Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church
of the Town of Summit
by Thomas Broxholm
submitted by Franklyn Ingram
The full title is: Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church of The Town of Summit by Thomas Broxholm. It covers the period from the founding of the church October 1810 to November 1915, and contains 65 pages of single spaced text. The copy I have was copied many years ago from the Stars and Stripes Magazine [1910-1913]. I made an index to it several years ago. The index is 16 pages long and contains approximately 800+ names. My ggf was a constituent member of the church at its founding after the turn of the century and a Lincoln was active in the church up until about 1990. The church is located just outside the town of Charlotteville on Baptist Church Road just above the Charlotteville Town Cemetery.
Franklyn Ingram
jump to A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W
go to pages 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50. 51-60, 61-63
Surname Given name Pages
--aylock Albert 50 --aylock Mrs. Mildred Rif.bark 50
A Adams 19 Adams Elder D 19 Adkins Harmon 44 Adkins Lemuel 16 Albert Caroline 33 Albert Fred 21 Albert Frederick 18,22 Albert Henry 2,9,10,12,13,14,19,20 Albert Margaret 9 Allen Austin 18 Allen Erastus 18 Allen Joel 18 Allen Justin 18 Allen Mariah 47 Allen Riley 18 Allen Sally 18 Allen Truman 18 Atkins Elizabeth 8 Atkins Irving 41 Atkins Lemuel 8 Atkins Martha 8
B Babcock Ward 47 Bailey 19 Bailey I J 65 Baker Cordella 31 Baker Delana Sherman 27 Baker E D 39 Baker Francis D 37 Baker George 11 Baker Henry 27 Baker John 50 Baker Julia 47 Baker Miss Julia E 62 Baker Mrs Emmet Johnson 64 Baker Mrs John 57,60,61 Baker Mrs Nina Baldwin 50,53 Baker Mrs John 53 Baker Rachel 39 Baker Reuben 27 Baker L Roy 67,57 Baker L Ray 58,62 Baldwin Lynn M 58,59 Baldwin Miss Nina 50,53,56 Baldwin Mrs Dora 47,53,56,57,58,60,62 Banks Orrin 22 Banks Robert 52 Barton Ernest 56 Barton Frank 56 Barton Miss Goldie 56 Barton Miss Jennie 56 Bates 19 Beebe Benton 25 Beebe Gilbert 25 Beebe Widow 25 Beeman Charlotte 16 Beeman J 19 Beeman Julius 14,15,16,22 Beeman Noah 14,16,21 Bentley R 19 Bentley Thomas 19 Blake John 31 Boughton Alfred 16 Boughton Dewitt C 16 Boughton Francis 27 Boughton Harry 16 Boughton J N 30 Boughton Jacob 16 Boughton Lucas 16 Boughton Miss Lany 16 Boughton Phebe 16 Boughton Sarah 27 Boughton Jr. Seymour 16 Bouton Seymour 14,16 Braman 2 Braman James 15 Braman Jesse 7 Braman Nancy 7,8 Braman Jr. Jesse 8 Brazie Barney 37 Brewater W 52 Brews Betsy 9 Brews Eli 10 Brews Lovica 9 Brews Jr. Eli 9 Brews Sr. Eli 9 Brman Jesse 10 Brman Sr. Jesse 8 Brotherton