Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

First Part - Paternal Line
(Jurian Young and His Descendents)

By J. A. Young of Chilhowee, MO, May 1886

(Please be aware that there do seem to be some discrepancies within these notes...minor errors...but I have left them as written. There is a book called The Youngs of the Mohawk Valley written by Clifford Young in 1947. In it he says that it appeared that Jurian Young's son Abraham never married or had children. This, however, is the documentation of Abraham's line. Evidently, Clifford missed something somewhere! - Nancy E. McNicol - contributor)

Jurian Young,

Born probably1 in Germany in 1727, died in 1799 at Kingston, N.Y., where his will remains, naming 6 sons and five daughters, as follow: Peter, Henry, Mathies, Jeremiah, Abraham, John2, Elizabeth, Margaret, Catharine, Christina and Mary Young.

Abraham Young

Born April 10, 1764, married HANNAH WINNE who was born May 1, 1769. He died February 1, 1820. She died October 7, 1831.

They lived and died about a mile west3 of Potter's Hollow, N.Y., and were buried a mile east4 of that place.

Abraham Young left five sons and two daughters, Uriah, Peter, Hosea, Cornelieus, Jonas A., Mary and Hannah Young.

1. Uriah Young

Born about 1789 to 1792, died July 11, 1842, was twice married. First wife, Nellie, or Eleanor Frayer, by whom he had living at his death, Abram, Sally (Hoag), Moses and Parley Young.

By his second wife, Elizabeth Richmond, he left Eleanor Jane, Stephen. B. and Madison B. Young.

Abram Young married Susan Richmond5 Richtmeyer. He died January 7, 1856, aged about thirty-seven leaving Grosvenor, Isadora Orr, Mary Herring, Hosea and Emma L. Soules (dead).

Sally married David Hoag at Sharp's Corners (Upper Lisle), N.Y., where her father had removed before his death, but died soon after her father, leaving no children.

Moses, wife, Lucinda Cook, nee Haskins, died leaving wife (since married) and children, Mary J., dead; Obadiah, Henry, Uriah, Juliette and Gideon Young.

Parley, Born September 13, 1824, wife, Margaret Richmond, only son, Hanson B., died 1878, aged about twenty (a cripple, but extremely ingenius; --made a sewing machine almost wholly of wood, that sewed).

By second wife Uriah Young had Eleanor Jane, married Willard Gutches, has two sons, Charles and William

Stephen B., born 1835, unmarried.

Madison B., wife, Mary A. Shepherd, two children, George, dead, and Elizabeth Young.

2. Peter Young

Born 1794-95, died May 1869, was three times married. First wife Hannah Hollenbeck, who died 1844, had Julia Nieman, Hannah Phelps, Cyrus, Richard, Cornelius H, Lucina Cutter, Orpha Gibson, Uriah and Helen A. Young.

Julia, dead; husband, Joseph Nieman of Bangor, Mich., left A.J., R.C., Em., Etta and Orlow.

Hannah, born 1823, died April 28, 1885; husband, Edward H. Phelps, had Alice, dead; Corydon, Clara, dead; and Mary Phelps.

Cyrus, born May 22, 1825, wife, Mary E. Hamilton; has Ella Elizabeth Bucher, Phineas A., Hattie Arabella and Allison S. Young.

Richard, wife, Abba E. Drew, both dead; two living sons, Albert L. and Clyde.

Cornelius H., and wife, Harriet S. Drew, have Ida E. and Vida (twins), Wilfred A., Carrie and Hattie Young.

Lucina, born 1831, husband, Chauncey D. Cutter, who died August 26, 1872, in Texas; has one son, Linton Manning, born September 7, 1858, and two daughters, Lillie R. Anderson, Born July 17, 1860, and Nettie Orpha Cutter, born July 30, 1870; post-office, Buffalo Springs, Texas.

Orpha, born April 15, 1834, married Francis Gibson about 1880, died February 27, 1884, in Texas; no children.

Uriah died unmarried, May 2, 1857, in his twenty-first year.

Helen A. died May 5, 1845, in her 2d year.

Peter Young's second wife, Martha Turner, died April 12, 1852, in her thirty-seventh year. Her only child, Lumina, died March 18, 1855, in her fourth year.

