Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

Dorman Family

Submitted by Thom Carlson

The DORMAN family in Schoharie Co, NY [rev. 21 Jan 2004]

Two sons of Thomas Dorman of Albany made their way to Schoharie County

Thomas, the eldest, died in Sharon, Schoharie Co., in 1804, and his own sons Robert & Thomas went on to Broome County, while his own eldest son Jacob returned to the Albany homestead. Clement, presumed to be his youngest son, stayed in Schoharie, but left little record beyond the 1820 census and a single land sale in 1832.

Jeremiah, the second son of Thomas of Albany, also came to Schoharie, but died within a year of his father’s passing, leaving his own eldest surviving son, Moses, as administrator of his estate..

It is not clear if William Dorman of Middleburgh is a son of Moses or his cousin, though he is listed in the census next door to Joseph Badgley, a brother of Moses Dorman’s wife Phebe.

The connection between the Dorman family in Schoharie and the Dorman family in Rensselaer seems to be established by the fact that Daniel Brisack Dorman, son of Jeremiah & Charlotte (Brisack) Dorman, named their daughter, born 1847, ‘Meranda’, presumably in honor of Meranda Dorman, who died the same year and is buried in the Schaghticoke cemetery.

It seems reasonable to assume that Jeremiah Dorman, husband of Charlotte Brisack, is the Jeremiah Dorman listed in Broome in the 1820 census. There is not sufficient evidence to determine the relationship between Jeremiah & Clement.

Another connection appears to be established by the fact that Julia Etta Dorman (daughter of Jeremiah & Mary Dorman, presumed granddaughter of Moses Dorman) named a son "Garret Dorman Smith". Note also that she died in Rensselaer and is buried there; perhaps having divorced her husband Moses P. Smith and living with relatives there.

1820 Federal Census, Schoharie County, NY

Town of Blenheim Series: M33 Roll: 65 Page: 207

Moses Dorman 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

2 males under 10 [Daniel @ 2,

2 males 10-16 [pos. Anthony, George]

1 male 26-45 [Moses @40]

2 females under 10 [Ellen @11, Mary A. @1]

1 female 26-45 [Phebe @ 30-something]

2 persons engaged in agriculture [eldest son George abt. 16]

Town of Middleburgh Series: M33 Roll: 65 Page: 227

[misindexed as "DORNAN"; next door to Joseph Badgley]

William Dorman 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

1 male under 10 [b. 1810-1820]

1 male 16-26 [b. 1794-1804]

1 female under 10 [b. 1810-1820]

1 female 16-26 [b. 1794-1804]

1 person engaged in agriculture

Town of Broome Series: M33 Roll: 65 Page: 165

The 1820 Federal census of Broome was rewritten in rough alpha order, presumably at the time it was taken, and thus no information is preserved about who lived next to whom. It cannot be assumed that Jeremiah & Clement were in adjacent households, and presumably were at some remove, given that their names are not adjacent in the given listing.

Jeremiah Dorman 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

2 males under 10 [b. 1810-1820]

1 male 16-26 [b. 1794-1804]

1 female 16-26 [b. 1794-1804]

1 person engaged in agriculture

Clement Dorman 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

1 male 26-45 [b. 1775-1794]

2 females under 10 [b. 1810-1820]

1 female 26-45 [b. 1775-1794]

1 person engaged in agriculture

1825 State Census, Schoharie County, NY Town of Blenheim

Moses Dorman 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1

5 males, 4 females

of these 5 males, 2 males 18-45 subject to military duty [Moses @45 & ??]

of these 4 females, 1 married female under 45 [Phebe (Badgley) Dorman, early 40’s]

of these 4 females, 1 unmarried female 16-45 [Ellen @16]

of these 4 females, 2 unmarried females under 16 [Lorraine @ 2, Mary A. @6]

1 female death in the preceding year


1825 State Census, Schoharie County, NY Town of Middleburgh

William Dorman 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

3 males, 2 females

of these 3 males, 1 male 18-45 subject to militia duty [b. 1780-1807][so probably William with two sons under 18]

of these 3 males, 1 male qualified to vote [William]

of these 2 females, 1 married female under 45 [b. after 1780]

of these 2 females, 1 unmarried female 16-45 [b. 1780-1809]

1 male death during the preceding year

Jeremiah DORMAN, listed in the 1820 census, is absent.

But cf. J. M. DORMANT in the Buffalo, Erie Co. census of 1830, listed adjacent to one A. SMITH, who is then listed adjacent to William DORMAN in the 1840 census of Triangle, Broome Co, NY.

