Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
from the Historical Room of the Middleburgh Library - submitted to this page by Sylvia VanHouten, Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie County was formed as a seperate district in 1772,, and a County Apr. 6, 1795,
from Albany County, In 1836 a small part of Green County was annexed, making 675 square
miles containing 432,000 acres. Col. Nickolas Beard purchased the first land from the
Indians in Schoharie and obtained a grant for it May 4, 1696. After a short time the
Indians repudiated the sale and the grant was vacated in 1699. There was no other patent
granted until Aug. 24, 1714 when Adam Vroman received a patent for 1400 acres of land in
Town of Fulton.
Nov. 3, 1714 Myndert Schuyler received a patent for 10,000 acres in Schoharie.
May 24, 1726 Lewis Morris received a patent for 3500 acres at Schoharie.
May 30, 1739 Hendrick Jacob TenEyck received a patent for 3500 acres now In the Town of
Feb. 25, 1752 Jacob Borst and others received a patent of 18,000 acres at Doorloo, now
Oct. 11, 1752 Frederick Youngs received a patent for 20,000 acres.
Mar. 19, 1754 Johannes Becker and or others received a patent for 6,000 acres.
Feb. 6, 1753 Johannes Lawyer and others received a patent for 2640 acres.
May 6, 1754 Ury Richtmyer received a patent for 8000 acres in Conesville.
Aug. 14, 1761 Johannes Lawyer and others received a patent for 7000 acres.
May 8, 1755 William Bouck received a patent for 2500 acres.
Dec. 20, 1765 Johannes Lawyer and others received a patent 36,000 acres.
Nov. 28, 1769 John Weatherhead and others received a patent for 40,000 acres called the
Blenheim Patent.
July 13, 1770 David Buffington received a patent for 4000 acres in town of Broome.
Jan. 15, 1770 Stephen Skinner received a patent for 40,000 acres in Cobleskill.
Jan. 2, 1770 John Morris Scott received a patent for 42,500 acres in Broome.
Jan. 15, 1770 Stephen Skinner received a patent for 40,000 acres.
Sept. 10, 1772 Beamsley Glazier received a patent for 3000 acres.
Aug. 13, 1760 Ernest William Spornheyer received a patent, for 2000 acres in Seward.
Mar, 19, 1759 Jacob Sternbergh and others received a patent for 3000 acres.
Mar. 25, 1768 Michel Byrne received a patent for 18,000 acres.
Jan. 12, 1769 Samuel Stringer received a patent for 2000 acres.
Dec. 1, 1768 Hendrick Hager received a patent for 900 acres in Fulton.
July 1, 1770 Isack LeRoy received a patent for 4,433 acres In Broome.
uly 13, 1770 William Woods received a patent for 2000 acres in Blenheim.
Apr. 14, 1753 Goldsboro Banyer received a patent for 4000 acres in Schoharie and Otsego
July 6, 1769 George Cougham received a patent for 100,000 acres in Schoharie and Otsego.
Nov. 19, 1731 William Corry and others received a patent for 25,000 acres in Schoharie and
Montgomery Countys.
BLENHEIM- The Town of Blenheim was formed from Schoharie Mar. 17,
1797. The first settlement was made by Hendrick Hager and his sons Jacob, John, Peter,
Joseph and David in 1740.
Hendrick Hager first settled at German Flats and married Gertrude Petrio, sister of the
wife of Gen. Herkimer. He was a soldier in the French and Indian Wars 1750 and served in
the War of the Revolution under his son Capt. Jacob Hager. His buildings were burned and
he was captured and taken to Canada.
Other early settlers were Jacob Schaeffer, Dewalt Bartholmew, Barrant Keyser, Laurence
Matice, Lambert Sternbergh, William Feeck, Philip VanAllen, Joost VanValkenburg, Peter
Finck and William Finck came In 1770.
Casper Martin and George Martin about 1800. Henry Efner, Mathias Brown 1770. Banks
Morehous 1785. Zsack Patchin and Freegift Patchin, who was taken prisoner in 1780. John W.
Martin 1793, Thomas Peaslee 1801, John Rifenburg 1807, Munson Morehouse 1805, Francis
Winnie 1793, John Mayham 1795, Lueus Tuttle 1809, James Wilson 1810, David Kingsley 1800,
Benjamin Goodenough 1800, James Burnett, Henry Mayham, Christopher Patchel, Johanes Finck
Simeon Hager 1785, Henry Kniskern 1798, Daniel Hager 1791, Conrad Matice 1795, Barney
Keyser 1803, George Mackey 1810, John Wright 1803, Fredrick Schaeffer 1789, John Perry
1815, John Beller 1797, Rickard Decker 1799.
