Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Register of Causes in Courts of Record
Judge Charles Holmes

contributed by A Gresham Morris


September 7, 1852

Charles Holmes
Scho. Co
N. York

Title Page

Register of Causes in Courts of Record
kept by Charles Holmes, Cobleskill, N. Y.

Page 1

Schoharie County Court                                                             Chas. Holmes Atty for Appt
Joseph W. Caurter, Appt.
Alanson James, Resp
t.                                                              Isaac Crowe Atty for Respt.

1853.     Feb 1st Drew Bond on Appeal & copiues
  "             '     17. Served notice of appeal on Resp
t. and on W. H. Crowe Justice. Said Justice for Return Two dollars and costs one dollar & twenty eight cents
  "             '     17. Served notice of retainer on Resp
  "           March 16. Rec
d notice of Ret from I. Crowe Respts Atty. Appeal discontinued. Judgt of Justice affirmed without costs by stipulation

                                                                                 Recd payment in full
                                                             of my costs & disbursements = $10.00
                                                                                                  Chas Holmes

Page 2

Schoharie County Court                                                             Chas. Holmes Atty for Appt
James Akely, Appt.
William H. Perry, Respt.                                                              Thomas Ferguson Atty for Respt.

Page 3

Supreme Court
Mary Alsina Gordon wife of                                                             John H. Salisbury Atty for Respt
Gilbert L. Gordon Jr
Julia Sterling et al Adm
rs                                                                 J. H. Ramsay Atty for  Defts
& Wm H & Chas E. Sterling Minors                                               Chas Holmes ____ for Infant Defts

Page 4

Schoharie County Court
In Matter of the application                                                                Chas Holmes Atty for Petitioner
of Jane Lowell, Widow of
Denmar Lowell for admeasurement                                                 J. B. Strain Esq. ___ Grdn of
of dower in lands of dec
d                                                                    Decd Lowell & others

                             Conducted proceedings throughout
March 27, 1855  and had bill taxed for costs               $    61.12 1/2
                                                Disbursements                          138 1/2

March 31st   Received of Jane Lowell                           $ 15.97              =         15.97
                      Balance due March 31st 1855                                                      $46.54

                      Recd of Jane Lowell payment in full                                                46.54
                                                                                                                                       Chas Holmes

Page 5

Page 6

Schoharie County Court
John Mickle  Plff                                        C. G Clark Atty for plff
Jacob Baira  Deft                                      Chas Holmes Atty for Deft

Apr 20, 1855,  Judgement for Plff for Damages                         $10.00
                                                                     Costs                             50.82
                                                Judgement for                                 $60.82

Page 7

Schoharie County Court
In the Matter of George                                      Chas Holmes ___ for Petitioner
Ostrander a supposed
lunatic, Petition by Margaret
Ostrander for Commission

Page 8

Supreme Court
Henry Warner Admn
r etc of                             J. B. Strain Atty for Appel.
Geo. Warner dec
George G. Warner et al                                   Chas Holmes Atty for Respct Geo G
heirs of Geo Warner dec
d                               Warner. J. H. Ramsey for
                                                                            other parties interests

Page 9

Supreme Court
Peter H. Mitchell Appel                                      A. Becker Atty for Appel
Saml W. Martin & Eve A Beard
by Adm
rs of Gideon B Beardsley                     Chas Holmes Atty for Respts
late of Summit Scho Co dec
d Respts

Appeal to Supreme Court from the
decision of Hon D Lawyer County Judge
in proceeding for a sale of Real Estate
of decd for the payment of his debts -
Appeal discontinued by stipulation
of attys

Jan. 31st 1855. Recd payment
in full for services.                           $10.00

Page 10

Schoharie County Court
In matter of application                           Chas Holmes Sol. for ___
for order authorizing sale of
Real Estate of Edwin & Geo.
Holmes Minors

Page 11

Supreme Court
Abram T. Bigelow Ex etc                      S A Givens Atty
& Callian Clark Appts
Alfred Judd Et al Respts                       Chas Holmes Atty

Page 12

Supreme Court
Jerusha Zeh widow                                J. H. Ramsay Atty
Eve Maria Zeh et al                                Chas Holmes Atty for E. M. Zeh

Page 13

Supreme Court
Samuel Betts                                            Chas Holmes Atty
Stephen Osborn                                       J. H. Barnsay  Atty

Page 14

Schoharie Co Court
Hiram Schoolcraft  Appel                         Chas Holmes, Atty
Hamilton Myers  Respd                            Houch & Hinman  Attys

Page 15

Schoharie Co Court
In matter of application for
authority to sell real estate of                       Chas Holmes for Petitioner
John, Robert, Anna & Mary
Shafer minors, Huldah Shafer

Page 16

Supreme Court
Henry Ottman et. al.
Samuel Betts et al.                                     Chas Holmes Atty for E. Mathius

Page 17

Supreme Court
Charles Goodyear                                       R. C. Martin Atty
Alanson Mosher et. al.                                 Chas Holmes Atty for H. Holmes

Page 18

Supreme Court
Charles Goodyear                                       R. C. Martin Atty
Alanson Mosher et. al.                                 Chas Holmes Atty for H. Holmes

