Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Newspapers in Microfilm - Schoharie County, NY

Newspaper Microfilm at the New York State Library and in Libraries around New York State

A word on inter-library loan: The New York State Library loans most of its newspaper microfilm, but some libraries around the state may not. It is always a good idea to contact institutions to ask if they do lend microfilm. If so, initiate a request for the film at your local library. This state-wide bibliography is a service provided by the NYSNP but does not imply nor insure access to collections.

The New York State Library only accepts interlibrary loan requests from libraries. For additional detailed information, see the Interlibrary Loan web page.

For specific questions about New York State Library microfilm, whether you want to know what the NYSL owns in microform or if you need to know how to borrow it: contact the Microform Area of the NYSL directly at (518) 474-3092.

The following are located at the Middleburgh Library History/Genealogy Room.

Middleburgh Gazette:
October 7, 1891 to Sept. ??, 1894
Jan. 13, 1898 to Oct. 5, 1933

Middleburgh News:
Feb. 8, 1890 to Dec. 27, 1894
Jan. 6, 1898 to Dec. 27, 1900
Jan. 3, 1901 to June 24, 1982

Missing for the year 1956 are 1/5 - 1/12 - 4/19 - 4/26 - 5/3 - 5/10 - 5/17 - 5/24 - 9/13 - 9/20 - 9/27 
11/1 - 11/8 - 11/15 - 11/22

There may also be an issue missing here and there.

Anne LaMont - May 24, 2005

Welcome Page of the Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page established February 24, 1998 and last updated March 01, 2007