BROOME - Town of Broome was first formed as Bristol Mar. 17,, 1797 and
was changed to Broome Apr. 6, 1808 and named after Lieut. Governor John Broome. The first
settlers before the Revolution were Derick VanDyck, John Robins and Christopher Hagadorne.
Settlers after the Revolution were Charles Hagadorn 1795, Tyron Cook, 1795, Hiram Mace
1795, William H. Stewart 1796, William Brayman 1795, Thomas Scutt 1799, Robert Borthwick
James Borthwick 1795, Timothy Kelsey 1796, Palmer Lord 1791, Henry L. Krum 1802, Abram
Conklyn 1804, Obadiah Haskins 1804, James Hay 1800, Sally Duncan 1802, Daniel B. Dorman
1807, Daniel Duncan 1801, Allen Yect 1800, Joshua Bushnell and Asa Bushnell 1800, George
Borthwick 1800, Ezra Chapman 1795, George Watson and Hesakiah Watson 1801, Ebenezer
Nickham 1800, Daniel Rifenburg 1805, Josiah Benjamin 1809, Abram Scutt 1805, James Ellis
Sylvester Richmond 1805, Stephen Mosier 1805, Seymore Sornberger 1810, John Walker 1810,
John Jillet 1800, Asa Starkweather 1802, Adam Matice 1792, Julius Dutton 1802, Orrin
Hubard 1805, Giles H. Hubard 1805, Ebenezer Benjamin 1800, Fredrick Winewright 1815, Henry
Cook 1817, Reynolds Knowles 1817, Blaisdell Nickerson 1815, among the early settlers were
Daniel Shays, the leader of Shays Rebellion in Mass. 1786 he fled to this town and
purchased a large tract of land and lived there until he died in 1821. David Williams, one
of the Capters of Major Andre settled In this town in 1805 on a farm, which he purchased
of Daniel Shay and lived there until his death Aug. 2, 1831. His body was removed to the
Old Stone Fort at Schoharie July 19, 1876 and a monument was erected by the State.
CARLISLE - Carlisle was formed from Cobleskill and Sharon Mar. 31,
1807. The first settlement was made in 1760 by Andrew Loucks Conrad Engel, Philip Hooker,
Peter Youngs, John Brown.
Adam H. Kniskern in 1788, Peter Kniskern 1786, Severenus Brown 1788, Peter Hilsinger 1791,
Benjamin Johnson 1790, Thomas Kenyon 1790, Barrant Vroman 1790, Solomon Youngs 1795, Abram
Brown 1785, Charles Grovner 1796, Adam Lawyer 1783 Philip Hemstreet, Stephen Monk 1795,
Robert Lawton 1793, John Youngs 1795, John F. Lord 1797, Jacob Kniskern 1798, Thankfull
Burne 1797, James Sweetman 1800, John C. McNeil 1795, John Difendorf 1800, Jacob
Diefendorf 1800, George Diefendorf 1800, Adam Lawton 1800, George Grovner 1800, Peter
Loucks 1800, David L. Snyder, Philip Kniskern 1801, John Joost Patrie 1800, David Engel
1805, Peter Gordon 1805, Hiram Grovner 1805, Chauncey Grovner 1805, Jacob Hilsinger 1801,
Benjamin Youngs 1801, Richard Youngs 1802, Henry J. Ottman 1809, Cornelius Spring 1811,
Mary Sweetman 1800.
John B. Roscoe 1805, James Roscoe 1805, Philip Karker 1800, Mathew Cass 1801, Goodrick
Primer 1800, John Larkin 1800, Peter Becker 1800, Joseph Becker 1800, Conrad Richtmyer
1800, Henry Richtmyer 1800, James B. Russell 1805, Evenezer Gordon 1803, Adrian Bradt
1805, Eli Snyder 1810, John H. Patrie 1804, David Ulman 1805, Abram A. Kniskern 1809, Adam
Cromwell 1808, David Seeley 1808, John Woodworth 1808, Henry Slingerland 1810.
Joseph Conklyn 1808, Robert Gordon 1814, Henry W. Larkin 1811, Josiah Guffen 1819, Andrew
Guffin 1809, John Hyney 1807, Ira Dewey, John Carle, Merritt Washburn 1810, Jessie Roberts
1811, Risell Huntington 1808 William Ferris 1810, Cornelius Marshall Lyman Howes, John J.
Loucks, John Pramer 1809, William Case 1812, Jacob Moak 1815.
COBLESKILL - Cobleskill was formed from Schoharie Mar. 17, 1797. The
first settlement was made in 1750 by John H. Schaeffer, Henry Schaeffer, Lambert Lawyer,
Jacob L. Lawyer, Nickolas Lawyer, Peter Bouck, John George Bouck, David Bouck, Lambert
Schaeffer 1773, John Joost Schaeffer 1773, Hendrick Schaeffer 1773, George Schaffer 1778,
Capt. Christian Brown 1765, Mathias Brown 1765.