Page 19

Schoharie County Court
In the Matter of the petition of
Rhoda A. Settle for an order                                   Chas Holmes for Pet
authorizing a sale of lands of Wesley,
Samantha, Rebecca, & Alvina
Settle minors of Wright Scho Co

Feb 27 /55  Sent Pet Bond order app. & draft Cert
                     copy of same to Co Clerk
March 30     Drew report of -----b Order
April 2          Drew Order containing report of sale
 "      3             "   3 Deeds & release conveying lands
 "      16         Drew report of investment of lands
 "      3           Settled account of claim for services
                      and disbursement in above matter at $32.00

Page 20

Schoharie County Court
In the matter of the petition
of Almira Holmes for an order                                     Chas Holmes, Atty for pet
authorising a sale of lands of
Mary O. & Jason W Holmes
Minors of Fulton, Scho Co

Feb 3             Rec
d of Almira Holmes & gave receipt
                       in full for conducting above proceeding
                       disbursements excepted                                                   10.00
d Post W R McDaniel                              .06
March 3 /55   Rec
d of Almira Holmes in ful for
                       disbursements in above proceeding                                  2.00
                       Sent Pet. Bond order  -------
                       & drft cert copy to Co Clerk post               15.

Page 21

Schoharie County Court
Jacob J. Sitterly                              Chas Holmes, Atty for petr
David France                                  Jeremiah Fox, Atty for Deft

Page 22

Supreme Court
Adair Sitterly                                   H. Smith Atty for petr
Abram Baumaghin                         Chas Holmes Atty for Deft

            Motion made by atty for Deft
            to set aside judgt entered in
            this cause for damages

            Signed at November Circuit 1855
            before Justice Watson
            Motion granted with $10 costs

Page 23

Schoharie Co Court
Jeremiah Bull Respt                   Chas Homes Respt Atty
Catharine Petrie Appt.               L. & N. E. Falls Appts Atty

1855                                             Preston Hollow N.Y.
Feb. 27  Sent notice of Retainer                                                          06.
March 9 Rec
d admission of service of notice of Retr
Dec. 24th Rec by mail of Respt. for E. D. Thomas                             $2.00.
  "      25    Sent letter to postpone argt to April term - n Post             06.
July /56     Rec
d Answer in reply consenting
Aug. 39    Served copy notice of Argument by mail
                        paid postage                                                                    03.
                       paid post on letter letting cause go over                        03.
July 8        Mailed notice of argt July term                                             03
  "    19      Cause argued at Schoharie -
                    Decision Reserved

Page 24

Schoharie County Court
Hiram Dibble Appt.                         Henry Smith Appts Atty
Francis Warner Respt.                    Charles Holmes Respts Atty

March 7 1855    Recd from Respt copy notice of appeal
  "        16  "         Served notice of Ret. on H. Smith. took a--- of service
  "        22  "         Rec
d notice of argt & gave a-- for 3d Monday of April
Apr     16  "         Attended April term of Scho Co Court and argued
                            appeal in this cause. case reserved
Dec     31  "        Judgt of affirmance rendered
March 18, 1856   Entered Judgt in Scho Co Clerks Office
                              & took Cert
d Transcript.  Recovery $26.88
                                                                         Costs         16.48
                              Appeal taken to Sup. Court        $43.36
                              Judgement affirmed with
                              costs. Received March 27, 1858
                              in cash in full                                               $110.00
                              Also a__ of judgt against
                              Francis Warner for                                         22.00
                                                   Whole amount                       $132.00

Page 25

Scho. Co, Court

In the matter of Petition of Real Estate                   S Boughtom Atty for Petitioner
of Isaac & William Ostrander et al
minors of Summit Scho Co, N.Y
by Chas Holmes their Spce. Grdn                           Chas Holmes  Spce Grdn
                          Drew -- for order authorizing leave to institute
                          proceedings. Drew order  /  / post to & from
                          clerk 9am

Page 26

Supreme Court
John H. Mumford et al                                   John B. Strain Pltfs Atty
Elizabeth Cambell Admn
rx                          Chas Holmes Defts Atty

1855 Oct 20         Recd Summons & complt from Deft
            "     "           Served Notice of Ret. & Stip to ans,. in 10 days
           Nov 9          Time to ans extended until Nov 21 1855
            "     21         Served ans on Pltf Atty at Rich

1856 Dec 22          Discontinuance of cause made by
                                stipulation between Attys without
                                costs to either party.

                                      Chgd for Counsel & services                       $15.00

Page 27

Schoharie Co. Court

In Matter of proceedings for sale
of Real estate of Julius D & Julia                                C Holmes Atty for
A Eggleston minors by their Mother                           Petr
Harriet Eggleston. Pet

Page 28

Schoharie County Court

In Matter of proceeding for sale
of Real Estate of Allina C Fellows                           Chas Holmes Atty
et al minors by their mother                                      for Ret
Elizabeth Maria Fellows. Petr

Page 29

Schoharie County Court.

