Karen Dakan of Florida, a descendant of Timothy Murphy, coordinated the task of converting the following directory to electronic text for publishing on the Internet.
"He that hath much to do, will do something wrong, and of that wrong must suffer the consequences; and if it were possible that he should always act rightly, yet when such numbers are to judge of his conduct, the bad will censure and obstruct him by malevolence and the good sometimes by mistake." - SAMUEL JOHNSON.
INTRODUCTION. In presenting to the public the "Gazetteer and Business Directory of Schoharie County," the publisher desires to return his sincere thanks to all who have so kindly aided in obtaining the information it contains, and without whose aid it would have been impossible to collect it in the brief space of time in which it is essential that all such works should be completed. Especially are our thanks due to the several Editors of the Schoharie Union and Schoharie Republican, Schoharie; Cobleskill Index, Cobleskill; Schoharie County Democrat, Richmondville; and the Middleburgh Gazette, Middleburgh; for the uniform kindness which has been evinced in calling attention to the author's efforts; and to the following persons, viz., Wm. T. Broughton, Town Clerk, Summit; Dr. Peter S. Swart, Almerin Gallup, John Morrison, County Clerk, Chas. Holmes, County Judge, Rev. J. H. Heck, Schoharie; John Van Voris, School Commissioner, Cobleskill; Ambrose R. Hunting, School Commissioner, Gallupville; and John F. Hazelton, Asst. Assessor Internal Revenue, Esperance, for essential aid in furnishing material for the work. Many others have kindly volunteered their assistance, to all of whom we return our sincere thanks. The following works have been consulted in its preparation: French's, Gordon's and Spafford's Gazetteers of the State of New York; "Documentary History of New York;" Lossing's "Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution;" Simms' "History of Schoharie;" Campbell's "Annals of Tryon County;" Census Reports; Proceedings of Board of Supervisors; and many others.
Directory is arranged as follows:
1. Name of individual or firm.
2. Post office address in parenthesis.
3. Business or occupation.
Figures placed after the occupation of farmers, indicate the number of acres of land owned or leased by the parties.
The word Street is implied as regards directory for the villages.