Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

People of Schoharie County, NY

Perley Brown of Jefferson and Parley Brown of Summit, New York 

submitted by Norman R. Brown

After nearly 50 years of research, I have finally put together the direct line of my Brown ancestors going back to Edward Brown, the first immigrant [of this line] to America. NormanRobertBrown.pdf

I am also attaching a direct line of my third cousin, three times removed, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Henry Billings Brown, who is of the same lineage. Granted, he never lived in Schoharie County, but he does have the Perley/Parley Brown connection. HenryBillingsBrown.pdf

The relationship of Justice Brown to Perley Brown and his son Parley Brown.
     Perley Brown (father) = 1st cousin, twice removed
     Parley Brown (son) = 2nd cousin, once removed
     Me (Norman R. Brown) = 3rd cousin, three times removed


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Welcome Page of the Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page established August 4, 2009