Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Queries & Surnames
for Schoharie County

Surnames - Letters C and D



CAIN - Looking for information on the following: William M. Cain, born Sep 25, 1814, in Broome, Schoharie Co., N.Y., married to Jane F. Jackson born, May 1824 in Broome, Schoharie Co., N.Y., married Apr 24, 1842 in Broome, Schoharie Co. N.Y. Children: 1 Emmeline Cain b Jan 4, 1844 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., N.Y.; 2. Maria Cain b Feb 3 1846 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., N.Y.; 3. Eliza Cain b Mar 19 1848 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., N.Y.; 4. Newell Cain b Nov 17 1849 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., N.Y.; 5. Merrit Cain b Jan 23 1852 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., N.Y. my great grandfather. Jill Dickson - posted 05-06

CAIN - Looking for information on Alli Cain 1893-1948 and Adele Cain 18931969, want to know were thereburied. Also looking for Georgia Cain whom gave birth to my mother on June 23 1932, my mother has never met her mother and she is now 73 years old. Allen Hart - posted 06-05

CALKINS/CAULKINS - Looking for an Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Calkins (Caulkins) born about 1827 and married Daniel White about 1849. P. Colella - posted 12-04

CALKINS - Am looking for any information on a WILLIAM McCHESNEY CALKINS Born abt 1831. His obituary states that he was born "around" Amsterdam, NY. Have no idea who his parents were. Any information would be helpful. I have already tried looking in Herkimer/Montgomery sites. Cyndy Moen - posted 09-03

CAMERON - Looking for information about the ancestry of Andrew J.Cameron b.June 1835 in Broome. He was married to Emily E. ? . The lived in Broome and Medusa and were the parents of Oscaletta (b.1862), Jacob (b.1863), Potter (b.Nov. 1865), Irving (Erwin) (b. 1869), Willie (b.1870), Lydia (b. 29 Jan.1877 in Medusa), Frank William (b. 6 Apr. 1879), fred Edward (b. 6 Apr. 1869), Maud (b. Jan. 1889), Andrew (b. 15 June 1890) and Myron Egbert (b. Oct. 1872). Andrew Sr.'s father's name was Potter. Any information would be appreciated. Angela Liscio - posted 02-12

CAMERON - Seeking birth and location location for Schoharie birth of Vaneita CAMERON born about 26 December 1882, daughter of David CAMERON and Emma BIGSBEE/BIXBY. Pat Coolican - posted 04-02

CAMERON - Looking for information on the Cameron family of Middleburg, Schoharie County, NY in the first half of the 1800's. Aaron Cameron m. Caroline and had 5 children; David (1837-), Robert (1838-), Adaline (1845-1914), Jacob Bradley (1851-) m. Anna Snyder, Alice (1854-). Beth Snyder - posted 08-99, updated 04-00

CAMPBELL - Asking for assistance in locating graves for residents of Fulton, using the 1850 Census for Fulton, Schoharie County. They are: Patrick Campbell, age 80, formerly of German Flats, Herkimer County, died after the 1850 Census. He was living with: William Campbell, age 44, and his family: Polly Campbell. Age 44, wife; Charity Campbell, age 15; Michael Campbell, age 12; John Campbell, age 9; Romin Campbell, age 6; Lucy Campbell, age 4; Charles Campbell, age 1. My direct relationship is to Michael, then William, and I think, Patrick. Jane Taylor - posted 09-16

CAMPBELL - Archibald, born 1745, married Christena Sternberg (Starnbargh, Sternbergh) on Jan 8, 1768 of Schoharie Their children were: John, Margret, Hanah, Sarah, Caty (Catherine), Elizabeth, William, Charles, John, Jacob, Archibald, and Thomas. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Leslie Campbell - posted 01-08

CAMPBELL - I believe my great, great grandfather was ? Campbell from Central Bridge. He had a "thrasher" machine business, one of which is at the Cobleskill Fairgrounds. Any info on him, or his wife who's maiden name I believe was Williams would be great. Jeff Jones - posted 12-05

CAMPBELL - Looking for information on Polly Campbell born about 1841 in Breakabeen, Schoharie Co NY died Mar 27 1914 buried Cobleskill. Polly married Henry Robbins children Ida Robbins & Tula Robbins MacDonald then Polly married Peter Hyser children John Hyser and Sara Hyser Hunt. Ed Mac - posted 09-04

CAMPBELL - Looking for birthplace and parents of Alexander Campbell b 12 Nov 1795 d 11 Jan 1856. Lived in Huntersland married about 1819 to Elizabeth Shultes. Any other Campbell information would be appreciated too. Jeff Sills - posted 07-01 

CAMPBELL - Researching James Hiram Campbell, B;1813, NY. Mar: abt 1836 Mary Ann Little, B: 1813 in Schoharie Co. By 1841 they were in Schoharie Co. and lived in Carlisle, Cobbleskill, and Richmondville , where Hiram died in 1865. They had 11 children between 1837 and 1863. Mary Anne was in the Richmondville Census of 1870 but I haven't found her after that. Darlene Martin - posted 03-01

CAMPBELL - Looking for parents of Mary Phoebe Campbell, b. 1831, who was a resident of the town of Wright when she married Nicholas WERT at the home of William SCHELL in 1854. Witnesses to the marriage were P. CAMPBELL and Mary CAMPBELL, who may have been her parents. P. CAMPBELL is listed as residing in Cincinnati, OH. Paul Russell - posted 08-99

CAREK DUMTE or CA-REE-AH-DUN-KAH -- Could someone please help me with a family name for 7 Mohawks who petitioned Governor Hardy of New York in September 1755 on behalf of my 6xgreat-grandfather Nicholas Mattice I (b. 1701) in Schoharie County, NY. All 7 have an European first name and then the same middle and last names, "Careke Dumte." Source is Roscoe's book "1713:History of Schoharie County, New York, p.33."
On page 24 of that same book, I see a reference to a venerable old Mohawk Chief Ca-ree-ah-dun-kah who lived on Vrooman's land for as long as he wanted. Could Ca-ree-ah-dun-kah be a better rendition than Careke Dumte? If so, are Lowes, Seth, Seth Jr., Hans Vre, Margaret, Mary and Cathren all members of Ca-ree-ah-dun-kah's family. ? Bob Moore - posted 05-17

CARLEY - Seeking parents of Malinda Carley b. Jan 13 1805 NY d. Mar 16 1891 in Middleburgh NY. She married John GATES. Matthew Porter - posted 03-97

CARPENTER - I am searching for any information about Mary D. Carpenter, b.abt.1820. Married to Elisha Hammond in 1859, Manorkill, Schoharie, NY or 05 April 1861 in Conesville, Schoharie, NY. Any information would be gratefully appreciated. Hazel Davis - posted 11-08

CARPENTER - Who are Catherine CARPENTER's parents? She was born 24 Mar 1802 (according to a genealogy) either Schoharie or Albany County (conflicting census data). She married Charles DIBBLE in 1822, probably in Schoharie County where they lived until they moved to Broome County. She married second a Mr. BRINK. She died 1897 in Broome County. Peter Blood - posted 04-06

CARPENTER - Looking for information on John Carpenter b. about 1805 and his wife Mary (Teter?) b. about1804. They lived in Franklinton and had known sons Henry, David, and George who all lived in the area. Henry owned a store in Middleburgh. David and George owned lumber mills/farm land in Franklinton. James Carpenter - posted 04-04

CAR(R)YL - [Surname often spelled "Carl", other variations in records, but correct spelling known to be "Caryl".] Looking for parents, place of birth, death for James Carryl, born abt 1770; married Maria or Mary Monfort abt 1794, had 7 known children, all baptized Blenheim Reformed Dutch Church between 1795-1813. Purchased land, town of Schoharie, 1796. Daughter, Rachael Herriot Carryl, wife of John Street of Gilboa, gave father's birthplace as NY in 1880 census; her death record stated he was born NJ. Lissa Josephson - posted 08-99

CARTER - Wanted to let people are researching: Swits, Oliver, Hagadorn-Engle, Eckerson, Miller, Pierce, Burley, Benson, Carter, Fredendall, Cater, to come visit my web site Caprio Genealogy Page. I have over 90 pictures uploaded, and we made sure they download very fast for you. There are several Middleburgh picture postcards from 1912. The 3 links that have photo links are: Book 1, Book 2 and Extra Pictures. Book 2 is a 1990 endeavor that has letters, memories, photo's, etc. pertaining to my Schoharie roots. Book 1 is about my Italian side of the family. The extra pictures are ones that have collected over the last 9 years. If you have any further information on any of my surnames listed above I would be most pleased to hear from you. Kathy Caprio McNamara - posted 04-99

CARY - Looking for additional information on the family of Orrin Cary, b, 1808-1810, Schoharie County. His father may have been Daniel Cary. Daniel is thought to have fought in the War of 1812. We have been unable to trace this family to the Carys of Plymouth, MA. Harry Miller - posted 12-08

CASE - Seeking information about Davie (David?) Butts and his wife, Philenda Case, parents of John Henry Butts, who was born in Gilboa, NY Sept. 18, 1839. John H. Butts and Philenda (surname illegible but not Butts) living in Davis Twp, Davis, KS in 1870. J. H. Butts was great-grand father of my husband. Vlephd - posted 10-05

CASEY - I am looking for any information on the descendants of two CASEY sisters, both of whom lived in Esperance, Schoharie County, New York. One was Jemima (CASEY) MAGEE, b. 1791 d. 1868, md. John MAGEE b. 1798 d. 1859. They had a daughter Rebecca MAGEE b. 1816 who married Wellington MORRISON. The other sister was Sarah (CASEY) DORN b. 1793 d. (after 1850), who married Alexander J. DORN. They had children Cornelius, George, Antoinette, and Alfred. Any information would be helpful. Adam D. Gibbons - posted 02-02

CASPER - Looking for information on the Isaac CASPER and Emeline KETCHAM/KETCHUM family who lived in the Town of Schoharie from 1850 to Isaac's death in 1908. Both are buried in the Prospect Cemetery in Bramanville. One son, Martin, born 1862, married Lillie GUERNSEY. Dan Stifflear - posted 04-04

CASSELMAN - Looking to exchange information with anyone researching information on this Palatine family of Schoharie County. I have information on Christian b. Oct 03, 1674, d. Dec 8, 1749, his son Johannes b. 1727, d. ca. 1770, along with others. Robert Derocher - posted 02-98

