Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Special Queries for Schoharie County

TAYLOR BLOCK BUILDING - I am looking for all information about the Taylor Block building on Main St. in Schoharie. Clifford Evans - posted 03-12

BEARD - My name is Don Anderson from Salem, NH and I was hoping you could help me locate any relatives of a Sarah A Beard (1902 - 1984) from Cobleskill. I have several postcards written to and by her from the 1940's through about 1980.
She seems to have been a librarian and possibly a teacher. Her father was a Dr. John J. Beard. I have attached some of the cards. I didn't know if you would know anyone in your area
who possibly knew or was related to her.
I think if she had any nieces or nephews that maybe they would be interested in these as the describe several vacations she took as well as friends who corresponded with her.
They have been packed away in a box I received from my grandfather for many years. Don Anderson - posted 12-11

SHAFFER/SPERBECK BARN - I purchased a barn originally built, I believe by a David Shaffer, around 1870. It was sold by David’s son Ezra to Mr. Raymond Sperbeck. I am interested in any early history, drawings, photographs, etc.
Steve Mitchell - posted 02-10

BEIDFELDT RD, WEST FULTON - Looking for any information on a house, farm, tavern, inn, barn, corn crib on Beidfeldt Rd. in West Fulton. We disassembled the house in 2000 and moved it to Delaware County NY. We are trying to contact all families associated with the Inn/Tavern/House. We understand at one time it was the parsonage for the church which is still there and the town uses as a shed. I realize this is for genealogy research so if I am posting inappropriately perhaps you can direct me towards a better location?
Frank Carbone - posted 10-08

NEW RINEBECK - I am looking for two Cole siblings (David, b. 1810 and Josias, b. 1813) who were born in "New Rinebeck, Schoharie County, NY." I have consulted various maps and can't find the town/village. Could someone please tell me where it is located? Did it perhaps have a name change? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Sue Cole - posted 10-08

NEW YORK CONFERENCE SEMINARY, CHARLOTTEVILLE, NY - Seeking information on New York Conference Seminary in the early 1850's. Does anyone have information concerning this seminary, etc. I had an ancestor that was a student there in 1853..
LUVNNONNI - posted 07-07

CHURCH RECORDS, LAWYERSVILLE, NY - I am looking for the church records 1708-1742 of the Palatines in Lawyersville and before they moved to the Schoharie Valley, if such records are available. I would appreciate the help.
James G Jimenez - posted 03-07

CEMETERY ON NORTH ROAD, JEFFERSON, NY - I am trying to find the location of a small grave yard on the North Rd in Jefferson, with the names of David Reed, Eleanor (Crosby) Reed, son- William Reed (age 7yrs.). There are possibly more names. It has been many years since my father-in-law showed it to me and now that I am doing our family genealogy would like to find it again.
Patricia Wright - posted 05-04

FULTON HILL AND FAIRLAND - Seeking information (circa 1860) about Fulton Hill and Fairland in the Town of Fulton, Schoharie County, New York. Are these places or Cemeteries or both? Would appreciate knowing where I can get history and or maps. Researching the WEED and McNEIL families.
William T Collins - posted 01-04

NATIVE AMERICAN SOURCES - I am not having as much luck as I would have hoped to have, in locating information on HENRY HAMILTON BERG's wife, LOUISE HUNTER. I have confirmed information regarding her being a member of the Mohawk Natives who lived throughout that area, but I can find no other information on her. I know that HENRY BERG and his wife lived on the Esperance/Schoharie border, it was stated that he was a slave, but he was NOT, his father had been, but at the time of HENRY's birth slavery was no more. I also have information that HENRY's mother was Native American as well, but I don't know how to go about getting any information on HENRY or on who his father might have been or if there had been siblings or anything like that. It has been told to me that his father had been owned by PHILLIP BERG, but that is where I am stuck and fear that I will never know anything more than that. As for LOUISE HUNTER, I am trying to ascertain where she might have lived prior to her marriage to HENRY BERG. I don't know if her people were from the Mohawk Valley, but have some information that she might have been from Ft. Hunter or Canajoharie, near one of the "Indian castles" thereabouts. I don't know what kind of documents would provide that sort of information or how to get them or where to go to view them if they in fact exist. All I need is to be pointed in the right direction and given an idea of what to look for and I will be "golden" at that point.
Mickey Ruiz - posted 07-03