John Mickel Brown, Adam Brown 1780, Capt. George Warner, Johanus Schaeffer 1750, Jacob
Borst 1750, Johanus Borst 1760, Johanus Freimyer 1760, Conrad Barney 1738, Teunis
Slingerland 1760, Conrad Engel 1760, Philip Karker 1760, Martin Dillenbeck 1774, William
Elmendorf 1790, George Ferster 1775, Capt. James Dana 1780, John Redington 1782, John King
1775, Lawrence Lawyer 1770, John Schell 1775, John Zeah 1777, William Ricktmyer 1791.
Conrad Richtmyer 1791, Abram Bouck 1790, Joseph Berner 1780, John Kilmer 1799, John Joost
Werth 1800, Christopher Wetsell 1799, Johanus Youngs 1760, Philip Weiting 1800, Isaack
Hall Tiffany 1798, William Elmendorf 1800, Charles Courter, Seth B. Wakeman 1796, Jebediah
Miller 1796, Jessie Shepard 1800, Joseph Palmentier 1785, Abram Richtmyer 1785, Peter
Bellinger 1785, Peter Palmentier 1785, Thomas Hemstreet 1790, Teunis Hager 1790, Jacob
Kromer 1790, Henry Foland 1798, John France 1795, Thomas Lawyer 1795, Peter Casper 1805,
William Herron 1800, George Warner 1800, Robert Earl 1800, Johanus Bouck 1800, William
Snyder 1801, Nickolas Smith 1800, Caleb Lamb 1800, Josias Kellog 1800, Peter Mann 1800,
Jabez Kromer 1802, Thomas Smith 1805, Abram Shutts 1805, Jarred Goodyer 1805, Margaret
Earl 1807, Margaret Shutts 1809.
Oliver Hill 1811, David Boice 1811, Isaack Slingerland 1811, Jacob Scott 1817, William
Hudelsten, John Mowers, John Paterson, Seth Crowell.
CONESVILLE - Conesville was formed Mar. 3,1836 from Broome and Durhan
Green County, and was named for Johathan Cone.
The settlers before the Revolution were Ury Richtmyer in 1764 and Peter Richtmyer 1776.
Settlers after the Revolution were John Richtmyer 1780, Barrant Striker 1787, Jacob Allen
1795, Hanah Wade 1795, Jonathan Scoville 1796, Stephen Scoville 1796, Elisha Scoville
1790, Thomas Scoville 1795.
John Shew 1780, James Alsten 1795, Hanah Hulbert 1795, Luther Case 1798, Darius Dean 1794,
Solomon Bartholomew 1799, Solomon Fiero 1794, James 0'Brien 1794, John Vorrhees 1794,
Cornelius Sherman 1786, Abram Richtmyer 1791, George Richtmyer 1785, Daniel Richtmyer
1783, Lyman Elton 1799.
Margarett Bull 1788, Daniel Crane 1800, Samuel Stringer 1800, Walter McFarlane 1802,
Channey Case 1807, Jacob Smith 1806, John Gaylord 1805, William Jones, Samuel Kingsley
1805, Joshua Frieze 1801, Athneil Phelps 1805, Levi Wade 1803, Erastus Day 1805.
Peter Striker 1808, Judah Leuring 1800, John Snyder 1801, Charles Boughton 1805, Henry
Gaylord 1810, John Gaylord 1810, Darius Bartholomew 1800, Peter Thompson 1805, Isaack
Bloodgood 1800, William Bloodgood 1791, Leah Patrie 1805, Mathew Boughton 1802, Peter
Striker 1808, Peter S. Stevens 1808, Ira Case 1805.
Alen Case 1807, Calvin Case 1800, Daniel Miller 1806, Levi Stam 1810, Daniel & McGarry
1811, Jacob E. Layman 1800, John Miller 1810, Peter Egnor 1815, Conrad Petrie 1800. Joseph
Bennett 1815, Abram Shoemaker 1815, Rolo Phelps 1813, Benjamin Hulburt 1819, Benjamin
Richmond 1818, Jacob Layman.
ESPERANCE - The Town of Esperance was formed from Schoharie Apr. 4.
The first settlers were John Peter Kniskern 1729, Godfried Kniskern 1729, Lambert
Sternbergh 1729, Philip Berg 1729, Hendrick Houck 1729, Hendrick Strubrack 1729, Johanus
Merikle 1729, Bartram Enders 1730, Harmanus Sidney 1731, Christian Strubrack 1740, Abram
Berm 1760, Jacob Enders 1730, Johanus Enders 1730, William Enders 1730, Christyon Sidney
1729, Hendrick Kniskern 1730, Johanus Kniskern 1730, James Brown 1785, John J. Van
Valkenburgh 1760, John Brown 1735.