CASTLE - looking for information on Castle family I know was in Gilboa, Broome Center in 1860's Thomas (b about1836). Also Thomas (b about 1801 or 1809) from England. His wife was Jane. other names Almira (1842) Nancy (1859). Children of Thomas and Jane: Andrew (1832)
Eliza(1833) Mary (1834) Thomas (1836) William (1840) and Rachael (1843) I am most interested in the Thomas of this family Married Irena? Children: Channcy (1863) Anna (1871)Calvin(1873) Almina (1875) Fannie(1879) and in this family it is Calvin I am most interested in He married Louise. I know they lived in Gilboa during that time any information you can find on them would be greatly appreciated. I would be very interested in where they are married, buried etc.
Kim Jones - posted 07-07

CATER - Wanted to let people are researching: Swits, Oliver, Hagadorn-Engle, Eckerson, Miller, Pierce, Burley, Benson, Carter, Fredendall, Cater, to come visit my web site Caprio Genealogy Page. I have over 90 pictures uploaded, and we made sure they download very fast for you. There are several Middleburgh picture postcards from 1912. The 3 links that have photo links are: Book 1, Book 2 and Extra Pictures. Book 2 is a 1990 endeavor that has letters, memories, photo's, etc. pertaining to my Schoharie roots. Book 1 is about my Italian side of the family. The extra pictures are ones that have collected over the last 9 years. If you have any further information on any of my surnames listed above I would be most pleased to hear from you. Kathy Caprio McNamara - posted 04-99

CAZALET - I am looking for information on Hannah E. Cazalet (1875-1934), m. Merwin W. Van Valen (1880-1939). Children Gladys L. Van Valen (1907-2000) and Emma E. Van Valen (1913-1976). Most buried in New Summit Cemetery. Also Harriett Schermerhorn (Sept. 1868), m. Charles Cazalet and her brother Charles Schermerhorn, b. June 1867. David James Cazalet - posted 08-02

CHAMBERLIN - Looking for any information on Benjamin Chamberlin who married Rhoda Griggs in 1821. Probably in Schoharie Co. They lived in Schoharie till 1840's when they went to Delaware Co. VGrew6048 - posted 02-99

CHAPMAN - Looking for information concerning the death of William Chapman, b. 9/30/1904 to Frank A and Lilly M. Chapman in North Blenheim. I believe he died in Bethlehem in 1936. Death certificate or obituaries, anything about the death would be helpful. Amos Frye - posted 01-24

CHAPMAN - Seeking information on my ancestor, Olive Chapman of Broome, NY. She died before 1852. Need parents and siblings names and dates. Married to Abraham Valatie Delamater b. 1775 Valatie, NY; m. bef. 1804 in Broome, NY. d. 1852, Broome, NY. Children: Asa Delamater b. 1804, Dolly, Reuben C., Peter, Willard, Anna, Susan, Hannah, Polly.
Any information will be much appreciated. Rev. Janice C. Hesselink - posted 09-10

CHAPMAN - I am looking for the parents and siblings of the following couple: Thomas Chapman (b. 1782 CT/NY) and Ann Welton (b. 12 Feb 1787 CT). Ann, as a child, came with her father to Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Thomas and Ann (Welton) Chapman were married 16 Jan 1806 in Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. The first 3 of their 14 children where born in Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Daniel Chapman (b. 1806), David Marcus (b. 1808) and Hiram P. Chapman (b. 1810). After 1810 this family moved and settled in Chautauqua county, NY. In the Index of “The History of the Town of Jefferson” by Mildred L Bailey 1771-1976, There is listed on the following pages: Chapman, Mr., 116; Chapman, Noah, 158; Welton, Anne, 123; Welton, Josiah, 159; Welton, Uri, 159; and Welton, Benjamin, 121. I believe, the above, Josiah Welton may be the father of Ann (Welton) Chapman. Also think, the above, Noah Chapman may be the brother of Thomas. I hope you have more information on these Chapmans and Weltons and will be able to help me connect them to Thomas and Ann. Mary - posted 06-05

CHAPMAN - Am searching for information regarding the ancestry of William Henry Chapman, b. 30 Sep 1904 in Blenheim. Fathers name is Frank Chapman, proprietor of the Chapman Hotel. Mothers name is Elizabeth (Lily) Ross. I believe his Grandfathers name was Moses Chapman. Bill Frye - posted 12-99

CHAPMAN - Noah Chapman b. before 1765 in CT?; 1805-1811 in Jefferson, Schoharie County NY. Moved to Cayuga County, NY 1811. m. Annie Tabor/Taber. She d. 1813 or 1814. Four Children - Abram b.3/27/1805, Daniel b.12/29/1806, Susannah or Susan b.12/27/1809, Elias b.3/14/1813. Daniel raised by Benjamin Avery, Scipio/Ledyard, Cayuga County. Abram raised in same area. Elias and Abram settled and stayed in Bethany, Genesee County. Abram m. Amanda --, died 1844, no children (?). Elias m. Sally Brundage(?), died 1889, son Harvey survived and married Jane Nott. Susannah m. --- Borross, lived in Leyden NY(?) 1890. Daniel went to IL as a Congregational minister, died 1890's Independence IA. Seek birth & death records, place of origin, etc. I have a lengthy write up detailing several lines descending from Noah CHAPMAN, who lived in Jefferson around 1803-1812. Have not found his antecedents, nor have I found what happened to him after 1816 when his kids were farmed out to neighbors in Scipio (Ledyard) NY. Jim Newman - posted 12-96

CHAPMAN - Genealogical information on my grandmothers ancestors who were early settlers and residents of Schoharie County, NY. Her name was Agnes Edith Chapman Barrett (1889-1996). Her father and mother were James Polk Chapman (1850 ?-1927) and Elda Bice (1852/3-1910) of East Cobleskill. Her father "was proud of having submitted the resolution to preserve the Old Stone Fort and he donated his Indian arrowhead and artifacts to the museum. Specifically, I'd like to obtain information on the ancestry of Jacob Henry Chapman (1800-1888) M. Huldah Winans (1806-1884). An old letter suggests that his fathers name was William that he resided in Rensselaerville and was originally from Kinerhook and Valatie, NY. Information on the Bice, Brayman, and Wetzel families would be appreciated. I have a copy of the Bice Family bible record and would be happy to share the information. Paul Stryker Barrett - posted 06-97

CHASE – Looking for information about the ancestry of Juliana CHASE and Catherine CHASE in Richmondville. Julian Chase born about Jul 1814, married to David C. Ottman abt. 1935. Juliana died 15 Apr 1843. David married her sister Catherine Chase (born Dec 1813), died 13 Jan 1886. They had three children (Austin 1845, Albert 1847, Anson 1852). I have hit a dead end on the CHASE line. Any information will be appreciated. David and Catherine were my 3rd GGPs. Jeffrey Warner - posted 08-18

CHASE - Looking for information on Nancy CHASE Born 1809 believed to be daughter of Daniel CHASE of Sharon, Schoharie Co. NY. Nancy married David Kling about 1825, probably in Schoharie Co. Sandra Kling - posted 07-98

CHESEBRO - ELIAKIM CHESEBRO, b. 1820, d. 1896, m. ANNA MARIA(H) ARMSTRONG, b. 1824, d. abt. 1907. The couple had the following children: Mary Ann, Emma, George, and Ellen. It is believed they lived in the area around Knox, Albany, NY, however, may have lived in Schoharie Co. Any information/connection would be greatly appreciated. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

CHICHESTER - Looking for information on the families of Josiah Brown Jr., Charles Stuart Jr., Moses Worden, Nathaniel Porter, Elnathan Porter, William Porter, John Wilcox, Samuel Chichester, and John Chichester, who all moved from Albany County, Coeymans Township, New York to Schoharie County, Broome Township, New York between 1800 and 1805. Keith Dull - posted 03-04

CHICHESTER - Searching for descendents of ELISHA CHICHESTER, Civil War Veteran. Wish to find if a connection to Arthur Chichester who died approximately 1929 and lived in Fulton. Arthur buried in Keyserkill Cemetery. Helen Smith - posted 04-03

CHICHESTER - I am searching for information on Ira Chichester who was married to Mary (Polly) Heath on 30 Sep 1828 in Schoharie County by Henry Hawley JP. His parents are thought to be Cyrus and Marie Chichester. Marie is thought to be from England. Susan Bartig - posted 08-99

CHICKERING - Looking for information about the ancestry of John J. CHICKERING, b. abt 1829; I believe in Worcester. He was married (6 May 1848) to Jemima Lamont, b. 1820, d. 1897. They lived in Summit and/or Charlotesville? Their children were: David L. b 1850, George b. 1853, Alice b. 1854, Thomas b. 1859, Jane b. 1860, Maria b. 1861, Libbie b. 1863, Willie b. 1868. Any information on John's parents, and where he/they came from would be greatly appreciated. Robert & Virginia Meyer - posted 04-09

CHOATE - trying to check on Maynard and Choate - date of immigration from Massachusetts, living at ????? and ultimate disposition of families. Thomas Maynard wed Elizabeth Choat circa 1801 in Deerfield, Mass. migrated to Schoharie County with her parents and others 1801 - 1806. only info on eldest son, Almeron S., who moved to Delaware County and married Ophelia Caroline Reekie and Litty A. Champ. 1830 census reveals that Maynards and Choates were originally neighbors in Schoharie County. both had large families. there is a Choate Road and a Choate Cemetery in Schoharie but no info. on line. did they stay in Blenheim? move to Gilboa? emigrate out of area or state?  Henry F. Shrier - posted 04-07

Choinette/Goyette - I am looking for information on a Maurice Choinette or Goyette and his daughter Maude Anna. He was married to a Delia Amyot or Nareau. Maude was born in 1900. I can not find a record of any of these folks and would appreciate any information or ideas of where to look. Douglas Nareau - posted 01-14

CHRYSLER - Looking for a link between Adam Chrysler (Revolutionary War era) and Everett Chrysler b.abt.1869 in Knox NY, m. Effie Cross b.abt.1876, children Olin A. b. abt 1905, Clifford L. b. abt. 1909, Hazel M. b.abt.1912, Helen, Edna L., and Orlo Everett b. abt. 1895,  m. Marion E. Hilts, children Willard, Charlotte, Marvin, Irma, and Jerome Zimmer Chrysler. Also looking to link Everett Chrysler to Philip Chrysler b. 1780-1790 m. Maryfje Mary Sigsbee in Berne NY on 12/22/1804, children Sylvester b. 6/6/1807, Evert b. 5/13/1809, Maria b. 1/2/1811, Nicholas b.10/2/1812, George b. 9//26/1816, Christian b. 4/10/1819, Eva Kressler Shill b. 10/16/1822, William Henry b. 1/2/1825 and Catharine b. 1842. Pat Somers - posted 04-05