John Spickerman Appt                                  Chas Holmes Atty
Peter West Respt                                            Ab
m Becker Atty

1858 Jan. 4    Cause argued at Schoharie
                         H. Krumm esq sub
d atty for Respt
  "       Apr 20   Entered Judgement on affirman
                          for costs for                                                $30.79
                          Took Transcript
  "           "          Gave Stip
n waiving cert of Sup Court
                          Justice on appeal if appeal is bro
           Aug 6     ---- Ex
n for $30.79 ret in 60 days
                          delivered same to G. E. Waldorf Dept Sheriff
          Oct 5
due on judgement. $31.77

Page 30

Schoharie County Court

Abram Shank, appt.      Chas Holmes Atty
Jacob Bussell Respt
                    Appeal from judgt rendered by P. Z. Van Tuyl
                   Justice Oct. 28, 1856, Damages                                                   $22.75
  1856                                                                                          Costs                   1.28
Nov. 17th     Served on P. Z. Van Tuyl copy affts & notice
                      of appeal & by J. Fox P
d costs 1.28 = Fees $2.00                       3.28
  "        "        Served on Nicholas Bussell, atty for H Bussell
                     who resides in New York City notice of app &
d Justice for A Shanks, W. Nisbett & C. Holmes afft                      37 1/2
                     Clerks fee entering judg
t                                                                       50
                     Costs to Appt on Reversal                                                               15.00
t of Reversal entered by stipulation Dec 8, 1856                                $19.15 1/2

       Dec 2  6   Recd of P. Z. Van Tuyl on above Judgt                                           $3.28
    March 16    Recd of Jacob Bussell per H. Smith
                        by his check in full of above judg
t                                                       16.15

                          Check paid by Scho Co Bank
                                                                Chas Holmes

Page 31

Supreme Court
Charles Courter Plff                          Chas Holmes Atty
Henry Barnes Deft

Oct. 31    I pened summons & complaint
  "      "     Complaint verified afft.                                                                      12 1/2
Nov  6     Mailed Sum. & Comp
t to Sheriff of
                Fulton Co. with copy to --. Post.                                                        .06
  "    20    Rec
d Sum. & Compt from Shff. of Fulton
                Co. with Cert of Service Nov. 15/56. Fees                                     2.00
                Add Post on letter remitting fees & Rec
t & Retd                            .06
Dec 6th   Sent letter by Deft with C. Couter
                 Including my costs of ___________________                             7.00
                                                                                                                            $9 24 1/2

                                Amount due me
                    Costs by Statute                                        $7.00
                    Postages already paid                                  .06

                    Recd my costs & Disbts of C. Courter

Page 32

Supreme Court
Charles Couter Plff.                          Chas Holmes Atty
Amos S. Davis Deft.

Oct. 31st    I pened Summons & Complaint
  "       "       Complaint verified                      afft.                                               12 1/2
Nov. 6        Mailed Sum & Compt to Sheriff of
                   Saratoga Co. with copy to serve  Post                                           06
  "     22      Recd Sum & Compl
t from Sheriff of Saraga
                   Co. with Cert of service Nov. 19, 1856  Fees                             2.25
                   Add Post on letter remitting feed & Rec
t Retd                               06
Dec  18     Entered Judgement wo Ans. or Dem
                   having been served & took 2 transcripts

                   Judgement.                               Recovery $51.23
                                                                      Costs          11.55

                    Recd my costs & disbts of C Couter

Page 33

Supreme Court
Charles Couter                                   Chas Holmes Atty for Plff
Samuel Beekman

1857 Jan 22d    Judgement confessed by Deft for
                            Damages                                                                                  $73.16
                            Costs to Attorney by Statute         $5.00
                            Disbursements entered in Judgt    1.56                                     6.56
                                Whole amount of judgt                                                         $79.72

  "       Jan 27      Recd transcript of Judgt entered
                            Jan 36, 1857 at 2 P.M. for above
                            amount. Due me     $6.56

                            Recd my disbts of C. Courter
                            costs to be paid me when judgt is

Page 34

Supreme Court
Minard Harder                                                   Chas Holmes Atty for Plff
Samuel Beckman

1857 Jany 22d         Judgement confessed by Deft for
                                   Damages                                                                             $52.92
                                   Costs to Atty by Statute                          $5.00
                                   Disbursements entered in Judgt              1.56                       6.56
                                              Whole Amount of judgt                                             $59.48

  "       July 27
d Transcript of Judgt enetered
                                   July 26, 1857 at 2 P.M. for above
                                   amount, Due me.                                    $6.56

                                   Recd Costs & disbts of Mr Harder

Page 35

Supreme Court
Martin Sevant
Augustus Lawyer                                       Chas Holmes Atty for Plffs
& Peter Brewster
Henry L Russell

Feb 6        Judgement by confession for debt.                                $1300 00
                  Costs to Plffs Atty per Statute              $5.00
                  Disbursements included in Judgt           1.50                          6.50
   "    7       Sent Judgt Roll to Co Clerk for                                        $1306.50

Feb  9       Recd Transcript from Co. Clerk Roll
                   files. Feb
y 7. 1 P.M.

