Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site

History of Blenheim
Chapter XVI from History of Schoharie County by William E. Roscoe.

copied from Town Plaque by Joyce Riedinger - July 1997Blenheim Honor Roll

Revolutionary War

Granby, Richard
Hager, Henry
Hager, Jacob
Hager, Henry
Mattice, Johannes H.
Patchin, Freegift
Patchin, George

War of 1812

Bartholomew, Philip
Hager, Daniel
Mattice, Conrad
Parslow, Henry
Pierce, Silas
Shafer, George

Muster Roll after War 1812

Butte, Samuel H.
Clapper, Sylvester
Ellerson, Ramson
DeSilva, Abner Captain
Hager, Daniel
Hawly, Ebenezer W.
Kingsley, William
Lamon, Isaac
Martin, Freegift
Morse, Jacob

Military Roll 1853

Badgley, Joseph
Baker, Lewis R.
Canniff, Addison R.
Carl, John
Efner, Joseph P.
Faro, Thomas E.
Granby, William H.
Harvey, Isaac
Kingsley, Edwin
Lanigaro, John
Martin, William J.
Mayham, Jay
Mayham, Thomas
Morehouse, Alonzo C.
Perry, John Jr.
Pierce, Eletus
Putney, Lorenzo D.
Shafer, Abram
Shafer, Richard
Shafer, William
Snyder, William H.

Civil War

Badgley, John
Barry, Jeremiah
Bartholemew, William
Burton, David W.
Burton, James
Champlin, George W.
Champlin, Stanton
Chatterton, Philo
Cleveland, Ferrand
Curtis, Orrin B.
Decker, Charles L.
Decker, Lorenzo
Ham, George
Hyser, Jacob
Hyser, Peter
Judd, Lyman
Keyser, Peter
Kniskern, Harrison
Kniskern, Hiram
Kniskern, James
Kniskern, Washington
Lloyd, George
Mattice, Christopher
Mattice, Paul
McKee, Joseph
Parslow, Alonzo
Parslow, Henry
Partridge, Rufus
Richmond, Melvin
Rikard, Joseph H.
Sagendorf, Andrew
Shafer, Edmond
Stoker, Charles M.
Thorne, Charles
Veley, Robert
Vroman, John B.
Vroman, John W.
Warner, Alvah
West, John
White, Daniel
Williams, John
Wiltey, Charles
Winnie, Lafayette

Town of Blenheim Honors Two of Its Famous Sons

Unveil Monuments for Gen. Patchin And Captain Hager Thursday

Article transcribed from the Cobleskill Index, 1929

The Town of Blenheim was the theater of two very colorful historical events on Memorial Day. The first occurred one o'clock p. m. at the Hager cemetery midway between Breakabeen and Blenheim where the unveiling of the monument and bronze tablets in memory of Captain Jacob Hager took place.

Supervisor Everett L. Mattice was president of the day. As the bugler sounded "Reveille," Miss Helen C. Patchin, great, great, great-granddaughter and Miss Doris W. Vroman, great, great, great, great-granddaughter of Capt. Hager unveiled the monument while the school children waved flags and sang "America the Beautiful." Then followed an address on the "Life and
Patriotic Services of Captain Hager" by County Judge Dow Beekman, and an address by Farm Bureau Manager Ray F. Pollard on the subject, "The Enduring Monument."

As the bugler sounded "Taps" at 3 p. m. the long procession of autos formed and proceeded to the site of the monument to General Freegift Patchin near the upper Blenheim bridge, where a large crowd was in waiting. Here Supervisor Mattice also presided and delivered an address of Welcome and the General Patchin monument was unveiled by Miss Helen C. Patchin and Mrs. Gertrude Mattice Keyser, both great, great granddaughters, accompanied by the notes of the bugler and the songs of the school children. Former District Attorney C. B. Mayham, a descendant of General Patchin, delivered an address which was followed by Judge Dow Beekman who gave a history of the notable military and civil career of General Patchin.

At the ceremonies at both monuments, Rev. Mack Truby and Rev. Rines officiated as chaplains, Robert Shaffer as color bearer and William D. Beekman of Middleburgh Troop of Boy Scouts as bugler. Among the large crowd at both ceremonies, there were many descendants of Hager and Patchin, some from Pennsylvania and New York City and other distant parts.

The citizens of the Town of Blenheim and especially the committee, composed of E. L. Mattice, Stanley J. Schaeffer, Charles Durham, Rev. M. Truby, H. S. Patchin, Helen C. Patchin and Mrs. E. R. Shaffer, deserve great credit for their patriotic work in connection with the erection of these memorials to two destinguished <sic> soldiers and patriots of their town.

The inscriptions on the two monuments read as folows <sic>:

Fifer in Wadsworth's Brigade of
Connecticut Millitia
Captured by Brant while serving
in Captain Alexander Harper's Company of
New York Militia and Prisoner in
Canada 1780-82
Brigader General
New York State Militia 1806114
Member of Assembly from Schoharie
County 1804-05; 18-20-22
Died Aug. 30, 1830; Aged 72 Years
Erected by His Descendants and the
State of New York 1928

Schoharie County Militia October 20. 1775
Served in Schoharie and Mohawk Valleys
Throughout the Revolution.
Commanded Expedition Against Brant
Defended Upper Fort Against Sir John
Johnson in 1780.
Died May 21, 1819; Aged 85 Years.
Erected by His Descendants and the
State of New York 1928

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This page established May 2, 1997
and last updated January 15, 1999