lake - Campbell's and Simms' Labors - Returned tories and Indians - Muster Roll of 1777 - Schoharie Supplies - Division of Albany County - Inundation of the Schoharie River . . . . . 35

Formation of County - The Name of Schoharie - Population - Boundaries - Surface - The Schoharie and Tributaries - Inundations - Lakes - Formation of Towns - First County Officers - First Court House - Poor-house - Paupers - County's Progress - War of 1812 - Delegates to State Convention - Governor Bouck's Message - Sourkrout Message - Anti-Rent War - Railroads - Plank Roads - Seminary Mania - Susquehanna Railroad - Schoharie Valley - Sharon and Cherry Valley - Howe's Cave Enterprise - Mineral Springs - Education - Religion - Temperance - Sabbath School Societies - Bible Society - Masconic Lodges - Agricultural and Medical Societies - Telephone Lines - Newspapers - Criminal List - Summary of Facts - Population by Census of 1880 . . . . . 56

Civil War - The Year 1861 - Captain Snyder - Volunteers first Recruiting - Colonel Mix and Comrades - The 76th Regiment - Members - 134th - Members of Companies - The 44th - Members - Members of other Regiments - Colored Volunteers - Hero Martyrs . . . . . 86

Schoharie County Civil List - Judges of Common Pleas - Assistant Judges - Session Justices - Surrogates - District Attorneys - County Clerks - Sheriffs - Treasurers - Superintendents of Poor - School Commissioners - Loan Commissioners - Excise - Inspectors - Governor - Treasurers - Adjutant General - Canal Commissioners - Canal Appraisers -Curator of State Library - Legisature - Senators - Congress - Presidential Electors - Consuls . . . . . . 102

History of the Town of Gilboa - Town Formed - First Town Officers - Board of Inspectors - Division into Districts - Town Meeting of 1849 - Anti-Rent Difficulties - Sheriff's Posse of Soldiers - First Settlers and Mills - John Dise - Archibald Croswell - Tannery - Tuttle & Osorne Tannery - Grist Mill Purchased by Platt, Potter & Co. - Cotton Factory - Luman Reed - First Tavern - Gilboa Bridge - Furnace - Churches - Merchants - Broome Centre - Henry Tibbetts - McKeys Corners - David Ellerson - His Narrative - Official List - supervisors - District Attorney - County Clerk - Assemly - State Senator - Boundaries . . . . . 119

History of the Town of Conesville - Scenery - Manorkill Falls - Stryker Brothers' Tannery - Stevens' Mill - Colby Reed - The First Store - Hunting Grounds - Indian Relics - Dise Purchase of Land - Ury Richtmyer - The Dise Sons - Litigation - Peter Richtmyer - His Capture by Indians - Escape - Rebuilding of His House - He Opens an Inn - Humphrey's - Additional Settlers - Dairying - Prominent Settlers - Town Formed - Boundaries - Jonathan Cone - Town Records . . . . . 129

History of the Town of Broome - When Formed - Name Changed - Catskill Creek - Indian Trail - General Aspect - First Settlers - Daniel Shays - His Life - Rebellion and Death - David Williams - His Life - Incidents Relating to Capture of Andre - Livingstonville - Asa Starkweather - His Argument in Convention - Death - Adam Mattice - Presbyterian Church - Methodist Church - Draft of 1813 - Smithton - Hubbard's - The Vly - Supervisors - Bounds . . . . . 133

History of the Town of Jefferson - When Settled - By Whom - Interest in Education - First Town Meeting - Effort to Change the Name of Town - Herman Hickok - Jefferson Academy - Donators - Stephen Judd's Donation of Farm - Teachers in Academy - Present School - Tanneries - Presbyterian Church - Merchants - Physicians - Judd Family - Societies - Masonic - Grand Army Repblic - Methodist Church - West Kill Methodist Church - Galt's History of the Methodist Society of the Town - Revolutionary Incidents - Smith Street - Tory Clawson - Taken Prisoner - Smith Family - Battle at Lake - Official - Supervisors - General Appearance of Town - The Lake - Tryon County Line - Rebellion - Amount of town Bonds Issued - Boundaries . . . . . 142