CHRISTLER/CHRYSLER - Looking for the father and mother of Volney BLOSS (b. 1831 Orleans County) believed to be the brother of Henry Augustus BLOSS, (b. Sharon 1823, d. Merced CA 1884). Have notes by Great Aunt (daughter of Volney) that Henry A. was an uncle. Also that Volney's mother was a CHRISTLER. Have baptism record from Sharon (Reformed Church) that Henry A was born of a Henry BLASS and Peggy CHRYSLER. Was Peggy a CHRISTLER? If so was her father MATTHIAS CHRISTLER of 1820 census? Witsendblass - posted 02-03

CHRISLER/KRAEUSSLAER/GRYSLAR - William Chrisler/Kraeusslaer/Gryslar/etc. born 1793, Minden, NY; married Maria Bellinger. Who were his parents? Patti Gottschall Schuknecht - posted 09-00

CHRISTMAN - Seek descendants of Nicholas Van Slyke Christman b. 1810 NY d. 1880 MN. Married 1831 Catherine SHAVER b. 1807 Schoharie Co. Pat Bird - posted 02-97

CHRYSLER/CRYSLER/KREISLER - I am looking for data on family of William CHRYSLER/CRYSLER/KREISLER born 26 July 1727, married 1754, died 1808 Echo Creek, Schoharie, NY. He married Catherine SHOURS/SCHAUER born 25 Sept 1735, died Echo Creek, Schoharie, NY. A son Jacob CRYSLER/KREISLER born 1766, married 1794 Elizabeth YOUNG. sticklizard - posted 12-98

CLAPPER - I'm searching for any info on the families, descendants, and ancestry of my very great uncles Sylvester and Silas Clapper, both born about 1802-1808 and lived in town of Gilboa through 1870-1880, their elder sister Peggy, any other Clapper siblings, and their parents Henry & Caty (Smith?) (Joslin) Clapper. For example, does anyone know of a survey of Clapper Cemetery? Everett Boyer - posted 09-07

CLARK - Looking for info on Claude R. Clark 4/41883-2/1960. Owned Clark's 5 & 10 store in the village of Cobleskill and was Justice of Peace there for many years. Need to find his burial site to investigate his parents, particularly Nettie Bailey Clark, her sister, Bessie Bailey and their parents. any info appreciated. Nettie Bailey Clark and Michael Clark were my great, grandparents. Carolyn Hall - posted 07-07

CLARK(E) - Looking for ancestry of gggfather Anson Clark(e) (b. about 1808). His family is in the 1850 census in Gilboa with wife Susan (b. about 1811) and children Lewis (b. before 1829), David Sheldon (b.1829), Mary Ann (b. about 1833), Susan (b. about 1835), Daniel (b. about 1840), Rosetta (b. about 1842), George M (b. about 1844), Orra (b. about 1847), and Franklin (b. Sept 1849). Any information would be appreciated. David Clark - posted 10-03

CLARK - Seeking information about my great grandmother, Malinda Clark Kenyon. She was born in 1860; exact location unknown. She married Frank Adelbert Kenyon, born in Ruth, Schoharie County, prior to 1879. He was the son of Benjamin Hezekiah and Harriet M. (Bailey) Kenyon. In the 1880 Census, Malinda is listed as living in Lower Blenheim with her  husband and her oldest son, Everett. Her fourth child, Cora M. Kenyon, was born in Richmondville on December 20, 1883. Her sixth child, Bertha C. Kenyon (my grandmother) was born on February 01, 1891 in Harpersfield. Although the 1880 Census for Lower Blenheim shows several Clark and Kenyon families living in close proximity to one another, I have been unable to establish any connection so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bill Mitchell - posted 02-02

CLARK - Looking for any information on CLARK family. CHRISTINA DUTCHER b 1801 married 1819 RICHARD B. CLARK . They appear on 1850 census from Fulton; children: MINARD H. CLARK b 1827; JOHN CLARK; RACHEL CLARK b 1829; PAMELIA CLARK b 1838; EDWARD CLARK b 1842; CHRISTINA CLARK b 1844; ANGELIN CLARK b 1845. On the 1865 state census for Middleburgh, CHRISTINA was living with son MINARD CLARK and his family, EUPHRASIA ANNA GILBERT b 1829 Middleburgh; WILLIAM M. CLARK b 1845 Middleburgh; ALASON CLARK b 1847 Albany Co.; AUGUSTIN CLARK b 1848; CHARLES C. b 1856 Middleburgh; ORZELL CLARK b 1858 Middleburgh. I'm willing to share information on these people. MJSWEETNAM - posted 09-99

CLEGG - Looking for ancestry of Captain Edward T. Clegg, born in UK in 1827, lived in Blenheim and Jefferson mid 1850s-1890. Have his obituary from 1910, claims he commanded clipper ship "Flying Cloud" but have no confirmation of this. Information on his wife, Adelia Temperence Fish, also welcomed. Owen Kaser - posted 11-99

CLEMENS - Has anyone have the birth place of Christopher Clemens b. 1819 and died at either Sloansville or Charleston four corners on 23 Oct. 1873. George Clemens Campbell - posted 07-03

CLEVELAND - I am searching for information on my GG Grandfather (John Cowles Cleveland) and his family. He lived in Franklinton, Town of Broome, NY. Does anyone know where his farm was located or where any of his family are buried. John was born 3/24/1827 and his wife was Martha Ann Doney born 8/29/1833. Any info would be appreciated. Gary South - posted 12-97

CLEVELAND - Looking for info on Curtis Cleveland (my GGG grandfather) and descendants. He lived in Rensselaerville until 1825 when he moved to Franklinton. Looking for burial places for any of his family. I would also like to know if there are old Schoharie Co newspapers from 1800s and early 1900s that are searchable or available to look at. Gary South - posted 12-97

CLICKMAN/CLYKEMAN - MARY CLICKMAN, d. abt. 1903, m. JOHN ARMSTRONG, JR., b. 1814, d. abt. 1876. Children: Elmina Armstrong, b. 1840, d. 1892; Charles Armstrong, b. abt. 1847, d. abt. 1921. Would be interested in learning anything I can about the Clykeman/Clickman family in the Berne/Knox area. May be from Schoharie Co. Cynthia Armstrong Corbett - posted 08-99

COLE - I am researching David Cole (Cool, Kool), born about 1809 in Schoharie County. Do not know parents names of any names of siblings. David married Rachel Houghtaling (possibly from Columbia Co.) Would like to correspond with anyone regarding information relating to these people. The given names of John, William and Eva are often used by the descendents of this family. Would appreciate any information. Susan Cole - posted 04-11

COLE - I am looking for information on Hiram A Cole b. Nov 3, 1838 in Rensselaer Co, NY d. Oct 28, 1915 - Amsterdam, NY and is buried in Esperance Cemetery, Esperance, NY. He married Louisa Adelaide Cromwell Feb 26, 1867. She was born Dec 20, 1840, died Mar 11, 1888, was from Duanesburg, NY and is buried in Esperance Cemetery. Hiram Cole's father John L Cole was born 1784; his mother Jane E Harlan was born in 1790. This is the only information I have for Hiram Cole. Kaycie - posted 08-09

COLE - Cole, Tunis/Teunis - I am searching for any information at all on this family. Tunis was married to Rosanna Tompson, both from Columbia Co. they are the parents of my G-Grandfather, Adam Cole. I am wondering if Tunis and his wife came to Schoharie Co. with other family members, i.e. brothers, sisters, children, possibly parents. Also wondering if there are any descendents, other than my immediate family members, looking for information on these two people. I am aware of 4 children born here in the county. Adam b. abt 1836,Nancy b. abt 1837, Diana b. abt 1835 and Austin b. abt 1844.
The 1850 census lists Diana living at Peter Snyder farm, Adam living at Ira Shafer farm, and Nancy living at Marcus Warner farm. Perhaps Diana and Nancy married a member of those families they were living with? And don't know if Austin may have moved out of county or only as far as Sharon Springs. I think someone must know something somewhere and I really hope I hear from someone soon. Sarah - posted 03-09

COLE - I am looking for the family of Enoch White (Breakabeen) and Cornelia Cole and their children: Enoch, Cornelia, Aaron, Moses, Ichabod, Rebecca, Mary, Abigail, and John F. White. Enoch was born in 1789 and Cornelia 1794. Any information on this family or on Enoch White's parents would be very helpful. Rebecca White (1819-1895) married Parlia Brown (1811-1878) of Jefferson, Schoharie, NY. Karen Brown - posted 08-07

COLE - Trying to determine whether John Cole, listed in 1810 Census, Schoharie Co., Sharon Twp is my ggg grandfather. Ages on census are abt right for he, wife and child. John (James) Cole born somewhere in NY about 1786, married Nancy ? (born abt 1788) in abt 1805. Had first child Samuel Cole 30 March 1808. Eventually ended up in OHIO by 1819, but trying to trace their early married life to figure out where all the early children were born. Any information would be a help. Chuck Hawkins - posted 03-03

COLE - I am researching Frank D. Cole died March 1930 - I believe. His wife was Nancy M. Castle - died 4/19/1928. Their daughter Ethel M Cole born 11/25/1888 died 4/19/1923 - was my grandmother. Joyce Trudell - posted 09-01

COLE - I am searching for the Tuenis Cole family, who lived in Richmondville sometime between 1830 (possibly earlier) to at least 1866 that I can document safely. I know his wife's name was Rosanna Tompson (Thompson) and I know at least one of the children's name was Adam (my ggrandfather) and through the census records I believe other children were named Diana, Nancy, and Austin. There may possibly be others but I have no documentation. I would be grateful for any info at all.  Chuck Hawkins - posted 03-01

COLE - I am hoping to find some info on the Cole family from Richmondville in Schoharie Co. to be more specific Tuenis and Rosanna Tompson Cole listed in the 1850 census as living in Richmondville with their son Austin. I know they also had at least three other children. Adam, my G Grandfather b.1836, Diana b.1835, and Nancy b.1837.I have a death cert for Adam and it lists Tuenis and Rosanna as having been born in Columbia Les. Does anyone understand that or know where it might be? And is there anyone who can help me find out what happened to the Cole family? Diana and Nancy were listed as living with Peter Snyder and Marcus Warner respectively at the time the 1850 census was taken. Austin was a small child of 6 years old. Sally - posted 03-00, updated 04-00