George Brown 1785, Joseph Teeple 1788, Stephen Crocker 1788, Abram Montany 1788, William
Markle 1783, Jacob Teeple 1794, Ruben Quick 1798, Peter P, Teeple 1792,, John Knox 1798,
Ralph R. Phelps 1800, William Sloan 1800, John R. Sloan 1800, Gideon Larkin 1803, Robert
McMaster 1800, John Dwelly 1803, Isaack A. Tubbs 1803, William Hare 1803, Sarah Hemstreet
1805, Nelsen Hemstreet 1805, Greal Larkin 1800, Gideon Larkin 1805, Henry Hitchman 1803,
Harmanus Ten Eyck 1785, Daniel Hare 1793, John Burt 1800, Calvin Wright 1805, Isaack
Hall.Tiffany 1809, Andrew Caswell 1800, Daniel Beach 1800, David Phelps 1806, Egbert
Cumbelten 1805, Gaius Phelps 1806, Sylvester Philips 1807, Henry Markle 1805, Clark Throp,
Amos Egelston 1811, Nathan Egelston 1811.
Henry M. Brown 1810, John Magee 1810, Nancy Kimball 1810, John Bull 1813, Schuyler Briggs
1815, William Simpson 1815, Alfred Johnson 1813, Henry Mandell 1814, William Worcester
1818, Isaack Slingerland 1815. John McMaster 1813, Margaret Winsloe 1815, Alexander Dean
1815, Jeremiah Rich 1818, Richard Hemstreet, Gardner Cleveland 1820, James Hemstreet 1815,
Joseph Green, John Cummings, Olney Briggs.
FULTON - Town of Fulton was formed Apr. 15, 1825 from Middleburgh. The
early settlers were Peter Muse Vroman 1715, Barrant Vrooman 1720, Nouten Vroman 1720, John
Vroman 1730, Teunis Swart 1730, Johanus Becker 1725, Peter Swart 1740, Ryer Baxter 1730,
John Nickolas Matice 1713, Fredrick Matice 1720, Lawrence Matice 1720.
William Bouck 1713, Christyan Bouck 1713, Johanes Bouck 1720, Teunis Eckerson 1720,
Richard Hagadorn 1740, Johans Earhart 1720, Nickolas Feeck 1720, Arnold Feeck 1716, Michel
Brown 1740, Timothy Murphy 1777, Martyns Van Slyck 1720.
Bartholomew Hagadorn 1730, Harmanus Van Valkenburgh 1730, Peter Zeiley 1720, John Myers
1730, Abram Keyser 1760, Joede Myers 1754, Joost Zeah 1770, Johanus Zeah 1730, William
Hotaling 1776, Jonas Larraoway 1740, Nickolas Keyser 1740, Johanes Rickert 1730, Adam
Brown 1740, Adam Krisler 1750, John VanLoan 1771, Conrad Winnie 1774, Philip Hoover 1774,
John Daly 1775, Mickel Hilsinger 1785, Samuel Ash 1794, Daniel Decker 1799, Isaac Cummings
1789, Robert Gorse 1792, Samuel McNeil 1799, Abram Haines 1780, Daniel Hager 1780,
Hendrick Haines 1740, Wilbury Burghard 1790, Jacob Van Valkenburgh 1780, John Fringer
Daniel Barnard 1790, Moyer Dibble 1798, Benjamin Best 1800, Samuel Lawyer 1788, Joseph
Becker 1796, David Barner 1790, Joseph Rodman 1798, Col. Peter Vroman 1750, Peter
Sagendorf 1770, Abram Berg 1760, Charles Watson 1805, Benjamin Gorse 1807, Nickolas York
1807, William Holmes 1805, John Decker 1805, William Spaulding 1806, Phineas Lamont 1805,
William Rossman 1808, Jobe E. Tripp, 1809, Samuel Mitchell 1817, John Spickerman 1820.
GILBOA - The Town of Gilboa was formed Mar. 16, 1848 from Blenheim and
The first settlers were John Dice 1760, Mathew Dice 1760. During the Revolution they
abandoned their lands and went to Canada.
Harris Lemly 1760, Isaack Van Fort 1785, Betsey Lawrence 1786, David Ehsen 1783, William
Edwards 1797, Richard Stanly 1790, Joseph DeSiIva 1790, Benoni Frazier 1790, Cornelius
Lane 1790, John Brewster 1790, Daniel Conover 1791, Jacob Homer 1792, Rufol Voorhees 1785,
Lewis Sowle 1794, Charlota Champlin 1794, Abram Frazee 1795, Josiah Cook 1795, Ruben
Frazee 1788, Jacob Shoemaker 1799, Abraham Hoagland 1796, Archibald Croswell 1795, Peter
Striker 1779, Benoni Hoagland 1795, Lucy Roe 1787, John Shew 1790, John Hoagland 1790,
Nickolas Colby 1806, Colby Reed 1806, Johah Soper 1800, William McHench 1803, John McHench
1805, Fredrick Coons 1807, David Matheson 1805.