SCHOHARIE CO. SURROGATE'S OFFICE - I recently sent a letter to the clerk there, requesting the intestate papers for a relative. I knew the exact DOD, and exactly where the papers were located, and gave them the Book and page number. They sent a reply that yes, they "do have an estate file on record," and gave the file number, and said that there are THREE pages (each two-sided) in the file, and that FOR THE PRICE OF $70.00 FOR A SEARCH FEE, plus the price of the copies and postage, I could get a copy of both sides of the 3 pages! They claim that since this estate is older than 25 years, this is the standard search fee. Remember, I TOLD THEM WHERE TO LOOK! What Search???
Has anyone else encountered this OUTRAGEOUS form of ripping people off? I am astounded that six sheets of paper should cost ANYONE over $70, unless they are 24k gold-plated!
I have obtained A LOT of papers from other courts and clerks all over this country, and HAVE had to have searches done, but I have NEVER, in 25 years of genealogy work, had anyone place such a ridiculous requirement on obtaining papers of public record. Not only that, but I am a paralegal, well versed in Surrogate Court procedures and paperwork, so the wool isn't going over this sheep's eyes by any means.
I'm not looking to make enemies here, but for the record, I had requested papers for this person several years ago, (I didn't know back then IF they had any) only to be told that there were NONE, which I now know was NOT TRUE. I had also requested the will of another relative, and they told me there was NONE, which I came to find was ALSO NOT TRUE, as I now have his Schoharie Co. Will in my possession.
What is up with these people? Are they DELIBERATELY trying to discourage us from asking them for records by making the cost prohibitive to the average genealogist? Are they following the standards of HMO's by automatically denying service on all original requests? I have recently obtained records from some of the most high-volume clerks in the COUNTRY and haven't paid more than $5 to $10. Anyone care to comment?
Deborah Sweet - posted 05-03

Elm Home or Elmholm, Cobleskill - I was born in Cobleskill on August 12, 1950 at what was called the Elm Home or Elmholm (sp) on Elm Street. My parents do not remember where it is exactly and I would like to know what happened to the records of all the babies delivered there. The doctor that delivered me was Dr. Lyons of Middleburgh. Sherry A (Kowliwasky) Wolfe - posted 10-02

Gallopville Church - While looking for information on my family this summer in Gallopville, I talked with Mr. Zimmer [a longtime resident]. He said that an old church burned near Gallopville near the farm of Quakenbush. I think he said ,just north of the village. When did it burn and are there any surviving church records. Looking at a church record of "Quaker Street Christian Church" I found that Anson MacDonald [g g grandfather] joined the "Quaker Street Christian Church" in 1887 with a rather large influx of others.. The church that burned near Gallopville was not rebuilt, witch leads me to think these members may have joined the "Quaker Street Christian Church" in a group. Dewitt Duane MacDonald was one of Anson's sons and a charter member of the "Quaker Street Christian Church" in 1859. Edward MacDonald - posted 10-02

Jefferson Cemetery - Looking for information & list of people buried in Jefferson Cemetery. Importantly James Gallt, wife Hettie. William Gallt & wife Rachel. William is a Civil War Vet. 146th NY. 
Gary Abrams - posted 06-02

Welch Cemetery, Jefferson - I am looking for information about the Welch Cemetery. It is in Jefferson in Schoharie County New York. I am also looking for a list of people, with inscriptions of the stones, that are buried in the cemetery. Kassie - posted 06-01

Thanks for a great list. I found it last night and have cleared up a lot of questions about ancestors including Stevens, Helm, and Schermerhorn. I'm very grateful for the information as personal visits to the area resulted in a "Wild Ghost Chase." I had a feeling that the terrain had been altered and was really set back to think some group in their infinite wisdom had to flood a town with its cemeteries and other historical embellishments. We had heard of a memorial to Gershom Stevens that was placed in town for perpetuity. So much for perpetuity. I realize the people in New York need water but there must have been some other likewise appropriate source. Dot Steele - posted 03-01

The names of two of my direct ancestors are engraved on stones at the Old Stone Fort: Johannes Ball and Wilhelm Dietz. Are there other names as well? Are these names there because of they helped in the construction of the building, because they were important early citizens of Schoharie, or because or their role during the Rev. War? Following the name of Wm. Dietz are the letters: "B. M." What does that mean? Hal and Ed - posted 02-01

In the Remarks column of the Schoharie Reformed Church Marriage Records 1732 - 1755 most of the men have the notation j.m and most of the women j.d. Does anyone know what these abbreviations stand for? see: Schoharie Reformed Church, Marriages 1732-1755
Hal and Ed - posted 11-00

SQUIRE MIL - I am trying to find a place named Squire Mil, has anyone ever heard of this place? Supposedly my gggg grandparents were born and married there in the early 1800's. Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated! Pati Blowers - posted 03-00

DIBBLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY - I am trying to find out about the Dibble Memorial Library. I would like to know if it still exists in Summit. I have a letter to my grandmother from that library about our genealogy. P Terk - posted 02-00

ERIE CANAL - My great grandfather, Jacob Henry Stevens, was born in Schoharie Co. in 1834. When he was 21, he left New York state and traveled to DeKalb Co. IL. This was in 1855. I have wondered if he traveled by the Erie Canal or by railroad or perhaps by wagon. I doubt that the rail route was complete enough by that time.
What impact did the canal construction have on Schoharie? What news was available in local county papers?
Other family members traveled to the same county in Illinois as early as 1834 from Allegany Co. NY. I've visited some interesting NY canal web sites recently looking for information. I've wondered if there are some good journals available detailing travel west from NY in this period.
Jacob's father also named Jacob(1801-1881) is buried in a rural cemetary 1-2 miles east of Cobleskill. His wife Harriet Livingston (1806-1859) is also buried there. I cannot find the name of the cemetery. I have recent pictures of the tomb stones. Can anyone help? Richard E Stevens - posted 01-00