No listing for a Clement DORMAN has been found in 1825 or 1830.

But according to Dorman (1994), there is a deed dated 24 Jun 1832 (bk F, p. 338 Schoharie) from Clement Dorman to John Gebhard for land in Broome County. When & how did Clement acquire this land?

John Gebhard was a man of means and the county surrogate around this time; it may be that Clement decided to sell his land to provide for his family while he headed west.


1830 Federal Census, Schoharie Co, NY Series: M19 Roll: 116 Page: 63

Town of Blenheim

Moses Dorman 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

1 male under 5 [

1 male 10-15 [Daniel @ 12

1 male 15-20 [

2 males 20-30 [?Anthony @ 28; ?George @ 25]

1 male 40-50 [Moses @50]

1 female 5-10 [Loraine @7] [Ellen had married in January]

1 female 10-15 [Mary Anna @ 10 ?]

1 female 40-50 [Phebe]



The Church Register of the Presbyterian Church of Hunter, NY

Presbyterian Board of Publication, No. 1334 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia

Anthony Dorman of Blenheim Caroline Mann of Hunter md. Sep 11 1838 at Home of Andrew Houck



from Cemetery Records of Schoharie County by Gertrude A. Barber

Schoharie Cemetery p. 79 It is not clear if these are all in the same burial plot.

Dorman, M. Jay Jan 3, 1854 @27y 5m 15d why hasn’t M. Jay been found in the 1850 census?

Dorman, Moses Jun 1, 1843 @63 y 1m

Dorman, Jeremiah Aug 13, 1838 @32y 2m 5d

according to Frank Dorman:

Dorman, Jeremiah Mar 19, 1831 @35 Hager Cemetery, citing same source.


1840 Federal Census, Schoharie Co, NY Series: M704 Roll: 338 Page: 13

Town of Blenheim

Moses and Anthony appear in adjacent households

Moses DORMAN 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 male 10-15 Frank Dorman assumes grandson M. Jay

1 male 40-50 [?George Dorman @35]

1 male 60-70 [Moses Dorman @60, b. 1780]

1 female 15-20 [?Sally @16]

1 female 20-30 [Mary Anna @20, not to marry until 1843]

1 female 50-60 [Phebe] Frank Dorman reports her death in error

Anthony DORMAN 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 male under 5 [Jerome B. Dorman @2]

1 male 30-40 [Anthony Dorman @38]

1 male 50-60

1 female 10-15

1 female 20-30 [Caroline (MANN) Dorman @36]

farther down the same page

Daniel DORMAN 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 male 0-5 [Charles Ward Dorman @3]

1 male 20-30 [Daniel D. Dorman @22]

1 female 20-30 [Eva (Shoemaker) Dorman, abt. @20; Elizabeth , w. of Daniel B. DORMAN only @ 15 yrs]



Moses Dorman died 1 Jun 1843 in Blenheim and was buried in the Riverview Cemetery, North Blenheim.

Anthony Dorman had moved out to Tioga County, where he listed side-by-side with George Dorman; presumably George was the other older male in Moses’s household in the 1840 census and Sally (possibly his wife, 20 years his junior).

1850 Federal Census, Tioga Co, NY

Town of Tioga, p. 76

family 1097

Anthony Dorman 38 M cabinetmaker NY

Caroline Dorman 36 F NY

Jerome Dorman 13 M NY

Elizabeth Dorman 8 F NY

Charlotte Dorman 5 F NY

Ellen Dorman 2 F NY

family 1098

Geo. Dorman 45 M merchant NY

Sally Dorman 26 F note that Frank Dorman assumes this is his wife, not daughter


The Daniel Dorman listed in the 1840 census of Blenheim had married Eva SHOEMAKER of Gilboa. His son Charles Ward Dorman was born in Blenheim in 1839; his other son Jeremiah Mott Dorman was born there in 1842. He removed to Delhi, Delaware Co. NY, where he was a merchant. In 1849, he divorced his wife Eva on grounds of infidelity.

In the 1850 census, Eva Dorman is living with her youngest son Jeremiah M back in Gilboa. Adjacent households include Warren P. Street, cabinetmaker and his apprentices Charles D. Bogardus, Osborn Hildreth, and Isaac Sarles; and Reed L Palmer, blacksmith.