                   Recd my costs of Mr. Harder                                           $6.94

Page 36

Supreme Court
Thomas Lawyer                                         D. Lawyer Plffs atty
Henry L. Russell                                         Chas Holmes Deft atty

Jany 19          Summons & Complaint served on Deft
  "      30          Retained by Deft as his Attorney
  "       "            Information order & copy affts served                               3.00
                        on deft
Feb  4             Drew affts to be used on motion
                        extending time to answer                                                    5.00
  "      5            Drew affts to be used on motion
                        to set aside complaint served                                             5.00
                        Drew affts notice to be used
                        on motion to set aside Injunction                                         5.00
  "       6           Attended on Settlement of suit
                        at C. Court. drew stipulation                                                3.00
                        Suit discontinued by stipulation
                        of parties. M. Swart, A. Lawyer
                        & P. Brewster gave their note to
                        Plff for $1300.00. Deft Donfessed
                        judgt to them for that amount

Page 37

Supreme Court
Isaac C. Nisbeth                                     D Lawyer   Plffs Atty
Henry L Russell                                       Chas Holmes  Defts Atty

Feby 14              Summons & complaint Per. ser on Deft.
  "        "               Retainer by Deft as his atty in this case                               3.00
March 4              Drew Notice of Motion & Affts & copies to serve
                            to strike out portions of Plffs complaint                                 5.00
    "       5             Served motion papers per Scho Circuit ___
                            Drew Affts Etc for order ex ---- twice to ---                            5.00
   "        6             Went to Middleburgh made motions, granted,
                            and served Copy Affts & order on Plffs Atty                         5.00
   "       16            Went to Schoharie to make motion
                            to strike out portions of complaint, granted                         10.00
                            with $10.00 costs tp Deft                                                    10.00
                            3. affts 3/ Motion & Order to Co Judge  1.00 = 1.37 1/2
   "        20           Served Notice of Ret. on Plffs SAtty & copy arder
   "        24           Served copy order on Plff personally 

Page 38

Supreme Court
Reuben Merchant                       J H Ramsay Atty.
Jeremiah Havens et al                C Holmes & others Attys.

March 20      Served on W. H. Young notice of appearance for Deft
                       Havens & took admission from him
   "        "         Got stipulation extending time to A--  20 days 

Page 39

Supreme Court
Eliza Shafer                               D. Lawyer  Atty for plff
Henry L Russell                          Chas Holmes  Atty for Deft

May 6     Summons & co__ served on Deft &
                retained by Deft
May 26   Obtained from Scho. Co Judge order extending
                time to Answer but to take short no. of ___ 6 days
   "     "     Obtained from D. Lawyer copy note & slip extending time to
                three days
May 29   Served Copy Demurrer on D. lawter by delivering same
                to Mrs Lawyer at his residence office being closed  - 8,20 PM
June 22  Served notice of Trial of ___ of law on F. Lawyer
                for 2d Monday of November 1857 at Albany
Augt 8     Recd notice of motion before Harris or D Wright at chambers
                Augt 13th 10 A.M. for judgt on demurrer
   "    12   Mailed Brief Mcmahon & Smith afft & post 28
   "    13   Motion argued by H. Smith Esq
                Motion denied by Judge D Wright
Dec 9     Cause discontinued by stipulation
                Recd of Eliza Shafer Plff costs               $12.00
                     Charge Deft services & counsel          13.00
                 Smith & McMahon obtained on motion   $5.00 

Page 40

Schoharie County Court
Martin F Comstock           WC Lamont Appts Atty
John Schermacher            Chas Holmes Respts Atty

1857  June 11    Served Notice of Retainer on W C Lamont Esq
                             Appts Atty at Schoharie
  "       Augt 5       Pd for afft for amended return                                          .10
  "            "   6      Entered Order for amd Return Post 9. Clerks fee          .15
  "            "   7      Sent copies orders etc to __ Lamont & Justice              .09
  "            "   8      Copies order etc __ by J. H. Coons adm__
  "            "   "       Esq Brown made amended return
           Sept 19   Sent joint interrogatories with W C Lamont
                            to Justice to be answered and admitted on argt
                            which were __
           Sept 23   Argued case at County Court
           Dec 17    Prepared Brief & Points
1858  July 19     Costs & Disbts on affirmance stipulated
                            at $16.75 - 1.35 to be deducted if paid before
                            judgt is eneterd leaving $15.40
  "           "    25    Recd by mail from W C Lamont                                      15.00
                            Sent order to L. Y. van Hoosen
                             for balance of costs                                                               40

                              Recd of John Schermacker in full                                    5.00 

Page 41

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                            Chas Holmes Plffs Atty
Joseph 7 Alfred Freemantle

1857  May   22   Served copy Summons & Complt on J Freemantle
    "        "      27          "        "            "                  "         "   A Freemantle
    "      June 27    Made afft of service of Summ & complt & mailed
                              Judgt Roll including a statement for Judgt
                                                                Damages                                               $87.76
                                                              Costs & Distels                                          13.73
                                                 Claiming Judgt for                                                 101.99
    "  18th                Judgt Doctrine in Scho Co Clerks Office for
                               above amount & recd Transcript
Augt 3d                  Issued Execution to Sheriff to collect above