COLE - I have a Russell Cole b. 1792 d. May 10, 1852 Greene County, NY. He m. Elizabeth Gridley b. 1794 d. April 16, 1861. Children: Jane A. Cole b. Sept ember 28, 1817, Margaret Cole b. July 28, 1819, Erastus Cole b. 1820, Amanda Cole. In the 1875 census it has Erastus, unmarr. living with his two sisters, Jane and Amanda and it says that all were born in Schoharie County. I am trying to find out if Russell was born in Schoharie and his parents. I have his brothers and sisters names which are : Harvey b. Aug. 9 1791, Elisha, Charles, Amanda and Rachel. I would gladly swap all the information I have on the Coles since living in Greene County. Anything at all please, thank you very much. April - posted 04-99

COLE - Am searching for any info concerning Adam Cole who was Married to Sarah Young Cole b.1840 d.1925 She is a direct descendant of Peter Young an original settler of Lawyersville Schoharie Co. Sally - posted 03-99

COLLINS - I have done a genealogical search for the Collins and the Bevins families in Schoharie County. Both note books are on file with the Old Stone Fort and the library in, I believe, Middleburg. If anyone is looking for these families please contact me. I will be happy to share research info. Judy Collins - posted 01-99

COLLINS - I checked my ancestor, Archibald COLLINS, of Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY; he is listed in 1860 Census Index (p. 607) as such; he is listed in the Roll of Honor as "Archiball Collins" but is the same: he served as a private in both the B Company and the I Company of the 115th Regiment NYSV (a Montgomery County unit) where he died (reputedly of pneumonia) on September 18, 1864, during the siege of Petersburg, VA. He is buried at City Point National Cemetery, Hopewell, VA, Grave 5, Section E, Division 4. His wife's maiden name was PITCHER. He had a daughter, MARTHA JANE COLLINS, b. Jan. 24, 1853 in Sharon Springs, died October 1943. I am at a dead end as to who Archibald Collins' parents were, or the name of his wife, so any help would be appreciated. Garr Davidson - posted 03-98, updated 10-99

COLLITON - Looking for information on Dennis Colliton born ca. 1819, who was living in Schoharie County, NY at the time of the 1850 census. He was married to Jane TERPENNING born ca.1822. They had the following children: Michael b. 1847, Josephine b. 1845, Margaret b. 1847 and married John Quackenbush, and Mary E. b. 1849. Dennis Colliton had three brothers also living in the county at this time. They were Jerimiah born ca.1811, David born ca.1824, and Michael born ca.1809. Cindy Wilbur - posted 01-97

CONGDON - Looking for date and place of birth of Jonah Congdon. Married Elizabeth (unknown last name). Son Smith Congdon born April 1823 in Schoharie or Otsego County. ANYTHING on Jonah or Elizabeth Congdon would be appreciated. Claudia P. Bement - posted 06-99

CONGDON - Seeking parents of Smith T. Congdon, born 1823, Schoharie County, unknown which town. Subsequently moved to Otsego County, and finally Broome County. May have had a brother, Peter Congdon. Claudia P. Bement - posted 06-98

CONKLIN - I am interested in any information about the movement of a John, Elias, Henry and James Conklin to Schoharie County, probably after 1800. I am told these names were present in Schoharie between 1800 and 1810. My ancestor James Conklin came from Schoharie, settling in Paris Ontario Canada probably around 1825, leading to a long line of Canadian Conklins. He was James6 in the line John(Rye)1, Nicholas2, Elias3, Jan4, John5, James6, John7, etc to me #10. Bob Conklin - posted 02-99

CONKLIN - Lovinia, Born ca. 1806 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY. Married to Count de Grasse Hastings. Possibly married in Utica, NY. Eventually resided and died in Clifford, Oswego Co., NY. Buried in Clifford Cemetery. Contact: Rusty Okoniewski - posted 01-97

COOK - Looking for the ancestry of my Gr. Grandfather Ezekiel Cook, b. abt. 1790, occupation carpenter, possibly born in Schoharie County. He married Gertrude Charity Laraway, of Schoharie in 1813. Gertrude is the daughter of David Laraway and Mary Hooghtaling and was born abt. 1797. The Cooks moved to Seneca County, New York in 1814 where their children, Orson 1814, Cleveland C 1818, Silas 1822, Sally M 1824, and Ariston J. 1833 (b. Kent Co., Michigan) were born. The Cooks then moved to Wayne Co., Michigan in 1829. Ezekiel died in 3-1850 in Cascade Co., Michigan with Gertrude passing in 8-1874 in Allegan, Allegan Co., Michigan. Any information or corrections would be appreciated. Dallas Cook - posted 06-10

COOK - Looking for the father of Henry Cook born September 8, 1786 and died October 21, 1866 in the Town of  Broome. He is buried in the Scott Patent/Hulbert Cemetery with his wife Rebecca Seamen. Henry is supposed to been born in Duchess County, NY. He is the father to Josiah T. Cook who is my second great-grandfather. Ken Lloyd - posted 01-02

COOK - Looking for any family information on Nicholas Cook. Listed in the 1860 census. Shown living in the Town of Sharon, Schoharie County. Thanks in advance for any info you can supply. Joe Gauthier - posted 12-00

COON - Martin Corneilus VanBuren b: March 10, 1782, in Schoharie County d: Sept. 1848 Scriba, Oswego, NY on 29 January 1806 he married Mehetabel Coon b: 11 July, 1782, d: 1 July 1862.
I'm a descendent of their 3rd child, Timothy Coon VanBuren b: 28 June 1809 in Schoharie County, NY d: 2 Nov. 1859 in NY - m: Jane Hill on 1 Feb. 1835. Martin & Mehetabel's other children are: Philena, Elenor, Ann, Martin Corneilus Jr., Peter P. Betsy L., Louisa P., & Daniel Betram.
My Greatgrand Father is the child of Timothy & Jane - Thomas Bryon VanBuren b: 25 May 1840 in Oswego County, NY d: 12 March 1921 Sunfield, Eaton County, Michiganm: Fannie Ann Putnman 4 July 1867. I would appreciate any information of the above families. Janet Baughman - posted 06-11, updated 06-12

COONS/NICKERSON - I am looking for proof of marriage and the first name of the husband of Anna Coons, born abt.1863 in Esperance. Anna was married to a Nickerson, 1st name unknown. They had 2 children, Fred and Edna. Fred was born in 1888, and I believe Edna was born in 1890. Anna died in 1892 & in 1900 the 2 children were living in Middleburg with their aunt, Minnie coons. Anna was listed as Anna Nickerson when she died 10.9/1892 in Central Bridge, Schoharie County, NY. Pam Newton - posted 01-08

COOPER - Need any data on Elizabeth (Betsy) Cooper named as Executrix in will of husband Henry Foland who d. Jan 1813 Breakabeen or Middleburg, Schoharie Co. Will share info. on Folands. Max Dunshie - posted 11-00

COOPER - looking for information on a William Cooper, son of Christian born July 13, 1762, baptized Nov. 27, 1762 sponsors apparently William and Elizabeth Sidney??? Document I have signed by Paul Weidman Pastor  High Dutch Reformed Church dated Schoharie July 2nd 1832 (this is part of William Cooper of Pitt County North Carolina Rev. War pension application papers. Ann - posted 06-99

CORBIN - Looking for any information on Elbert E. Corbin who attended Carlisle Seminary around 1853-1857. Any help is appreciated. Josh Meyer - posted 04-23

CORNELL/CORNWELL - I am looking for any information on family of Robert Cornwell born 1809 in New York and Phebe Tygart, born 1810 in Middleburgh, Schoharie. They were married in Middleburgh on November 23, 1828. I have found a Robert Cornell in the 1840 Census with children listed who would be the same age as Robert Cornwell`s. So I am not sure of his family name. Robert and Phoebe moved to Wyoming County where they lived until their deaths. The name changed from Cornwell to Cornell when Robert`s son, Peter moved to Wisconsin. Peter became Cornell. Those in New York remained Cornwell. Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
     I wanted to update a post from several years ago. I was looking for information on Robert Cornwell and Phoebe(Phebe) Tygart who lived in Middleburgh and were married there in 1829. They moved to Gainesville, Wyoming County sometime around 1840. I have since learned that Robert's father was John Cornwell (Cornwall) from Northern Ireland, most likely the Lough Neagh region of County Tyrone. His wife was possibly Elizabeth. I am unable to find him anywhere except in the 1820 and 1830 census' for Middleburgh. He seems to have moved to Schoharie County from Rensselaar sometime after 1809 when Robert was born. Robert had several brothers and sisters whom I cannot find anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mary Cornell - posted 08-06, updated 02-13

CORNELL - Information on William Oliver, (dob between 1805 - 1820) is this the same man in Teabout household census in Schoharie? - later in Greene Co, NY with Herman Hitchcock 1845, with wife Rachel Laura Denison/Dennison (dob 1835) in 1855. Children Mary K., William H., Roswell S., Frank, Laura Jane, John and Jennie. Am. Indian family. George Cornell (born abt 1862) mother Caroline (born abt 1844) and stepfather George Peck (born abt 1831). Any information is appreciated. susiegen - posted 04-04

CORNAL/CORNELL - I am looking for information on Sarah Cornal (Cornell) b. in Schoharie County, NY abt. 1800 (est.). She married Francis Skinner of Saratoga County. They had three children: Betsey Ann Skinner, b. abt. 1822, Sarah Skinner and John C. Skinner b. 1831 in Stanford Twp, Dutchess County. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Richard Skinner - posted 10-01

CORNELL - Seeking information on the parents of my ggg grandfather, John Cornell, b. 18 July 1794 in Dutchess Co., NY; moved to Gilboa, Schoharie Co., in 1805; married Margaret (Wood?) Effner on Feb 5, 1818. I am seeking the identity of the parents of both John and Margaret. Eugene Buck - posted 01-98

COUNTRYMAN - Looking for information on Joseph H Countryman (b. July 1811); Married Sophia Becker (b. Sep 1813 in Cobleskill, Schoharie, NY) She was baptised at St Peters Lutheran in Seward in Nov 1813. Joseph and Sophia were married in either Schoharie or Onondaga in 1830/1831. they lived in Pamelia, Jefferson NY in 1840 and moved to Illinois in 1841. Kathleen Burdick Hague - posted 05-10

COYE - Looking for information on Luke Coye b 1765 in Conn. Lived in Schoharie Co., in the early 1800's. His children born in Schoharie Co., were David, Amasa, Mercy, Elizabeth. He moved around 1810-14 to Ontario Co. He is listed in Schoharie, Schoharie Co. in the 1800 census. He was married twice, his second wife's name was Mercy Haviland. No information on his 1st wife. Tena and Clay Edwards - posted 01-00