1850 Federal Census, Schoharie Co NY

Town of Gilboa

household 2113 family 2114

Eve DORMAN 29 f NY

Jeremiah M. DORMAN 8 m NY

Charles Ward Dorman is farmed out to the Harmon Stryker family; Mary Stryker was probably a sister of Eva.

household 2396 family 2397

Harmon STRYKER 46 m farmer NY

Polly STRYKER 45 f NY

Abram STRYKER 22 m NY

Mary STRYKER 20 f NY

Ward DORMAN 11 m NY


In the town of Schoharie, there’s a Thomas Dorman, blacksmith, living in a hotel with other tradesmen

(and one Catherine Brisack):

1850 Federal Census, Schoharie Co NY

Town of Schoharie

household 1841 family 1842

Catharine BRISACK 27 f NY

Diana TEABOUT 18 f (mullato) NY

Nancy TEABOUT 16 f (mullato) NY


Isaac HUDDLESTON 17 m student NY

Thomas DORMAN 30 m blacksmith NY

James LAMEREAUX 21 m carpenter NY

Robert N. STEFFENS 27 m carriagemaker NY

Meanwhile, in the town of Broome, there is listed a David D. Dorman. It is clear from the family record that this is Daniel Brisack Dorman and his wife Elizabeth Williams, probably a cousin of Daniel of Delhi. Perhaps the scandal of the divorce made it necessary for him to use David instead of Daniel; perhaps that is also why he later uses ‘Brisack’.

The John Shafer listed in his household may be the brother or cousin of Christina Shaver, who became Daniel D. Dorman’s second wife in 1852.

1850 Federal Census, Schoharie Co NY

Town of Broome

dwelling 540 family 541

David D. DORMAN 28 m carpenter NY [b. 1822]

Elizabeth DORMAN 26 f NY

Charles DORMAN 7 m NY

Jeremiah DORMAN 5 m NY

Charlotte DORMAN 3 f NY

John H. SHAFER 18 m carpenter NY

His mother Charlotte (Brisack) Dorman, may have been in Greene Co, where a Mrs. Charlotte Dorman is listed on the REGISTER of the Names of Members of the Presbyterian Church in Catskill in 1855.

Note that Anthony Dorman md. in 1838 Caroline MANN of Hunter, Greene Co.


1850 Federal Census, Greene Co NY

Town of Windham

household 43 family 44

Daniel INGHAM 38 m carpenter $2000 NY

Harriet INGHAM 35 f NY

Sally INGHAM 62 f CT

Charles INGHAM 12 m NY

Lemuel BRISACK 28 m NY

household 44 family 45

Manly FINCH 28 m farmer NY

Mary FINCH 30 f NY

Amanda DORMAN 6 f NY

Nancy DORMAN 26 f NY

household 45 family 46

Josephin PALMER 27 m farmer NY

Sally PALMER 19 f NY

John PALMER 21 m NY

household 46 family 47

Harvey FINCH 30 m carpenter NY

Emeline FINCH 31 f NY

Coleman FINCH 5 m NY

household 47 family 48

Frederick BRISACK 46 m farmer NY

[cont. next page]

This Frederick Brisack might be the brother of Charlotte (Brisack) DORMAN.

Mary DORMAN listed here might be the same Mary DORMAN that later married Hervey C. Finch and is listed next to Anthony DORMAN in Prince George Co, MD in the 1860 census.


Land Records of Schoharie Co NY

[Frank Dorman reports that on 11 Jun 1827, Moses & Phebe Dorman sold land to in Blenheim "to their sons" George and Jeremiah M. Dorman (Schoharie Deed I:495), but it is not clear whether this relationship is written in the deed or an expression of his own theory]

Schoharie mortgages, Book M, p. 320 18 Nov 1822 between Jeremiah DORMAN and Charlotte his wife of Schoharie and Nancy DORMAN of Albany; sale of premises (see bk D, 504-6) purchased by Aretas STANTON.