                                recd my costs & disbts of C. Courter 

Page 42

Schoharie County Court
In matter of proceeding to compell                                         Chas Holmes Atty
M. O. & W Holmes by __ order to                                           for Petr Almira Holmes
convey real estate sold                                                            widow of Wm E Holmes

1857  May 19    Petition drawn & verified before S Westcott Esq
  "         "      26   Presented Petition at Middleburgh to Hon L
                            Sanford Scho Co Judge obtainned order for conveyance
  "         "        "     Obtained certified Copy Order from County Clerk

                                 Charged Almira Holmes Petitioner
                                 for above services & disbursements                                     $5.00
                                     Drawing Guardians Deed                                                     1.00
                                     Drawing Quit Claim Deed for self                                         1.00

                                  Add for services rendered as payment
                                  of ballance due on contract by P
                                  Lamont                                                                                           .50
                                Due me May 26th 1857                                                              $7.50
                                      Recd payment in full May 7 1858
                                   $7.50                                                                          Chas Holmes 

Page 43

Schoharie County Court
David Coons   Appt.                       Chas Holmes   Atty
William J Teague  Respt                W. H. Young  Atty

July 29th 1857   Prepared notices of appeal & retainer
  "    30       "       David Coons served same on justice Judgt. 1.94
                           costs for making return & post 3                                                  $3.97
Augt  5      "        J. A. Eldredge served copy on Respt by leaving
                            same at his residence with his wife                                                  50
Sept  1               Sent return to Co Clerk
Sept  5               Notice cause for argt served on Rest got a ___
Sept  8               Recd notice of reatiner from W. H. Young

Apr  9th              Served notice of argt for Apr Term
                            Over the term by consent 

Page 44

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                        Chas Holmes, Plffs Atty
Thomas Beaver

Aug   7, 1857    Personally served copy Summons &
                            Compt on Deft not verified
  "      28    "        Entered Judgt. no appearance being eneterd
                            or answer or demeurrer served
                            For                                                      Damages   $190.91
                                                                                        Costa               11.94 1/2

Aug  28, 1857    1 P.M. Judgt. eneterd for                                                        202.85 1/2
                             Took 2 Transcripts. One for C. Courter

                              Recd my costs & disbts of C. Courter 

Page 45

Supreme Court
J. Wesley Diefendorf                            Chas Holmes   Atty for Plff
John W. Orr

Augt. 10, 1857     Drew confession of Judgt on promisory
                               note dated Augt 2, 1854 for Principal sum of

                               $136.00, due three days after date J. Wesley Diefendorf,
                               Payee John W Orr Maker, Balance due after 
                               deducting paymts Apr. 19, 1856 $16.23, Agt 8 1857 $22.00
                                                  Amount of Damages $126.47
                                                  Costs & disbursements
Augt             "         Filed Judgt Roll & Entered Judgt for

                                Settled with J. W. Orr for my fees
                                Judgt not enetered           Chgd & Recd $2.00 

Page 46

Supreme Court
Watson J. & Sarah L Orr by                          McMahon & Smith, Plffs Attys
their Grson John Cook                                            71 State St. Albany
John W. Orr                                                      Chas Holmes   Defts Atty

Augt. 10, 1857    Summons & compt served on Deft by J. Fox
   "      12,     "       Served notice of Retainer on Plffs Attys by mail                          03
Augt  29               Got stay extending time to answer
                              to 9 Sept 1857 from Plffs Attys   Post                                           06
Dec.  9                  Answer verified by Defy afft                                                           10
   "     12                Served Answer too admission 

Page 47

Supreme Court
County of Albany
Noah B Miles                                 W C McHarg   Plffs Atty
       agt                                            No 50 State St Albany
Van Ness Eldredge                       Chas Holmes Defts Atty

June 4 1857   Summons & Compt served on Deft
   "     24th        Served notice of Retainer & answer and
                         got admission                              Post                                         09
Sept. 1             Recd notice of Trial for Sept Circuit Albany

                         Van Ness Eldredge Deft agreed to
                         pay me for serving answer    $5.00 

Page 48

Supreme Court
Schoharie County
Charles Caurter                     Chas Holmes  Plffs Atty
Henry Barnes

Sept. 4, 1857   Issued Summons & compt verified
                          sent to Sheriff of Fulton Co. Post & Stamps                             15
   "    21     "       Summons & compt Retd by
                           Sheriff  -   Barnes Reptd dead
                                  Chg to C. Caurter                                                                  2.00

                            Recd of C. Caurter in full                                                              2.00 

Page 49

Supreme Court
Benjamin S Horree                    Chas Holmes  Plffs Atty
Henry W Palmer

Sept. 28  /57        Issues Summons delivered to Sheriff
                              to serve compt    not served
                              Charge C. Courter Sheriffs fees
                              for my services 

Page 50

Supreme Court
John Spickerman               Fox & Holmes   Plffs Attys
       agt                                 A Becker Esq   Counsel
David J Dow                       W. C. Lamont Defts Atty