Eliba Williams 1793, John Chichester 1801, Ira DeSilva 1806, Abraham Decker 1800, David
Gilbert 1800, Barran.t Striker 1800, Rufol W. Rulfoson 1803, David M. Griggs 1805, Mathias
Benjamin 1805, Daniel P. Conover 1801, Ebenezer Benjamin 1805, Francis Hendricks 1803,
Ezra Stevens 1805, Oriel W. Lawrence 1801, Elsen Brewster 1805, William Brown 1808, Harmer
Moore 1808, John Cornell 1805, Henry Cornell 1805.
Ozias Stevens 1805, Marcus Richtmyer 1805, John Travill 1805, Casper Bartly 1800, Abram
Richtmyer 1806, Elisha Efner 1808, Jonathan Safford 1804, Nelsen Faning 1808, Waren Street
1810, Samuel Bortal 1809, Daniel Stewart 1810, David Marshall 1810, John H. Shew 1812,
John Dice 1811, Silas Clapper 1810, Abraham Long 1814, Gerrard Gifford 1815, Job Tibbits
1804, John Hendricks 1815, John J. Jackson 1817, David Jackson 1817, Jacob Decker 1814,
Luther Hastings 1817, Robert Harington 1817, David W. Parsons 1817, William Baker 1814,
Peter Matice 1810.
JEFFERSON - The Town of Jefferson was formed Feb. 12, 1803 from
Blenheim. The Town was first settled by people from New England in 1793.
Samuel Judsen 1793, Henry Shelmandine 1793, Stephen Marvin 1793, Erastus Judd 1793, Ezra
Beard 1793, James Hubard 1793, Marvin Judd 1793, Herman Heacock 1794, Canfield Coe 1794,
Stephen Judd 1796, Charles Martin 1797, Esther Cowley 1795, Elisha Jones 1793., James
McKinizie 1793, Joseph Fuller 1795, Cornelius Bailey 1793, Simon Tuttle 1799, Charles
Lewis 1799, Henry All 1799, Rockman Lewis 1800, Eli Jones 1810, Abner Bissell 1810, Alen
Merchant 1802, Abram Hulbert 1802, Elisha Stewart 1802, Winthrop Dwyer 1803, Huber
Merchant 1803, Isaack White 1805 ,Henry Simmons 1805, Ephraim Thomas 1805, Benjamin
Boughton 1805, Samuel Roe 1808, Jacob J. Johnson 1808, William Evans 1805, William P.
Stanly 1808, Miles Carington 1808, John W. Stevens 1809, Charles Lewis 1808, Ezra Allen
1800, Noah Judson 1800, Samuel Judson 1800, Caleb Northrup 1800, Amos Northrup 1800,
Rockman Lewis 1800, Sarah Minor 1805, Levi Gallup 1807.
Isaack Buckingham 1800, Martin Van Buren 1802, John Moore 1802, Abel Parsons 1805, Ezekiel
Galley 1807, William P. Stanly 1808, Jacob Dyckman 1810, Nillen Judd 1810, Smith Disbrow
1816, Bernard Hix 1810, Eber Hix 1810, Peter Hix, Eli Egelsten 1810.
Eli Boice 1810, Andreas Gardner 1812, Samuel Smith 1812, David Y. Havens 1814, John Morris
1818, David P, Proper 1815, Annanias Jump 1815, William Salsburg 1810, Asa Atwood 1813,
Ephriam Potter 1815, Peter Decker 1815, Abner Bissell.
MIDDLEBURGH - The Town of Middleburgh was formed Mar. 1, 1797 from
The first settlers were Thomas Eckerson 1720, Fredrick Bellinger 1713, Henry Bellinger
1713, Marcus Bellinger 1713, Conrad Rickert 1713, Jacob H. Borst 1713, John Martin Borst
1713, Hendrick Conrad 1720, Ludwig Rickert 1713, Johanes Becker 1720, Johanus Ingold 1735,
Joost Borst 1731, John Henrick Loucks 1720, Abraham Loucks 1713, Peter Richtmyer 1713,
George Richtmyer 1713, Wilber Bouck 1750, Martynus Zeeley 1737, Henry Dillenbeck 1745,
Henrick Weaver 1760, Johanus Casselman 1740, Peter Zeiley 1750, Nickolas Slaughter 1780,
Peter Van Slyck 1760, George Richtmyer 1760, John Eckersen 1740, Michel Borst 1730,
Christyan Casselman 1740.
