Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Submitted by Loretta Lounsbury

Obituaries from the Gilboa Monitor

For some reason, the editor (P.T. Hoagland) of the Gilboa Monitor started calling his newspaper, the Catskill Valley Monitor. Anyway, the issues from May 31, 1878 thru Nov 1, 1878 were entitled the CVM. Basically it carried the news from the same locations as the GM had.

May 31, 1878 Issue (Catskill Valley Monitor):

Chittenden - In Durham, on the 19th inst., Mrs Sybil H. Chittenden, aged 88 yrs.

Weeks - In New Baltimore, the 13th inst., Ezra Weeks, aged 71 yrs.

Munger - In Windham, the 14th inst., Mrs Sylvester Munger aged 69 yrs.

Breasted - In Catskill, the 14th, inst., Mrs. James Breasted Aged 72 yrs.

August 9, 1878 Issue:

Bull - in Conesville, Aug 1, Margaret Bull, aged 90 yrs.

December 26, 1878 issue:

Stryker - In this village on the 22nd, inst., Mr. B. W. Stryker, 78 yrs.

January 2, 1879 issue:

Cornell - At Flatt Creek, Dec 31st, Helen, infant daughter of Orlando Cornell, aged 8 months.

Almy - At Oak Hill, Dec 20th of typhoid fever -- John Almy - aged 28 yrs.

Russ -- At Conesville, Dec 28th of dropsey - Henry Russ.

Feb 6, 1879 issue:

West - At Blenheim, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Adelbert West.

Clarke - At. South Gilboa, Jan 15th, Alfred Clark, 66 yrs

Jones - At Manorkill, on the 31st ult., Mrs. Jones aged 27 yrs (no first name given)

Ellison - At Flat Creek, Feb 3rd Miss Martha Ellison, aged 24 yrs.

Bushnell - In Conesville, on the 2nd ult., Sarah F. Bushnell, aged 33 yrs.

Turner - In Broome, Jan 7th of Palsy, Mrs. Celinda Turner, aged 76 yrs.

Patchin - In Jefferson, Jan 11th, Maria Patchin, wife of Justine Dyer, aged 47 yrs.

Hussong - At Breakabeen on the 23rd ult., Willie, son of Leopold and Catherine Hussong, aged 8 yrs, 11 mos, 23 days.

Danforth - In Middleburgh, Jan 26th, Cornelia Swart Danforth, widow of George Danforth, aged 82 yrs.

Feb 13, 1879 issue:

Clark - January 28th, James Clark, proprietor of the West Fulton Hotel, aged 53 yrs.

Woodbeck - In Jefferson on the lst inst., Elizabeth, wife of J. Woodbeck, aged 33 yrs.

Newberry - In Middleburgh, on the 25th ult., of diptheria, Dora M., eldest daughter of Orrin and Elizabeth Newberry, aged 11 yrs.

Feb 20, 1879 issue:

Miller - In Harpersfield, Feb 13th, George Miller, aged 70 yrs.

Shafer - At Blenheim, Feb 18th, Miss Eva Shafer, aged 73 yrs

Sherman - In Broome, Jan 11, Rev. Benjamin Sherman, aged 87 yrs

Bouton - In Roxbury, on the 12th inst., Jeremiah Bouton, aged 81 yrs

Settle - In the Town of Wright, on the 4th inst., John H. Settle, aged 75 yrs

Woodvine - At West Conesville, Feb 7th, Mrs Woodvine aged over 80 yrs (no first name)

White - At Oak Hill, Town of Schoharie, Feb 11th, Isaac P. White, aged 80 yrs.

Lamb - Near Bloomville on the 8th inst., John Wesley Lamb, aged about 42 yrs.

Jones - At Conesville, on the 30th ult., Amelia C., wife of George Jones aged 27 yrs

Fredendall - In Schoharie, Feb 9th of paralysis of the heart, Philip Fredendall, aged 69 yrs

Gaylord - In Harpersfield, Feb 16th Mrs Phebe, wife of Harry N. Gaylord, aged about 63 yrs.

Kniskern - At Blenheim on the 13th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Hamilton Kniskern, aged 45 yrs

Waldron - At Breakabeen, Feb 11th, Belle, youngest daughter of John & Azuma Waldron, aged 1 year, 8 mos and 12 days.

Feb 27, 1879 issue:

Tryon - At. West Conesville, Feb 20, Mrs Tryon -- aged 79 yrs

Sawyer - In charlotteville, Feb 17th, Daniel Sawyer, aged 39 yrs

Smith - In Conesville, Feb 24th, Frank, infant son of Wm. Smith, aged 8 mos.

Allen - At her residence in Richmondville, Feb 14th, Mrs Almira Allen 31 yrs

Van Patten - In Cobleskill, Feb 20th, Mrs. Van Patten, mother of the late A. VanPatten, aged 77 yrs.

Wormer - At Middleburgh, Feb 1, Mary, widow of the late John Wormer in her 83rd yr.