H 65,66 Brown Bela B 22 Brown Bela R 20 Brown Deiisee 37 Brown James 6,7,8,10,16 Brown Jenny 8 Brown Olive 8 Brown Samuel 6,8 Brown Silas 14,17,18,19,22 Brown Thomas 8 Broxholm Elder 54,56,59,61 Broxholm Grandfather 46 Broxholm Lois 58,59,60 Broxholm Miss Lois 53 Broxholm Mrs Rev 56,59 Broxholm Mrs Thomas 53,58,60,62 Broxholm Pastor 55,64 Broxholm Rev 53,56,57,58,59,63 Broxholm Rev Thomas 60 Broxholm Roger 53,59,60 Broxholm S F Smith 53,55,57,58,59,62 Broxholm Thomas 52,53,57,61,63 Broxholm Thos 46,55 Broxholm Jr. George L 44 Bruce Alma 59 Bruce Eli 13 Bruce Miss Alma 61 Bruce Mrs Nelson 62 Bruce Nelson 50,56,58,61 Bruce Olena 58,59 Bruce Jr. Eli 9 Brumby Nicholas 46 Burlingame Mrs M 62 Burnett Eva R 41 Burnett Matthew 20 Burnsesn William 27 Burnside Robert 41 Burnside Sally 37 Burritt Reed 16 Bute Jedediah 17 Butler 19 Butler A 28 Butler Asa 27 Butts Aaron 10 Butts Amy 10
C Cable Eleanor 41 Cable Mrs 43 Cable Walter K 41 Caine Kasper 46 Calkins Ephram 3 Carpenter Elder 19 Carpenter Jesse 6,8,9,10,12,14,16 Carpenter Patience 8 Carpenter Ruth 8 Carr (Elder) 8 Carr Clark 6,10 Champion Belle W 41 Champion Hattie L 39 Champion J V 46 Champion J 43 Champion Miss Belle 43 Champion Mrs 24,33 Chappel Oliver 19 Chase Carlton B 66 Chesshire Rev Dr 66 Chickering D L 51 Chickering David 14 Chickering David L 37,45,48 Chickering Elizabeth 14 Chickering Findley 44 Chickering Georgia Ann 46 Chickering Jane 39 Chickering John 31,47 Chickering Joseph 30 Chickering Melicent 14 Chickering Milletent 14 Chickering Miss Jennie 43 Chickering Miss Mira 43 Chickering Mrs 51 Chickering Norman 47 Chickering Sammy 39 Choat 12 Clapper Minnie 58,59 Clark John J 12 Cleveland 13 Cleveland A 34,35 Cleveland Mr 42 Cleveland Waitsvill 7,10,11,16 Cohn Stanley 61 Collins D B 65,66 Comstock Martin F 39 Comstock Mary E 39 Conn Stanley 61 Constock Mahama Silvernail 39 Cool Elsie Jane 33 Cornell 29 Cornell E 35 Cornell Elder 33,34 Cornell H 21 Cornell Harvey 25,28,34,37,38,42,52 Cornell Mrs 33 Cornell Rev Harvey 45,46,47 Cornell 3 Cornell Walsey 38,39 Corwin Elder 38 Covey Walter 32,33,34 Craft Cora M 51 Crandall Jacob 56 Crandall Miss Julia 56 Cracker Elder 11 Crause Orson 63 Crowe Mrs Betsey 50 Cushing Levi 12
D Davenport Martha 3 Davis Mary 31 Davis Scott W 39 Denton Rev Homer 46,47,51 Dibble Charles 54 Dodsley E E 51 Dorn Fannie 44 Douglas S 66 Durfee Abigail 11 Durfee Abner 16 Durfee Otis 11 Durfree Abner 11 Durphy Zephaniah 22 Dyer Adeline 11 Dyer Calvin 11 Dyer Frank E 11 Dyer Mrs Betsy Sherwood 11
E Edmunds Elizabeth 2 Essex 19 Evans Elder 46 Evans J 66 Evans Jesse 26,31,33,42,43,51,65 Evans Rev Jesse 46
