Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
thanks to Kim Myers & Sue Knost for helping to make
this page possible
"Views of Schoharie County" - couple of photos
Historic Marker Program - This information was sent to me by Sue Knost, a member of the Capital District Civil War Round Table and US Postal Service employee. Sue also stated that researchers can get postal history info for the towns by contacting the US Postal website and going to the corporate history/librarian section.
The historic marker program was begun in 1926, and state funding ran until 1939. Thereafter private funds were used to erect markers, often with minimal quality control by the State, and sometimes without any recording of text and location.
However, there is an inventory of the approximately 3,000 signs put up with state funding. While we try to update that, we do provide information on existing, or past, state markers, and we have the original application files as well. These files often give clues as to the origin of the text and the reason why the sign was placed as it was.
If you send me the particular marker reference (County, Town and text) I will try and find what I can in the files.
The program remains part of the services of the State Education Department, and is managed by the Historical Survey of the NYS Museum. While the Education Department has a website, the State Museum does not yet have one running. However, access to information may be had from me, Philip Lord, Jr., Acting Chief, Historical Survey, Room CEC 3097, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230, or at, or at 518 496-2037.
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