His third wife, Hannah Felter, is still living; no children.

3. Hosea Young

Born January 28, 1798 married Sally Josslyn Black, April 9, 1822. He died near Chilhowee, Mo., May 31 1876. She was born at Wardsboro, Vt., August 21, 1799, and died March 4, 1868, both buried in family burial place, 1 ¼ miles south of Chilhowee village. They had seven children, Aaron W., George B. Elizabeth M. Tucker, Lucy L., Hannah Barnum, Jonas A. and Homer H. Young.

Aaron Winne,9 born February 4, 1823, unmarried.

George Black10 born March 27, 1825; married Caroline Fox January 27, 1858; died in Chilhowee Mo., July 7, 1876; wife died February 8, 1879; no children.

Elizabeth Mary,11 born July 24, 1826, married Amasa A. Tucker, August 8, 1872; died at Houston, Texas, June 23, 1875, reinterred in family burial place January 30, 1876; no children.

Lucy Louisa,12 born June 29, 1829, died unmarred, at Chilhowee, Mo., September 22, 1875.

Hannah, born February 24, 1833, married Enoch Barnum July 31, 1862. They have three children, Marion Young,13 born January 4, 1866; Sally Annetta, March 23, 1868, and Lucas Hosea Enoch Barnum, born October 22, 1877.

Jonas Abram, born November 4, 1836, unmarried.

Homer Hosea, born Feb. 1, 1841, unmarried.

4. Cornelius Young

Born February 21, 1800, died December 16, 1875; wife, Hannah Hamilton. They left John H., David H., Louisa A., then twins Almyra J. and Emily A., and Eli Young.

John H. and wife Delia D. Snow have Alfred D. , Walter D., Inez Harger, Howard S., and Clara Louisa Young.
David H., born 1832, and wife, Mary A. Schaffer, have Ethel A. Springer, Ada A., roscoe E., Ralph D., and Ivy A. Young.

Louisa A., and husband, James W. Dixon have Clarence E., Wallace, Charles, Oscar, and Hattie Dixon. Almyra J., and husband, Erastus Kelsey, have Amy, Gertrude, Adaline, Edgar, and Myrtle Kelsey.

Emily A. and husband, Monroe Stanley, have one daughter, Myra Stanley.

Eli, and wife, Emily R., have one son, Orville S. Young.

5. Jonas Abram Young

Born March 20, 1803, married Sarah Ann Labertoo in 1828; lost her in 1874; has Converse T., Cornelius L., William Edwin, and Harriet L. Young.

Converse T. married Jane M. Wilson. She died in 1885. They had Eben J., Mary A., Mattie E., and Dot Young. Only Mattie E. living.

Cornelius L. married Francelia Price; no children.

William Edwin and Harriet L., unmarried.

6. Mary Young

Born May 7, 1804, married John Hamilton, December 24, 1830; husband died May 1, 1850.

They had William R., born November 9, 1832; died June 19, 1883, leaving a wife, Alvira Wilson.

George A., born September 26, 1835; unmarried.

Abram, born February 19, 1838, and wife, Mary J. Wilson, have, John F., Walter A., William H., Charles,
and Fannie Grace Young.

Melvina A. Hamilton, born December 24, 1841, husband Jerome Gregory, has one child, Mary Gregory.

John J. Hamilton, born November 11, 1844, and wife, Ann L. Coleman, have Mary E. and George J. Hamilton.

7. Hannah Young

Born January 25, 1812, married Abram Ladue December 29, 1836, and died May 30, 1861, near Montezuma, N.Y. where her husband still lives with second wife, Maria L. Woolford.

Their children were Mary Jane Lee, herself and both children dead.

Edgar and Emma, twins, John, Ambrose, Adelaide, Mortimer, Commodore and Birdette A. Ladue

Edgar, and wife, Celia Lane, of Tampico, Ill., have four children, two sons and two daughters.

Emma, and husband, Norman Watson, have one son.

John, widower with one duaghter, Ambrose, born January 1, 1844, died in Andersonville Prison, unmarried.

Adelaide, widow of William Cowan; no children.

Mortimer, wife, and one daughter, Commodore, born November 15, 1849, drowned September 4, 1885.


Note 1. Tradition says the son of one of three brothers, who first settled in Connecticut.