F Fancher Alvah 31,33,34 Fancher Jedediah W 31 Fancher Malenthy 38 Fancher Miss Jane 24,33 Fancher Sarah E 31 Fancher Seth 16,24,28,30,31 Farley Rev E J 50 Faulkner Thomas 12 Follett Loren 61 Fox Elva 59 Fox Erskine 18,32 Fox Miss Eva 50 Francis Peter 53 French M 2 French Miah 3,7 Fuller Josiah 8 Fuller Martha 8
G Gage 38 Gage B 39 Gage B W 32,34,38,41,43,45,46,48,51,52 Gage Benjamin W 36,43,49 Gage Bessie 47 Gage Carrie 41,44 Gage Charley 45 Gage Cora 45 Gage Deacon 53,55 Gage G 43 Gage George W 41 Gage I B 51,60 Gage Isaac 13,18 Gage Isaac B 7,44,49,61,62 Gage Mary 33 Gage May 45 Gage Miss Carrie 50,53,56,62 Gage Miss Elizabeth 56 Gage Mrs 43 Gage Mrs Anna 51 Gage Mrs B 45 Gage Mrs Isaac B 51,60,62 Gage Mrs Sarah 33 Gage Sally M 42 Gage Simon J 61 Gage Spurgeon 52,62 Gallup Bendent 11 Gallup Burton 11 Gallup Emma J 39 Gallup Miss Cora 11 Gallup Mrs Adeline Dyer 11 Gallup Samuel D 3 Gallup Seward 34 Garlick H 33 Garlock George 53 Gilbert Polly 11 Giller Aaron 12 Goodenough Axy 38 Gool Elsie Jane 33 Gould Miss Elizabeth 33 Gould W 46 Gould William H 33 Gray Jacob 67 Grenell Samuel 2,3,19 Gresshammer Miss Clara 61
H Hadsell Bras 55 Hallock Elder 38 Hallock W M 20,42,43 Haner Mrs H D 21 Haner Mrs Hiram D 33 Haner Sarah 39 Harrington Althena 31 Hartwell J 42 Hartwell Jennie J 38 Hartwell L B 67 Hartwell Roy 58,61 Hartwell Seba 33 Hartwell Wesley 42 Hawley Charlotte 27 Hawley Eunice 27 Hawley Mary 27 Herrick 2 Herrick C L 32 Herrick Elijah 32 Hewitt J R 56 Hicks Brother 46 Hicks Charlotte 42 Hicks Elmer 45 Hicks John 2,3 Hicks Levi 43,45,46 Hicks Miss Emma J 41 Hicks Mrs Levi 17,43 Hicks Peter R 38 Hicks W C 46,47 Hicks Walter 34 Hicks Walter C 38,39,43,45,49 Hicks Walter Covey 42,51 Hinman Lyman 53 Hinman Mrs Lyman 53 Hix 11 Hix Barnard 11 Hix Charles 10 Hix Chase 12,16,22 Hix Eber 2,11,18,20 Hix Eber M 10,11 Hix George W 39 Hix Judy 11 Hix Mary Ann 33 Hix Miss Emeline 11,22 Hix Miss Emily 16,20 Hix Mrs Betsy White 17 Hix Peter R 34 Hix Silas 32 Hoit Minnie 39 Holmes 19 Hoose James 30 Hornknocker 9,13,30 Howie James 22 Hudson Thomas 2,3
I Ingalls Betsy 18 Ingalls Elder 18,19,21 Ingals James 2,18,20,22 Ingals Rufus 3
J Jacobs Lucinda 33 Jallock 38 Janes Mr 20 Jaycox Chester 67 Johnson (Mrs Baker) nee Johnson 64 Johnson Electra 41 Johnson Elvira 39 Johnson John 16,17,20 Johnson Mrs Lamira 64 Jones C M 65 Jones E M 51 Jones Emmet 61 Jones Francis 30,31,34,42 Jones Irving 58 Jones Miss Sylva 61 Jones Rev C M 48 Jones Rev E M 50 Jones Stephen 22 Jones Sylvia 58,59 Joslyn Alva 17
K Kane James 38 King F H 64 Kingsbury Rev O J 49 Kingsley Cassius L 3 Kniskern Elsie 39 Knowlton Joshua 8