History of the Town of Summit - Hon. Seymour Boughton - The Lake - Johnson and Brant's Halt - Early Settlers - Brown and Other Business Men - Charlotte Valley - Service Tragedy - Murphy's Own Statement - Murphy's Purchase - Act of 1777 - Abraham Becker - Suit Gained - Service's Affair Contemplated - Settlement of the Western Part of the Town - Seminary - Its History - Faculty, etc. - Dairy Interest - Elisha Brown - Assemblymen - Sherriffs - John Lawyer - S. J. Lake - Isaac W. Beard - John H. Coons - Churches - First Baptist Church - Second Baptist Church - Reformed Church of Eminence - Methodist - Free Methodist - Lutheran of Lutheranville - Lutheran of Beard's Hollow - Town Volunteers - Medical Fraternity - First Town Meeting - Resolutions - Report of 1880 - Officials - Eminence . . . . . 153

The original book contains no Chapter XII

History of the Town of Fulton - First Purchase of Land by Adam Vroman - adam Vroman and Family - Indian Deeds - Captain Vroman - Indian Castle - Colonel Peter Vroman - Swart Family - Peter Swart - His Manuscript - Death - Crysler Family - Mrs. John Bouck - Henry Hager - In McDonald's Camp - Captain Hager at Bemis Heights - Upper Fort - Exempt Volunteers - Invasion by Crysler - Murder by Beacraft - Prisoners - Crysler's Invasion - Murder near the Fort - Engagement with Captain Hager - Richard Hagadorn Wounded - Conflict at the Lake - Johnson's and Brant's Invasion - Mary Hagadorn - Bouck Family and Island - Wm. C. Bouck - His Life - Inhabitants of 1788 - Timothy Murphy - His Life and Historical Incidents - Town Formed - Patriotism of 1812 - Petersburgh - Breakabeen - First Lands Settled - Fultonham - Charles Watson - West Fulton - Churches - Polly Hollow - Reformed Church - Physician - Supervisors - Boundaries . . . . . 166

History of the Town of Middleburgh - Weiser's Dorf - Conrad Weiser - His Daughter - John Peter G. Muhlenberg - Conrad Weiser, Jr. - Settlers of the Dorf - Relics of the Past - Reformed Church - Its Early History - Reuilt in 1785 - Petition to Assembly - Pastors' Reformed Church - Lutheran Church - Methodist - Episcopal - The True Reformed Church - Middle Fort - Description - Zielie Family - Colonel Zielie - His Children - jPeter Swart - Low Dutch Beckers - Borst Family - Grist Mills - Louck's Family - Eckerson's - First Merchant - Grist Mill - Bellinger Family - Hartman's Dorf - Richtmyer Family - Alexander Boyd - J.M. Scribner - John Hinman - Nathan Hinman - Jonathan Danforth - Atchinson House - Freemire House - Merchants - Freeman Stanter - John P. Bellinger - D. D. Dodge - General Danforth - Physicians - Legal Fraternity - Hon. Lyman Sanford - National Bank - masonic Lodge - I.O.G.T. - G.A.R. Post - Incorporation - Hunter's Land - Supervisors - Boundaries . . . . . 196

History of the Town of Sharon - Formation of New Dorlach - Sharon - Dorlach Grant - First Settlers - Later Settlers - Peter Sommers - Mereness Brothers - William Beekman - Battle of Sharon - Colonel Marinus Willett - Leem and Hopper Families - Maria Leem - Capture of Myndert and Others - William kneiskern - Rev. Peter N. Sommers - St. John's Church - Reformed Church - Turnpikes - Taverns - Beekman's Corners - Peter A. Hilton - Robdrt Eldredge - Eldredge Family - Dr. Palmer - Engle's Mill - Leesville - Dormant Villages - Leesville Lutheran Church - Leesville Baptist Church - Cemetery - Rockville - Sharon Springs - Public Houses - Analysis of Water - Merchants - Roman Catholic Church - Sharon Centre - John Beakley - Sharon Hill and Hollow - E.S. Wales - Zachariah Keyes - Killing of Van Schaik - Johannes Loucks - William Davenport - Lemuel Cross - Kling Settlement - Slate Hill cemetery - Bellenger Family - Van Valkenburghs - Gilbert's Corners - Reformed Church of Sharon - Masonic Lodge - Officials - Boundaries . . . . . 226

History of the Town of Blenheim . . . . . 249

History of the Town of Seward - Town Formed - Peter Hynds - Henry Haines - First Grist Mill - Capture of the Hynds Family - The Crysler Brothers - Invasion of Seths Henry - Murder of Michael Merckley - Murder of Catharine and Sebastian France - Frederick Merckley's Family - France Family - John Rice - First Meeting House - Murder of Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman - Rhinebeck Church - Henry Moeller and Other Pastors - First Settlers of Rhinebeck - Strobeck - Hyndsville - Seward Valley - Seward Station - Gardnersville - Rev. Philip Wieting - Colonel Willett's Raids - Mills - Business Interests - Churches - Dairy Interests - Physicians - Town Bonds - Supervisors - Boundaries . . . . . 268

