Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
Submitted by Kathleen M. Thomas
From the Cobleskill Index dated April 2, 1870:
Married: DELANEY-CROSS -- At the Exchange Hotel, Cobleskill, March 23, 1870, by T. W. Reily, Pastor of St. Paul's, Edward Delaney of Cobleskill to Myra M. Cross, Leesville.
*NOTE: Edward Delaney, for unknown reasons later changed his family's surname to Purcell, the maiden name of his mother.
From the Cobleskill Index dated Feb. 15, 1877:
Married - DELANEY- McCABE -- On Saturday eve Feb. 10th, by Rev. Father Brosman, Mr. Timothy Delaney of Cobleskill to Miss Julia McCabe of Albany.
From the Cobleskill Index dated July 18, 1895:
Married: PURCELL-LINSTER -- At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Linster, West Main street, Cobleskill, Rev. O. J. Kingsbury, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Mr. Edward J. Purcell and Miss Jennie Linster, both of Cobleskill.
Monday morning at 6:00 o'clock, Mr. Edward Purcell and Miss Jenny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Linster of West Main street were united in matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents. Rev. O. J. Kingsbury, pastor of the Baptist Church officiating. Miss Florence Kieth of Hamilton was bridesmaid, while Stanley Purcell of Eaton, NY, a brother of the groom, acted as best man. Only the immediate relatives of the interested parties were present. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Purcell were driven to Richmondville, where they boarded the westbound train for Eaton. Many friends extend hearty congratulations.
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