CRANE - Looking for information on Crane family members: Henry Robinson Crane born Nov 14 1809 in Schoharie County, New York to Nathaniel Crane and Ann Bigsby (also looking for parentage of Nathaniel who is said to have come from Connecticut to New York). Married Salome Willard (b. May 20, 109, Herkimer Co., NY to Joseph Willard and Sally Bigelow) and was living in Cape Vincent, NY, by 1839 (running inn "Crane's Corners" - Mary Ellen, Henry, Wilder Willard, Sarah, and Salome born in Cape Vincent). After inn burned in early 1850's moved to Waupaca Co., Wis. Would appreciate any information. Vicky Crane - posted 12-09

CRANE - Searching for the family of Charles H. Crane of Conesville, Schoharie Co., New York. Charles, b. abt 1807 and died bef. 1860, married to Maria (possibly Ann Maria Boughton). Children: Erwin B. Crane, b. abt 1833; Mary Eliza Crane, b. June 26, 1836; Sarah H. Crane, b. 1839 and died 1870; Emily A. Crane, b. abt 1840; Charles H. Crane, b. abt 1842; Mathew Crane, b. March 1849. Mary Eliza Crane married John A. Matthews of Greene Co., N.Y. Jody Coy - posted 10-00

CRANE - Looking for info on Mary Crane b. 1836 Schoharie, Father -----Crane, Mother Anna Crane b. 1788 Dutchess co. Mary married William Ingraham b. 1834 West Fulton. Who was her Father? Dawn Pratt - posted 11-96

CROCKER - Looking for the parents of Ira Crocker b. 12/21814 in Esperance, Schoharie Co, New York d. 4/21/1890 in Springdale, South Dakota. He married Sarah Ett Teeple about 1839. Sarah was born 9/30/1818 in Sloansville, Schoharie Co, New York d. 10/16/1848. They had five children: Benjamin Frank, Francis L, Ira J.G., Elmina P, and Sarah Ett Crocker. Any information on Crocker ancestors would be appreciated. Mike Crocker - posted 10-08

CROMWELL - Harriet Barber/Cromwell, wife of Adam Cromwell, Daughter of William & Abigail Barber, seems to be buried in two separate cemeteries.  First, there is a Harriett M. Barber/Cromwell wife of & buried next to Adam Cromwell in Esperance, Schoharie Co, NY. Stone reportedly shows dob as 1808, dod Sept 24, 1862, age 54 years. Second, there is a Harriet Cromwell, wife of Adam, died July 1, 1851. aged 45 years 4 months. at Carlisle Cemetery, Carlisle, Schoharie Co, NY. Adam Cromwell's parents are also at Carlisle Cemetery. Is there anyone who has access to old records that is able & willing to figure out what is happening? Jacob Thorn - posted 10-07

CROMWELL - seeking information about Phebe Jane (Hare) Cromwell. Was living in Esperance, N.Y. at time of marriage (May 17, 1863) to Adam Cromwell of Duanesburg. Jean Cromwell - posted 07-00

CROSBY - Looking for info On Zilphia (Silvia) Crosby who married William Picket(t) of Middleburgh, NY. It's possible that they lived in the Cobleskill/Howes Cave area later in life. Does anyone have any information on the Crosby's? Terry Scrom - posted 10-01

CROSBY - Searching for information on Dora Crosby, daughter of Henry from Cheshire, Ma. She married E. Frank KNIFFEN 1894 at Middleburgh Methodist Church. Dora was born 05 Dec.1876, possibly at Middleburgh, died 18 Aug. 1921 at Middleburgh. Mother of Delia, Ella, Florence and Harry. Helen Vedder - posted 04-97

CROSS - Seeking marriage records or church affiliation of Austin Cross (B: abt 1794 in Cobbleskill to Amos and Hannah Austin Cross) Married Susan Marshall date unknown abt: 1816-1818. Lori - posted 04-00

CROSS- Looking for information on George W. Cross born 22 Oct 1825 and married in New Rhinebeck-Cobleskill, German Reformed Church, Schoharie, New York on 4 Aug 1850 to Catherine COLLINS born 17 April 1832. Their children were Johnithan E. CROSS, Charles H. CROSS, Mary Ellen CROSS, Sarah Elizabeth CROSS, George W. CROSS, and William E. CROSS. Kerrie Neu - posted 07-99

CROWELL - James Crowell b. 25May1788 d. 26Aug1859 m. Betsey E. ___ b. 26Oct1790 d. 25 Apr1870 ca. 1806 poss. in Sharon, Schoharie County, NY. Two children were born to them in Sharon: Phidelia Crowell b. 9Jan1807 and Alanson Crowell b.2Dec1808. Soon after Alanson's birth, the family moved to Madison County, NY. Seeking maiden name for Betsey or any other data on this family. Diana Gill - posted 01-01

CULVER - Looking for George Whittier Culver b 1838, m Margaret Holton 1860, Son Warren. I do not have the birth date for George or his parents info. Etc. I am trying to see were our Culver line comes to America, and what all we have contributed. Timothy George Culver - posted 01-10

CUMMINGS - Clara, Date of birth: June 9, 1885, place: Warnerville, Schoharie Co., NY. Date of death: November 21, 1952, place: Albany, NY. Father: George Cummings and Jennie Ingraham. 1st marriage: Edward Mickle, 2nd marriage: Leon ALGER, 3rd marriage: Delor Vadney. Contact Frank A. Alger, Jr. at algersacre - posted 12-97

CURRIE - I am looking for any information pretaining to the CURRIE family. 1. John Currie, Born BET 1774 & 1784, Died BET 1820 & 1830 in New York. 2. Thomas Currie, Born EST 1814 in New York, Died EST 1892 -1840 married Hannah Rockwell b. 1818, parent Elias and Polly Rockwell -was a farmer in 1872-73 with 105 acres in Schoharie County, Esperance, NY. 2a Marvin Currie b. 1839. 2b Albert Leroy Currie b. Feb 1841 Schoharie County, Esperance, NY d. 1923. David Parsons - posted 04-16

CURTIS - Looking for any information on Orville Curtis born about 1813,in Schoharie county, lived( since the age of 5) in Middleburgh, NY. died sometime after 1880 ( last census I saw him in). Married to Sarah she was born about 1816 in Greene County, Died? Children, Samuel, Abram, Abner, Ann, Christain, ?, ?, Andrew ( ancestor ). second wife Cinderella between 1860 & 1870. Orville was a farmer. Trying to find where he was born, died, buried, parents name. Candie Drouin - posted 07-05, and updated 08-05

CURTIS - I am looking for information on the surname Curtis. Andrew Curtis born about 1851 or 1856 and died 1897 his wife was Nancy born about 1860, according to the 1880 census. This would be my gg grandfather. Candie Drouin - posted 01-02


DANA - I’m looking for more information on the General James Dana family history in the Cobleskill-Lawyersville area. James settled there sometime after the Revolutionary War, perhaps between 1790 and 1795. He died in 1817 at the age of eight-five and is buried in the Lawyersville Cemetery. Perhaps some of his descendents still live in the area and could help me out. Richard Alvin Dana - posted 02-07

DANFORTH  - Looking on information on the family that once owned the Bull's Head Inn. Doing research for potential book. Michelle - posted 04-08

- Levi Daniels married Angeline Weideman of Middleburgh, Schoharie, in the 1820's. Had daughter Harriet (b. 1825) who later married Julius Augustus of Greene County. Looking for information/leads on any of these people. Mike Day - posted 10-03

DART - The book “GENEALOGY OF THE DART FAMILY IN AMERICA” by Thaddeus Bolton is incorrect for the ancestors of the Dart family that resided in Schoharie County. I have found the records that show that this family is descended from Roger and Keturah Dart. If anyone would like to obtain these records, please contact me at Frank Manning - posted 07-02

DART -- Looking for information on the Dart family that lived in Jefferson. My wife's father was Ezra Dart born in Jefferson. His father was Oscar Victor Dart, also born in Jefferson, November 20, 1885. Oscar's father was Eli Moxley Dart born March 21, 1862. Eli's father was also an Ezra born in 1828, possibly in Jefferson. The next generation was William Dart with an unknown date and place. I am trying to trace them father back. If anyone has access to local information that might give the states where the earlier ancestors were born and their age or any other information, it would be greatly appreciated. Frank Manning - posted 05-99

DAVENPORT - Does anyone have information on the Cyrus Davenport/Devenport family of Sharon, Schoharie County? Cyrus is listed in the 1860 census. This may be the same Cyrus Davenport who farmed in the Town of Grafton, Rensselaer County in the 1820s and 1830s. Cyrus and Eleanor Davenport from Union, Tolland Co., CT moved to Rensselaer Co. in 1822. Cyrus Davenport of Oxford, Mass. and "Elaner" Sheffield published their intentions to marry in Dec. 27, 1806 according to "Vital Records of Oxford, Mass." Vern Erickson - posted 07-01

DAVENPORT - Seeking info on Davenport family/families in Schoharie County around 1790-1820. Those I know of are Martha Davenport, born in 1801 (headstone), married Thomas PALMATIER. Valentine Davenport, born about 1803, married Maria Palmatier, who died in 1839 in Schoharie County, age 38. Esther Davenport, born about 1804, married Peter Isaac Palmatier. Esther died in Schoharie County in 1881. Samuel Davenport, born 1807 (headstone), married Harriet Palmatier. Samuel died in Cortland County in 1871. Dan Stifflear - posted 05-97

DAVIS - Looking for burial information for William H. and Marcia/Marsha. William died bet 1890 & 1900 and Marcia bet 1900 & 1910 in Cobleskill. Children were Nelson B., Nella & Libby. Carolyn Decerce - posted 07-06

DAVIS - Seek info on Lucinda Davis married circa 1802 in Schoharie County, NY. <> has this marriage listed but no further info. Did Lucinda marry Charles Andrus? Was Lucinda a full-blood Mohawk Indian? Nancy H. Machuga - posted 01-06

DAVIS - Looking for information about Sarah E. Davis- was ae 7 on 1850 Schoharie Census daughter of Amos &Elisa Davis, -when did she marry and to whom? Did her parents Amos & Elisa have other children than Sarah? Barbara Tuck - posted 11-04

DAVIS - Would like any information on Amos Davis and Family. His son Ebenezer Davis, wife and children came to MI in 1836. Would like to see them on an 1830 census. Any information greatly appreciated. Sharon - posted 05-01