John Joost Bellinger 1720, Johanus Janson 1780, Christopher Redick 1750,. Johanus Van Dyck
1750, Jonas Vroman 1750, Henry Vroman 1777, Peter Matise 1783, Nickolas Matise 1786,
Thomas Bouck 1780, Storm S. Becker 1789, Cornelus Eckersen 1770, Peter Becker 1730,
Anthony Engel 1784, John C. Bouck 1780, Martynus Engel 1790, Cornelus Loucks 1760,
Alexander Boyd 1780, Thomas P. Danforth 1781, John Gridley 1781, Jonathan Danforth 1793,
Abram Keyser 1794, David Garnsey 1794, Tryan Cook 1795, Johanus Humnell 1795, Joseph Efner
1790, Jacob Sidney 1779, William Hilton 1797, Peter Wilsey, 1797, Adam Parsloe 1785, Johan
Yansen 1793, Conrad Burghard 1794, John Krum 1784.
Andrew Graham 1790, Jacob Hillsley 1796, Peter Picket 1795, Thomas Schutt 1799, James Van
Zasbeck 1800, Peter W. Pos__ 1805, John Tibbits 1804, Peleg Cook 1815, Andrew Silvernail
1800, Peleg Lawton 1810, Jared Alger 1810, Stephen Vosburgh 1804, Freman Stanton 1820,
John Herman 1816, Daniel D. Dodge 1817, Lyman Sanford 1827, Hesakiah Manning 1811,
Jeramiah Shufelt 1804, Jacob Canada 1803, Peter Haverly 1811, William Barkman 1803, George
Tibbits 1801, John Van Wormer 1815, Nickolas Beekman 1812.
RICHMONDVILLE - The Town of Richmondville was formed Apr, 11, 1845
from Cobleskill.
The early settlers were Isaack Mann 1765, George Warner,1764, John Zeah 1764, Nicholas
Zeah 1764, John Fremyer 1775, Joseph Borst 1775, William Snyder 1770, Jacob Warner 1796,
George Mann 1786, George Dox 1795, John Frazier 1788, Ezer Oakley 1800, Marcus Warner
1791, Peter G. Mann 1792, Martin Schaeffer 1796, Joel Morgan 1795, John Schaeffer 1777,
John Dingman 1790, Adam Schaeffer 1790, David Lawyer 1790, George Pollack 1796, Joseph
Nellis 1798, James Moot 1798, Jeremiah Cross 1788, John Mickle 1788.
Ira Glazier 1798, Barney Schaeffer 1792, John Radlif 1805, Jacob D. Warner 1802, Abram
Mann 1800, John Fox 1801, Jacob Beard 1801, Elijha Hadsell 1790, George Skillman 1800,
Joseph Brook 1804, Jacob Brook 1804, John Smith 1805, William Smith 1802, Joshua Pierce,
Henry Mickle 1800. Robert Ryder 1810, Georg e R. Phelph 1810, Samuel Ward 1815, Julius H.
Eno 1800, John Tingue 1800, John J. Schaeffer 1785, Mathias Shultes 1801, David Jaycox
1800, William DeGraffe 1814, Dr. John Nickols 1819.
SCHOHARIE - The Town of Schoharie was formed Mar. 7, 1788.
The early settlers were Johanes Schaeffer 1713, Joseph Rickert 1713, Christopher Warner
1713, John Mathias Warner 1713, Goodrich Warner 1713, Johanes Lawyer 1720, Samuel Hagadorn
1720, John Eckerson 1720, Goerge Henrick Snyder 1713, Peter Snyder 1730, Peter Ball 1720,
Johanes Ball 1730, Henrick Mann 1713, Peter Mann 1720, John Jacob Sterbergh 1713, Lambert
Sternbergh 1713, Adam Sternbergh 1720, Johanes Borst 1730, William Dietz 1775, Marcus
Rickert 1730, Jacob Fredrick Lawyer 1730, Laurence Lawyer 1740, Johanes Ingold, Martynes
Schaeffer 1720, Henrick Conrad 1740, Nickolas Sommers 1742, Johanes Veeder 1750, Johanes
Schuyler 1740, James Lewis 1730, Thomas Youngs 1750, George Mann 1750, Christopher
Schaeffer 1730, William Sidney 1760, Jacob Fredrick 1765, Elias Garlock 1713, Christopher
Fox 1713.
Christian Rickert 1740, George Rickert 1730, Abraham Lawyer 1730, George Coon 1730,
Henrick Weaber 1767, Franze Beacraft 1780, Johanes Casselman 1747, Jacob Hess 1775, Peter
Livingston 1735, Nickolas Miller 1750, Casper Roadrick 1775, Henrick Richter 1770,
Hendrick Strobrock 1730, William Zeibert 1741, John Zeibel 1773, Daniel Budd 1773, John
Clark 1770, John Eckerson 1720, Nicholas Ecker 1740, Cornelius Van Dyck 1780.