Charlotte DORMAN from Aretas STANTON, Bk 9, p. 294

[in spite of Frank Dorman’s claim on p. 175, "there are no deeds in the name of Daniel", there are these:

Charlotte DORMAN to Daniel B. DORMAN, Bk 8, p. 497 dated 15 Apr 1844

Charlotte DORMAN to Daniel B. DORMAN, Bk 11, p. 164 dated 11 Mar 1846

Daniel B. DORMAN and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas POST, Bk 9, p. 267

also: Thomas POST to Daniel B. DORMAN, Bk 10, p. 246 dated 20 Jun 1845


1860 Federal Census, Schoharie Co NY

Town of Fulton Series: M653 Roll: 860 Page: 1

dwelling 1 familiy 1

Aretus STANTON 45 M Farmer NY

Nancy DORMAN 67 F NY


Town of Broome Series: M653 Roll: 860 Page: 239

dwelling 186 family 178

Daniel DORMAN 41 M carpenter 600 180 NY [son of Charlotte in 1880 census]

Elizabeth DORMAN 36 F NY

Charles DORMAN 17 M farm laborer NY

Jeremiah DORMAN 15 M NY

Charlotte DORMAN 13 F NY

Frederick DORMAN 5 M NY

Maranda DORMAN 3 F NY [b. 1857]

Charlotte DORMAN 60 F housekeeper NY [widow Jeremiah]

Frederick Dorman may have been named after Frederick Brisack, possibly the father of Charlotte.

Meranda Dorman may have been named after Meranda Dorman who died the same year and is buried in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY d. 1857 @26 [b. 1831], possibly a sister of cousin of Daniel B.


Harriet L. Dorman, who appears below in the 1870 census in the household of Daniel B. Dorman as a school teacher, is Harriet (BARLOW) Dorman, the wife of Charles A. They were married 18 Apr 1869 in Schoharie Co.

Frederick Dorman, b. 1854 according to the 1860 census, is not listed, and is probably the Frederick E. Dorman, d. 1866 and buried in the Keyserkill Cemetery along with Daniel & Elizabeth (Williams) Dorman. Frank Dorman lists him as having married and moved to Michigan, possibly because of the coincidence of birth years with the Frederick Dorman there.

1870 Federal Census, Schoharie Co NY Series: M593 Roll: 1091 Page: 26

Town of Broome

dwelling 108 family 120

Daniel DORMAN 51 m w farmer $4000 $2300 NY

Elizabeth DORMAN 46 f w keeping house NY

Charles A. DORMAN 26 f w farm laborer $500 NY

Jeremiah DORMAN 25 m w farm laborer $500 NY

Miranda DORMAN 13 f w at school NY

Harriet L. DORMAN 19 f w teaching school NY

Charlotte DORMAN 70 f w NY


1880 Federal Census, Broome, Schoharie Co NY NA Film T9-0930 page # 17D

Town of Broome

Daniel DORMAN Self M Male W 62 NY Farmer NY NY

Elizabeth DORMAN Wife M Female W 54 NY Keeping House NY NY

Jeremiah DORMAN Son S Male W 35 NY At Home NY NY

Charlotte DORMAN Mother W Female W 82 NY At Home NY NY

1880 Federal Census, Broome, Schoharie Co NY NA Film T9-0930 page #20B

Town of Broome

Charles DORMAN Self M Male W 37 NY Farmer NY NY

Harriet DORMAN Wife M Female W 29 NY Keeping House NY NY

Dora DORMAN Dau S Female W 9 NY At School NY NY

Amos KITTE Other S Male W 16 NY Hired Hand GER NY

Charles DUNCAN Other W Male W 60 NY Laborer NY NY

1880 Federal Census, Conesville, Schoharie Co NY NA Film T9-0930 page # 101C

Town of Conesville

Jerome VANTASSEL Self M Male W 25 NY Laborer NY NY

Meranda VANTASSEL Wife M Female W 23 NY Keeping House NY NY

Charles VANTASSEL Son S Male W 5 NY NY NY


Jeremiah VANTASSEL Son S Male W 8m NY NY NY

Maranda (Dorman) VanTassel died a couple of years after the 1880 census and is buried along with her parents in the Keyerkill Cemetery, Broome.


Keyserkill Cemetery, Broome, Schoharie Co, NY

DORMAN, Daniel B. b. ???? d. ????

Elizabeth WILLIAMS (wife) d. October 28, 1886 age 62/5/3

DORMAN, Frederick E. d. October 10, 1866

DORMAN, Maranda S. (wife of Jerome VAN TASSEL) d. September 24, 1882 age 25/4/29


?Cemetery, Broome, Schoharie Co, NY

[Frank Dorman reports that a Charlotte Dorman died in Broome, 10 Jun 1888. In the absence of other evidence, it must be assumed that this was Charlotte (Brisack) Dorman, wife of Jeremiah and mother of Daniel B. Dorman.]

1900 Federal Census, Broome, Schoharie Co, NY

Charles DORMAN

Harriett DORMAN


1910 Federal Census, Broome, Schoharie Co, NY

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