DAVIS - Looking for ancestry of Mary A. Davis, who married Hiram Hollister Dart (he born 1836 in Jefferson). They had several children including Homer Ralph Dart, b 1870 in Jefferson. Owen Kaser - posted 11-99

DAVIS - Looking for any information on John B. Davis b.1810 NY. Married Eliza McDerby ( b. Aug 13, 1809, Schoharie Co) on May 4,1831 in Broome twp. Ten days later they left for MI . Eliza's parents were Peter McDerby and Catherine Van Wagner. The families Bowen, Dean and John McDerby went with them. Maryellen Davis - posted 10-99

DAVIS - Seeking death and burial information on several DAVIS brothers of Gilboa mid-1800's: Darius T. DAVIS born 1821, Lewis T. DAVIS born 1813, Amos Taber DAVIS born 1804. Douglas V. Smith - posted 03-99

DAVIS - Reuben and Deborah (DAVIS) TOMPKINS lived in Conesville at least until 1860. Are they buried there or to where did they remove? Douglas V. Smith - posted 03-99

DAVIS - - Amongst some papers my grandmother gave me, I found several original deeds. One I have to share is a land deed between John and Betsy DAVIS, and Henry STUBRACH. I'm not sure why this is in our files, as I don't know the relationship to my lines. Have just transcribed the deed dated 1841, and would like to share the info with someone who is interested. Melissa Tobat - posted 03-97

DAVISON - Looking for ancestry of Charles Watson DAVISON who was born in Schuyler or Schoharie Co NY 11/22/1833 and died 11/16/1908. He was a farmer and served in the Civil War. He is probably a descendant of Daniel Davison of Stonington Ct who served in the Revolutionary War. Please see my home page for more of my ancestry at I have uncovered the ancestry of Charles Watson Davison. Daniel Davison and Margaret Low--> Thomas Davison and Hannah Tracy --> Thomas Davison and Lydia Herrick -->Daniel Davison (from Rev War) and Margaret Searles-->Cottington (or Coddington) Davison-->Charles Watson Davison!!! I am interested in others with similar lines Kimberly Knutson - posted 02-99, updated 01-01

DEAN - I am looking for information on the Dean family of Middleburg or Jonesville in Schoharie County. Hiram Larkin Dean is my ggg grandfather, his brother Thompson Dean, and sister Harriet Dean were born in Schoharie Co. Their father was married 2-3 times due to death of first wife FNU Thompson after child birth; second wife FNU Larkin after birth of Harriet Dean in 1820. There are two paternal relationships I seek to clarify is that of Moses Dean and Phinius H. Dean. The father of Moses Dean was a Quaker preacher at Middleburg, NY. There also may be a 1/2 sister Sabrina or Salina Dean but not much is know by the family of her and her mother's name is Sally Dean, nee LNU. Hiram Dean's maternal grandfather is said to be Jehiel Larkin of Sloansville. Some, if not all of the family moved to Aurora, Indiana some time in early 1840's. I am looking for other researchers on this family and sources of records in Schoharie that may enable me to round out background information on the family. Jack Hunt - posted 06-04

DEAN - Calvin Dean's parents were Joel & Mary Dean of Salisbury, Litchfield County, CT. They had moved their family to Schoharie Co., N.Y by 1799, the year Calvin was born. I am looking for the names of Calvin's siblings. Any information will be appreciated. JoAnn Eck DePuy - posted 03-04

DEAN - Looking for information on Calvin Dean b. 1799 Schoharie, and his wife Lucy Griffin b. 1804. Believe they lived in the Conesville Area. They had seven children, Sylvia, Allen, Henry, Laura, Mary, Phoebe, and Emma Jean. Is there anyone else searching for this family. They moved to Ulster Co., in 1851. Any help will be appreciated. I've searched for this branch for 15 years. JoAnn Eck DePuy - posted 03-98

DEAN -Searching for dates and places of death and burial of Joel Dean born 1759, Salisbury, CT, and of Broome in 1838. His wife was Mary. Who was she? Douglas V. Smith - posted 03-97

DECKER - Searching for information about: Leroy Decker ; b. 12.05.1848 - Schoharie County; d. 12.12.1914 (location unknown - buried in Delhi, NY); m. 07.04.1874 Elizabeth Margaret Reed; d. 05.10.1927 at Delaware County, Walton, NY. Maureen J Doyle - posted 01-03

DECKER - Seeking information about my g grandfather - Seth DECKER, b 31 Jul 1885 in Carlisle, Schoharie County, NY; the son of Timothy and (?) Decker. Died 15 Mar 1970 in Auburn, Cayuga County, NY. Known name of one sister: Mary. Seeking any information about Seth's parents or siblings. Kem Hart - posted 05-99

DECKER/BLAINE - searching for info on Willis and Katherine (BLAINE) DECKER. I have no dates to go on except that their daughter, Isabell DECKER ZELUFF died in Schoharie, NY in 1952 and was buried on Staten Island where she and her husband lived and raised their family. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Deborah Ferris - posted 04-98, updated 01-99

DeGRAFF - I am researching the DeGraff line from the Schenectady region that settled in Schoharie co. NY. Nicholas and Helen Nellie Shannon had a large family in the Richmondville area; I have a lot of info on them and want to learn more .. will share of course. ppcross - posted 08-09

DELAMATER - Seeking the marriage date of Abraham Valatie Delamater, b. 1775, Valatie, NY. d. 1852 Broome, and Olive Chapman b. Broome. I do not have any dates for her. Does anyone know who her parents were? Janice Hesselink - posted 05-10

DELANEY/PURCELL/KINNEY - Seeking death/burial info. on TIMOTHY DELANEY, born abt. 1826 in Ireland. Worked on the railroad in Cobleskill. Family included wife, Alice (nee Purcell), sons: Patrick H., Edward and Timothy Jr. and daughters: Anna, Ellen, Alice and Catherine (Kate). The family is listed together in Cobleskill in the 1860 Fed. Census, but by 1870, the family is scattered, and Alice Purcell Delaney is remarried to Patrick Kinney. They still reside in Cobleskill. 1. I would like info. on the Tim Delaney family from the 1865 State Census for Cobleskill. 2. I would like someone to volunteer to lookup probate/letter of administration info. for him at the Court House. (Death bet. 1865-1870) katet1 - posted 01-08

DELAPP - Looking for any information on the Delapp/Garner/Strait lines. Hiram E and George Delapp and their wives, Matilda Garner and Anna L. Oliver in Middleburgh, Esperance and Schoharie areas in or around 1850-1900. Gregg Varno - posted 10-08

DENISON -- looking for information documenting relationship between Thankful Denison Gardner (b. 1760, Ct. and d. 1848, bur in Brookfield, Madison City, NY) and daughter Freelove Gardner York (b. 21 Aug 1794, Cobleskill, Schoharie County, NY and d. 5 Jan 1882, Brookfield, Madison County, NY. m 8 Oct 1816, Brookfield, NY to Ichabod York). Benoni Gardner (b. 1752) is supposed husband of Thankful and is the father of Freelove. Thankful appears in 1820 Middleburgh, NY census as head-of-household. Any information would be most appreciated. Joan Celestino - posted 12-24

DENISON/DENNISON - Information on William Oliver (dob between 1805 - 1820) is this the same man in Teabout household census in Schoharie? - later in Greene Co, NY with Herman Hitchcock 1845, with wife Rachel Laura Denison/Dennison (dob 1835) in 1855. Children Mary K., William H., Roswell S., Frank, Laura Jane, John and Jennie. Am. Indian family. George Cornell (born abt 1862) mother Caroline (born abt 1844) and stepfather George Peck (born abt 1831). Any information is appreciated. susiegen - posted 04-04

- Looking for information on this family who owned a Lumber/Saw Mill in Schoharie County and possibly another business (could of been a grocery or a hotel/tavern). My line consists of one JOHN DENNY born 24 August 1816 NY who married LUCRETTA MCNITT (b 15 Sep 1817 Ellisburgh, Jefferson Co. NY). John's parents are a "unknown", have had researchers in the Jefferson Co Historical Society hunt for his birth record - none is found in that county. Am certain that he was born elsewhere in NY and his family moved to Jefferson Co when he was a infant. John's wife Lucetta has family connections with the Lindsays of Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., and also the Goodenoughs and Wolavers.
I had access to a old photo book which showed a small black & white photo of a Timber Company. The Building had the name  "DENEY" painted on the roof in big letters - the photo looked as though it was taken from a high elevation looking down.  My grandfather said it was the family business but didn't remember who ran it ?(uncle, cousin, grandfather ? -just couldn't remember.)  On the back of the photo a badly mis-spelled Scholarie was written in pencil.  The photo is now lost with the photo book - probably got tossed because it was falling apart.
I really would appreciate any help in getting information on the Lumber Mill and any info on the Deney/Denny family of Horace's.  I did find that Horace Denny married to Eleanor Turk and they had a son named Cornelius Denny     Born: 12 OCT 1849 -   Marr: 1871 - Hannah Elizabeth VanVoris   Died: 21 MAR 1892 - Eminence/New York.  I know nothing more of this family.
My family is again   John Deney (aka Denny, Dany,etc)  married Luzetta McNitt in Ellisburgh, Jefferson Co. NY in 1832  and lived there until 1844 moving to Dundee, Kane Co., Illinois residing 5 years moving back to New York to Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson Co until 1861 and then moved to Outagamie area in Wisconsin.  In 1863 they removed to Morristown, Minnesota where they made their final home.   They had four children total - three boys :Chandler, Edgar, and Thomas/Edward? and one daughter Melissa.  The children spelt Deney, Denney and Denny - pronounced "De Ney".  So the original spelling is uncertain.  Ancestry was of French, Dutch and Scot'.
There is a possibility that a Abraham "DANA"/Denny that is listed in the 1825 Ellisburgh, Jefferson Co NY Census is the father of John Deney - as my John is found on the 1835 Census of same place listed also as "DANA" with the same size acreage.  This particular Abraham Denny would be age 46+plus in 1825 as to the info stat's.  He was the father of two or three boys and three girls also by stat' info.  I believe there was a Abraham Dana/Denny residing in the Schoharie County at one time from my research.  There was also a Solomon Deney residing in Ellisburgh for quite a time and is found in Census'.   Please if anyone has any common names with the ones I mention I really would appreciate your help.
I do now believe that Horace Deney who is listed in the "Gazetteer and Business Directory of Schoharie NY 1872-3" is related to my John Deney of Ellisburgh, Jefferson County NY. Horace Deney is listed twice in this book as follows:
Page 235 Saw Mills DENEY HORACE,. Eminence, Fulton
Page 168 Fulton (Post Office Addresses) DENEY HORACE,. (Eminence), Carpenter and Prop. Saw Mill
I have come across also one Horace Dana which is confusing me as our surname Deney has also been spelt "DANY" & "DANA" on two different census's. Since searching my John Deney has not turned up his parents or siblings I am speculating that indeed Horace Deney of Eminence, Schoharie NY is the one and same "lost relative" of my John Deney of which the photo of the "Saw Mill" my grandfather had... is the clue to my John Deney origins(lineage). I now need to know if the Horace Dana and the Horace Deney are of the same family or same person ?? I've been searching through the "Google Books" for some kind of link. I would appreciate any help or answer to my questions. Janice Deney - posted 07-01, updated 06-10