Johannes Werth 1770, Christopher Cooper 1760, Barrnet Vrooman 1785, Adam B. Vroman 1785,
Col. Peter Vroman 1785, Capt. Jacob Snyder 1730, Peter Dietz 1770, John Dietz 1785, George
Tiffany 1790, Jacob Gebhard 1794, Johan George Smith 1730, Josias Swart 1780, Nickolas De
La Vergne 1780, Philip Dreisback 1790, Jonas Wilber 1780, John Lounsbury 1800, Joseph
Manchester 1795, Benjamin Miles 1790, John P. Haverly 1800, Herman Best 1803, Elisha
Dyckman 1805, Fredrick Vogel 1800, Jabez W. Throop 1796, Peter Bunker 1790, Henry
Hamilton, Chester Lasell l806.
SEWARD - The Town of Seward was formed Feb. 11, 1840 from Sharon.
The early settlers were Sebastian France 1754, William Spornhyer 1750, Henry Fritz 1750,
William Hynds 1750, Fredrick Merekly 1750, Michel Merekly 1750, Henry Haines 1750, Philip
Krisler 1760, Christyan Ottman 1761, Ernest Fritz 1760.
Caleb Crosput 1760, Ernest Spornheyer 1764, Geroveimus Krisler 1740, Nickolas Kerker 1767,
Conrad Brown 1760, Henry France 1770, William Sonners 1776, Michel Hofman 1775, Peter
Ottman 1769, Chrisopher France 1770, William Ottman 1780.
Luther Kling 1780, John Adam Strobeck 1780, John Hynds 1770, John Sommers 1780, Peter
Sommers 1790, Marcus Bellinger 1790, John Jost Bellinaer 1805, Andrew Louck 1785, John
Loucks 1775, Severenus Cook 1791, John Rice 1790, Joseph Esmay 1795.
Peter Kromer 1787, Mathes Youngs 1795, Peter Davenport 1788, Samuel Thompson 1797, Andrew
Strail 1796, Henry Shaffer 1791, Hooper Cass 1785, Luther Robinson 1796, Conrad Petrie
1790, Jacob Kniskern 1785, Denman Rowley 1797, Peter Stall 1802,, John J. Klock 1802,
Christyan Karker 1799, John A. Strobeck 1791.
Martin Letts 1800, Isaack Esmay 1802, Andrew Larlock 1800, Philip Salsburg 1800, Daniel
Klock 1801, Peter D. Borst 1801, William Boice 1805, William Calkins 1800, William
Schaeffer 1801, Solomon Empie 1810, William Eckerson 1803, John Wheaten 1805.
Robert Gardner 1804, Henry Hagadorn 1801, James Smith 1800, John Dana 1801, Daniel Engel
1807, Rynear Van Wagenen 1807, Michel Fredrick 1800, Christyan Zeah 1811, Abram Sternbergh
1809, Parul Strobeck 1810, George Dieffendorf 1801, John Dieffendorf 1801, Peter Eldridg
1815, Henry Karker 1793, Mathew Wright 1790.
SHARON - The Town of Sharon was formed Apr. 6, 1795 from Schoharie,
part of Carlisle was taken off in 1807. Seward was takenoff in 1840.
The early settlers were Linas Pynneo, Peter Sommers, Nickolas Sommers, Peter Loucks 1765,
Andrew Loucks 1765, Peter McDougal 1730, Christyan Myndert 1760, Daniel McDougal 1775,
Abram Mereness 1780, Conrad Fritche 1781, Lambert Sternburgh 1780.
John Vanderwerken 1784, Calvin Pike 1785, Calvin Rich 1781, Robert Eldredge 1795, William
Davenport 1765, Luther Kling 1758, Martynes Vrooman 1780, William Beeckman 1780, John Rice
1796, Adam J. Hiller 1735, John Mereness 1756, Marcus Brown 1772, George Kling 1778,
William Kniskern 1777, Edward Eldredge 1795, Elijah Parsons 1796, Elisha Parsons 1800,
George Best 1793, Severenus Cook 1791, Christopher Moyer 1796, Jolm Ressugue 1795, Elehue
Eldredge 1792, Ebenezer Rowley 1794, Jacob Vrooman 1796, Alburtus Vrooman 1788, John
Grantier 1780, Luther Taylor 1794.
Christyan Anthony 1795, Cornelius Colliers 1791, John F. Hiller 1798, Samuel Grantier
1794, John VanValkenburgh 1793, Richard Gilbert 1791, John Bellinger 1790, John Hynay
1790, John Beakley 1785, Mathew Ottman 1781, John Hutt 1785, Heseakiah Adams 1785, Peter
Engel 1798, Mathias Engel 1798, Jacob Engel 1798.
William Ottman 1782, Cornelius VanAlstyne 1795, Elisha S. Wales 1795, Adam Dockstater
1795, Joseph Alexander 1795, John Adam Kilts 1790, John Joost Bellinger 1791, Myron Culver
1794, Barnabus Eldredge 1792, Michel Collins 1785, Peter Fredrick 1792.