The Youngs were called High and the Winnes Low Dutch.

Dates 1727 and 1799 are from a fly leaf of Abraham Young's bible, now in possession of Jonas A. Young, at Augusta, Mich., his youngest and only living son.

Below is a copy of Jurian Young's will, with capitals (as nearly as may be) placed as in the original, now on file at Kingston, N.Y.

The name, written by the party who drew the will, shows two forms, and would, perhaps, in English, be George. Aunt Mary says his name was George, and my father said the same, as I learn by referring to my diary of 1852. The Dutch, I believe, pronounce Jurian Yerryon, or Yurryon.

In the name of God, Amen.

I Jurry Ian Young of the Corporation of Kingston in the county of Ulster and state of New York, being in perfect memory blessed be God, therefore do this day being the 2nd day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say.

I command my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my body to the earth from whence it came, in hope of a Joyful Resurrection through the merits of my Savior Jesus Christ and as for that worldly Estate and other Effects wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me I dispose thereof as follows.

First I give and bequeath to my Son Peter Young one Waggon, two Iron Shod Sleighs, on fanning Mill, one plow, one Harrow and one Cyder Mill.

I also Give and Devise to my said son Peter Young my Dwelling House and Orchard, and all the Buildings of my farm, situate, lying and being at the Blue Mountains in the said Corporation of Kingston. To whom I also give and devise the equal one half of all the land belonging to said farm adjoining the said House, being the North part of said Farm to hold to him the said Peter Young his heirs and assigns forever. I also give and devise to my son Henry Young the remaining half of the land of said farm being the South part of the same, To hold to him the said Henry Young, paying within one year after my decease each the sum of two hundred and forty pounds current money of the state of New York, which said money I desire distributed after my decease among the following children Viz to my son Mathies Jeremiah, Abraham and John and to my daughters Viz Elizabeth Margaret, Catherina Christina and Mary or to their heirs and assigns, Share and Share alike, and all other money which shall in anywise be due or become due and owing to me after my decease, I devise shall be equally distributed among all my said children Viz to my son Peter, Henry, Mathies, Jeremiah, Abraham and John and to my daughter Viz Elizabeth Margaret, Catharina Christina and Mary, or to their heirs and assigns share and share alike and lastly, I hereby constitute and appoin my said sons Mathies Young, Jeremiah Young and Abraham Young my sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.


He was evidently on his death bed when this will was made, as it proved the next month.

Whether, in health, he could have written his own name, I cannot say, but infer that he could, from German words written in a copy of the New Testament, Psalms and Catechism, now in my possession, printed at Amsterdam in 1749, and which, to the best of my knowledge and belief, was once his property.

Grandfather Abraham Young was, from all accounts, an exceptionally good writer in English for those times, and to judge also by the record of his father's death in his handwriting. The house mentioned in the above will is said to have been a stone one, with very thick walls.

Note 2. John, said to have been either a British Colonel or Quartermaster in Canada during the Revolution. Second wife (a ransomed prisoner from Indians) Mary Fox. John, "the rich relation" was visited by Uncle Uriah, his nephew, when a young man. The other sons were Whigs, I presume, as Father told me in 1852 that all the six brothers by one were in the Revolution. Abraham, probably the youngest, served in garrison at fifteen, Jeremiah, in active service, was much scarred with bullets. I have heard Father say. Jeremiah lived to great age, a little southeast of Cooksburg, N.Y., where his house still stood in 1884, and was buried on his farm.

Catharina, twin sister to Abraham, married John Wolfe; no children.

Christina married Aaron Winne, an elder brother of Abraham's wife, and the double brother's-in-law lived and died on adjoining farms.

The Winnes with their five daughters, Mark Sprague, Hannah Burhans, Sarah Dutcher, (Josiah Dutcher, her husband, invented cast iron plows); Sophia Knull and Jane Sprague, were buried on a high knoll on their own land, also many relatives and neighbors, and two slaves of Winne's, Sim and Jin, husband and wife.

Aaron Winne died July 19, 1835, at 73.

Hannah Young Winne died November 24, 1824, at 59.

I had the graves rounded up, grave stones re-set, and yard enclosed in 1884.