L Lake Warner 12 Lamb 2 Lappeus J C 48,49,51 Lappeus Mrs J C 50 Lappeus Rev O P 48 Lappeus Rev J C 50 Lavalley Rhoderick 16,17,21,22 Lavally 10 Lavelley John 17 Lavelly Libbie 17 Lawson Elder 61 Lawson Mrs D G 51 Lawson Rev Daniel G 46,47,48,51 Laymam Mrs Lavina 62 Lee Grace 46 Lee John H 46 Lee William A 46 Lehman H R 43 Lehman Rev H R 46 Leland John 27 Lent Martha 7 Lewis Eugene 30,52,56,61,62 Lewis Howard 56 Lewis Minnie Stilwell 47 Lewis Mrs Eugene 47,56,61,62 Lincoln 13 Lincoln Betsy 8,9,17,18 Lincoln Brother 12 Lincoln David 31,36 Lincoln Fannie 7 Lincoln Hiram 27,32,34,36 Lincoln Joseph 7,9,28 Lincoln L J 33,34 Lincoln Levi Joseph 33 Lincoln Levi J 8,27,31 Lincoln Levi 6,7,9,10,11,2,13,15,16,17,22,31,45 Lincoln Mary Ann 33 Lincoln Miss Zilpha 54 Lincoln Mrs Flora 38 Lincoln Mrs Thomas 53 Lincoln Rebekah 6,8 Lincoln Roy 56,57 Lincoln Sebee 18 Lincoln Thomas 24 Lincoln Thomas S 7 Lincoln Zilpha 6,33 Lincoln Jr Joseph 6,0,13,17,18,23 Lincoln Sr Joseph 6,8,10,17 Lyon Chester 41 Lyon Emma G 41 Lyon Joel 36 Lyon Wilson 41
M Mack Orlando 10,12 Maine 29 Maine Hiram 30 Mann D G 36 Mann Daniel G 38 Manning C B 52 Markham Esquire 20 Martin 19 Martin A 21 Martin James S 7,13,30,52 Martin Mariah 31 Martin Salley 31 Martin Schuyler 7 McCann Edith 52 McCann Elmira 42 McCann Frank 47,49,50,51,59,62,63,64 McCann Mary 37 McCann Miss Edith 62 McCann Mrs 43 McCann Mrs Frank 49,51,62 McNeil Rev W 42,57 McNeil Walter 42 Mead Adelbert 17 Mead Calif 12 Mead Elder 26 Mead James 11,12,14,15,16,17 Mead John 13,15 Melville E 65 Milks Benjamin 11,21 Milks Mary 11,21 Miller Cecelia 31 Miller W H 67 Millias Benjamin 33 Mills A R 48 Mitchell Betsy 31 Mitchell Betsy Ann 39 Mitchell Edwin 56 Mitchell Harmon 27,34 Mitchell Mrs Fred 63 Mitchell Mrs Lucy 50 Mitchell P H 34,41,43 Mitchell Peter H 30,33 Moore Clora 52,59 Moore George 45 Moore George E 38,45,47,51,53,54,55,59,60,61,62,64 Moore Lyman 38 Moore Lyman E 47 Moore Lyman Mary 38 Moore Mary (Mrs Lyman) 47 Moore Miss Clora 61,62 Moore Miss Cora 53,56 Moore Mrs Cora 47 Moore Mrs George E 59 Moore Mrs Mary 53,62 Morgan T P 65 Morrill George A 47 Morse Asa 16 Mowers Lucius 38 Mowers William 33 Mulford Mrs Hattie 46 Multer Mrs Libbie 17 Murray Harriet 41
N Neer Fannie Lincoln 7 Nelson J 34 Nelson John 6,7,8 Northrup Edmund 3,23,28,30 Northrup Elam 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,23,26 Northrup Millington Edmund 3 Northrup Thomas 2
O Olmstead S R 19 Orcott Amy 8 Orton George A 64 Osborn Abigail 15 Osborn E H 33 Osborn Ebenezer 12 Osborn Eleaser 19,43 Osborn Mrs 43 Osborn Jr Eleasar 21,22,23,24,28,30 Ostrom Warren 39 Ottaway Frank 53 Owens Jonathan 6,16