DENNY - Looking for ancestry of Aurilla Denny, who married John Dart of Jefferson. (John b. 1813 in Jefferson). They had several children, in particular Hiram Hollister Dart b. 1836, Jefferson. Owen Kaser - posted 11-99

DENNY/DENNEY - Searching for information on Darius Denny of Jefferson, Schoharie County, New York (Charlottesville Post Office) and relatives. He was born in Albany County about 1800, married Elizabeth (who was born in Renssalaer County). Children: Ambrose/Ann/Horace/Chester/Alonzo (buried in Wocester, NY) Cornelius/Alvin (who moved to Brandt, PA) and Darius D. (head cut off in railroad accident). Need details on Darius (the father) and his father Richard who was married to Mary (Polly) Roe and removed from Amenia in Dutchess County to Jefferson. Our direct line is Chester (buried either at Stamford or Davenport cemetery - there are conflicting records). Richard bought land from John Taylor in early 1800's on the Straasburgh Patent in Jefferson - lot 62. He gave land to Ambrose and Darius. They traded land lots 63 and 64 back and forth in 1830's. The name Martin Denny also is found in records for Straasburgh Patent lands 99 and 100 as are Jeremiah/Hannah and Nathaniel Denny. We believe Martin may have been Richard's brother. Appreciate any information anyone can provide. We are willing to share our findings. Charla Denny (Syracuse, New York) or John P. Denny (Liverpool, New York) - posted 08-99

DENNY / DENNEY - I am searching for this surname in the counties of Dutchess, Putnam, and Schoharie. I am seeking the parents of Alfred Denny b.1833 somewhere in New York, d. 1873 in Cass Co., MI. The 1830 and 1850 census lists several Dennys' in these three counties that have names common in my family. Any information will be appreciated. Jim Denny - posted 01-97

DeNOYELLES - Looking for information on the DeNoyelles family that lived in Schoharie County. Starting with Edward who was granted land in Schoharie County in the late 1700's, then John DeNoyelles who was married to Elizabeth Freeland. Also looking of information on George B. DeNoyelles who was born in Schoharie County abt. 1821 and married Jane E. Baird. Believe George was the brother of Marshall N. DeNoyelles. Any help would be appreciated. Michael Disorbo - posted 02-04

DeSILVA - Seeking information about Emilia DeSILVA, b. roughly 1810-20 in N.Y. to foreign born (Spanish?) parents and m. abt. 1838 to John
BEER from England. In 1850 this couple resided in NYC, but do not seem to have lived there in 1840. Every clue I have suggests some link to the Joseph DeSILVA impressed by the British on Madeira, who lived in New Jersey and later New York, and drowned in Gilboa. Any and all
information appreciated. Ray Beere Johnson II - posted 09-07

DeSILVA - Searching for information on the offspring of Joseph DeSilva, born 1749 in Madeira, Portugal, who was kidnapped and impressed into the British navy at age 16. Escaped at Philadelphia, spent the rest of his life in New Jersey and New York. He died in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., in the 1830s. He had several offspring, among them Abner (b. 1778), and Joseph, Jr. (b. 1781). Alan DeSilva - posted 01-97, updated 06-99

DEXTER - Looking for any reference to the wife of Dr Thomas Dexter, her name was Phebe Ann Johnson she died in Fulton between 1830-1835, Dr Thomas Dexter remarried a Lydia Anne and moved to Illinois, his son Edwin Moseley Dexter married Sarah Sloat and stayed in Fulton then moved to Middleburgh till his death in 1884. Sarah Dexter died in 1887, Edwin and Sarah buried in Middleburgh, Thomas and Lydia buried in Earl LaSalle Illinois. Any reference to Dr Thomas Dexter's wives helpful. Valorie Sidorksi - posted 02-07

DIAMOND - Looking for information on Jacob DIAMOND b. 1819 and Lucy VROOMAN, his wife. They were married 1836. Need more information on their parents. Also, I was wondering if anyone has pictures of the Diamond Family Cemetery. Shari Murphy - posted 02-13

DIAMOND - I am in search of information on Vianna Diamond born 1877 Middleburgh, NY. Died 09/27/1956 Canajoharie NY. She was married to my maternal GGgrandfather Chauncey Wainwright. It was told to me she was a Iroquois chief's daughter. Sandy Woodbeck Edgerton - posted 02-00

DIBBLE - Looking for information about the ancestry of Polly R.. DIBBLE, b. abt 1818 and died 1898. She was married to George Warner, b. 1804 who died in 1873. They lived in Fulton and possibly Middleburgh and were the parents of Sarah Jane (b. 18540). They are both buried in Middleburgh Cemetery. Any information will be appreciated. Chris Martin - posted 12-08

DIBBLE - Looking for information on the Family of Icabod Crippen Dibble (b.1809) and Candace Denison Dibble (b.1811). Resided in Breakabeen area between 1832-1896. Children were Almira, Maria, Sylvester, Evaline, Josephine, Jesse D, Lewis D., Issac V, Icabod J., Daniel D., and Wesley. Any Information would be appreciated. Martin O'Connor - posted 11-07

DIBBLE - Looking for ancestors and children of Moses Dibble (Abt.b:1-15-1793) (d:9-7-1869) married "Betsy" E. (Abt.b:Jan. 1795) also married to Lucretia ? (Abt. b: 1793) (d: 3-6-1841) buried in Dibble Hollow Cemetery. Believe Ambrose Dibble married to Armenia Crapser (Abt.b:5-30-1814)(d:7-27-1847) they had a son Morgan Dibble (b:2-12-1841in Schoharie Co.) (d:1927 in Pierce Co., Neb). Ambrose may have remarried? and moved to Fulton, NY. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Jeff Ward - posted 01-03

DIBBLE - I am looking for information on Isaiah Dibble b. Abt. 1793 d. Abt. 1850. Lived in Schoharie County and married to Lany Zeh. They had at least 1 child, John Nelson Dibble b. 1835. Roger Ratzenberger- posted 04-00

DICKERMAN - For years there persisted in my family an anecdotal story about the Blenheim Bridge. Louise Dickerman Waite was my grandfather's mother. The story was that the Blenheim Bridge was purchased by her father and presented to her on her birthday, and that the tolls collected were her allowance. None of us had much faith in it's truth. Now we know it was true. Louise Dickerman was born in 1839. She married Charles Waite in 1864, moved to Watertown, New York and then to Manhattan, where she died in 1897. Waddaya know! We Dickerman/ Waite progeny would like to know anything else there is to know about the Dickermans of Blenheim. MTK - posted 10-01

DICKERSON/DICKINSON - My great grandparents were Samuel and Lydia Everett Dickerson. The following children were born in Schoharie County, NY. Mary, b. 24 Jun 1848 Schoharie County, NY; d. 16 Dec 1853 Schoharie County, NY. Avry ?, b. abt Apr 1850 Schoharie County, NY; d. ? Schoharie County, NY. Samuel, b. 1 Jul 1851 Schoharie County, NY; d. Kansas. Everett, my grandfather, b. 7 Apr 1853 Schoharie County, NY; d. Kansas. Eliza, b. 18 Nov 1854 Schoharie County, NY; d. 18 Sep 1856 Schoharie County, NY. I would like to know where in Schoharie County New York they were born and where they are buried (possibly Town of Esperance because they were enumerated there in 1850 - line 24 -- 358/359). Ruth Hair Filbert - posted 02-07

DICKINSON - Seeking information on Asa Dickinson and spouse Elizabeth House and child Elsie Filinda Dickinson born Schoharie Co in 1843. She married Moses Seacord Misner moved to Sullivan Co, NY. Mary Schumaci - posted 03-01

DICKINSON - Seeking information on Asa Dickinson, spouse Elizabeth House, child ..Elsie Filinda Dickinson born 1843 Schoharie Co, NY. Mary Schumaci - posted 08-00

DICKINSON - I'm looking for any information on: Elsie Filinda DICKINSON B.1843 daughter of Asa and Eliz. House DICKINSON of Schoharie county. Michael Ballard - posted 04-99

DICKINSON - Seeking information on Simon DICKINSON, wife Mary A. son Hiram age 3 and daughter Margaret J. age 1, listed on 1850 census living in Middleburgh. Settled in Rock Elm, Wisconsin in 1863, without daughter Margaret. Carole Holcomb - posted 11-98

DIEFENDORF - Looking for ancestral information on Jacob H. Diefendorf b. abt 1821 d. abt 1885 married to Amelia C, Diefendorf born abt 1821. Father to George M Diefendorf. Trying to determine burial site of Jacob and wife. Was Cobleskill merchant circa 1871. All info appreciated. John Cahill, husband to Darlene Diefendorf Cahill, great great great grand daughter to Jacob H. John Cahill - posted 05-14

DIEFENDORF - Seek information on the date and place of death of Catherine Mariah France Sommers Diefendorf, my g-g-grandmother. indicates 1920 as year of death. Her first husband, Peter Nicholas Sommers (not the Domine; note evolution from Sommer to Sommers) is interred at Slate Hill Cemetery in Sharon. Catherine's name and date of birth only are available on the tombstone. Catherine's second husband, Levi Madison Diefendorf, is interred with his first wife, Lucinda Rowley, in the Janesville/Zion Rural Cemetery in Seward Center. Not surprisingly, there is no record of Catherine being interred here. Jean Gossman - posted 11-07

DIEFFENDORF - Rev. William and wife Catherine FAILING had a daughter Magdalena b 2 May 1815 in Sharon Springs. About 1838 Magdalena (Laney Ann) married Edwin BLACKWELL in Sharon. Are there any existing marriage records for that marriage? I am not sure what denomination they were, but when they came later to Ohio, they were active in the local Methodist Church. I am trying to find out more about Edwin Blackwell who was born in England, and when and why he came to America. Any--help would be appreciated. Laney Ann and Edwin are my gggrandparents. Norma Matthews - posted 03-05