Smith - At Philadelphia, on Sat Feb 15th, Dr. Charles A. Smith, formerly of Schoharie.

March 6, 1879 issue:

Shafer - In Blenheim, Feb 28th, infant son of Gideon Shafer, aged 9 mos.

Reed - In Harpersfield - Feb 18th, Mrs Henrietta, wife of Lewis S. Reed, aged 59 yrs.

Wheeler - In Middleburgh, Feb 20th of consumption, Dr. John D. Wheeler, aged 46 yrs.

Matthew -- In Windham, Feb 26th of pneumonia, Mrs. Huldah Matthews aged 77 yrs.

April 3, 1879 issue:

Jackson - at Gilboa, March 30, Mrs. J. I. Jackson - 64 yrs

Hainer - at West Conesville, March 30th, Mrs. O. Hainer, age 64

Becker - at Prattsville, March 30, Mr. John Becker

Dearstine - at Breakabeen - March 30, Mathew Dearstine, aged 5 yrs

May 5, 1879 issue:

Bates - at this home near West Richmondville, April 29th, Arthur J. Bates, aged 23 yrs.

May 29, 1879 issue:

Hawver - In Conesville, May 16th, Betsey, wife of James Hawver in the 83rd year of her age.

July 10, 1879 issue:

Richtmyer, Jacob - In Conesville, July 8th, aged about 70 years.

July 24, 1879 issue:

Tousley - at West Conesville, July 18th, Mrs. A. Tousley, aged 20 yrs

Shew - At Shew Hollow, July 15th, Rev. J. T. Shew aged about 36 yrs.

Aug 14, 1879 issue (Editorial from the Gilboa Monitor):

Author of "America's Resolution to Oppose British Taxation" was Bela Strong. He was born in Hartford County, Conn., August 5, 1732, removed to Durham, Greene County, NY in 1785, where he remained to the time of his death Nov 13,

Sept 18, 1879 issue:

Robinson - In Gilboa, Sept 13th, Emery Robinson, aged 56 yrs.

Harris - In Gilboa, Sept 14th, Sarah M. Harris, daughter of James Harris, aged 6 yrs.

September 25, 1879 issue:

Decker - In Grand Gorge, Sept 23rd, Pearl H. Decker, son of Omar Decker, aged 2 yrs and 10 months.

Stevenson - In Andes, Sept 10th of heart disease, Rev. E. H. Stevenson, principal of Andes College Institute, aged 58 years.

October 2, 1879 issue:

Schermerhorn - In Gilboa, Sept 30th, Warren, son of Willard Schermerhorn, aged 6 years.

Oct 16, 1879 issue:

Roe - In Gilboa, Oct 13th, Richard, son of Loren Roe, aged 12 years

Hitchcock - In Gilboa, Oct 12th, infant son of D. Hitchcock aged 7 months.

Mueller - At Grand Gorge, Oct 11th, Miss Libbie Mueller, Aged 18 yrs.

Dudley - In Blenheim, Oct 10th, Eliza, wife of Addison Dudley, aged 33 yrs.

October 23, 1879 issue:

Phelps - In Gilboa, Oct 20th, Charles A. Phelps, aged 34 yrs

LeRoy - In Conesville Centre, Oct 12th, Willie, son of Z & M LeRoy aged 4 months.

October 30, 1879 issue:

Mackey - At Minnieaspolis, Oct 22, Joseph Mackey, Esq, formerly of Gilboa aged 58 yrs. Born in Town of Gilboa May 17, 1822.

Paddock - In the Village of Preston Hollow, Oct 23, 1879, Rev. Seth Paddock, aged 93 yrs and 5 months.

Nov 13, 1879 issue:

Smith - At Manorkill, Nov 7th, Tobiatha Smith, aged 87 yrs.

Conroe - At Conesville, Nov 8th, George Conroe, son of Gilbert Conroe, 14 yrs.

Oles - At Hobart, Nov 10th, Olive, daughter of F. Oles, aged 4 yrs.

Dec 18, 1879 issue:

Dise - In Gilboa, Dec 10th, Mr John Dise, aged 81 years.

Benjamin - In Gilboa, Dec 14th, Martha Benjamin, age 80 years.

December 25, 1879 issue:

Sprague - In Gilboa, Dec 20th, Libbie, daughter of John Sprague, aged 3 yrs.

Burnette - In Medusa, Dec 15th, Mrs Susan Burnette, aged 56yrs 11 months

Sayre - In Cooksburgh , Dec 17th, Col. Silas Sayre, aged 73 yrs.

Jan 1, 1880 issue:

Chichester - At Broome Centre, Dec 24th, Adonijah Chichester, aged 93 yrs, Mr. C. was one of the oldest residents of this town.

Jan 8, 1880 issue:

Simpson - In Stamford Jan 5th, George Simpson, aged 35 yrs.

Houghtaling - In Prattsville, Jan 3rd, J. S. Houghtaling, aged 68 yrs.

Walker - In Broome Centre, Dec 2nd, Abram A. Walker, aged 35 yrs.

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