History of the Town of Richmondville - Formation of Town - First Settlement - George Warner - John Zea and Family - Captain Snyder - His Life - Snyder Family - Warnerville - George Mann - Warnerville Methodist Church - Christian Church - Seminary - First Tavern - John Warner - First Justice of the Peace - Hon. John Westover - Physicians - Churches - Methodist, Lutheran and Christian - Seminary - Richmondville Bank - Newspapers - School at West Richmondville - Supervisors - Present Business of Town . . . . . 283

History of the Town of Carlisle - First Settlers - Dorlach Grant - New Rhinebeck - Mrs. Philip Karker - Judge Brown - George William Brown - Young Family - John C. McNeill - Settlement of Grovenor's Corners - Joseph Taylor - Benjamin Young - Squire John's Place - Carlisle Centre - First School House - Merchants of Grovenor's Corners - Settlement upon the Turnpike - Carlisle Formed - First Officers - P.I. Cromwell - D.W. Seeley - Sloan's Tavern - Huntington Tavern - Carlisle Church - Henry M. Brown - Killing of Keller - First Store - Merchants of Carlisle Village - Argusville - Physicians - Mercantile Firms - The Bear Swamp - Carlisle Seminary - Robbery of Peter Becker - J. H. Angle - First Mills - Selleck's Cave - Churches - Valuation of Town - Supervisors - Boundaries of Town . . . . . 301

History of the Town of Esperance - Location of Esperance Village - Purchase of the Lands by TenEyck - By General North - Turnpike - Bridge - Daniel Hare - His Inn - Other Inns - Calvin Wright - J.C. Wright - Isaac H. Tiffany - Other Lawyers - Presbyterian Church - Methodist Church - Physicians - Storrs Messenger - Judge Briggs - Merchants - Village Corporation - Stage House and Route - Academy - Feathers House - Judge Fletcher - Peck's Inn - First Gate Keeper - Sloansville - Van Valkenburgh Settlement - Brown Brothers' Settlement - Sloan Family - Other settlers - Stores - Stone Heap - Rev. Hawley's narrative - Foster Mill - Kneiskern's Dorf - Kneiskern Family - Enders Family - First Grist Mill - Johnson's Invasion - Encampment - Town Formed - First Officers - General Brown - Anti-Rent Troubles - Assemblymen - Supervisors - Baptist - First Newspaper - Quotations from it - Land Patents . . . . . 320

History of the Town of Wright - Town Formed - First Settlement - Becker Family - Becker Land Grant - First Saw Mill - Hon Yost Becker - John Dominick and Family - Events of 1782 - Burning of Zimmer's Buildings - Becker Murdered - Advance Upon Major Becker's House - Snyder and Mann Captured - Traditionary Tale of Seths Henry's Death - Major Becker's Death - Stone Store at Shutter's Corners - Henry Becker - Founding of School - Hunting Family - Gallupville - Churches - Reformed Church, Methodist and Lutheran - New Village - Wagon Making - Dutch Settlement - Weidman's - Hiram Walden - Supervisors - Valuation - Merchants and Physicians - Boundaries . . . . . 341

History of the Town of Schoharie - First Settlers of Brunnendorf - Schaeffer Family and Name - Lutheran Church and Parsonage - Dominie Sommers, and other Pastors - Doctor Lintner - Reformed Dutch Church - Church Converted into a Fort - Doctor Budd - "Post Mix" - Peter Mix - Doctor Brigham - Physicians of Schoharie - Captain Mann - Captain Snyder - Taverns - Present Hotels - Fox's Dorf - Dietz Family - Colonel William Dietz - William Fox and Settlers of Fox's Dorf - Smith's Dorf - Court House - George Tiffany - Lawyer Family - Garlock's Dorf - Jacob Vroman - Samuel Smith - O.H. Williams - J. G. Caryl - Strubach Mill - Village at Depot - First Grist Mill - Carding Mill - Distillery - Business of 1810 - Engagement at Fort - John Ingold - Bouck House, and other Buildings - Burning of Court House - Great Fires - Fountain Town School House - Schoharie Academy - Methodist Church - African Church - Gebbard's Cave - Schoharie Bridge - Formation of Town - First Officers - Supervisors - Lutheran Cemetery - Commodore Harding . . . . . 354