DIEFENDORF - Identification of Irving Charles DIEFENDORF, Sr. ~1898, Lawyersville - 10 Sep 1949, Albany, NY. He may have spelled his name "Devendorf". Believed a brother of Peter DIEFENDORF of Cobleskill. Buried in a Cobleskill Cemetery as was his brother. I am searching for the identity of the parents of Irving Charles DIEFENDORF. Randy Diefendorf - posted 06-00

DIETERICH - Jacob Dieterich/Dederick had a son Wilhelmus baptized 1747 in Schoharie Reformed Church. The mother was Margreth Dieterich. By his second wife Catharina Schaeffer, daughter of Reinhard Schaeffer of Frankfort, Herkimer Co., Jacob Dieterich had other children baptized in the Reformed and Lutheran Churches of Schoharie: 1749 - 1761. Who was Jacob Dieterich? have info to share - Douglas V. Smith - posted 01-97

DIKEMAN - My grandmother was Erma Dikeman (maiden name), a descendent of the Major Dikeman mentioned on your site. My dad was born in the Stony Hill house of Major Dikeman, since destroyed and replaced with a Burger King! Would be interested in contacting other descendents and learning more. David Bigham - posted 02-03

DILL - Any information on Harriet Dill born about 1837. In Gilboa 1850 and 1855 census. Who did she marry? I believe she may have been connected to the Henry BAILEY or HITCHCOCK families of that area and possibly came from the Rennselaer area where there were DILL and Bailey families. Also in the Gilboa Cemetery removals there were Aby and Lanya (or Lucy) Dill, which I feel were possibly connected to the above. Don Palmer - posted 11-99

DINGMAN - I have a lady looking for help. Looking for John Dingman. 1700's. Son, Reubeh H Dingman married to Eleanor W. ?. Anyone with Dingman's. May be Western Albany Co. at that time. Ralph Miller - posted 01-98

DINGS - Looking for the parents of Henry Yeager and Mary Dings. Henry was born 5 Jan 1775 in Troy, Rensselaer Co, NY. Moved to Schoharie Co, NY and married Mary Dings, born 1 March, 1779 in Sullivan or Schoharie Co. They married in 1794 in Schoharie Co, NY. They had three sons and one or more daughters born in Schoharie Co, Catherine (1802-1885). Catherine married Michael Latouche (1800-1863), Peter (1814-1905), William (1816-1901) and Henry H. (1818-1896). The family moved to Moscow, Lackawanna Co, PA about 1832. Henry Yeager died 16 June, 1861 in Moscow, Lackawanna Co, PA. His wife Mary Dings died 23 March 1829 in Providence, PA. Henry is buried in Moscow Cemetery, Lackawanna Co, PA. Mary DINGS had one brother John J Dings, born 1782 Sullivan or Schoharie Co, NY who also moved to Lackawanna Co, PA. His wife was Abigail (born 1784) in NY. Would appreciate any information? Lisa Woodward (Yeager) - posted 02-19

DIXON - Would like to confirm births in Seward of Grace Dixon in February 1880 and any info on Mary MONROE Dixon and Charles Dixon. Grace is Mary and Charles' daughter. Am interested in who the Monroe's parents are. Cindy Robinson - posted 01-97

DOCKSTADER - I am researching my ancestors that resided in Schoharie County in 1700 - 1900.The names are Dockstader and Wright. The Wright had a farm on Route 20 between Sharon Hill And Sharon Center, which was in the Wright family since early 1800's. Most of the Wrights are buried in Leesville. I was born in Cobleskill in 1927 and am a graduate of Cobleskill High in 1945. Any information you can send me about Schoharie County and my ancestors would be appreciated. Jack Dorsey - posted 10-99

DODGE - Seeking any information on Amanda Dodge married to Ira van Wormer about 1850 in the town of Wright. Particularly interested in a marriage date or place if one exist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Edward Sallaway - posted 07-07

DODGE - have info to share - Milbrey Otto Burgett - posted 05-97

DOMINICK - Searching for dates and places of death and burial of Sophia (RICKERT) (STERNBERG) Dominick, baptized 1735; wife of Adam Sternberg and John Dominick. Resided Schoharie in 1790. Douglas V. Smith - posted 04-97

DONALDSON - Donaldson, Joshua M born NY about 1815, died 6 Feb 1877 Dakota Co MN. He was a lawyer. Interested in vital information about him, his wife and children. Wife was Sally Rice daughter of John Rice Jr and Sally Hall. Sally born New York State about 1815. Year or place of death not known. Joshua Donaldson found as head of household Esperance Twp, Schoharie Co NY for 1850, 1860, 1870 census. Children included: John R born about 1840, Amelia born about 1843, Mary D born about 1845, Florence Annette born 16 June 1847, Joseph born Oct 1850 Moved to Dakota Co MN. (He married Ella Ranlkin), Eunice H born about 1851 (married Henry Graves about 1873) & Harriet born about 1852. Ed Hall - posted 07-04

DORMAN - looking for information on Daniel Dorman b. 1818 Schoharie Co., m. Eve Shoemaker. Had sons Charles Ward, Jeremiah Mott and Daniel M. Maureen Wilson - posted 07-99

DORN - I am looking for any information on the descendants of two CASEY sisters, both of whom lived in Esperance, Schoharie County, New York. One was Jemima (CASEY) MAGEE, b. 1791 d. 1868, md. John MAGEE b. 1798 d. 1859. They had a daughter Rebecca MAGEE b. 1816 who married Wellington MORRISON. The other sister was Sarah (CASEY) DORN b. 1793 d. (after 1850), who married Alexander J. DORN. They had children Cornelius, George, Antoinette, and Alfred. Any information would be helpful. Adam D. Gibbons - posted 02-02

DOTY - My ancestor Frazy Doty was born 1792 in Schoharie, NY. Looking for anyone researching or related to this person. Sharyn - posted 04-04

DOX - Does anyone have the last name of the wife of George Henry Dox? (Caty) I see in the NYS Library that there is an Index to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Schoharie. Where are those records? Dox was OX or Oxx and before that OCHS. Melchior OX (Ochs) was the father of George Henry Dox b. 1777. I have also been looking for daughter Anna's birth and death. She was married to Martin H.VanBuren. Alas no real records can be found except on George Dox's will. Where does Mary Dox fit in? (or perhaps Anna Maria) In census records 1860 Martin H. is married to Jane Ann Roe. They have 5 children - 4 living. Barney, Margot, (probably after Morgot Neer living next door) Smith and Abram. These children are listed on subsequent census records. Niether can any burial site be located for any of these people. I have seen David and Barney on census in later years but not Smith. Also George and Caty Dox have a son Lambert, the birth record is on the LDS files but never to be seen again. In George's will he lists a son Colonal Dox, a daughter Mary Spore, plus others and heirs at law of Anna Van Buren. including Cornelia VanBuren, widow of Abraham, Mrs. Margaret Kelly, and John Wesley VB, who I believe always lived with the family of John H. VB. as a servant or laborer. LVONDUHN - posted 12-05

DOYLE - I am looking for an obituary for Kenneth H. Doyle, of Slate Hill in Sharon Springs NY, who died at Cobleskill Hospital in approximately 1981. Tedoyle - posted 04-07

DREIER - Seek information on parents, siblings and place of origin of Philipp DREIER/DRIER/DRYER born in Germany 1831, immigrated 1853 to Schoharie, NY, removed to Scranton, PA and died 1898; married 1860 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Schoharie to Elisabeth GROSS born 1842 Germany, immigrated to Schoharie NY 1860, died 1887 Scranton, PA. Children: Peter, William and Frank. Thanks for any information on this family. Barbara Dreier Turner - posted 03-97

DRUM - Looking for information about the ancestry of George B. Drum, b. March 31, 1837 in Schoharie, NY. He was married to Laura Ann Bond in Whiteside County, Illinois on October 6, 1864 or 1868. Laura died in January 8, 1931 in Sedro Wooley, Washington. George died March 21, 1902 in Lyman, Washington. George and Laura were the parents of Loretta Maria Drum (b. 1872), Ella Drum (b. 1887), Louis (b. 1889). In the 1860 Census in Illinois there is mention of a Harriett Drum as a member of George's family who was born in 1841. Any information will be appreciated. Ken Klein - posted 11-08

DRUM - Trying to locate information on Aaron Drum and Betsy, parents of John Gibson Drum (1818-1910) who is buried in Bramanville Cemetery. Have information on Lorenzo Drum (also their son). Amy Colyer - posted 11-07

DUEL/DEUEL - I am looking for the parents of Henry Franklin born in Cobleskill, Schoharie around 1779. He married Mary Duel. Abby Ivory - posted 08-11

DUEL/DEUEL - Researching all, but mainly at moment, ROBERT Deuel/Duel. Have most of his children-but no dates for him. He was listed in 1800-1810 census. Lines into his were Potter (Judith); Franklin (Henry) & Tripp. Cheryl Deuel - posted 10-99

DUTCHER - Looking for descendants and other information from Henry DUTCHER aged 22 found in the 1850 Middleburgh, Schoharie Co. Census. Parents and siblings etc. How is he connected to the CLARKES of that area too? Sharon Henke - posted 01-99

DUTCHER - Christina Dutcher was born 1801 in Coxsackie, NY. Her husband was Richard B. Clark born Jan 18, 1795. Christina Dutcher Clark's name was found in a book titled "Gravestone Inscriptions of Schoharie Co. NY" Vol. VI 1932. The book stated she was buried in Middleburgh Cemetery, NY. Her husbands name is listed but no date of death. Cannot find anything on a Dutcher family with Christina as a child. Any info appreciated. M. J. Sweetnam - posted 12-98

DYKEMAN - Elizabeth REILLY(1839-1866) married Nicholas DYKEMAN (1830-??) ca 1856 in Duanesburgh, Elizabeth is buried in Esperance. I find Nicholas as carpenter in Lansingburgh in 1870. Their children were Mary C (~1857-??), Elida F "Liddie" (~1858-??) and Eva Belle (~Jan 1863-??). I don't know what became of any of them. All leads appreciated. Bob Fairchild - posted 05-19

DYKEMAN - Searching for information on ancestors of Charles S. Dykeman b. 1850 d. 1924 m. 7-24-1874 to Florence (Flora) CLEVELAND b. 1857 d 1904. They are buried in Richmondville, Schoharie Co. One son named Cleveland Dykeman b 1888 d 1961 m. Anna SPRAGUE b. 1889 d 1966. Thank you for any information. Jo Hedgepeth - posted 07-97

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