Note 3. Abraham Young took a perpetual lease of 159 acres (now owned by John D. Frost), of Stephen Van Rensselaer, July 12, 1796, (having occupied it for 7 years rent free at one peppercorn per year) at an annual rent of 19 ½ bushels of wheat, 4 fat fowls, and one day's service, and one year's rent at each sale. This farm joined that of his brother-in-law, Aaron Winne, which last contained about 400 acres.

Note 4. They were buried a short distance north of Cooksburg, but had no gravestones. I bought this, (said to be the oldest graveyard in the neighborhood), and the Winne graveyard, and paid for fencing both, in September, 1884. Not knowing the exact spot, I rudely inscribed their names, etc. on a slab of rough blue stone, 28x48 inches, and set it up near the center of the yard with their children's names on the East Side of it.

I directed that a pine tree should be set four feet east and west of this stone, and one inside the fence near each fence post in both graveyards; but most of them dying, I this year had others set in both yards.

Mr. Akins Palmer was very obliging in this and other matters, and acted as banker for me after my departure.

Note 5. Both Abram and Parley married sisters of their step-mother, both wives several years older than their husbands.

Note 6. All of Uriah Young's children by his second wife live near Long Prairie, Minn. Parley, the only one living of the first children, lives at Conesville, N.Y.

Note 7. Peter, and I believe all his brothers and sisters, were born near Potter's Hollow, N.Y. where he first married.

(I am unable to give the exact date of Uriah's or Peter's birth; my father used to say, that Peter was four, and Uriah six, years older than himself, but an entry in B. Richmond's account book gives Uriah's age at his death 52 years 9 months and 10 days.)

In 1837 Peter went to Niles, Mich., where he died, as well as his first two wives.

His brothers, Cornelius and Jonas A., and brother-in-law, John Hamilton, came the year before. Cornelius died near Niles, Jonas A. now living near Augusta, Mich., Mrs. Mary Young Hamilton near Bedford Center, Mich.

Note 8. Hosea Young, after his marriage, lived about six months with his mother, near Potter's Hollow, then moved on the farm bought by his father for Uriah and himself (Hosea), staid there till in 1825,moved back to old homestead for about two years, where Elizabeth was born, then back to the farm before mentioned, where he staid till 1833, then he removed to Chenango township, Broome county, near Castle Creek, N.Y., reaching his farm May 3d, and residing there till he left for Missouri, April 11, 1867. Thus their first, second, fourth and fifth children were born on the farm in Broome township, Schoharie county, (owned in 1884 by Delos Ellarson) their third near Potter's Hollow, Albany county, and the sixth and seventh near Castle Creek, N.Y. I think Gather bought Uncle Uriah's share of the the joint farm, and sold the whole 160 acres in Broome township to Heman Rowe for $1,200, and lost a part of that. He paid $5.00 per acre for 110 acres to Harvey Dickerson and Joseph Bullock, and sold to Anson Dewey in 1867 for $40.00 per acre, and bought 100 acres 1 ¬ miles southeast of Chilhowee, village, Mo., and 22 acres of timber of George W. Wheat for $10.00 per acre, in 1867; afterwards bought 80 acres more, which went to E. Barnum.

Note 9. Aaron W. got by will 99 of 100 acres of father's farm, (one acre in northeast corner was reserved for burial place), half of the timber and most of Father's personal property.

(Homer H. got half the timber and Lucy's share in the store, and a portion of Father's household goods)

Aaron had studied law, was admitted to the Bar in 1855, but after a few years' practice in Binghamton, N.Y., came home: now lives at Chilhowee, Mo.

Note 10. George B. Young, M.D., studied medicine with Dr. P. Brooks, at Binghamton, N.Y., attended lectures at Pittsfield, Mass, in 1853, graduated at Woodstock, Vt,. 1854, practiced in Maine, N.Y., till the war, entered U. S. service, was stationed in hospital at Elmira, N.Y. next settled at Whitney's Point, N.Y., and in 1867 came to Chilhowee, Mo., where he died childless.

Note 11. Elizabeth M. taught school, as did we all. In 1861 she went to Richmond, Ind., teaching there, and later at South Arlington, Center, Potsdam, Pyrmont, &c. In Ohio.