History of the Town of Cobleskill - First Settlement - Brown's Mill and Stream - Cobleskill Militia - Building a Fort - Invasion by Indians and Tories - First Schoolhouse - Lambert Lawyer - Jacob L. Lawyer - Chas. Courter - Augustus C. Smith - Hotels - and Inns - Early Merchants - Churches - Mrs. Borst - The Schaeffer of Shafer Family - Van Dresser Farm - Richtmyer Family - Captain Brown - Henry Shafer - Berner Settlement - Doctor Werner - Kilmer Settlement - Wetsel Family - Brayman's Mill - Howe's Cave - Mineral Springs - Paul Shank - Methodist Church of Mineral Springs - Lawyersville - First Settlers - Angle Family - Young Family - General Dana - John Redington - William Elmandorf - Jared Goodyear - Isaac H. Tiffany - Thomas Lawyer - Jedediah Miller - Doctor Shepherd - Shutts Family - Thomas Smith - Henry Smith - J. H. Ramsey - William H. Young - Cemetery - Wakeman Family - reformed Church - Lutheran Church - Early Merchants - Physicians - Legal Fraternity - Manufacturing Interest - Masonic Society - Good Templars - F.A.R. Post - National Bank - Formation of the Town - First Officers - Supervisors - Efforts to Remove the Court House - Boundaries . . . . . . 386

APPENDIX . . . . . 449

Names of Citizens Who Assisted and Contributed Toward the Publication of the History of Schoharie
County, With Personal Statistics

Bouck, Governor William C., Fulton, portrait facing 176
Bouck, Hon. Charles, Fulton, portrait facing 176
Bergh, Philip, Fulton, portrait facing 190
Becker, Sarah E., Sharon, view of residence facing 239
Best, Benjamin, Fulton, portrait facing 177
Couchman, Hon. Peter, Conesville, portrait facing 132
Clark, Hon. William S., Esperance, portrait facing 337
Colby, Thomas, Gilboa, view of residence facing 128
Courter, Charles, Cobleskill, portrait, (steel) facing 444
Court House frontis
Freemire, John, Jr., Fulton, portrait 193
Holmes, Judge Charles, Cobleskill, portrait (steel) facing 431
Howe's Cave, Cobleskill, view of Cave House 407
Howe's Cave, Cobleskill, view of Crystal Lake 409
Keyser Barent and wife, Blenheim, portraits 266
Kilts, Wesley H., Sharon, view of residence facing 228
Lawyer, General Thomas, Cobleskill, portrait, (steel) facing 441
Mattice, Adam L., Fulton, portrait 194
Murphy, Peter, Fulton, portrait 191
Mayham, Hon. Stephen L., Schoharie, portrait 354
Miller, Jedediah, Cobleskill, portrait 434
Norwood, Dr. J. E., Schoharie, portrait facing 363
Old Brick Lutheran Church, Cobleskill 398
Ramsey, Hon. Joseph H., Cobleskill, portrail (steel) facing 435
Shafer, Jacob L., Blenheim, portrait 267
Swart, Dr. Peter S., Schoharie, portrait 385
Sanford, Hon. Lyman, Middleburgh, portrait (steel) between 222-223
Stone Fort, Schoharie 360
Tanner, James, Cobleskill, portrail (steel) facing 445
Vroman, Ephraim B., Fulton, portrait 195
Wieting, Rev. Philip, Cobleskill, portrait 448
Westover, Hon. John, Richmondville, portrait (steel) facing 299
Bergh, Philip, Fulton 190
Best Benjamin, Fulton facing 177
Bouck, Governor William C., Fulton 176
Bouck, Hon. Charles, Fulton facing 176
Clark, Hon. William S., Esperance 337
Colby, Thomas, Gilboa between 128-129
Couchman, Hon. Peter, Conesville 132
Courter, Charles, Cobleskill 444
Freemire, John, Jr., Fulton 193
Holmes, Judge Charles, Cobleskill 431
Keyser, Barent, Blenheim 265
Lawyer, General Thomas, Cobleskill 441
Mattice, Adam L., Fulton 194
Mayham, Hon. Stephen L., Schoharie 383
Miller, Jedediah, Cobleskill 433
Murphy, Peter, Fulton 191
Ramsey, Hon. Joseph H., Cobleskill 435
Sanford, Hon. Lyman, Middleburgh between 222-223
Shafer, Jacob L. Blenheim 267
Swart, Peter S., M.D. Schoharie 385
Tanner, James, Cobleskill 445
Vroman, Ephraim B., Fulton 195
Westover, Hon. John, Richmondville 299
Wieting, Rev. Philip, Cobleskill 447

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This page established January 23, 1998