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Index to Draft papers
George Manchiffen
Charles Underhill
Giles F. Van Buren
Marshal's Office,
14th District, State of New York
Albany July 11th 1864
To George Manchiffen
Town of Middleburgh County of Schoharie
You are hereby notified that you were, on the 11th day of July, 1864, legally drafted in the service of the United States for the period of 3 years, in accordance with the provisions of the acts of Congress "for enrolling and calling out the National Forces, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1863, and February 24, 1864, and in pursuance of the order of the Provost Marshal General to make a draft in the town of ___, dated ___, 186_. You will accordingly report, on or before the 22d day July 1864 at the place of rendezvous in City of Albany, or be deemed a deserter, and be subject to the penalty prescribed therefor by the Rules and Articles of War.
J Parsons
Provost Marshal,
14 Dist. of New York
Schoharie Nov 3 1862
To Hon Lyman Sanford
We hand you the name of Chas Underhill aged 18 Occupation laborer who has turned eighteen years of age since the Enrollment if he is liable to a -- under the circumstances You will please have his name entered in the Enrollment Book of the town of Schoharie.
Wm. Winter Chairman
Hiram Schoolcraft
Christopher Wetsel
William Wetsel
Giles F. Van Buren
contributed by Frank Skidmore
" I Giles F. Vanburen residing in the town of Summit, County of Schoharie, claim exemption from Military Duty for the following reasons, to wit:
disease of the chest , and cough daily, night sweats and pain about the region of the
heart and bloating . " "Giles X F Vanburen (the X has "his" above it and "mark" below
Then on the bottom of the form
Schoharie Count, ss;
Giles F. Vanburen being dully sworn ...from Military Duty is founded are true: Same signature and mark as above
Sworn to me this 7th Day of Nov 1862
Tiffany Lawyer
Justice of the Peace
The copy I have has no doctor's signature.
Giles Vanburen was the second husband of Charlotte Tinklepaugh.
I also have a copy of a Form 39 from the Provost Marshal's Office, 14th District, State of New York,
Albany July 11th, 1864 to Giles VanBuren, Summit
You are hereby notified that you were on the 11th day of July, 1864 legally drafted in the service of the United States for the period of 3 years etc etc. You will accordingly report on or before the 25th day July 1864 at the place of rendezvous in City of Albany or be deemed a deserter ....
signed: (cannot transcribe signature) Capt & Provost Marshal, 14th Dist of New York.
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Page created October 31, 2001