P Palmer 19 Palmer Abiram 20,22 Palmer Byram 17 Payne Almira 39 Payne Alvira 39 Payne Austin 27,30,33,61 Payne Bertha S 46 Payne Bertha 51 Payne Catherine 42 Payne Chester 27,30,31,33,38,39,41,47 Payne Cora 41,44 Payne Elizabeth 38 Payne Elizabeth Maria 42 Payne Elvira Johnson 39 Payne Emmerette 44 Payne Estella 39 Payne G Paul 46 Payne George W 50 Payne George 30,3233,34 Payne H 43 Payne Harry 52 Payne Howard 52 Payne Jacob 18,22,23,27,30,31,33,38,46,47,48,49,51,57,60,61,63,64 Payne Joseph 27,30,33,43,45,46,56,62 Payne Julian 27 Payne Leslie 52,58,59,62 Payne Lucy A 44 Payne Lucy 15,30 Payne Lysander 27,33,38 Payne Mary E 33,41 Payne Mary A 30 Payne Mary 30 Payne Miss Etta 43 Payne Mis Pearl 49 Payne Mrs Austin 56 Payne Mrs C 43 Payne Mrs Chester 62 Payne Mrs G W 58 Payne Mrs Jacob 43,49,51,62 Payne Mrs Joseph 43 Payne Mrs Peter H 49,51 Payne Mrs Roxy 50,56,62 Payne Mrs Susan 34 Payne Mrs Wayne 47 Payne Nora L 46,51 Payne P H 42,43,45,46 Payne Peter H 43,48,49,51 Payne Peter 31,33,38 Payne Philemon 31 Payne Ralph 52,58,59 Payne Rebekah 38 Payne Rose 47 Payne Sally 42 Payne Jr Chester 46 Peck 2 peloubet Alex 65 Peloubet Rev A 44,45,46 Pixley J B 65,66 Pixley Rev E A 50 Plank William 11 Post William P 28 Powers Elder 17,42 Powers I 42,65,66 Powers Ingraham 28,30,42 Powers L 21 Powers Rev I 43 Powers Rev Ingraham 46 Prent-- Frank E 64 Preston 29 Preston Colborn 30 Price 19 Purrett Charles 30 Putney Lorenzo 31 Putney Roxana 33
Q Queal Miss Ella 61 Queal William 30
R Reynolds Asenath Sisson 39 Richmond Edmund 2,3 Rider Amy 31 Rider D L 30,34 Rider David D 28 Rider David 15 Rider Judson 33 Rider Mrs Betsy 31 Ridge Edward 33 Ridge Elizabeth 38 Ridge Floyd 56 Ridge Frank 41,53,56,57,58,62 Ridge John 33 Ridge Miss Libbie 43 Ridge R 21 Rifenbeck Mary C 41 Rifenbark Arthur 56 Rifenbark Deacon 47,56,59,63 Rifenbark Ettie H 39 Rifenbark H 49,54,57,58,61 Rifenbark Hall 55,64 Rifenbark Hiram 39,43,44,45,46,48,49,53,56,60,62 Rifenbark LeRoy 47 Rifenbark Melvin 56 Rifenbark Miss Helen 56 Rifenbark Miss Mildred 50 Rifenbark Miss Olena 56 Rifenbark Mrs Amelia (1st Mrs) 51 Rifenbark Mrs Amila Hiram 49 Rifenbark Mrs H 57,58,59,61 Rifenbark Mrs Hiram 53,56,60,62,64 Rifenbark Norman 52 Rifenbark Raymond Dick 50 Rifenbark Rev Hiram 51 Right Edward 12 Riley John 15 Ripley 19 Ripley Jenny 7 Ripley John 16,17,18,20,22 Robbins 38 Robbins Aunt Hepsy 34,55 Robbins Deacon 34,37 Robbins Elisha 27,28 Robbins Hepsy 1,31,38,42 Robbins L H 43,46 Robbins Levi H 31,38,41,43,48 Robbins Levi 33,34,45 Robbins Marie 52 Robbins Mrs 43 Robbins Mrs Hepsy 20,45 Robbins Sarah S 27 Robbins Sarah L 28 Robbins Jr Levi 32 Roberts John 64 Robinson Miss Minnie 56 Robinson W Lyle 29 Rodman Asa 19 Rose Nathaniel 36 Round Charles 2,3 Rury Elder 63 Rury Jesse 52,53 Rury