John Empie 1795, Peter Ball 1813, William Ball 1813, Kost Van Schaick 1800, John Sharp
1804, John Mereness 1780, Peter A. Hilton 1800, George F. Fox 1805, Isaack Gardner 1807,
Peter Becker 1805, Joshua Ward 1789, Jacob Empie 1800, Joseph Van Schaick 1800, John J.
Johnson 1800, Henry Leaman 1802, Silas Smith 1805, Daniel Moyer 1800, John Malick 1790.
SUMMIT - The Town of Summit was formed Apr. 13, 1819 from Jefferson
and Cobleskill.
The first settlers were Fredrick Proper 1790, Clement Davis 1796, Daniel Harris 1795,
Jacob Beard 1795, Killian Ritter 1794, Samuel Neer 1791, George Neer 1793, Hiram Warner
1799, Samuel Allen 1800, Robert VanDusen 1800, Joseph Barnet 1800.
Amos Baldwin 1801, James Brown 1801, Daniel Harris 1801, Benjamin Rider 1801, James Burnes
1802, Martin Hofman 1803, Sebra Hartwell 1805, William Brazee 1805, John Mitchell 1804,
John B. Van Buren 1805, Henry Moot 1805, Samuel Baldwin 1785, Benjamin Sperbeck 1804,
Amasa Dingman 1801, Philip Sawyer 1805.
Amos Baldwin 1804, Shubal Boughton 1800, Levi Ives 1823, Henry Rifenburg 1803, Michel Dox
1802, George Fox 1790, Smith Cornell 1802, James Fox 1804, Samuel Stiwell 1804, John
Cleveland 1804, Samuel Terrill 1805, John L. Palmer 1805, Peter Terrill 1800, John Snook
1802, Daniel Baldwin 1805, Aron Rifenburgh 1804, Edward E. Wharton 1808, Isaack P. Ives
Herman Mitchell 1810, Emanuel Mitchell born in France 1752, Martin Sperbeck 1809, Henry
Dingman 1806, John Crapser 1811, Seymore Boughton 1810, Jessie Bouehton, 1815, Cornelius
Terpening 1810, E.H. Comstock 1809, Mile Hartwell 1809, Partick Grey 1810.
John Crapser 1811, Peter H. Van Buren 1815, Tobias Van Buren 1811, Mozer Wayman 1812,
Moser Terpening 1815, John W, Coon 1817, Walter M.Coons 1817, A.M. Fredengburg 1815,
Baltus Proper 1800, Jonathan Hughs 1815, Joseph L. Barrett 1817, Thomas W. Furgason 1810,
Ephram Hicks 1815, Henry-Gardner 1813.
WRIGHT - The Town of Wright was formed Apr. 4, 1846 from Schoharle.
The first settlers were Johanus Becker 1735, Jacob Becker 1735, John Schaeffer 1743,
Christyan Hilts 1740, Jacob Zimmer 1740, Adam Zimmer 1740.
William Zimmer 1740, John Joost Becker 1765, John Dominick 1760, Jurian Zimmer 1730,
George Hilts 1750, Christyan Schell 1730, Jacob Schoolcraft 1730, Deabald Hilts 1730,
Lorenzo Schoolcraft 1750, John Fredrick Carle Schell 1730.
Jacob Becker 1769, Jacob Salsburg 1770, William Becker 1780, Mathias Flansburg 1770, John
Nasholts 1782, Fredrick Beller 1782, Fredrick Daring 1782, John Hiltsley 1782, John George
Spateholts 1779, Christopher Shoefelt 1782, Barrant Keenholts 1782.
John Hutt 1780, Jehial Babcock 1781, Joseph Hunting 1785, Mathew Lawrence 1780, John Plank
1780, Stephen Lawrence 1780, Peter Wiltie 1794, Henry Warner 1797, John Snyder 1795, David
Matice 1795, William Salsburg 1785, William P. Brown 1799, Fredrick Schaeffer 1785, George
Spateholts 1807, Jacob H. Settle 1800, John Hunting 1801, Isaach Lounsbury 1800.
Enoch Potter 1805, Ezra Gallup 1817, Isaach Barber 1812, Henry Rosecrans 1800, Hiram
Waldron 1813, Fredrick H. Rosecrans 1800, Andrew Armstrong 1812.
Griffen Whiple 1805, Robert Forsyth 1813, Abner Duel 1805, Philip Duel.1805, Erick Potter
1805, Jobe Trip 1810, Asa Abbott 1800, Christyan Keyser 1800, John Gage 1812, Peter Norman
Peter Posson 1804, William Posson 1804, John Frink 1800, John Furk 1810, William Funk
1801, John Daring 1813.
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