                     Served Sum. & compt. in slander 

Page 51

Schoharie County Court
Elisha L. Gustin  Respt.                       W. C. Lamont   Atty
David S. Mann                                       Fox & Holmes   Attys

Oct. 13    Served notices of appeal and paid to
                 W. C. Lamont costs  $5.91 for Reurn $2.00 

Page 52

Schoharie County
Reuben Harder    Appt                       Chas Holmes  Atty
Jacob L. Beard    Respt                     S. L. mMyhan     Atty

Oct.  16    Served notice of Appeal on Respt
                  and Justice Paid costs $3.40 for Ret $2.00
Dec. 17    Sent Notices of Argt for Jury Term by M. Harder
March 29  Mailed notice of Argt for Apr Term
                  to S L. Mayhan No Blenheim                                           03
Apr. 20     Argued cause at Schoharie
July 20      Entered judgement on reversal
                  for costs & disbts                         $27.42
                  Excx not to ___ for 30 days
                  Speed Execution
                  Bond filed & casee appealed to
                  Supreme Court 

Page 53

Supreme Court
Ann Eliza Doyle                        Fox & Holmes, Attys
William W Russell
& N Beardsley

Sept 26   Issued Sum & compt
Oct 19     Served by Peter B Krower
Nov 9       Recd order extdg time to ans 20 days

Page 54

Supreme Court
John Spickerman                       Fox & Holmes   Attys
Daniel J Dow                              W. C Lamont   Atty

                          Issued Summons & compt
                          Served on Deft by -
Nov 17              Ans Recd by mail from Defts Atty 

Page 55

Supreme Court
Charles Cauter                     Chas Holmes  Atty
Thomas Beaver

Nov. 28.    Summons & Compt served by A. F. Kibbe
Dec. 5.      A. F. Kibbe made offt of service for afft                             10
   "    19     Made up Judgt Roll. and Statement
                   for Judgement Recovery  $249.24
                   Costs & Disbts =                    12.26
                   Amount of Judgt                          =    $261.50
                   Dec. 19 1857 - Recd Transcript for
                   above amount of judgt
                      Recd my costs & disbts of C. Caurter 

Page 56

Schoharie Co Court
Jacob L Beard   Respt                   S. L. Mayham
Reuben Harder  Appt                      Chas Holmes

Dec, 22d     Notice of appeal served on justice
                     and fees of Justice $2.00.  costs $5.00                        7.00
                     Noticed for Dec Term 1857                                               03
Mar 29th      Mailed to S. L. Mayham notice for
                     Apr. Term 1858.   pd post                                                   03
                     Return not filed cause over
July 30         Noticed S. L. Mayham by mail per
                     Argument at July term                                             Post      03
                     Return not filed. cause over
Sept. 4.       Mailed notice of argt for Sep term
                     Afft & Post on Notice to Justice to file Ret                           13. 

Page 57

Supreme Court
Reuben Harder                            Chas Holmes   Plffs Atty
Abram Pinder

1858 Jun 29   ___ Summons & compt sent to
                         R Harder care of P. J. Lake claim for 89           04
                         Post on compt & form sent & Ret Each way         12
  "        "    30   Summons & compt served afft of                            10
 Feby 27         Sent Judgement Roll to Co Clerk          Post           03
                             Damages Claimed     $89.50
                             Cost & Disbts               11.79
                                Judgement Claim for                                   $101.29
March 1           Recd Transcript for  $101.29
                         Docket Feb 27 1858 1 P.M.
March 27         Mailed Execution to Geo E Waldorf

Page 58

Schoharie Co Court
Peter Fraats      Respt                       Chas Holmes   Atty
William N Mereness  Appt                 W H Young   Atty

1858 Feb 3d    Recd from Respt notice of appeal
  "         "    5      Served notice of Rett & took admission
  "       Apr  9     Served notice of Argt for Apr Term
                          Cause over at request of W H Young
   July   19         Cause notice for July term
   July   19         Cause argue affd on argt
   July   20         Entered judgement on affirmance
                            for                                                       Damages   $15.65
                                                                                        Costs            15.83
                                    July 20, 1858                  Judgement                           $31.48
                          Decr 4th 1858 Recd of Peter Fraats                                   $17.00
                           Charge Ballance agreed upon         $3.00 

Page 59

Supreme Court
Francis Kling                           Chas Holmes
Daniel J Dorn

Feb.  6    Sp--ed Summons & compt on note
                for $126.128 & Int from Feby 1 1858
                Afft. 10. Post 3. Mailed to G L Waldorf
  "       9   Recd from G E Waldorf Sum. & compt.
                persdonally served Feby 8 1858. Fees 2.50. Poss 3     2.53
  "      27  Suit settled Recd in full $5.00
                Kling to pay Sheriffs fees
                                                                     Chas Holmes 

Page 60

In Supreme Court
Minard Harder                              Chas Holmes  Atty
Isaac Borst

1858. Feb. 19.   Drew confession of Judgt
                             in favor of Plff for                 $212.98
                                 Costs & Disbts                      6.57
Feby 27               Sent Judgt Roll for              $219.55
March 1                Recd Transcript for $219.55
                              Docketed Feby 27, 1858   P.M.