Jessie N 59 Rury L L 44,52,57,61,64 Rury Levi L 52,56 Rury Miss Jessie 56,57,59 Rury Miss Jessie Naomi 56,58,59,60 Rury Mrs 52,60 Rury Mrs Minnie 56,57,59,60 Rury Rev 52,53 Rury Rev L I 58,59,60 Rury Rev Levi L 55 Ryder Betsy C 52 Ryder Jos M 7 Ryder Judson 32 Ryder Lela 59 Ryder Levi 58 Ryder Mrs 43 Ryder Mrs Betsy C 7,13,55 Ryder Mrs Mary Smith 50 Ryder Mrs W A 50,56,58,64 Ryder Supt 58 Ryder W A 50,53,54,56,59,60,61,63 Ryder Will A 53
S Sawin B 19 Sawin Benjamin 12 Sawyer Mrs Mary 14 Sheldon Elisha 2,3 Shepherd George 65 Sherwood Betsy 11 Sherwood Calvin 11 Sherwood Elizabeth Betsy 11 Sherwood Seamore 11 Silvernail 38 Silvernail A 38,46 Silvernail Aaron 45,49 Silvernail Emma J 44 Silvernail Jacob 39 Silvernail John H 38 Silvernail Mahama 38,39 Silvernail Mrs Lettie 47 Silvernail Mrs Lina 47 Silvernail Mrs Mahama 49,54 Silvernail Nellie O 46 Silvernail Olivia 39 Silvernail Ophelia 38 Simkins Rev T 42 Simmons Josephine 67 Simpkins T 65,66 Simpson 19 Simson Asa 10 Simson William 10,13 Sisson Asenath 39 Sisson J 34 Sisson Jabez 31 Sisson Lucy 38,40 Sloan Andrew 67 Smith 17 Smith Abraham 31 Smith Alfred 16 Smith Amos 31 Smith Elder 24 Smith Ethel 58,58,61 Smith George M 53,58,60 Smith Grace 52,59 Smith Hannah 39 Smith Harvey 31 Smith Ingraham 33 Smith J P 34 Smith J 46 Smith Jennie 51 Smith Jerome 41,42,43 Smith Joanna 41 Smith John 21,24,25,28,31,39,40,41,42 Smith Justin 45 Smith Leon G 58 Smith Leon 59 Smith Levi M 39,51 Smith Levi H 41,48,49,54,60,61 Smith Lottie M 44 Smith Mahala 31 Smith Martie 47 Smith Marvin H 39 Smith Marvin 51 Smith Mary C 47 Smith Mary A 31 Smith Mary B 51 Smith May 45 Smith Maynard 47,51 Smith Melvin 10 Smith Milton 47,49,51 Smith Miss Daisy 56 Smith Miss Edith 56 Smith Miss Grace 53,56,57,60,61,62 Smith Miss Ida 56 Smith Miss Jennie M 44 Smith Miss Mary 50 Smith Mrs 43,49 Smith Mrs Betsy Ann 39 Smith Mrs Emma Payne 49 Smith Mrs Emma 47,56,57,58,61,62 Smith Mrs Irving 61 Smith Mrs John 45 Smith Mrs L H 60 Smith Mrs Levi H 27,31,33,34,49 Smith Mrs Levi 45,53 Smith Mrs Rebecca 33 Smith Mrs Shubal 17,39 Smith Payne 9,10,37,38,41 Smith Phebe 39 Smith Rev 41 Smith Rev John 43 Smith Rhoda 31 Smith Ritie 47 Smith Shubal 39,43,49 Smith Silas W 44 Smith Thankful 42,49 Snook 17 Snyder Mrs Ira W 10 Son Mrs Rebekah Payne 38 Spafford 19 Spafford E 17,22 Spafford Elder E 19 Spafford Elijah 24,25,30,31,32,34 Spafford Lysander E 32 Spafford R H 34 Spafford Russell H 33 Spafford Russell 32 Spellman Lee 41 Sperbeck 38 Sperbeck Elijah 38 Sperbeck Hiram 17 Sperbeck Mrs 43 Sperbeck Mrs Everett 61 Springstead Mason 49 St John Adam 10 Stewards 66 Stilwell Alfred 22 Stilwell Anna May 46 Stilwell Cassandra 60 