In 1866 she went to Tennessee, thence the same year to Texas, where she taught school both before and after her marriage.

She purchased over 500 acres of land on Buffalo Bayo, near Lynchburg Texas, and had 40 acres in cotton at her death. Her husband succeeded to her possessions, personal and all.

She had visited us in Camden county, Mo., in 1867.

She was the pioneer in coming West, and at her solicitation I went to Ohio in 1862. One of the most energetic women I ever knew.

Note 12. Lucy was the best scholar among us, very successful as a teacher, a guide and instructor to her younger brothers, an example to all, a very superior woman, and a true Christian.

She was my partner in the store in Chilhowee, at her death, which was sudden, after less than a week's illness, of Congestive Fever.

Note 13. Marion Y. was born in the Young farmhouse, about 1 « miles east from Castle Creek, N.Y. Parents moved same year (1866) to Camden county, Mo., (Barnumton), where Sallie A. was born. Lucas H. E., born in Chilhowee, Mo.

The Barnums now live on Grover street, Warrensburg, Mo.


Abraham Young's sons had black or very dark brown hair, except Jonas A.'s which was red like his mother's.

The three oldest sons were tallest, but none probably over 5 feet 10 inches. Peter was slim, the rest of stouter frame, but none were corpulent.

Hosea, about 5 feet 9 inches, weighed nearly 200 pounds the heaviest of the brothers had performed some feats of strength in boyhood, weighed 180 pounds at 18, and was the only one who had a Yankee wife.

Of Hosea's family the oldest son was tallest about 6 feet, weight 165 to 185 pounds. G.B. was heaviest, 185 to 225 pounds, height about 5 feet 10 inches. J.A. about 5 feet 9 inches, weight, 140 to 160 pounds. H.H., 5 feet 7 inches, weight 150 to 175 pounds.

Two oldest had light brown hair, the girls and Homer very dark brown, or black, J.A., red, Hannah the largest of the girls; all of the girls were taller than their mother, who was shorter than her sisters, but fleshy, and had dark brown hair worn cut off at the neck.

*I have attempted in the foregoing notes to preserve, before too late, various names, dates and facts, which are of interest to me and may be to others.

After persistent effort and some expense, I have only got back to 1727, and have tried to be exact.

A copy will be sent to those likely to preserve and value it. If overlooked, write me. The size of the page will allow it to be pasted beside the "Family Record" in family bibles, and may prove valuable to descendents. I would cheerfully give $100 for a correct record a century farther back, but that is unattainable, and I have done what I could with the material at command

Many are satisfied with only their father's name, and often are ignorant of the date and place of his birth, or death; but, in my humble opinion, a knowledge of our ancestors and their works is one principal distiction between Man and "the beasts that perish."

Respectfully, J.A.Y.

[editor's note - reformatting for html has changed locations of errors as originally described]

Names in italics are added to show changes by marriage, but Cutter on first page of Part First, 7th line from bottom was italicized erroneously.

On second page, Fannie Grace Young should read Fannie Grace Hamilton.

Birdette A., youngest son of Abram and Hanna Ladue, left out at end of second page (no room), died August 20, 1869, exactly five years old.

So many dates overtaxed the resources of one printing office as may be observed in the last part of page second of Part First.
Errors in Part Second are unimportant, but the third paragraph in second column shows two. Read on instead of or in 9th line from the top, and for Renssaleaer's read Rensselaers.

No misprints in dates observed.

On this blank space register in fine hand the birth dates of your parents, self and children, if any. Then, a streak of paste half an inch wide along the back margin on either outside page will fix it in your bible, then trim the edges. (End of text)

The following as handwritten by Lillian F. Young:
"Family of Hosea Young"
Hosea Young born at Gilboa, N.Y. November 30, 1849; died Kalamazoo, Mich. Dec. 19, 1925. Minne R. Bagley, his wife, born at ______, New York State October 6, 1859, died September 14, 1927 at Oneonta, New York. Their children: Bertha May Young, born at W. Oneonta, N.Y. November 24, 1875, died May 13, 1906 at Albany, N.Y. Ernest Clement Young born at W. Oneonta, N.Y. November 23, 1880, died at Delton, Mich., August 10, 1950. Lillian Frances Young, born Oneonta, N.Y. November 24, 1886.

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