                                 Recd my costs of M Harder
                                                                  Chas Holmes 

Page 61

Supreme Court, Scho. Co
German Lamoure                     S Boughton   Atty
E W Brown                                Chas Holmes   Atty

March 23       Summons & compt served
     "     27       Recd Summons & compt of Deft
Apr     2          Mailed copy demand of items of acct
                       to S J Luke to be served on S Boughton  Post   .06
 "         12       Served answer by mail
 "         29       Recd am compt by mail
May    7         Served am answer personally to
July    19       Recd reply by mail 

Page 62

Schoharie Co. Court
John Eggleston   Respt                             Chas Holmes
Sanford G Larringer   Appt                        Wm H Young

Apr 9 1858    Served on W H Young notice of retainer
July        "       Cause notices for argt July firm
  "        20       Cause over at request of sppt to obtain
                        amended return 

Page 64

Scho. Co. Court
John Westover et al.                      W. L. Deifendorf  atty
Henry M. Sheldon  appt                 Chas Holmes  atty

May 10    Prepared notices of appeal mailed same
                 to Henry M Sheldon Richdville    Post                                03
  "     11    Prepared 2 notices to serve. Handed
                 same to H. M. Shelton
  "     29    Sent undertaking on appeal    Post                                    03
July    9    Recd notice of argt for July terms
  "     15    Entered order for amended return       Post                       09
  "     16    Served on Justice copy afft for and Return
  "       "     Served on W L Deifendorf afft for and Return
                 Procured amended return
  "     20    Cause argued. Judgement Reversed
                 Entered Judgement for costs                                       $25.45

                  Charge H. M. Shelton for drawing
                 papers for amended return & serving same                   $3.00
                 For agrumentof appeal etc.                                                 5.00
July 19th  Recd of H. M. Shelton                         $3.00 

Page 65

Supreme Court, Schoharie Co.
Adam Young, Henry A Hynds
& John Petrie Comrs of Highays of Seward               Chas Holmes
Gilbert Brewster

July 22d    Deposited Sum & Compt with G. G.
                  Hynds Engr Justice. 3 affts to compt                                  .30 

Page 66

In Supreme Court
John Westover et al. Appts                  W. F. Diefendorf Atty
Henry M Sheldon Respt                        Chas Holmes  Atty

 Augt 6     Recd Notice of Appeal from Appts Atty
  "       "     Gave Stipn waiving Bail etc.
  "       "     Served notice of Ret by mail on appts atty                                 .03
Nov 10th  Appts Atty served 3 copies Printed case
  "    15     H. C. Cppk served Appts Notice of Argt for Dec
                         General Term                                                                          .03
Dec 2d    Mailed to H Smith copy case brief etc                                         .09
  "     6     Mailed proof of service of notice of argt                                       .03
  "     7     Recd of H M Sheldon cash    $6.00
                  Judgement of County Court Reversed
                 at March Term 1859 

Page 67

In Supreme Court
In matter of proceedings supplemental
to execution. Charles Courter Reff                                             Chas Holmes
agt Thomas beamer Defendent                                                    Reffs Atty.
Before Hon Lyman Sanford Co Judge

March 23d   Procured order for exn of Deft Post                                               .15
                     Affts for order - to stall 2 affts                                                           20
   "       31     Order served by W W Bouck. also
                     subpoena on J Crop Jr. C. Courter
                     Paid witness fees                                                                           1.33
                     I paid for service of orders etc                                                       1.00
April   7       Attended ex,n at Middleburgh
                    C. Courter Pd Co Judge Fees                                                          .42
                    Transcripts, affts, & copies exn
                    paid by me                                                                                         1.42
                    Allowed me as counsel fee                                                            15.00
                           Advanced by C. Courter                                                            1.75
Apr 7 1858 Balance due me                                                                           $17.77
June 11  "  Drawing papers as per bill                                                               5.00
                   Services before settlement as chgd                                                 5.00
                   Sheriffs fees charged me on exns                                                    2.00
June 12  "  Included in Mortgage to C. Courter                                             $29.77
                   amount due me as above stated & int                                               .22
                            making in all                                                                           $29.99 

Page 68

In Supreme Court
In Matter of exan of Abram
Pinder a judgement Debtors
on application of Reuben
Harder Reff in judgement 

Page 69

In Supreme Court
Gilbert Brewster
Phillip P Hilton et al 

Page 70

In Schoharie Co Court
John G. Stall  Respt                           Chas Holmes
Henry C. Cook  Appt                          H. C. Cook In person

Sept 4     Served notice of Retainer on Appt
                                            case settled Recd of Respt in full $2.00
                                                                              Chas Holmes 

Page 71

In Supreme Court
Jacob L Beard Appt                   S. L. Mayham Atty
Reuben harder Respt                 Chas Holmes Atty

Nov. 22d 1858    Recd copy understanding & notice of appeal
Dec 6         "        Mailed to L S Mayham notice of Retr                          .03 

Page 72

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                Chas Holmes Reffs Atty
Alpbert W. Ruggles          Jeremiah Fox Defts Atty