Stilwell Col Stephen 3,14,21,31,32,41,43,45,46 Stilwell Eliza Ann 33 Stilwell James 16 Stilwell Mary 44 Stilwell Milton 47,56,62 Stilwell Minnie 47 Stilwell Morris 47,56,62 Stilwell Mrs 43 Stilwell Mrs Angeline 50 Stilwell Mrs Carrie Gage 50,53 Stilwell Mrs Casandra 47,62 Stilwell Mrs W 53 Stilwell Mrs Winthrop 50 Stilwell Mrs Orline 3 Stilwell payne 47 Stilwell Phelps 47 Stilwell Samuel 13,14,28 Stilwell Stephen 3,34 Stilwell Thomas 14,16,18 Stilwell W W 29 Stilwell W 52 Stilwell William 3 Stilwell Winthrop W 50 Strail Man J 66 Streeter Levi 2,3 Sullivan Arthur 32,41,47,51,62 Sullivan Erskine 41,43 Swain 12
T Taber John 31 Tabor Esther 18 tabor Peleg 18 Tallman Elder 9,17 Terpenning Deliah 47 Terpenning Louise A 46 terpenning Rosie 47 Tipple W 52 Tipple W M 55 Toles A J 50,51 Toles Catherine Della 44 Toles Eva J 46 Toles Floyd 52,56,58,61,62 Toles Mrs Seabury 62 Toles Seabury H 38 Toles Seabury 53,62 Truax Eliza 58,59 Truax Ethel 58,59 Truax Frank 58,61 Truax Mrs Eva Fox 50 Truax Mrs Frank 50,53,56,58,59,61 Tuck E A 50 Tux Rev 50 Tyler Mrs Jesse 10
V VanBuren 19 VanBuren A 34 VanBuren H 31 VanBuren Hiram 28,30,32,33 VanBuren J B 24 VanBuren John B 15,16,17,20,22,23,28,30,31,34 VanBuren John 18 VanBuren Margaret 33 VanBuren Mrs Phillip 57 VanBuren Phillip 57 VanHoozer Emeline 31 VanHusen Francis 6 VanPatten Delana 27 Vaugh Mr 14 Vaughn (Mrs Orline) 3 Vaughn Mr 16
W Walker Adam 47 Walker Rachel 47 Walling Ebenezer 19 Ward Phoebe 9 Warner Catherine 33 Warner Eva 42 Warner John 28 Warner Mrs John 61 Warren William 12 Warrin John 12 washington Gen 64 Wayman Darius 18 Wayman Emelline 39 Wayman Jacob H 52 Wayman Nelson 39 Wayman Tallman 3 Webb Polly 15 Wesley John 13 Wharton J B 1 Wheeler Marie 58,59,61 White Betsy 17 Whiteman F H 58 Whiteman F M 21,57,58,61 Whiteman Fred M 48,64 Whiteman Fred W 51 Whiteman Mrs 61 Whiteman Mrs F M 10,51,57,62 Whiteman Mrs F H 58 Whiteman Mrs Fred W 51 Whiteman Mrs Fred M 59 Whiteman Mrs Lora 51 Whiteman Ruth 58,59,61 Whiteman Fred W 55 Wilcox Ada 42 Wilcox Barney 54 Wilcox Barney F 38,43 Wilcox Gideon 23,24 Wilcox J D 66 Wilcox Jacob 24 Wilcox Miss Edith 43 Wilcox Mr 54 Wilcox Mrs 38,43 Wilcox Mrs A C 34 Wilcox Mrs Hannah 16 Wilcox Samuel 12 Wilcox Witney H 23,24,54 Williams 12 Wilsey John 37 Wilson B F 39 Wilson Sherman 18 Winans George 49 Winans William 19 Winins Elder 11 Wood Osanah 19 Woodsworth Joshua 2 Woodworth Joshua 3 Wright Ethel 58,59,61 Wright Floyd S 53,59,61 Wright Floyd 10 Wright Kenneth 61 Wright L D 19 Wright LeRoy 10 Wright Miss Ethel 56 Wright Mrs F S 61 Wright Mrs Floyd S 62 Wright N D 19,24 Wright Mrs John Daniel 10
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