SHARON CHURCHES - Is there a listing of churches active in Sharon from 1810 to 1830? I am trying to locate marriage and baptismal records for Joseph and Elizabeth Congdon and their children. Thanks. Claudia Bement - posted 12-99

CHURCH RECORDS - Need information on what marriage, church records are available for 1816 in Schoharie. I have a Henry Best b. 1787 married Nancy (Ann) Boyce (Bice) b.abt 1797 in Schoharie in May of 1816. This info came from Henry's 1812 pension records. Nancy - posted 08-99

I am stonewalled in trying to find a list of family names of the approximately 150 German Settlers that came to the Schoharie 1712-1713. Can someone send me the list or tell me where it is available, ie book etc. Thanks, Don Moyer in the Tulpehocken - posted 08-99

Does anyone have listings of the burials in that cemetery -- still looking for the WINNIES (or WINNES). Thank you. Shirley Farone   - posted 07-99

I have been researching the history of the "Christian Connexion" in Scoharie County, a fore-runner of the United Church of Christ. While there is currently only one active UCC congregation in the county, my research has found approximately 19 churches, including: Summit, Blenheim, Fulton & Cobleskill, Broome, Gilboa, Jefferson & Harpersfield, Richmondville, Warnerville, East Cobleskill, Schoharie & Wright, Blenheim Ridge (South Gilboa), & Middleburgh. I am trying to document the spread of this denomination from Vermont to New York. Rev. Abner Jones broke off from the Baptists in 1801, advocating use of the name "Christian" only. Rev. Jasper Hazen was sent by the Vermont confernence to New York as a "missionary" about 1810. The movement spread into Schoharie County from neighboring counties, the first church being Summit in 1819. Denominational records indicate that there was in fact an organization known as the "Schoharie County Christian Conference." I would like to locate primary resources for these congregations, and for the county group if possible. Clergy about whom biographical information may be helpful includes: Rev. Henry Brown, Rev. Ansel Bourne, Rev. Lewis Winans, Rev. O.A. Roberts, Rev. D[avid] Millard, Rev. John Ross [Charleston Four Corners, Montgomery County]. In 1931 the Christian churches merged with the Congregational churches, and in 1957 that group merged with the Evangelical and Reformed church to become the United Church of Christ. Timothy Brown, Commissioned Minister, UCC Timothy Brown - posted 08-98

I moved to Windham, NY two years ago from Omaha, NE. On three unrelated incidents, some one has wanted to know if I'm related to the Fultonham/Middleburg Shaul's. The only link seems to be the story of a Shaul taking his prize bull west to the Indian Territory. I was given the story from the Valentine, NE newspaper. After moving to NY, two people on separate occasions told me of a Shaul moving from Schoharie County with a special bull to the western wilderness around the time of the Shaul Homestead and he was never heard from again. If this proves to be true, then I have mysteriously returned to the land of my family heritage and can continue the search for our family origin after a five year information drought. Dan - posted 07-98

My Moak line shows up first in Jerusalem Church in Fiora Bush....then Dutch Reformed Church, Lawyersville, Town of Cobleskill, Schoharie Co, .....then St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Sharon....Then St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Rhinebeck, Sharon, then back to St. Johns Evangelical again. Is there anything in local history that would explain all the movement? Also, I had once read on this page something about St. Johns and St. Peters being the same congregation... Can anyone help me understand what might have happened, or did they just keep changing churches? Jan Skinner - posted 05-98

MAHANEY CITY? - Can anyone tell me if there is (was) a community in Schoharie County named Mahaney City? Joseph E Smith- posted 04-98

STEWART CEMETERY - On this site is listed a Stewart Cemetery in Gilboa. Is there an address I can use to contact someone about this place? I would certainly appreciate any help. Bob - posted 04-98

EMINENCE CEMETERY - I need someone in Schoharie county to give me info on Eminence Cemetery, I have a lot of relatives buried there, Felters. I would love it if I could get any info like cemetery size, number of graves, Inscriptions if its not to large. Any info would much be appreciated. Richard Bouvia - posted 02-98

Hi, my name is Paul Biewirth and I'm trying to track down descendants of troopers of the 16th NY Volunteer Cavalry regiment. In my research I came across four troopers who came from Schoharie county. This is unusual because most of the men came from either western NY, the Platsburgh area and the NYC area. The four men are Peter Bender recruited in Schoharie, Harris Munford recruited in Schoharie, Isaac Slater recruited in Schoharie, and John D. Sawyer recruited in Cobleskill. All four were recruited by Lieutenant Maroney. I wish I had stumbled on this when I was still at Hartwick, I would have been a few minutes away. However I'm currently living in North Carolina and that is no longer possible. Well, if there is any information anyone could pass my way I would be grateful. Thank You, Paul R Bierwith - posted 02-98

BURIAL LOT - I am interested in locating the family burial lot of Schell & Bellinger families located in Middleburgh. If anyone knows of its whereabouts I would be extremely grateful in knowing if it exists. Thanks in advance. Thomas Spelman - posted 01-98

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Welcome Page of the Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page last updated March 15, 2000 and last updated February 20, 2014