Dec. 24.          Summons & complaint served
                         Jeremiah Fox served notice of Ret
April 4, 1859   Entered judgemennt by stipulation
                         with J. Fox for damages   $125.31
                              costs & disbursements    11.68
                         Amount of judgement                        $136.99
July 7, 1862    Issued to Sheriff of Scho. Co
  "    9               Recd of Sheriff for C. Courter from C. Shafer          $17.33 

Page 73

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                                 Chas Holmes Reffs Atty
George W. Douglass                         Wm H. Young Defts Atty

Jany 1        Issued Summons & compt served
                   by DDW France.   Fees $1.00
  "      5       Recd notice of retainer from W H Young
Feby 8       Recd answer by mail from W H Young
March 20   Got stipulation Ex --- to answer
                    Served Reply. cause at issue 

Page 74

Supreme Court
Charles Holmes                      Jeremiah Fox Reffs Atty
Wiliam Suitor

Feby 28     Summons & Complaint served for
                   $53.00. & Int. from Oct. 12, 1858 verified
April 4th     Entered judgement by default
                     for           Damages                     $56.55
                      Costs & Disbursements              11.88
                           Amount of Judgement                                 $68.43

                  Execution paid Nov 24th 1859 

Page 75

Supreme Court
Albany & Susquehanna
Rail Road Co.                                                          Chas Holmes Reffs Atty
Jabez Holmes

                            Issued Summons in Sup Court
                            for $90.00.  --- to Ramsays Office
                            Counsel etx (not served)  Chg.           $2.00 

Page 76

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                             Chas Holmes Reffs Atty
Henry S, Morgan

July 31         Served Summons & compt for
                     $66.04. Damages & costs =
                     Deft settled with Chas Courter
                                      Charge Plff costs =         $5.00 

Page 77

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                    Chas Holmes Reffs Atty
Henry Borst

1859 Feby 28     Issued Summons & complaint
                             for $100.00 & Int. from Feby 1, 1854.
                                   Deft settled with C. Courter
                                           Charge Reff costs                         $5.00 

Page 78

Supreme Court
Albany & Susquehanna                            Chas Holmes     Atty
Rail Road Company
Oliver P. Hubbard

March 22d   Summons & complaint for
                      9 Installments on 3 shares.  $270.00 

Page 79

Supreme Court
Ruchdville Union bank
& Farn Col Institute                         E. E. Ferry  Reffs Atty
David Shafer                                   Chas Holmes  Defts Atty

Feby 19     Summons seved claimin $500.oo
March 1     Served by mail, Notice of Retain
                   on E. E. Ferry & Demanded complt            .03
April 12      Recd copy complaint by mail 

Page 80

Schoharie Co Court
Elias C Burton et al
Hiram W, Vaughn                       Chas Holmes Atty

1859 Apr. 18   Served notice of appeal on P Van Tuyl
                             & S Westcott Esq  Paid Westcott                    $7.00 

Page 81

Supreme Court
Charles Courter                   Chas Holmes Plffs Atty
Charles G. Clark

1860 July 16     Issued Sum & Complt $108.52
                           Served Augt 4, 1860 by Wm Vorrce
                           Sheriff Chautaugua Co.  fees $2.38
  Sept 3             Entered Judgt. Damages $109.42
                                       Costs & Disbts          14.41

Page 82

In Supreme Court, Scho. Co.
John H Northrup  Lewis Burlie                                                        Chas Holmes Atty
----  & William H Sterling
Henry H Woolford & Marshal D Bice

1861 Apr. 11    Judgt confessed by Defts
  "        "      12    Judgt  ___ filed for damages        $193.91
                                                  Costs & Disbts               6.85
                                           Judgt for                              200.76
                    Took 2 Transcripts


Page 83

Statute foreclosure of Mortgage
Helen M Bice, Mortgagor
Chas Courter & M Harder                               Chas Holmes Atty

July 15, 1862  Drft Notice of sale for C & Copy   3/__                        2.25
                    Copy Do for printer                              1/__                          .75
                       "       "     "   County Clerk                   1/__                         .75
                       "       "     "   Posting on C. House      1/__                         .75
                     drft & copy afft of posting on C. House 2                            .85
                     Copy notice annexed to Afft 6 fol.   1/__                             .75
                     Drft & copy afft of affixing in Clks Office & afft                   .85
                     Printers fees, Public afft & oaty to same                        25.20
                     Copy notice annexed     fol 6       1/__                                 .75
                     Copy     "      served on Mortgagor   fol 6                             .75
                     Servicing such notice                                                          1.00
                     Dz & copy afft of serv__ fol 2 & afft                                      .85
                     Copy notice annexd fol 6                                                       .75
                     20 copies notice served on subsequent
                             mortgagees & encumbrancers  .75                          15.00
                      Dz & copy afft of service fol 4 & copy                                1.50
                      Service of notice on 20 subsequent
                         Encumbrancers  $1.00 each                                         20.00
                      Postage of srvive by mail                                                      .63
                      Drft afft of sale & circumstances of sale                            1.62
                      recording affts of sale (Estimated)                                     3.00
                      Atty fees                                                                               10.00

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