Schoharie County NY GenWeb Site

Schoharie County Migrations

This is a list of migrations in and out of Schoharie surnames and people researching them. Have your name and email added to the list by sending an email to Doug Boyer. The email should say 'Migration' as the subject. The list is alphabetized by surname. Women's surnames should be the maiden name with the married name also provided. It may be necessary to scroll across the page to view all columns in some browsers.


Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                   Migration    Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                         Date
Adams         Jeremiah                              Gilboa                Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY bef 1870     Kathleen Hartley

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                   Migration    Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                         Date
Baring        Susan         Rider      ca 1788/?    Dutchess Co.          Schoharie Co.               bef 1855    Marlene Dopp
Brittan       Daniel                   ca 1815      Livingston Co.        Schoharie Co.               aft 1860    Leila Menzies
Brittan       Charlotte (wid of Daniel) ca 1823     Schoharie Co.         Schenectady Co.             aft 1871    Leila Menzies
Brooker       Daniel                ca 1785/ca 1863 Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               abt 1825    DeForest Brooker
Brooker       John                     ?/bef 1854   Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               bef 1810    DeForest Brooker
Brooker       Joseph                   ca 1786/1874 Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               bef 1810    DeForest Brooker
Brooker       Peter                    1775/1843    Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               bef 1810    DeForest Brooker
Brooker       Sylvester S              ca 1790/1853 Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               bef 1840    DeForest Brooker
                Note: The five Brooker brothers migrated from Columbia County, NY to Cobleskill
                      (later Richmondville). Four stayed for the rest of their lives, while
                      John quickly moved on, eventually to Canada.

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration    Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                          Date
Christ       George                    b. Germany   Schoharie Co.         Tulpehocken, PA             1728         Margaret Crist Calvin
Cole         Addison                   1885/1954    Schoharie Co.         Greene Co., NY              aft. 1900    Sharon Cole Smith
Cole         Elra                      1888/1918    Schoharie Co.         Greene Co., NY              aft. 1900    Sharon Cole Smith
Cole         Harmon                                 Sharon                Cherry Valley, Otsego Co.   abt 1819     Lori Driver
                Note: Harmon Cole lived in Sharon ca. 1810-1819

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration    Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                          Date
Delaney      Patrick Henry             1849/1921    Cobleskill            Oneida, Madison Co.         abt 1873     Kathleen M. Thomas
Dickerson    Samuel                    abt 1813/    March,Cambridgeshire,                             1847         Ruth Filbert
Dickerson    Samuel                    abt 1813/                          Monticello, Jones Co., IA   aft 1856     Ruth Filbert

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration    Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                          Date
Everett      Lydia          Dickerson  abt 1813/    March, Cambridgeshire,                            1847         Ruth Filbert
Everett      Lydia          Dickerson  abt 1813/                          Monticello, Jones Co., IA   aft 1856     Ruth Filbert

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                          Date
Gates        Elizur                    1770/1830    East Haddam,          Sharon                      bef 1800      Kathryn Bush
                                                    Middlesex Co, CT
Gates        Elizur                    1770/1830    Sharon                Manlius, Onondaga Co. NY    bef 1810      Kathryn Bush
Greening     Isabelle M     Mallery    1874/?       WI                    Sharon Springs              1919          Mallory Smith

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
             Name           Name                     From                 To                          Date
Hertzog      Hieronimus                ?/?          Germany               Schoharie                   1722-23       Coleen Perdue
              Note: Had child bp. at Schoharie Church 1738.  He may have been in Orange County, NY or
                    Somerset County, NJ before going to Schoharie.

Surname      First          Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
             Name           Name                    From                  To                          Date
Judd         A. Hamilton               b. ca. 1804  Schoharie Co.         Madison Co., NY             bef 1855      Mary Walters
       (wife Laura Carter, from Greene, b ca. 1803)

 Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date
Lamont        William                  1756/1852    Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               1791?         Jeff Lape     
LaMonte       William, Jr.             1784/1847    Columbia Co.          Schoharie Co.               abt 1806      Robert Campbell
       (He migrated with his wife Jane Stilwell, b.1785 d.1863, daughter of Thomas Stilwell b.1751 d.1834.
       (Thomas migrated to South Worcester Otsego Co. about 1806). All are buried in Charlotteville)
Lape          Andreas                  1777/1838    Rensselaer Co.        Schoharie Co.               1814          Jeff Lape
Lape          Samuel                   1751/1831    Rensselaer Co.        Schoharie Co.               1814          Jeff Lape
Lape, Jr.     Samuel                   1796/1867    Rensselaer Co.        Schoharie Co.               1814          Jeff Lape

Surname       First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date
Mallery       Samuel A                 1858/1941    WI                    Sharon Springs              1919          Mallory Smith

 Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date
Neer          Charles                  1753/1826    Rensselaer Co.        Schoharie Co.               1791?         Jeff Lape

Surname       First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date
Rider         Gibert Austin            1827/1902    Schoharie Co.         LaCrosse Co., WI            after 1855    Marlene Dopp
Rider         William                  1784/?       Dutchess Co.          Schoharie Co.               before 1855   Marlene Dopp

Surname       First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date

Salisbury     Jane L.       Zimmer     1856/1919    Schoharie Co.         Greene Co., NY              1879          Peggy Strieby
             Note: In looking at the Migration List there is a mistake for both Jane Salisbury and
                   Peter Zimmer. Peter and Jane were married in 1878 and were living near the
                   Richmondville Church. Their first child, William, was born in 1880 in W. Fulton.
                   Therefore, they couldn't have migrated to Greene County in 1879. Unfortunately I
                   can only document the above information and do not know when they migrated to
                   Greene County. Betty Kent

Snyder        Lela          Lowell     1878/1948    Schoharie Co.         Herkimer, NY                1894?         Doug Boyer

 Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date
Terpenning    Jacob                    1755/1813    Ulster Co.            Schoharie Co.               1791?         Jeff Lape

Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated               Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
             Name          Name                    From                   To                          Date
VanSant/     Joseph                    1786        Carlisle               Oswego Co.                  1840          Gary Bushaw
                      Note: Married Elizabeth Polk/Pollock in 1817 in Carlisle.
                            Migrated to Jefferson Co. in 1850 then St. Lawrence Co. in 1860.

Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated               Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
             Name          Name                    From                   To                          Date

Young(s)     Peter J                  1771/1862    Schoharie Co.          Cortland Co.                             LeRoy J Youngs

 Surname      First         Married    Born/Died    Migrated              Migrated                    Migration     Submitter
              Name          Name                    From                  To                          Date

Zimmer        Peter A                  1842/1928    Schoharie Co.         Greene Co.                  1879          Peggy Strieby
          Note: In looking at the Migration List there is a mistake for both Jane Salisbury and
                Peter Zimmer. Peter and Jane were married in 1878 and were living near the
                Richmondville Church. Their first child, William, was born in 1880 in W. Fulton.
                Therefore, they couldn't have migrated to Greene County in 1879. Unfortunately I
                can only document the above information and do not know when they migrated to
                Greene County. Betty Kent

Migration lists for surrounding counties include:

Delaware County
Greene County
Otsego County

A Note to Researchers using this Web-site: As you use this site, please keep in mind the difference between primary and secondary sources and the importance of building a preponderance of evidence. Accept nothing without further checking. It is our hope that through this collection of data from many sources, you will find a piece of the puzzle that you are working on and that may lead you to further discoveries.

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Welcome Page of Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
This page established July 27, 2001 and last updated May 01, 2012